
Rise of the Soul Guardians

In the early year 2004 the earth had changed. magic came to life but so did their nightmares. Demons and creatures of evil came from the ground up until a group of people came with them called Soul Guardians. these warriors proved their strength in defeating demons and saving humanity. our protagonist Koji Stanton was a homeless child trying his best to survive in such a cruel world. Fortunately his luck changed for the better or worse Koji became a soul guardian. but now he must train more soul guardians like himself.

MFZEID · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

S1 Ep.15

*(Updates will happen on Mondays and Sundays but the number of chapters will vary between 1-4 Total)*

During Koji's seven years in limbo the first thing he learned from Hatasho before his departure was the existence of forgotten skills called Soul Arts.

At first Koji thought them to be like the Shadow Clone and Healing Aura techniques but was very wrong.

It took three whole years just to be able to use them all but even then they weren't effective enough for combat or their intended purpose.

Koji had such a difficult time just being able to use them before Hatasho became annoyed.

""How are you this incompetent! Even Xu Lee was able to master these Soul Arts on her first try!""

Failure after failure Hatasho had enough and grabbed Koji's head with a firm grasp as Hatasho began flooding Koji's mind with knowledge and his own experiences using Soul Arts.

But Hatasho's experience wasn't the only thing that was ingrained into his memory as Koji saw memories of happiness with Xu Lee as well as a few nights of passion.

Koji had now perfect mastery over the hundreds of Soul Arts.

But once again he was reminded by Hatasho's words even from sitting in madam Bo's office.

""Koji, if you leave here then I must ask you to take my place and teach them what I will teach you. The fate of the earth will depend upon it.""

Koji knew a battle of the ages would come but Koji also knew he couldn't do it alone, he needed an army to help him.

Fortunately he was sitting on a gold mine of soul guardians and he has proved time and time again that he has the skills to teach people more and could make them stronger than they ever thought possible.

After a little over an hour of waiting Madam Bo, Rossin, Cia and Zuang entered madam Bo's office to see Koji just waking up from a nap.

"I'm guessing the dungeon has been taken care of?"

Madam Bo nodded while everyone sat down besides Xia who felt comfortable standing.

"Now let's get down to business."

Rossin nodded while the others wondered what Koji was planning.

"Koji, you said you were in limbo training. How? What happened?"

Koji didn't want to waste words and simply shared some his many battles in limbo against monsters sent by Hatasho.

Koji had learned something else to the technique Soul Link as it not only connected Soul Essence's but also memories.

"My Hotoji had me battle monsters and train during the time I was in limbo. But now that I'm out we need to start before it too late."

"Start? Start what?"

Koji smiled as clapped his hands before a miniature version of the galaxy was seen on the table.

"In the years to come a great tournament will come to decide the fate of our world."

Everyone was at a loss for words which was to be expected.

"You can choose to believe everything that I said or you don't. It doesn't matter to me but I don't want you to think I didn't warn you."

Everyone besides Rossin already trusts Koji completely but Rossin was having doubts.

"What proof do you have of this supposed tournament? How do we know it isn't some delusional reality since you came out of a vegetative state?"

Koji simply shrugged.

"I don't have anything to prove it but I do believe in it so I need your assistance."

Madam Bo was on the fence as was Rossin before Koji pulled out a phone that Hana provided to show them a live broadcast from the headquarters of the Soul Hunter Society.

But what was shocking was that Koji was doing an interview before the Koji before them vanished.

"We're… we're we talking with a clone this whole time… that son of a bitch! I'm going to cut him in half!"

Madam Bo sighed as Xia and Zuang tried to calm Rossin down while she watched the livestream.

Koji only smiled at the camera before the Soul guardian interviewing him spoke.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. What we have is shocking news of a New Soul Master, Koji Stanton."

Koji waved to the camera before he turned to the interviewer.

"Thank you for your time on such short notice."

"Not at all but there has been a lot of talk about you at Wakana Academy. Tell me what year are you in?"

Koji however just deflected the question with one of his own for the interviewer.

"I'm not here to talk about me but about Soul guardians. Would you say they are meant to be the shield against the monsters?"

The interviewer paused for a moment before a hasty answer was made with a proud look.

"Of course. Every Soul Guardian should strive to be a symbol of goodness and justice as great power must be used right."

Koji gave a nod in agreement before he turned back to the camera where Madam Bo could feel his eyes on her alone.

"My fellow Soul Guardians I call on you to join me as I will be making a guild of my own called The Formless. I don't care if you at weak and feel you aren't worthy to join me. All I ask is you to try."

The interviewer and the audience were surprised before Koji waved goodbye before fading away again.

It was a clone who was being interviewed so it naturally made Madam Bo wonder where the real Koji was.

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this."

The real Koji was currently standing outside of the Solomon Family estate.

But he was soon surrounded by guards at the front gate.

"State your business!"

Koji only laughed before letting a fraction of his essence slip away as he spoke.

"I am here to see Cinthia Solomon."

Even thought Koji let loose only a fraction of his essence the surrounding guards were trembling as it was much stronger then their own.

But Cinthia and her father appeared in mere seconds after Koji released his essence.

"Master Koji this is certainly a surprise. I had heard from Cinthia that you were in the hospital."

Cinthia however remained silent while her dad and Koji were having a conversation which was odd to Koji as he expected Cinthia to try and please Koji with some fancy words in an attempt to get him to join the family.

"Indeed I was in the hospital but as you can see I am heal but shall we talk inside?"

Just as Koji was about to enter the Solomon Estate a group of rather elderly people came out the front gate as a single group.

Naturally Koji stepped to the side as he thought they were leaving to do something but he was wrong.

"Earl what is going on here? Why are you not working in your office? And you Cinthia, what are you doing out of here as well?"

Koji had just remembered a warning both Xia and Zuang had told him all those years ago.

"Be careful with the Solomon Family, especially when meeting their elders."

Koji took a closer look and sensed their Soul Strengths were slightly less then your average Guardian so it was obvious to assume they had very powerful friends in high places.

"Mother, father, I am merely greeting a surprised guest. This is Master Koji."

All of the elders turned to see Koji standing on the side with his hand in his pockets without so much as looking at them.

Koji had business with Earl so he had no reason to talk with these elders who were infuriated by Koji's actions.

"Does this boy not realize who stands before him?! Guards! Remove him!"

Koji gave a glare to the guards as he looked ready for a battle to the death which naturally made all of the guards freeze dead in their tracks out of fear.

One of the elders was more enraged then the others and even drew his Hotoji and a swung his blade at Koji's head.

Only Earl and Cinthia were scared but not for Koji as he was told time and time again by Cinthia that Koji was stronger then everyone in their family.

Koji simply stopped the blade with a single finger which shocked the elders and the guards before Koji unleashed a Soul Art.

"Soul Art 132: Heart Of Justice."

The elders felt the weight of their Hotoji's increase by a thousand folds except for Earl and Cinthia who were confused and dumbfounded.

Koji only smiled as the elders tried desperately to wield their weapons.

"You cannot wield any weapon so long as you stand before me with negative emotions in your soul. That is the power of my Soul Art called Heart Of Justice."

The same elder as before screamed as he threw punches at Koji left and right but only hit a barrier.

"Who are you to threaten us! We are the fifth Legacy Family!"

Koji only laughed like he had just heard a bad joke.

"Who said I was threatening? I was merely defending myself. I don't make threats only guarantees and I'm here to talk with the Earl here."

Cinthia and Earl were joyful as someone finally show the elders just how pitiful they are but they didn't dare express themselves.

Koji only walked past them while he followed Earl to his office and sat down.

"I'll cut to the chase before those old farts outside try something again. I humbly ask for some land to build my guild on. In return I'll teach you and your daughter a Soul Art."

But before Earl was about to give his answer a clone of Koji came through the door with Cinthia in tow.

"Since this involves you as well you might as well be here for this and not spying from the other side of the door."

Cinthia however felt humiliated by how easy Koji had discovered her presence as she was certain she hadn't made a sound.

But regardless Koji had found her in moments before Earl turned back to Koji.

"Forgive me if I'm sceptical but Soul Art? Don't you meant Soul Techniques?"

Koji drew an imaginary circle on Earls desk before it showed Koji's battle using Soul Art against the dragon like creatures at Wakana Academy.

Earl and Cinthia were amazed while Koji leaned back into his chair.

"Soul Arts are nothing like the techniques that we know today. They are the next step so I ask you again. Will you help me in exchange for teaching you both a Soul Art?"

Cinthia was willing to do anything to learn them as she knew they were undoubtedly going to be powerful but Earl wasn't so quick with his decision.

"I'm afraid matters such as this are not for me to decide and is left to the Elders to-"

Koji rolled his eyes at the mention of the elders before he interrupted Earl.

"Are you not the Head of the Solomon family? Or are you just a child being pulled by a leash? It's your family and it's your life."

Earl had felt he was in a prison set by his own mother and father and one that was inescapable but Koji shattered that image.

'He's right… I… I won't be controlled anymore!'

Earl only have a slight nod which put a smile on Koji's face while Cinthia felt she was in Koji's debt for life as she wished nothing else but for her father to be free.

However the moment turned cold as Jokai came barging through the door with a bottle in his hands and a woman in his arms.

"Hey! My credit card is broken! Give me a new one. Huh? Who are you?"

Koji only laughed as got up to leave.

"Im surprised you could forget about me as you tried so desperately to get me to become your teacher and then tried to use your name to force me."

It only took moments before Jokai realized it was Koji and pushed the woman under his arm to the ground before unleashing his Hotoji's Technique.

"You! I will kill you! Tanku tare the flesh from his bones!"

Earl was about to try and stop Jokai before realizing the fight was over before it began as Koji wasted no time to deliver a good and clean punch to the gut.

Once Jokai was on his knees Koji place his foot on his head which put a smile on Cinthias face.

"If you plan to do anything worth your pathetic little life then you should change your attitude. Earl, I'll be staying at Wakana Academy until it is ready and then when it is finished I will hold up my end of the bargain."

Koji used a series of flash steps to leave the Solomon Estate just as the elders came charging in like an angry mob.

"Earl! Where is that bastard! We must get our revenge for making us suffer such humiliation!"

Earl however looked and Cinthia before she gave a slight nod and smile before Earl turned back to the elders.

"Me and Cinthia are leaving the family."

All of the elders were shocked with good reason as they never thought of Earl leaving the family.

"Why are you leaving!? What has that worm done to your mind?!"

"If you do this then you can never return. Do not take Cinthia down with your madness."

Earl only laughed while Cinthia already started packing her bags.

"For too long you have controlled me like a slave but master Koji has opened my eyes and if you want someone to lead the family then I'll name Jokai as my heir."

While Jokai was happy to be name head of the Solomon family the elders were terrified as they knew how bad Jokai was.

It would mean the end of their way of life because Earl had planned to make Cinthia his heir after it was time.

Earl left moments later with a smile on his face as if the weight of the Solomon family name was pulled off of him for the first time in decades.

"What will we do father?"

Earl was finally freed from his shackles as he looked to Cinthia.

"I don't know but we can do whatever we want and at least they can't take away our assets."

Both Cinthia and Earl weren't the type to spend their money on unnecessary or luxury items unless it was necessary so they had quite the amount saved up.

Cinthia had an idea as she pulled out her phone.

"I'll call Madam Bo and see if she can give us jobs at Wakana Academy but we'll need a new name."

After a long silence Earl had a name to use to shed away the Solomon name.

"Ravenstone… we're now the Ravenstone's."