
roaming the multiverse with random abilities!

this is sudden inspiration so I don't know how long this will go

SamiOyakodonLover · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

28th! relaxing on ship , fighting sea monsters , arriving at water 7

we are now on our way to water 7 through the calm belt, according to my calculations we should arrive in a weak or less , leaving 3 weeks to make the ship , which is sufficient I believe..I don't know how make one..I will just give tom and the rest the ship desgins and ideas to make it with special metal I created...

I always baffled me why ships in this world are never made from metal, you would think that the advance marine with vegapunk as head scientist would discover that metal can float if you expanded it good enough , but noooo they are busy making cyborgs from Kuma

anyway, here is the metal I created


name : gumantium

weight : 1 kg

made of : rubber , sea-stone , Tungsten


dumb name , but I'm not creative enough , I actually want to create adamantium but since it was considered fiction, no atomic structure for it... maybe I should go to marvel to get it...

anyway, this the closed thing I can create , tungsten is the hardest metal on earth, so it will do for now, I mixed it with rubber and sea-stone I created, I know the atomic formula since I stol- I mean borrowed some from the Marines base in the City

the finish product is excellent, it's harder in tungsten, has the properties both the rubber and sea-stone, it also light to carry , why I added rubber you ask?

well , I always loved how Luffy catches bullet on his body..so I wanted to try that, besides this one has the effects when Luffy goes gear 4 , so both hard and rubbery , if that make sense...

this way, any Canon balls should hit the ship, it will fly off somewhere..or in better cases return from it comes, with sea stone, to move the ship in calm belt, I don't want to uses telekinesis all the time...

I created something that the world will make a war for it, good thing tom is trusted individual... otherwise he would hands over the ancient weapon design to the world government and get over with it

so what I am doing now? I'm sitting on Monet cool and soft lap in my cub form, honestly when I showed this to them, they fliped their shit over and start hugging me like tiddy bear even robin wasn't exception...I remember now she called the dragon that Kanjuro cute...so my exotic look pleased her...so I decided to take turns on who gets to hugs daily..sigh..the life of cute animals

surprisingly , sugar prefer my big form..which is about 5 meters saying it's comfy and like sit on me and lazy around , speaking of sugar, I don't planing on giving her her og devil fruit, it's too broken honestly, they toy toy fruit...make it slave toy who everyone forgot about even the user...this also doesn't depends on strength.. since she was able to enslave a giant with a touch despite having child strength

imagine if she touch kaido...that miserable old drunk wouldn't react to what happened to him if she touch him in his wasted form...he will turn into toy dragon shake instead of majestic one , and when people say his famous quote , "if it one on one...who would win again? I dunno I forgot" that would will happened

*ROAR!!!* a huge roar was heard near us I looked at the source while Monet pats my furr and purred "hmm? another one? robin it's your turn, go show us your training results"

"hai, captain~" robin who were reading a book said luxuriously and put her hand in her usual position, which I plan to make her discarded it

apparently, they decide to call me captain on the ship, which I didn't ask for, but finding it pleasing nonetheless.

but take note I don't plan to be a pirate..mom hate Marine with passion so that's out of window, besides I don't want to be under the rule of ugly bastard reincarnations aka CD

if I forced to be one...I would..but if I can I wouldn't... pirates in this world has different concept, since a pirate here is someone who does whatever they want, they can be a saints or the devil , I am neither... maybe I will be warlord, who knows, it's unnecessary to be a pirate to become warlord...but for now I don't want to be seen as potential ra**st , blood thirsty maniac or a filthy plunderer, otherwise I'm fine with it...

while I a was monologuing , robin was fighting the beast,

hundreds of hands appeared on the beast back,

it fingers on the tip has a bit of black coat just enough to cover the first segment

<< doscientos fleurs : finger gun shower! >>

hundreds upon hundreds of rapid finger shot fall upon the see monsters each hit is faster than the former

"UGHH!!". the best screamed in agony, it can't shurgs them off either, so did the next smart thing , it fall off try to cursh the hands against the water surface

robin quickly noticed this action and removed her hands, but the beast didn't have the time to sigh in relief since another danger hitting it

<< doscientos fleurs : rabid feets stomps! >> two large legs appears on the beast stomach, each leg composed of a hundred leg combined

*crush* *crush* *crush*

fast and hard sounds on crushing can heard from the monster stomach ,robin decided to end in the miserable beast

<< doscientos fleurs : clutch! >> two large hand is now on it's neck and with quick movement and snaps it's neck and broke it's spine!

*RRRRORAR!!!* the beast give a crying roar and fall down motionless

"done, captain~" robin says to me while having her big hands

"you did well robin" I give her smile which cause her to smile widely and said "fufu, so captain~ don't I deserve a reward?"

"oh? do tell~?" I said while purring

"let me hug you the rest of day~" she asks

"ehh, it's Monet turn..talk to her" this something I can't give sadly

"hmm robin did work hard...then how about this you turn big and all of us sleep on you?" Monet give a suggestion

"what do you say robin?" I asked

"hmm, this also work, ok~"

"wait, are you sleeping on tai-chan~ count me in~" mom who sun bathing said suddenly

"me too Taiger~" Bonney who was playing with VR heard it somehow

"me three! onii-chan is sooo combfy while he is big tiger~" sugar who is eating grapes peacefully

"god...you are hopeless...then come on " I smile wryly and jumped from Monet Lap and my size increased to 5 meters in length and 4 in height

I sit on the ship like giant cat and let the girls sit on me like a couch

"hehe, tai-chan so fluffy, I don't mind saying like this forever~" mom said with happiness

"~same~" x4 the other girls said in union

I use my tail as quilt and cover their body and put myself to sleep , if you know who is directing the ship , it's sticky fingers, the stand become our Helmsman , if the stand right movement know about this , they will cancel me for my abuse , but sucks to them!






and so after 5 days were arrived at water 7 and boy it's a view alright..it's looks like a cliff tho it makes me want to hang something on it




