
Rise of the world ender

Follow Jack on his path to his umtilamte revenge. (BTW i´am only 14 years old and english is not my native language so sorry for the mistakes in english and writing.)

Smrtak32 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Last resistance

Jack immediately looked at his stats like a little child opening his christmas presents.


[strenght: 56,6]

[agility: 52,1]

[endurance: 51]

[inteligence: 38,4]

[charisma: 0]



[Mental pain nullification max]

[sociopath lv.8]

[killer instinct lv.2]

[Rage lv. 2]

[Increases your stats by 25% (per level of the skill) when enraged, but the cooldown increses by 2 days per level]

[Vampirism - passive]

[Heals based on the amount of blood ingested or the amount of your enemy's blood in your wounds, blood near you also naturally gravites towards your wounds]


[Blessed by the god of chaos]

[Demon lord of hatred]

[Hero killer]

[Naporian butcher]

But then Jack remembered something.

He had unfinished budiness with a specific dwarf.

Jack sprinted towards Balrog's smithy, but he was long gone.

"You fucking piece of shit! Come back here!"

"Calm down." Said system calmly.

"Why should i be calm?! How am i gonna find that piece of dwarf shit now?!"

"Well... if you can't find him in the city, why not level the city to the ground?" Said system with a giggle

"Not a bad idea." Answered Jack with his sinister smile.

Jack then tightend his grip on the scythe and swung it with as much force as he could.

This swing was so powerfull the impact could be heard over the whole Naporia.

Balrog's smithy was nothing more than rubble now.

"BALROOOOOOOOOOG!" Screamed Jack before rushing forward and madly swinging his scythe.

First swing hit nothing but wall, but the second carried a satsfying sound. Jack very well knew what this meant.

He looked towards the place he swung. Of the person he hit there was nothing left but paste with crushed bones. The only thing that resembled some part of a human was the spine, it was cracked and few pieces were missing, but it still atleast looked like a spine.

And for a brief moment, Jack felt something weird... something like... pity? But it quickly passed and Jack forgot about it.

"Not bad for an arm hit." Thought Jack to himself.

Jack then jumped into the air with all his might, so he could better see where there most people gathered at one place.

When Jack landed he sprinted towards the center of the city, where it seemed people gathered around the castle gates.

When Jack had the crowd in sight he just sped up an rushed towards it, knowing full well what his plan was.

But before he could crash into the crowd he crushed into something hundreds times harder than a wall.

He knew what this thing was, it was familiar.

A magic barrier.

But this one was different, it had no small holes and was much stronger than the one made by the old man in the bar.

The one casting it was apparently a demon girl in the middle of the crowd. Or Jack atleast thought so because she had green magic circles flying around her arms.

She had black hair, brown horns a carnival mask and a black cloak.

"let me guess. That old fart's friend?"

The girl didn't answer, she just angrily screamed and created a stone wall around him.

She the tried to crush him as fast as she could, but before she could even react, her wall was blown to pieces by a single powerfull swing.

Jack then rushed towards her with extreme speed.

Luckily for her she managed to re-erect her barrier and block his advance.

"Your tactics are so annoying, your magic is so.... boring." Said Jack with a small grin.

"Shut up!" Screamed the girl, now with tears in her eyes.

She then made all the building near Jack to gravite towards him quickly, while she concurrently created a stone tent so he could not dodge so easily.

This time it was a direct hit.

As the dust dispersed in the air, Jack could be seen in lying in the rubles.

The girl slowly came closer taking her time, probably trying to embarass her defeated enemy, or to make her opponent feel more miserable.

But this was exactly what jack was waiting for.

Jack quickly sprang up and swung his scythe with full force against the demon girl.

The blast wave from the impact of his scythe and her barrier made a little crater around them.

This time you could see how the impact bend the barrier, but it stoped moments before her face.

The girl then fired hundreds of small projectiles with incredible speed towards Jack.

But they were still too slow for him, Jack either stopped them with his scythe or dodged them, but it did make him back away from her.

But with his enhanced sight he finally saw it.

There were strange letters on the magic circles around her arms.

Jack then tried to picture them in his head, while dodging and blocking all the incoming attacks.

He was being pushed back, slowly but surely, and he was running out of stamina too.

But then it finally happend. Something in his mind fell into the right place and green circles suddenly appeared around his arms.

"Ha! I've got it! This magic of your's isn't even that hard!"

"Don't get cocky you fuck!" Screamed the girl as she increased the speed of her attacks

But this time Jack didn't have to dodge or block it with his scythe.

It all just crashed into his very own barrier.

Jack smiled.

He then slowly walked towards the girl.

With every step the attacks got more quick and powerfull, but it seemed like it had no effect on Jack's barrier.

Jack finally got close enough so he could swing his scythe at her.

He prepared to swing his scythe above his head, but before he swung he created a small green coating on the back of the scythe.

When he swung this time it was stronger than before, because Jack used the barrier to propel his scythe even more. This time the scythe went right thought her barrier, and her face, neck, chest and waist, not even slowing down a little as it sliced throught bones bones.

Normaly you would, because of holywood movies and such, imagine that the two halves of the girl would fall on the fround still relatively intact. But that's not what happens. Litres of blood bursted from her giant wound onto smiling Jack, while her insides started coming out all before she even fell to the ground. The moment she hit the ground the blood stoped pouring as the hearts stoped beating, and you could still see a few twitches.

"Too bad i couldn't play with you like with the hero, but i guess it couldn't be helped huh." Said Jack with a grin as he licked some blood he had near his mouth.

"No matter, i still have this whole city to play with, don't i system?"

"I couldn't agree more." Said system with a sadistic smile.