
Rise of the Soul Guardians

In the early year 2004 the earth had changed. magic came to life but so did their nightmares. Demons and creatures of evil came from the ground up until a group of people came with them called Soul Guardians. these warriors proved their strength in defeating demons and saving humanity. our protagonist Koji Stanton was a homeless child trying his best to survive in such a cruel world. Fortunately his luck changed for the better or worse Koji became a soul guardian. but now he must train more soul guardians like himself.

MFZEID · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

S1 Ep14

It was common to visit a dearly beloved family member if there were in koji's position but the nearest thing Koji had to family was Xia, Zuang, Hana and Madam Bo.

They were the only ones who knew Koji the most and cared about him the most.

But after years being in a hospital bed they all thought Koji was lost for good. All except Hana who visited every day at the same time with a handful of flowers.

"I'm back and I brought more flowers. It's been seven years since you saved us all that day."

Hana was just about to switch the flowers before she felt something reach out and grab her hand before she saw it was Koji who was staring right at her eyes.

"Thank you for not giving up on me. A lot is going to change."

Hana's tears came to the surface as she hugged Koji tightly.

"It's a miracle! How are you feeling? Oh my god! I need to inform Madam Bo."

Koji however stopped Hana and smiled

"Don't tell them. I want to surprise them."

Hana smiled meanwhile Madam Bo and Xia were training students in hand to hand combat on school grounds.

"Very good Jacob! You've done well but your kicks need training."

The student bowed to Xia before Hana walked up with her longsword.

"Hana? What are you doing here? Did you already check up on Koji?"

Hana nodded before getting into a ready position to duel.

"You want to duel? Very well."

However Hana snapped her fingers before it was revealed that Koji simply disguised himself as Hana.

"Hello Xia, I see your still a teacher."

Many of the students were confused on who Koji is as they have never seen the men before ever while Xia started crying.

"Is it really you? You jerk! You should have told me when you got out!"

Koji only smiled before a heated battle erupted between the two of them which had the students in disbelief that someone was on equal footing with their teacher.

But Xia was surprised as well as after seven and a half years Koji had seemed to have gotten even stronger as Xia was put on the defensive.

Naturally such an intense battle caught the students attention before Koji used a barrier technique that enclosed Xia in a dome.

"Let's make a wager. If you can break out of my barrier then I'll let you join my guild that I will make soon."

Many of the surrounding students laughed as no teacher could even take such an offer seriously but for Xia? She was willing to do it as she did not hold back at all.

"Deal but if I win then you have to teach me all of the techniques you taught Madam Bo! Shinka!"

The entire field was engulfed by Xia's Aura while Koji simply smiled.

"Let's see what you got Xia!"

"Here I come Koji! Supreme Marksmanship: Inescapable Bullet!"

After the dust settled Koji and Xia found the barrier hadn't even cracked with was shocking before Xia held her hands high.

"You win Koji. I-"

"XIA?! What are you doing!? Why did you release your Shinka!?"

Madam Bo was the one who spoke but It was both Madam Bo And Zuang who came to the field only to find Xia on her knees with a smile before they both felt a hand on their shoulders.

"Miss me?"

Madam Bo and Zuang froze at the sound of Koji's voice before they turned around to see Koji perfectly healthy standing in front of them.

"Koji… you... how… when did you recover?"

"Koji one of these days your going to give this old man a heart attack."

Koji however only smiled while he embraced them both with a hug.

"I must say that I'm a little sad that you guys stopped visiting me while I was stuck in limbo. But I was pretty busy."

Madam Bo,Xia and Zuang didn't even know what Koji was talking about before Koji got into a battle stance and surprised everyone.


Everyone was shocked, more so the teachers and even madam Bo as Koji had activated a powerful Hotoji technique called Shinka.

It was truly a sight to behold as every Shinka was different from the rest but Madam Bo was the most shocked of all.

'After seven years in a vegetative state he comes back and accomplished Shinka?!'

Naturally madam Bo thought Koji was secretly training while a clone of some type had taken his place on the hospital bed.

But they didn't know the true reason as Koji had spent the last seven years training against creatures so terrifying that they would make the whole world go into panic.

After Koji's transformation he extended his arms out for everyone to see before letting out a smile.

"Madam Bo, shall we dance?"

Koji had grown a few feet in height and had grown some characteristics of a wolf such as the claws and the head.

However Madam Bo felt a spark of joy ignited before she gave a slight nod while Xia and Zuang made the students go to a safe distance from the fight as Koji made several barriers around himself and Madam Bo.

"This should keep any unwanted visitors out, Let's begin. Dancing in the moonlight."

Koji had faded from Madam Bo's vision but she could still hear his footsteps and hear his breathing.

"You want to play games Koji? Then let's play! Earth Shatter."

Madam bow punched the ground before spikes of molten obsidian came out of the ground before madam Bo realized they had impaled Koji who reverted back to normal.

But madam Bo didn't fall for such a ruse as she caught Koji's punch after realizing it was just a fake.

"Your going to have to do better then that Koji.

Come to momma! Molten Lava cacoon."

Koji was incased is molten lava before it became harder then diamonds.

However Koji only smiled as he grew in size again before the cacoon was broken into pieces.

Some questioned whether Koji was actually human as more beast like features emerged such as a dragons Spiked tail.

"Let's kick things up a notch! Domain of the dragons."

Madam Bo however had begun to worry that Koji would go rampant with his new found power as he did in the past before Koji spoke quietly so only madam Bo could hear.

"I will not lose control after all I have been training ever since I was in limbo."

Madam Bo was shocked until she and Koji realized something had happened to the sky, it turned as red as blood.

Koji reverted back with a disappointed look on his face while the teachers and students pushed the students inside.

"Seems we'll have to continue another time."

Madam Bo nodded before an ungodly screech was heard as Wyrms had filled the sky's by the dozens which reignited Koji's burning desire for a battle.

"This is going to be fun!"

Madam Bo was about to charge into battle until Koji used a technique even She hasn't seen before as he clapped his hands together.

"Soul Art 29: Divine Spears."

Madam Bo witnessed dozens of rays of light matching Koji's Aura shoot out and pierce the wyrms in seconds before she looked at Koji in bewilderment.

"W-what was that?! Koji what did you do?!"

However Koji had already left to go towards wherever those wyrms came out of only to see drakes walking out of the dungeon.

"Soul Art 43: molten Sinkhole."

Madam Bo and hundreds of teachers and students saw the land around the dungeon turn into a sinkhole while the drakes that were fire proof started burning as they sank deeper in.

Koji simply smiled at the sight as seven years ago using these powerful techniques were impossible for Koji to use but now Koji was prepared.

"Soul Art 87: Absolute Zero"

Koji turned a molten sinkhole into a frozen ice sculpture in seconds.

Madam Bo and everyone who witnessed Koji's performance were curious about what he had done but none denied that they were powerful beyond measure.

Koji had sensed madam Bo walking up behind him and smiled at his work.

"I understand if your confused about what I used so I'll tell you a bit of it. The techniques I used are called Soul Arts but make no mistake about the name as they are nothing like your regular techniques."

Madam Bo began to imagine how Koji came to learn them and how she herself might be able to learn them as well.

"How can you learn them?"

Koji only laughed before he taught Madam Bo a Soul Art by simply tapping her forehead.

"Why don't you try it yourself."

With just a tap of koji's finger Madam Bo was flooded with information on just one of these Soul Arts before she and Koji noticed more dragon like monsters exit the dungeon gate.

Koji stepped to the side as Madam Bo demonstrated the Soul art taught by Koji.

"Soul Art 49: Chains of Torment."

Any creature alive or dead within a 50 meter radius around madam Bo were immediately strung up like a slaughterhouse hanging its meat to dry.

"Unbelievable… how-"

"There will be time for your questions later. But for now we need to hold the portal until help arrives."

All of the teachers had finally arrived at the scene after making sure all students were safe and sound.

But so did the Soul Hunter Society as an army of Soul guardians dropped from the sky.

Koji stepped back while the Soul Hunters were scouting the area before a familiar face appeared standing on a ball of fire, Rossin Baiko as well as a few of his own guild members who were wearing the same attire as Rossin.

"Madam Bo, what's the situation?"

Koji however peaked his head forward with a smile just as madam Bo was about to explain.

"Hello friends, did you have a safe flight?"

Rossin had heard Koji was in a vegetative state and had visited him in the hospital only two times and saw it was true.

"Master Koji? When did you recover?"

Koji only smiled as he started walking away when he tapped Xia and Zuang's foreheads allowing them both to use a different Soul Art.

"Madam Bo, I'll be in your office while you wrap things up here and let Xia and Zuang know about what I've shown them."

Koji was nearly skipping while Xia and Zuang had gathered their heads from the flood of information.

"Headmaster what just happened?"

"Headmaster what just happened?"

However Madam Bo had no answer to give before yet another wave of monsters came through before Madam Bo Strung them up again.

"Soul Art 49: Chains of Torment. Now Xia and Zuang use the technique Koji showed you! Quick!"

Rossin and the surrounding guardians were stunned but not before Xia and Zuang used their own Soul Arts seconds later.

"Soul Art 79: Hive Mind."

"Soul Art 21: Perfect Sight."

Zuang had taken over the beasts minds and linked them to his own subconscious while Xia had perfect sight with her bow was she knew exactly where to aim as she fired an arrow at an icicle and killed five Wyverns at once.

With such powerful Soul Arts working hand in hand it did not take long before all of the beasts were killed.

Meanwhile Rossin and the surrounding Soul guardians were in awe.

All while Madam Bo smiled as she could still see Koji happily waking away.