
Ruler of Infinite souls

One day Damian Woolf who is a man in his early 20s gets transmigrated into a different world filled with monsters as he rises from the ranks of awakened ....

Mr_Freaking_Fox · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Soul skill

Afterwards Damien went to the awakened association.as he asked Sophie for a skill book purchasing area . he followed her and entered many an shoping centre designed for selling skill books were displayed on the counter that he found to expensive to buy like the Rank A fire tornado that was a 1000 gold coins and the many other skill books .

But he wanted only a single skill book after he gave the details for the skill book soon the she brought a black colored skill book which he learned instantly that showed in his pannel.

________________________________________________________________________________Name: Damian Woolf

Race : human


Strength: 63

Defense : 65

Mana: 63

Speed : 64

Stamina : 61

Hunter Rank : D


Earth Spear ( Rank F ),Beserk ( Rank F),Sphere sheild ( Rank F),Chain lightning (Rank E),Dagger skill (Rank F),fireball (Rank F),Ice Lance (Rank E), Spacial storage ( Rank D ).

Rank D

|| Stealth || - The user is able to hide they presence and aura with the usage of this skill. The creatures of same rank or below a unable to detect the users presence.


Damien looked towards his stat pannel as he was now confident in his ablity to get out of any unfavorable situation by keeping his life intact .

After paying 25 silvers for this skill Damien had barely any money left so at night useing his || Stealth|| skill he went onto the same dungeon he went in the morning as Damien was able to reach the portal undetected.

After he entered the dungeon Damien stopped using his steath as afterwards he started his hunt with Alexander.who was very prideful by nature .

Damien looked around as he started hunting kobolts . he quickly defeated many with the help of Alexander. After they both deafeated around 45 kobolts . they both reached the boss room as soon as Damien entered the roon and after locating the boss monster .

he quickly used his ||Ice Lance|| that hit the boss on various places that made the boss go in Beserk state .soon the penguin used his many ||Space balls || to put many holes in the boss monster's body as a blue colored skill book came to be.

Soon Damien learned this new skill that was named || Superior vision || that provided him with ability to see in dark and see any hidden traps and many other things . That acted as an support skill

Afterwards Damien and the penguin absorbed many cores as soon he wanted to reach Rank C . Damian and the penguin kept raiding the dungeon a few more times before he went to the inn to rest .

Damien had gained a few new skill and many cores that were were close for him to reach Rank C .as he slept thinking about the future plans .


Next morning a man with red hair and and a well built physic went on to check the dungeon' s chance of having a dungeon break but he was shocked as the device that was like a small sphere show middle threat level as it glowed orange. As until just tomorrow the chance of having a dungeon break was high.

The man was named Daniel as he worked in the dungeon management team. " There must be some one who might have cleared the dungeon that led to decrease it's threat level."

As he sighed and thought

' I must find that awakened so we can get his help in clearing higher Rank dungeons in the capital. '


Damien who was unknown about such a finding.as he moved to clear a dungeon again today as after few hours he returned with his team. he went into his room and absorbed many cores soon he reached the peak of Rank D with all his stats reaching 100 .

Soon a notification poped infront of him

[ The host has met the conditions to utilise the soul ring as the host in now capable of using it skill creation. ]

Damian felt quite happy as he was now able to make his own skill. Soon after resting he went into another Dungeon as he did not wanted to get any suspicion on him.

So he went into the dungeon { Black cave } which had many bat like monsters that were 1 metre tall and had quite ferocious appetite for human blood that made this Rank C dungeon so dangerous. the bat monsters were quite abundant in this dungeon that was only cleared by the most strong Rank D awakened with Rank C leader.

Damien used his skill || Superior vision || which made his vision much better . He was now able to look around and find any bat monsters that were hidden in the cave .

He utilised his|| fireball || skill and used || Beserk || skills to improve his fireball strength that was backed by his ||Chain lightning|| and Alexander's || Ice beam || to hold the bat monsters while Damien used his skill to kill as many as he could as with the use of multiple skills it made it much easier than how the fight might go normally .

Damien then used his {Soul ring } to extract all the souls of these monsters that went into his ring like black smoke as all the souls were sucked into the ring as it emitted a purple glow with the skull shape eyes glowing purple.

He took a look at the number of souls he absorbed.but it was not enough for the skill he wanted to create as he kept moving forward while deafeating many bat monsters with the use of many skill he was able to kill many with ease .

Soon after couple hours he reached the boss room as he sighed and looked exitedly towards his skill ||skill creation|| he provided the required information about what kind of skill he wanted to make as the system came with the most reasonable skill description .

As Damien clicked onto the (create skill)

Button a blue light emerged with it a skill that straight went to his stat pannel that showed .

________________________________________________________________________________Name: Damian Woolf

Race : human


Strength: 103

Defense : 100

Mana: 104

Speed : 101

Stamina : 106

Hunter Rank : C


Earth Spear ( Rank F ),Beserk ( Rank F),Sphere sheild ( Rank F),Chain lightning (Rank E),Dagger skill (Rank F),fireball (Rank F),Ice Lance (Rank E), Spacial storage ( Rank D ).

Rank D

|| Stealth || - The user is able to hide they presence and aura with the usage of this skill. The creatures of same rank or below a unable to detect the users presence.

Skill : Soul summon ( Rank D)

||Soul mana || - the user is able to cast this skill by utilising the souls of the dead the user is able to increase his mana capacity. the capacity of mana held by the soul when it was alive .Only 25% of the mana can be utilised to increase mana of the user .

Number of souls : 32


Damien's eyes lit as he was finally able to get past his low mana that made his usage of skills that were heavenly restricted by the his mana reserves .

Then he utilised his skill || Soul mana ||

to increase his mana capacity to +80 to his mana capacity that gave him a huge boost in mana

Now Damien breathed out as he was full of confidence and looked towards the boss monsters room and opened the door as he saw a giant 10 metre bat . That had many eyes that shined with red luster . Soon see started casting skill after skill due to his high mana capacity was not a problem for him his mana was now on a Rank A awakned that meant he could cast his low Rank skill many times.

As Damien breathed and started to attacking the boss monster as he created several ||Earth Spear|| backed by his ||Beserk || skill that improved his offence to whole other level.

As Damien was able to fight the boss Monster on equal footing . Alexander kept throwing many of his ||Space balls|| towards the boss monster that did the monster major damage.

After dealing many major injuries they successfully deafeated the boss monster with shear quantity of skills casted by him and with help of Alexander.

As soon he retrieved a red colored skill book that that shined brighty as he learned the skill .as Damien had few more skill books in his || Spartial space || as he did not absorbed them .

As he moved forward to absorb the soul of the boss monster. As Damien went out of the dungeon as started thinking of clearing as many dungeons so he could increase his mana capacity and improve his strength.

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