
Romance of Blind Billionaire

He has everything he wants and love is something he thought he wasn't destined for not until he met Skylar Whitfield....  This is a Love story of Vincent Lennon and Skylar Whitfield. The one you wouldn't want to miss!   To be blind isn't easy and to fight for love is another hard thing entirely but here Vincent Lennon fight it all.  He stood up to fame at the age of twenty years old. He owned the JB company, biggest Company in the city of Mexico despite being blind.  He has everything he wants but love is something he thought he wasn't destined for not until he met Skylar Whitfield.  Skylar whitfield, She will do anything for money to survive and save her sister and this is what brought her into Vincent Lennon's life. she is on a mission to tame his heart but she got her heart tamed instead.  She lit up his dark world and they both fell madly in love with each other but the fate wouldn't let them be together.  As they had to fight hard for their love and change the fate to be together.  Read this interesting Romance of the Blind billionaire 

Baby_Mediagirl · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

The Trap.


" Here the files sir" I looked up from the laptop and there is Sarah looking damn sexy as always. She flashed me a smile dropping the files on the table while I smirked. 

"You look sexy" I licked my lips and she chuckled "You are not looking bad too" She moved a little closer turning her back and twerk her big ass to my face. 

Damn! That made my D**k jerked. 

"What are you doing to me Sarah?" I moaned fondling her soft butt with my hands making me hard more. 

I was lost in the pleasure not until my phone beeped. I groaned annoyed and Ignored at first but it rang again. 

I hissed and moved one hand to picked it up while the other still glued to Sarah's butt. 

My eyes widened immediately I heard "Uncle Genieve" I stopped instantly, Skylar? 

Sarah look at me weirdly and I cleared my throat "You can go now" I dismissed her and she walked out. 

"Skylar?" I returned back to the call and what follows is her chuckle. She really had the nerves to chuckle. 

"I see you are looking for me right? Let me guess, because you are scared I know your secret" That makes anger to boiled down my body. 

"Skylar, Are you threatening me right now?" I growled. 

"Yes, If you don't want me to reveal it all, I'm going to text you the address you will meet me and don't try to do shit with me uncle" I scoffed at how confidence she sounded. She is really playing with fire, she had no idea. 

This small girl threatening me! "Fine, I will do what you want" I told her. 

"Better and don't try anything stupid, bye" With that she hang up. 

Really? Really! I bang my hand on the table in anger. 

She look for her death herself and I will give it to her. My phone beeped again and the address popped up. 

I dial Logan's number immediately "Logan, there is something you must do"


I heaved down the heavy breath I've been holding on throughout the conversation. I dropped the phone and turned to Vincent who had a grinned on his face. 

"Vincent, hope this will not land us into trouble?" I asked worrily and he hold my hand and kiss it. "Babe, it will not, it will work out" He assured and I turn to Mr. Ben while he gave me assuring smile. 

He told me their plan and I really hope this work out. I hope this bring justice for my parent. 


I groaned when my phone rang, who the hell is disturbing my sleep? I couldn't help but sleep after I got home. Yeah, had to dropped that Red hair girl. Lilly right? 

She works in a pizza restaurant. What a stubborn girl? 

"Mom" I speak up instantly and I picked the call. 

"Daniel, how have you been?" It is weird her voice looks kinda calm. 

"Yes mom, I've been good" I rolled my eyes, I don't think I am. The fact that I lose to that bastard over Skylar is kinda annoying. 

"Can you just come back home? It is time you get serious with you life. Let's just forget about Vincent's properties. Come back home and handle my company, I'm getting older you know" She said so calmly and I feel like Mom had already changed from being a fierce woman because before she would have yell over the phone or maybe she is getting older truly. 

"Handle your company mom? Since when I've you been thinking of that?" I asked and I heard her heaved down. "I just had a change of mind" 

"Amelia?" I asked because it is been long i head from that stubborn kiddo. 

"Well, she flee out of the country, she was picked by one of the Biggest Beauty In China to be their model" 

"What? For real? Awwn, my pretty sister" I said with a grin while mom chuckled. 

"Yeah, so get back home" She went back to her words and I sighed. 

The reason why I came here is just useless, I couldn't get Skylar to myself. 

"Okay Mom, I will" I told her before she hang up. 

I groaned forcing myself up from the bed and open the sash. I scoffed at the empty room of Skylar. Now she is with him. 

What a loser I am! 

Suddenly, My stomach grumbled. Damn! I haven't eat anything today. I scoffed as I remember that Lilly of a girl, how did she expect me to eat junks food? 

I walked away from the sash and picked up my phone to made order for nearby delivery of Pizza. 

Few minutes, I already took my bath. I was just in sweatpant and a long sleeve shirt going through my laptop until I heard the dooralarm and I stood up to get it. 

On opening the door, She was putting on helmet but I can't mistook her red hair and funny enough she is always on different hoodie. 

"We met again" I smirkeid and she chuckled. 

"Yeah, Here your order" She pushed the pizza to my chest rudely and I scoffed at her action. 

"What the hell? First, you didn't say thank you to me for dropping you off at work and now you are acting all rude" I said and that is when she removed her helmet. 

"So what? You are the one who is grumpy here, I had to beg you to drop me off when you could just returned the favor without me begging you" She snapped and I scoffed. 

Her phone beep and she groaned "Another delivery" She dropped my order on fucking floor and dash on her motorcycle. What the hell? 

This red hair girl never seem to amaze me, does she? 


I parked my car in front of the tall building and I smirked looking around the quiet neighbourhood. Everywhere is dark except the moon that makes it dimmed. What is this girl scheming? Anyways I came prepared also. 

I walked into the building and look around until I see her backing me. 

"And what is this? " I said moving closer to her and that makes her turn. She is really grown, isn't she? What a pity that she is dying tonight? Because I will not let her step out of here alive. 

"Longest time Uncle… Genieve" She smirked and stretched my name. 

"You must have feel like a champion after everything you did, having everything to yourself. You are just selfish! " She suddenly raised her voice but I only chuckled. 

"Yeah, Your father is just so foolish" She scoffed as I said that. 

"Foolish you said? He fucking trusted you!" She snapped. 

"And that makes me so foolish, does he think i'm happy as he is better than me? Of course not, I should be better than him snd that Is why I killed him! Kill your mother! You were just lucky to escaped that with your sister. But now… . " Taking a step closer to her, she is already in tears but that doesn't move me a bit. 

"Now, I don't think you will walk out of here alive" She opened her mouth to talk but stopped as more tears flow down her eyes. 

"You want to kill me too, but why? Why are you so heartless? " She screamed at the top of her voice. 

I smile and brought out a gun from my pocket, she gasped at the sight of the gun. 

"Why? Because you will rat me out and ruin everything and I won't allow that" Her eyes widened immediately I tried to pull the trigger.

"Vincent!" She closed her eyes and screamed before I can even pull the trigger. I felt something hit my head and that makes the gun fell. 

"Shit!" Skylar already ran up to the guy. 

"You wicked uncle! You are done for! " I fumed about picking the gun from thr ground but someone stepped on it. 

"Yeah Ben, Good!" I turned to the guy who Skylar held closely. 

"You set a trap for me?" I asked Skylar boiling in anger, she rolled her eyes. 

"You will be put behind the bar soon and my parents will get justice!" She yelled and I scoffed. 

"In your dream" I kicked the one beside me and pushed them aside rushing out of the building, shit! It is a trap! I need to get out of here. 

I freeze immediately I heard "Stop right there, You are under arrest for the death of Mr Whitfietld and his wife"...