
Romance of Blind Billionaire

He has everything he wants and love is something he thought he wasn't destined for not until he met Skylar Whitfield....  This is a Love story of Vincent Lennon and Skylar Whitfield. The one you wouldn't want to miss!   To be blind isn't easy and to fight for love is another hard thing entirely but here Vincent Lennon fight it all.  He stood up to fame at the age of twenty years old. He owned the JB company, biggest Company in the city of Mexico despite being blind.  He has everything he wants but love is something he thought he wasn't destined for not until he met Skylar Whitfield.  Skylar whitfield, She will do anything for money to survive and save her sister and this is what brought her into Vincent Lennon's life. she is on a mission to tame his heart but she got her heart tamed instead.  She lit up his dark world and they both fell madly in love with each other but the fate wouldn't let them be together.  As they had to fight hard for their love and change the fate to be together.  Read this interesting Romance of the Blind billionaire 

Baby_Mediagirl · Urban
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70 Chs



I groaned holding my head which keeps banging hard. Rolling on the bed but I fell hard on my butt and that is when I saw that I was on a stuffy couch.

 What the hell? I thought I was on bed. I look around the small room and scoffed at how rough it is, what the fuck is this? 

I stood up slowly walking up to the bed and what I saw made me scrunched my face in disgust, A bra?? Shit! What the hell? 

"So you are awake?" I turned to see a short height lady with red hair, I kinda love it. she is wearing a blue hoodie, yeah hoodie? Last night, 

"You..." I pointed at her and she rolled her eyes dropping junks food on the table. 

"Come on, I cooked this" She said and started packing her cloth in one place but it still looks stuffy "who are you? " I asked and she shrugged. 

"I helped you to my house since you didn't know where you live" She sat down picking up a spoon and I scoffed. 

"how did you know how to drive?" I asked her and she smile, wow! Her smile! She look so natural. 

"I'm very smart, aren't I? Yeah, I learned it" She boastfully said with full food in her mouth, I almost chuckle because she kidna look cute with that "swallow your food" I smirked and she did. 

"Who is Skylar? " She suddenly asked looking at me. I don't even know her from Adam yet she is acting so friendly like I've known her for ages. 

"You don't have to know, where is my car's key?" I said and she quickly rushed her food and that makes my eyes widened.

"What the hell? Why are you eating like a dog?" I huffed but she only smile. 

"Because I want you to drop me off at my work place, I helped you last night, didn't I? So you should return the favor" She said and I scoffed. 

"You are kidding right" Picking up my car's key I headed outside. 

"Hey!!! " She ran up to me as I walked up to my car. 

"What?" I groaned turning back swifty but something shocking happened. She fell on my chest making the moment so ackward. The silly girl glued to my chest even when I tried to push her away. 

"Why is your heart beating faster? " She chuckled and that is when I pushed her back forcefully, she rolled her eyes and smile. Geez! Her smile is contagious but I tried to control myself. 

"Drop me off at my workplace" She insisted and I guess she isn't backing down anytime soon. 

"Fine fine, Red hair" I rolled my eyes hopping into my car and she did too. 

"My name is not Red hair but Lilly, Lilly that is my name" I looked at her for a seconds before huffing and faced the road. 



"Please, Asher. Just let me be! I love Xavier and I can't leave him" I pleaded over the phone but his chuckled followed. Is he even listening to me pleading him at all? 

"Anita, tell me what do you see in rhat asshole? You've always love my dick, so what change now? I've searched for you and now that I found you, I don't think I will let go" I bite my lips and groaned, why is this so hard? Why can't he let me leave my life? 

"Asher, please" I pleaded and this time tears is already flowing, I know and he can hurt Xavier. I don't want that, 

"Don't worry, you will love me more" With that he hung up. Gawd! 

"Anita" I turned back immediately to see Xavier and my heart slammed against my chest. Damn! He scared me. 

"Why are you crying?" Damn! Is the tears still visible? 

I chuckled it off with a pretense, "No.. I.. Just… I hit my eyes" What was I even saying? 

He moved more closer and placed his hand on my cheek "Is it your Uncle's son again? Is he disturbing you?" 

I bite my lips, I don't want to lie to him so I just nod. 

"Really? That bastard! i don't want you to pick his calls again! I know what to do already, he is really playing with fire" Xavier fumed and I held his hand to calm him. 

"Xavier, no" I shook my head, I knew this could land him into troubles. 

"Anita, you shouldn't worry, I know what to do and I will make sure that cunt is put behind the bar" He said and before I could talk he pulled me into tight hug. 

"Come on, I'm protecting you, don't try to stop me babe" He cooed and I allowed myself to rest in his arm. 

"I pronise that I won't let anyone take you away from me" 


"Ben, I want to talk to you about something" I walked into his room with my hand inserted into my pocket. 

"Yeah, what is that? " He said dropping his laptop and sat up. I sat beside him and sighed. 

"About Skylar's Uncle, I have a plan" I turned to him and that made him to furrowed his brow. 

"A plan? What is that? I thought you want John to handle it" He remind me and I nod. 

"Yeah, I know but I want it to be quicker and I have a great plan, it will surely work" I told him and he shurgged. 

"Anything, I believe in you, will do what you want" He agreed and I smirked. 

I will get justice for them, give what belongs to them back.

This will surely work and it will surely reveal his evil deeds.