What if in the rising of the shield hero, the bow hero wasn't a total douche?? That would be cool I think. And that's what this story is!!!
A few hours later Olivia was standing over Jax and yawning. She already looked stunning compared to before although her cheeks were still a little sunken in from malnourishment.
However, her hair now shone without the dirt to cover it up. It was a beautiful blonde colour and it matched perfectly with her brilliant blue eyes.
She started lightly kicking Jax to wake him up.
Jax groaned and rolled over. "Fuck. Five more minutes."
Olivia sighed and kicked him a little harder in the back. "Sir hero. Who's going to save this wretched world if not you?"
Jax woke up and rubbed his back in slight pain. "Feed them to the dogs for all I care. Why must I suffer?" He complained.
Olivia giggled. "I agree."
Jax yawned. "Yeah, yeah. I know."
He sat up and chugged an SP potion. He instantly shot awake. "I figured as much."
"What?" Olivia asked as she started nibbling on some leftover food.
"The stamina potions. If you drink them then you don't need as much sleep. Kinda like caffeine but better."
"Is that so?" Olivia said, clearly not interested.
Jax chuckled. "You'll care about it soon."
He got up and put his blue cloak on.
His body instantly cleansed itself and his clothes looked like they had just been washed. He felt an unfamiliar feeling moving through his body as the magic took form. One of the people he bought from taught him this smell as a gift for being a customer. (She really just thought he smelled like shit.)
Jax waved Olivia goodbye as he walked out of the room. Only to instantly re-enter and close the door.
He locked it and walked to the window before opening it and hoping out as he smiled at Olivia.
"What was that about?" She muttered.
"Hey! Hero! We need to go hunting today!" Mald's voice rang out.
Olivia cursed. "Bastard. He left me to deal with them."
She threw the pillow at the door again. Before going back to her meal and ignoring the shouting.
Jax chuckled as he imagined what Olivia had to deal with. He made his way around the town in his cloak before reaching a library. He began trying to study the language of this world on his own. While it was very frustrating he was making a little bit of progress. His hours of studying weren't totally useless as he now knows a few words. But it was far from what he was hoping for.
When it became dark out he snuck outside again and went hunting. Just like the last two days. He returned right at the crack of dawn, just before it was light out and anyone could spot him.
Then he went home. Olivia hit him in the face with a pillow. He fell on his ass. Threw the pillow back to her. Told her to wake him up in 2-3 hours. Then crashed on the floor.
This repeated for a week.
Halfway through the week he ended up saving some girl named Rishia. She was very smart and good at magic so she agreed to tutor him in his language learning and in magic as well. She even knew a bunch about enchanting equipment that she started teaching him.
After another long night hunting, Jax returned home. He tried to sneak in through the window to avoid the pillow attack but the sleeping Olivia seemed to sense him as he was hit directly in the face and fell out the window back onto the street.
Jax sighed and walked up the stairs normally with the pillow in hand. He opened the door and was hit by another pillow! He forgot he had bought Olivia a second pillow! Jax grumbled and threw both pillows at her before waking her up.
He had to half drag her out of his room as she was practically sleep walking and muting 'five more minutes' over and over.
Jax made his way to the weapons shop. When he finally arrived he kicked the door open and tossed Olivia in headfirst.
Like a cat, she landed on her feet before she curled up into a ball and went back to sleep.
Jax facepalmed and walked over to her. He took out an SP potion and forced her to drink it. Her eyes instantly shot open.
She yawned and stretched. I haven't slept like this in ages. Jax sighed before noticing the three people staring at him.
"What?" He asked the shopkeeper, Naofumi, and a little racoon girl.
"I think you need to remove your hood. Mr. Shoekeeper said that's the law because a prisoner escaped the castle!" The little girl said happily.
Jax smiled and bent down patting her on the head. "Is that so? Thanks!"
He removed his hood as he kept ruffling the cute childs hair. His hand was suddenly smacked away with force as Naofumi stood in between the two.
Jax looked up and gasped. "Gah! It's you!"
Jax then looked at Naofumi, then to the child, then to Naofumi, then to the child.
"Kyaa! Now you're orchestrating child labour! Pervert!" Jax screamed as he ran and hid behind the little girl, shaking in fear.
Naofumi punched the wall and was about to say something when Jax screamed.
"Ow!" He rubbed the back of his head.
Olivia sighed. "Stop being such an idiot. Now, why did you drag me here?"
Jax sighed and continued rubbing the back of his head as he child ran over to Naofumi and tried to calm him down.
He turned to the shopkeeper. "Is it done yet?"
The shopkeeper nodded as Naofumi and the child left. "Come to the back."
The shopkeeper pulled out a sash and slowly unwrapped it. Revealing sleek black armour with bright green accents.
Jax took them and started putting them on. They only covered the outside of his wrist and the top of his fingers but they were still light. They had straps that wrapped around his forearms and fingers to keep them tight to his body at all times. The real best part was that on the ends of each finger was a small razor sharp claw that was made of the mythril that Jax had stolen.
Jax flexed his fingers to test the material and it felt no different from a moment ago when he had nothing on. Almost like it was a part of his body.
The shopkeeper smiled. "I call them, the reapers claws!!"
"... too edgy." Jax said,
Olivia nodded. "Indeed."
"I'll just call them mythril gauntlets." Jax said as he took them from the old man.
"Wait. 100 silver." The old man said.
"Are you dumb? I gave you all the material! You just had to make some gauntlets!" Jax complained.
The shopkeeper shook his head. "I don't think you understand. Normally I'd sell those for 30 gold coins minimum. That's 3,000 silver."
Jax clicked his tongue. "That's $300,000, that's fucking ridiculous."
Jax tossed the old man a bag. "Throw in some equipment for her and we'll call it even with all the extra materials I gave you."
The shopkeeper chuckled. "Sure thing!"
Jax let Olivia pick her own gear and they got ready to head out.
"Wait. I can't let you leave without seeing your face. It's a royal order." The shopkeeper stopped them.
Olivia cursed under her breath before whispering to Jax. "It's fine, we don't need anything for me. Let's just go."
Jax ignored her and ripped off her hood. "See? She's not this criminal or whatever. She just gets too much attention from guys when she shows her face. *sigh* It's like being pretty is a crime. I have to do the same thing."
"You get too much attention from guys?" The shopkeeper asked.
Olivia who was too stunned to react until now giggled a little.
Jax waved to the shopkeeper. "I guess that's why you always bug me!"
He pulled up his hood and Olivia did the same as they walked out of the shop.
"What did you do?" Olivia asked.
"I just put a little illusion enchantment on your cloak."
Olivia blinked. "You can do that?"
Jax nodded. "I learned the other day. I even made a little extra enchant on yours."
"What is it?"
Jax smiled and turned around. "I'm not telling~."
He ran through the streets leaving Olivia stunned for a moment before she chased after him.
"Tell me! You little shit!" She called out as she chased him.