
Rise of the world ender

Follow Jack on his path to his umtilamte revenge. (BTW i´am only 14 years old and english is not my native language so sorry for the mistakes in english and writing.)

Smrtak32 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The beauty of death

Jack fell on the red ground with a loud thud and a devilish smile on his face. His arms were so tired he couldn't move them, and he was covered in blood.

His scythe fell right next to him. It was now red with blood, the only place where it retained it's original color was where Jack was holding it. It lost it's sharpness a few hundred swings ago, but that's nothing that couldn't be fixed.

Around him there were laying hundreds if not thousands of people. Men, women, children, adults, guards, merchants, none could escape Jack's rampage, nor did he spare anyone.

As Jack took another slow breath a window popped up in front of him.

[Enough souls have been gathered. Prepare for transformation.]

After this Jack felt imense pain all over his body, as if somebody stabbed him in every part of his body and then he quickly passed out.


Jack woke up to a deserted town, not even animals were brave enough to eat the feast of dead bodies right next to Jack.

His head was hurting like hell, but he felt lighter, as if his body didn't weight much more than a feather.

Then it appared.

[You are now a demon king, number of possible creatable minions increased from 0 to 1]

"Now this interesting."

[please choose a name for your minion]

"A name huh? What do you think system?"

"What about Igor."

"Very funny." Said Jack with a little smile on his face

"Then what about.... Dolor?" Said system after thinking for a little while.

"What? Why Dolor? I never heard such a name?"

"It's pain in latin."

"Wait, If you're me, and i don't know latin... How do you know it?"

"You don't remember? One of these shitheads that left you to the police spoke latin almost all of the time, probably to prove to everyone that he's smart."

"Oh... Yeah, forgot about that. I guess Dolor is fine."

"Dolor." Said Jack, this time out loud.

[Name has been chosen, a body will be created according to this name.]

After this the dead pieces of human flesh all around Jack started flying towards each other.

When the dead flesh touched, it started to melt together, while releasing large quantities of vapor and smoke. The smell the flesh made made Jack giggle, as it was one of the best scents he knew, and it reminded him of the slaughter he commited on this town's square.

After a little while the flesh finally started to take form. It looked like someone who had never seen a human or anything like a human tried to make one from dead bodies and minced meat, and in doing that it got the measurements and size really fucking wrong, as it was about 2 and a half meters tall. Every part of it's body was wider than if you just upscaled a human, but otherwise it didn't have limbs longer than a human of this height would have. It's face were 3 faces melted together by their chins and cheeks.

A wide smile opened on Jack's face.

"Beatifull!" Screamed Jack, while almost crying.

Just as his voice quited down all the faces on dolor's body began to weep, cry and scream for help, all of them except for the three on it's face.

The faces were distorted beyond recognition, but still those who could screamed, cried and pleaded for help or a peacefull death.

"Just when i thought it couldn't be any better! Come here!" Screamed Jack with excitement as he hugged the atrocity in front of him.

He hugged it so hard the place where Jack was hugging it compressed.

Dolor just blankly stared at Jack.

"Who... are... you" Said Dolor with a voice that sounded like if somebody stuck a blender into somebody's throat, turned it on and then made him speak after inhaling sulfur fluoride, or in other terms, very deep, hoarse voice which was iterupted alot of times by deep breaths that sounded somehow very wet.

"You can call me Jack beauty!"

"Who.... am... I?"

"Dolor, the pretiest thing i ever saw!"

"Why... are they... making... noises..."

"That's called screaming, and they scream because they're in pain."

"What is... pain?"

Jack laughed so hard he fell on the ground.

"Ironically enough, hahahaha! You're pain!" Said Jack before succumbing to laughter.

"I'am... pain?"

"No, sorry." Said Jack holding his laughter.

"I explained it badly, you cause pain, and you are named after pain. Pain is something unpleasant you feel, when something hurts you."

"So... I'am hurting... them?"

"Yes! Isn't it wonderfull, you can torture them to the end of your days!"

"Pain is... good?"

"Yes! But death is even better! You will see when we meet someone again! But unfortunately, everyone here is already dead."

"Do... you want... pain?"

"No. I want to cause it! Bring death, fire, destruction and pain to this acursed world we find ourselves in! That's why i live! That's why i kill! Will you help me my child?" Said Jack while extending his hand.

Dolor went quiet for a little while.

The only thing that could be heard where some peacefull screams and pleads for quick death from the ones absorbed into Dolor.

"I think... I will." Said Dolor, not extending it's hand to Jack as it didn't know the meaning behind it, resulting in a pretty awkward situation, atleast for Jack.

Sorry for not uploading for months, but i was completely dead after the exams and had no ideas or the drive to write.

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