
Risen World

Joshua is a young man fresh out of college and preparing for medical school. After dropping his friend off at the airport and packing up he takes a road trip to Las Vegas to meet up with his family on vacation. On the way a weird ringing sound grabs his attention and before long take his consciousness. When he wakes up the world has changed, several people have disappeared, and dead miasma born creatures walk the streets. Will Joshua be able to survive his circumstances and figure out the mysteries of the strange occurrence? This story will be PG-13 (didn't want to say general audiences considering some vivid imagery) Slight Spoiler: (((As of Volume two this story will also be getting the system and exploration tags added on. So look forward to it.))) I hope you all enjoy reading and leave a comment from time to time to tell me what you think.

VivitheGreat · Urbano
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Chapter 69: A new Management Coming to the World Government Guild Part 2

Charles White was a lot of things. He was strong and great at combat scoring first in a lot of the challenges that were put forth for his group in the military. He excelled at hand to hand combat even though he didn't only rely on it, he was talented with all sorts of weaponry that gave him an edge when it came to chaotic battles, and he always seemed to think a step ahead of his opponents. Going through military Academy only seemed to get him to flourish in these aspects.

Charles was extremely intelligent. He had gotten years ahead in his schooling as a child and had even completed his college education before joining a full on military academy. His intelligence wasn't just when it came to book smarts, but he seemed to excel in all sorts of ways. He was great when it came to military strategy which his instructors quickly found out within days of his time at the Academy. He was socially intelligent and had a way of garnering others respect throughout life. Unlike his brother he didn't lord himself over others to get people's attention, but instead encouraged them and brought out the best in them.

Even though Charles excelled in so many ways in life he was still the youngest child of Marvin White and he was even the child of a mistress in comparison to his two half siblings. Because of this things were always a little harder for him in the family even though his father did love him. The rest of the family still looked down on him most of the time. The only two people in the family who expected a lot from him were his father and his grandfather who both saw a lot of potential in him. Even so Charles wasn't given everything in life like his older brother Kyle.

Charles had been told ahead of time what this meeting was going to be about so he was happy to join in. He couldn't wait to see the look on his older brother's face once the meeting got started. When he arrived he noticed that Kyle was already there lounging nervously in one of the silver chairs. It was clear that he already had a good idea of what was going to happen. In the other chair was Kyle's previous right hand man Theodore, the poor soul that had been stuck with having to work alongside Kyle no matter what situation Kyle dragged him through. Theodore looked nervous so Charles gave him a short encouraging nod before taking his seat in the golden chair while ignoring his older brother.

It didn't take long for their father to appear and based off of the look on his face Charles could tell that he was furious. His father wasn't a very expressive man. As a businessman he was used to controlling his emotions. The fact that his anger was leaking through the moment he stepped into the room and saw Kyle made it clear how enraged he was about the current situation of the World Government Guild. Even though Kyle was the current face of the World Government Guild his actions were reflecting incredibly badly not only on the World Government Guild, but on the entire White family. If Kyle kept dishonoring their family name then the other important families involved in the World Government Guild could use that against them and usurp their position.

The only reason that the White family had such a high position in the World Government Guild in the first place was because of their control in both hub cities in the United States. They were also the family that figured out how to connect both hub cities together in the United States so that the World Government Guild could work on both sides. Because of this access they were able to plan ahead as a group on how to proceed in both hub cities. This was the main reason that the White family had such a high position in the World Government Guild. It was the reason why they were able to place Kyle as the face of the World Government Guild in one city while they were able to place his and Charles Elder sister as the head in the other hub city.

All of this was on the verge of collapsing at this rate with all of the failures that Kyle was involved in and that had brought their fathers ire down on him. Marvin White had only glanced over Theodore for a moment and gave a small encouraging nod to Charles before focusing on Kyle. In most situations Charles hated it when his father put all of his focus on Kyle, but right now he was struggling to hide his grin as he looked towards his brother at the same time as their father.

"Kyle." Martin said with so much anger that it was easy to see how bad the situation had gotten. "You have sabotaged our family for the last time. You were given such a high position in the guild and you have done nothing, but preen around like a damn peacock the entire time you've been in said position. You're action have done nothing, but make our family a laughing stock. If it were not for your elder sister having such great results in her hub city then our family would have already been pushed back and over taken from our position."

Charles new there were a lot more things that their father wanted to bring up but wouldn't because of Theodores presence. They couldn't exactly go around giving away some of their families secrets in a fit of anger after all. Even when their father was angry he was able to control himself well like a true businessman. Charles often wondered why Kyle didn't get any of the traits of his father. Instead he got all of his personality and looks from his mother who did nothing, but model and preened about being married to such an influential man. Charles nearly hated that woman as much as he hated Kyle.

"I've given you several chances Kyle, but I'm afraid at this point I can't afford to anymore. You've forced my hand with all of your screw ups." Martin said with a short sigh before the warmth completely disappeared from his eyes as he started to stare down his oldest son. "From this point on you will be demoted from your official position."

"Father! Please father give me another chance!" Kyle said as he rose from his chair while shouting. Their father merely stared him down for a moment causing Kyle to slowly sit back down while still pleadingly looking at their Father. "I've made improvements. In the last territory war I've even brought in mercenaries that helped turn the tide in our favor. If I had just gotten more involved then we could have been successful."

Once Kyle had finished his words Charles and Martin both shook their heads in disappointment. Charles glanced towards Theodore for a moment and could see the large amount of anger being hidden behind the small smile on the man's face as he looked towards Kyle's face. It was smart that Theodore didn't flare up at Kyle trying to take his accomplishments. It made him seemed more in control of himself than Kyle ever came across as. Martin seemed to take notice of this as well as he turned his focus completely on to Kyle.

"Can you fall no lower son? Those mercenaries were not hired by you. Did you really think I wouldn't know about that?" Martin asked causing Kyle to look down in shame. "Theodore here was the one to come up with that plan. He was at least smart enough to see that your plan was pointless. Maybe you could have turned things around if you were to have listened to the people working for you, but in your anger you ignored everyone's advice."

For a moment the room was quiet before their father let out a sigh and turned his attention towards Charles. "From now on Charles will be in control of the operations of the World Government Guild in this hub city and region. I hope you won't let me down son." Martin said with a serious look towards Charles.

"I will not fail you father. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I will take all of the lessons that you and grandfather have taught me to heart." Charles responded to his father with a confidant smile.

"As for you Kyle you will be working as Charles Assistant for the time being. Hopefully you will be able to learn something while doing so. If you even fail in that position then Charles has the right to fire you and we'll have to put you elsewhere." The way that Martin said elsewhere clearly meant that it would be a position that would be extremely unpleasant for someone like Kyle. "Theodore, you will work alongside Charles as his right hand man. You have done well in your position for now. Make sure to keep it up."

"I will not fail your expectations." Theodore simply said while bowing his head. Martin turned to look at his two sons one more time. He slightly smiled while looking at Charles and frowned once again when he looked at Kyle. With one last sigh he schooled his features got up and left the room. It was clear to Charles that their father was leaving so that they could all talk things out, but Charles new exactly how that was going to go down.

'3…2…1….' Charles thought and right on cue Kyle erupted from his seat with a snarl on his face that was turning redder by the second, he was glaring at both Theodore and Charles, but Charles didn't back down from his glare which seemed to irritate Kyle even more.

"You always have to go after what I have! You always have to try to undermine me!" Kyle shouted as he stood over Charles who was still sitting in his seat. His bravado and furry was at its highest at the moment, but Charles had known his brother for his entire life so he didn't care about what he had to say. "You will fail like the little bastard that you've always been and when you do I'll be right there to take my place back."

By the end of Kyle's rant he was breathing hard and still red hot as he continued to glower over his little brother. Charles stood up from his seat calmly as he turned to look at his older brother. Now that he was standing up Charles was the one looking down on Kyle which only seemed to anger him even more. Charles casually ran his hand through his hair as he pulled out a pair of shades to place on his face. When he had finished he continued to stare down his older brother before finally speaking.

"If you do anything against my orders during your time working for me, I'll have you fired. I don't care what your mother will think and I sure as hell don't care what you think. Father has placed his trust in me and I won't fail because of your short comings." Charles said before he strode forwards to the point where there was less than half a foot between them. "Do we have an understanding…brother?"

Kyle continued to glare up at Charles for a few more seconds before he finally caved and stormed out of the room. Charles simply shook his head in disappointment before turning to see that Theodore had already gotten up from his chair while sticking out his hand and having a wide smile on his face. "Congratulations on gaining your new position boss. I hope that we will be able to work well together."

Charles smiled back and took the offered hand for a long hand shake. "Thanks for the kind words, I do hope we can flourish this guild together." Charles said with a smile before tightening his grip. He then leaned in to speak quietly into the shorter man's ear. "But if you dare undermine me like you did my half-brother then I'll make sure that the rest of your long life will be a living hell…understand?"

Theodore nodded his head furiously in fright at the man in front of him. After Charles could see in Theodore's eye the same fear that he had seen the man project when he was in front of his father he once again returned to his smiling visage. He then walked out of the room whistling in excitement at all of the ideas he planned to put in place.

As you can probably imagine Charles is going to play a big part going forward with development of not only the World Governemnt Guild, but also how things go in the hub city in the future. Look forward to some interesting changes with this character coming into play.

VivitheGreatcreators' thoughts