
Rise the Star Child Academy

In a world 140 years after the cataclysmic era known as the Super Age of Star Children, humanity had managed to rebuild and survive against all odds. The scars of that bygone era still marred the world, a constant reminder of the devastating threats that had once plagued the planet. Countries across the globe had come to rely on a new generation of individuals known as "Star Children" to fend off the relentless attacks of demons that had become an unrelenting menace. The Seven Generations of Star Children had fought valiantly, but the demon threat persisted, looming over humanity like a malevolent shadow. Enter the protagonist, John Emwitts

Greater_Oat · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
210 Chs

Stratford Siege 26

There were 15 people with shields, all of them in a curving formation, they used their guns which were more or less killing them but slowly. A particular tall and armoured guy ran behind them with his unit. 6'5, 250 pounds who was trudging with his armour that weighed at least 200lbs, "What's the situation?!"

The shield commander looked at him, "We are trying to clear a path, to London Stadium! That is why we can establish commutation with command!"

The massive guy spoke, "I have an idea, I'll start tonight on the left, and I'll run across to the right and try to clear a path, make sure that the shield team is following my path, I'll be running against the sideline." The guy nodded as he started relaying the information to the shield team.

As he had said, he ran to the left edge and started punching out a few zombies before motioning across and running through 71 zombies like a silverback. The shield unit followed as they made their way towards London Stadium. They were killing them slowly as they ran and bulldozed zombies.