
Rise the Star Child Academy

In a world 140 years after the cataclysmic era known as the Super Age of Star Children, humanity had managed to rebuild and survive against all odds. The scars of that bygone era still marred the world, a constant reminder of the devastating threats that had once plagued the planet. Countries across the globe had come to rely on a new generation of individuals known as "Star Children" to fend off the relentless attacks of demons that had become an unrelenting menace. The Seven Generations of Star Children had fought valiantly, but the demon threat persisted, looming over humanity like a malevolent shadow. Enter the protagonist, John Emwitts

Greater_Oat · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
210 Chs

Rebery 15

A small drone came up from Secero's bag and it flew up above him. His helmet displayed what the drone could see, it was an ariel view of everyone.

The drone flew up and surveyed, the houses nothing, Secero tapped his wrist table and the camera changed to thermal mode.

He watched it as he saw lots of blood, human and demon blood. He watched over to the pond of blood and looked down it before the drone started to see tracks of blood leading away.

The drone followed the path and it led to a cave 500 metres out. They followed the blood track to the cave and they heard muffled screams of people.

He peered into the cave and saved the asleep demon Rebekka and near the entrance was a beat Slyas, covered in blood. He was nearly dead. Something was happening with the people their life force was building a portal and so was Slyas'.

They dragged Slyas out and stabbed him with something and the wounds closed up but he was still out of commission and suddenly a roar sounded across the cave. Rebekka was taking the blood from the people and making a ball.