
Risen World

Joshua is a young man fresh out of college and preparing for medical school. After dropping his friend off at the airport and packing up he takes a road trip to Las Vegas to meet up with his family on vacation. On the way a weird ringing sound grabs his attention and before long take his consciousness. When he wakes up the world has changed, several people have disappeared, and dead miasma born creatures walk the streets. Will Joshua be able to survive his circumstances and figure out the mysteries of the strange occurrence? This story will be PG-13 (didn't want to say general audiences considering some vivid imagery) Slight Spoiler: (((As of Volume two this story will also be getting the system and exploration tags added on. So look forward to it.))) I hope you all enjoy reading and leave a comment from time to time to tell me what you think.

VivitheGreat · Urban
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Chapter 68: A new Management Coming to the World Government Guild

Theodore was nervous. It had been a few days since the territory war with the Fenrir Guild and he still had not heard the reaction from the higher ups of the World Government Guild. The only reaction he had seen from anyone in a higher position than himself after the small territory war was that of Kyle's. The man had gone crazy with anger at the situation and was losing all of his decorum. Theodore didn't know how many members of their guild that had been working for Kyle that were fired over the past couple of days. That situation on its own had been giving the man an even worse look.

The reaction of the members of the Scavenger's Guild hadn't been any better. Dale was furious at the fact that his guild had lost to a newly ranked mid-sized guild that was only at half capacity. He didn't care that they were up against a guild several members that were key to the alliance involved in it, the whole situation made his guild look bad and Theodore simply scoffed at the man's ranting. It was clear to Theodore from the beginning that the Scavenger's Guild didn't stand a chance in the confrontation. There members weren't all that much stronger than the regular members of the World Government Guild and clearly didn't have any experience in dealing with large scale warfare against other humans.

In the end the only group that looked good after the confrontation on their side of things was the Raider's Guild who hung back and just watched everything play out. It was clear with how badly the Scavenger's Guild failed that the Raider's guild was the best partnered guild to the World Government Guild that they had available. This put the Raider's Guild in an even better position than they were in after taking down the large territory alongside the World Government Guild. Theodore didn't know how, but he was certain that the Guild leader of the Raider's Guild knew this was going to happen after their short meeting. He would have to be careful around such a person in the future.

Luckily for Theodore his plan for the territory war pretty much went perfectly. The World Government Guild lost in a fairly brutal manner that showed that Kyle wasn't a capable leader. On the other hand Theodore's plan of getting some mercenaries involved in the territory war showed some promise. The mercenaries he was able to hire were skilled and turned the tide of the battle. The results of the battle made it look as if the main reason that they had lost the territory war was because of the lack of control Theodore had in the situation. If he had been allowed to get more mercenaries involved that were skilled and experienced with territory wars then things may have gone different and that is exactly what Theodore wanted everyone to think.

Now things were coming to a head and Theodore had been invited by the higher ups to be involved in a secluded meeting that would be kept secret. With this situation Theodore had some hope of having his dream come true. He was being invited to a secret meeting and not just outright demoted in front of everyone which would have likely happened if he just stood aside and did nothing while following Kyle's every order. Kyle on the other hand would have been demoted behind closed doors because of his connections, but in the end being demoted wasn't a good situation for either of them. Once they were demoted it was pretty much impossible for them to make their way back up in the World Government Guild. Leaving the guild wasn't an option for either of them so they could only hope things went their way.

When Theodore entered the main guild building and headed towards the highest level where only certain members of the guild were allowed entrance, he was met by a secretary who only glanced over at him for a moment before leading the way down the hall. Theodore had never met this secretary before since she reported directly to the people at the head of the guild. Theodore only reported to Kyle throughout his time in the guild so he never got the privilege to come to this area of the guild. Even Kyle's office wasn't on this floor of the guild and he was the face of the guild at the moment.

When they reached the end of the hallway the secretary pointed to the door in front of them before nodding towards him and leaving Theodore alone in front of the door. Theodore took a deep breath and calmed himself before opening the door and walking into the room. He was surprised to find that the room was rather simplistic. Of course everything in the room gave it a style that resembled that of a highly official office that had been used by people that were used to being in control of things. In the center of the office there was a large desk with a simple office chair behind it. The desk didn't have anything else on it, but it was obvious whoever called this meeting was going to be sitting there.

Across from the desk there were three seats lined up to be sat in. The three chairs were positioned in a way that made it obvious what the status of those who sat in them would be. The chairs on each side were silver in color and a little smaller than the golden chair in the center. At the moment only one of the chairs were filled and Theodore was surprised to find that Kyle was currently sitting in the left most silver chair. The fact that someone with so much pride would willingly take a seat that was meant for someone in a lower position showed that Kyle had already been told what was going on.

Theodore stood in the door way for only a moment before quietly taking his seat in the other silver chair on the right side of the golden chair. He didn't know who was supposed to sit in the golden chair, but he was certain it wasn't him. He would have been told ahead of time of his promotion if he was supposed to take that spot, but since he was still out of the loop and just hoping to keep his position at the moment he was certain that he had made the right choice.

The room was rather quiet for a few minutes as both Theodore and Kyle waited for the other two people that were supposed to be involved in this meeting. Kyle didn't bother to say a single word to Theodore ever since he came into the room. Instead Kyle had this lifeless look about him as if something horrible had just taken place. Theodore wasn't in any rush to speak up to his boss at the moment since he didn't want to draw any of the recently crazed man's ire onto himself. So they both just sat there in complete silence until the doors that Theodore had previously came through opened once more. In walked someone that Theodore was surprised to see, but the moment he saw him Theodore knew what was going on.

The man that entered the room was a little younger than both Kyle and Theodore were. In fact the man would have just recently graduated from college if it weren't for the giant shift in how things worked in the world. This man was Charles White, the younger brother of Kyle. Unlike Kyle who looked like a rich playboy that was given everything in his life up to this point Charles was a young man that lived up to his last name. The white family was one of the most powerful families in the United States for well over the last century and had several politicians throughout their family. Charles was on the path to becoming the next major politician in the family, but he planned on doing so by taking the route of the military.

The difference between the two brothers was easy to see the moment they were in the room with each other. While Kyle took more after his mother with his looks as a blond boy that could almost be called pretty with his thinner frame and perfect skin, Charles was almost the exact opposite. Charles had dark brown hair that he kept short and stood a good two or three inches taller than his brother. Charles was clearly being trained to join the military based off of his well-balanced physique and his calm attitude as he made his way into the room. The only similarity between the two were their blue eyes.

It was clear to Theodore that the two brothers didn't like each other as Charles completely ignored his older brother while Kyle just frowned and glowered at him. Charles gave Theodore a simple nod before taking his seat in the golden chair without saying a word. It was not more than a minute later that the doors opened once again and a middle aged man walked in. Although the man didn't look all that much older than the three people already in the room because of the system, they still all knew who this was.

The man was Marvin White and was the father of the two brothers that were already sitting in the room. In all honesty at the moment he looked like a slightly older version of Charles with the same brown hair and a similar build. It was clear from the way he carried himself that he had spent sometime in the military in the past, but was now known as a prominent business man over the past couple of decades. The man strode confidently to the chair behind the desk and took a seat while looking over the three sitting in front of him. He only glanced over Theodore for a moment before turning to Charles and giving him a short nod. Then his calm eyes settled on Kyle who looked nothing like the confidant rich boy that he usually was. It was in that moment that Theodore knew exactly what was going to happen.

A look at what's going on with the world government guild. You can expect them to be more involved in things in the future with this change I'm showing here. Hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

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