
Rise of the Peerless Magus

He had taken up the names of Noah and Leo. In his two previous lives, he had conquered his way to the top in various different worlds, only to lose to aliens known as the Horde both times. Reincarnated for the third time, he vowed to unite his new world to defeat the Horde once and for all, so he took up the name of Xin to conquer his way to the top of the cultivation world and united it. As he faced the familiar aliens once again with his united alliance of powerful cultivators, Xin fought tooth and nail as his goal of defeating the Horde neared. Before reaching the queen, Xin was betrayed by his fellow alliance member and killed again. However, his seething rage wouldn’t be wasted. A blinding flash illuminated Xin’s eyes as he was reborn again with the new name Razvan Alden. This time instead of modern humans, spacefaring mecha-wielding humans, or martial cultivators. Magus dominated his new world! Once again, he would conquer this world of Magus to fight the Horde! Follow Raz as he attempts to unite and conquer the Magus world to defeat the Horde! Warning: This novel starts off quite slow and is not for those who do not enjoy world-building. #WSA2023 Entry Cover Art: N/A Please message me if you are the creator

Kakashi_PCB · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
32 Chs

An Important Visitor? Wait It's just Grandfather?

In one month, Raz started to crawl, which was much earlier than any baby on earth, and even his own parents were surprised as they cheered him on.

At two months, he took his first steps with confidence as his body was slightly stronger than it was supposed to be after two months of using his body cultivation arts every day. Although it wasn't substantial enough to warrant questions from his parents, who just assumed he had a naturally healthy and sturdy body.

At three months, he began to speak his first words, which was only possible now that his larynx had dropped and made speech possible, and the fact that the goddess had shoved the language of the world into his mind when she appeared.

His parents were nothing short of ecstatic at the fact and kept shouting that he was a genius, which was understandable considering how fast Raz was showing off his capabilities.

Even with the existence of magic, he had no doubt that his progression was ten times faster than any other baby, which was mainly due to his impatience to start exploring. This led people, like his parents and servants, to think of him as a genius or incredibly talented.

However, his parents still wouldn't let him walk around even though he showed he was perfectly capable, which was understandable as the castle had many stairs and potentially dangerous objects around.

At six months, Raz was finally allowed to walk in certain parts of the castle on his own with a very attentive supervisor, who was usually the head maid Marisa or his father's head knight, who his father introduced as Ed Staw.

Ed was a very big man with even bigger muscles than Raz's own father, with a fully grown and trimmed blonde beard that matched his long blonde hair that was usually tied up into a men's ponytail. He looked especially intimidating with the black clothing and armor he always wore and a scar across the left side of his face that extended from above his eye to his cheek, but it seemed like the damage didn't reach his eye.

When he first saw Ed, Raz almost fell backward due to the fact that despite the hundreds of people in the castle. No one came even close to being as intimidating as Ed.

At first, Ed was very passive when he was watching Raz attempt to walk but ended up like a penguin with his extremely tiny limbs.

It wasn't until he purposely walked up to Ed and gestured to be picked up did Ed ever show any emotion. He gave a little grin as he picked Raz up easily and did gentle bounces, to which Raz giggled in happiness.

At one year of age, his parents took him out of the castle for the first time to the small city named Levir, which his father managed as lord of the city.

Although the city was incredibly safe, his parents weren't going to take any chances with their only son and brought along two squads of knights which meant sixteen well-armed guards guarded the family from afar. However, Raz didn't think of it as necessary, as the most dangerous person was most likely his father.

The abrupt trip to the small city was surprising but much welcomed as Raz was previously confined to the castle before.

For a reason, he could only think that his parents wanted him to see the outside and show off their child to the public, which was only partially correct.

By now, he could speak full sentences and talk with people, which surprised a lot of citizens that had crowded around their lord.

When the residents of the small city knew that Raz could speak full sentences at barely a year old and hold a small conversation, a lot of people passed by and gave their congratulations to William, who smiled the entire time like he was receiving an award.

As the family strolled atop the weathered cobble walkways around the main square of the small city, many citizens took a look from their rustic homes, and the commotion continued for quite a while.

As this all occurred, he couldn't have cared less as his eyes were like giant saucers as he took in his surroundings, from the sweet smell of bread from a bakery around the corner to the sounds of daily life in the city.

Even though Raz had lived three lifetimes, his curiosity had never truly been sated.

After his trip around Levir occurred, unbeknownst to Raz, a lot of gossip circled around about the intelligence that he showed and made it slightly out of the city to the surrounding towns.

Just a week after his trip around a city, the castle got an unexpected visitor that turned the usually peaceful castle into chaos.

Raz was awake during the early hours of the day like usual as he continued to use his cultivation arts which dominated his free time. After finishing another round of the technique, he exhaled with relief as the past year had been very enjoyable and peaceful.

Finally rested, he began to prepare himself for another round of cultivating until the door burst open frantically compared to the usual gentle creak.

With the door open, the previous quiet room turned chaotic as sounds of running patterns of feet and frantic voices entered.

"Get him ready, Marisa! We have no time to spare!" his mother's voice echoed out from the hallway with a shout.

Marisa, who had already barged into the room, responded, "Yes, mam! Don't worry about Raz. I will get him ready. Please prepare yourself instead."

"Come here, young master. I have to get your all dressed up," Marisa said as she frantically scooped him up and hastily walked to the washroom, where he was quickly cleaned.

Usually, the process would be a relatively slow and gentle process, but this time Marisa was like a demon in the speed she washed and clothed him.

Before they left, Marisa used a little water to style his modest patch of hair as she whispered to Raz, "Aren't you handsome today!"

Then she carefully picked him up and walked quickly into the main hall, which was where his father, Lord William Alden of Levir, greeted guests of importance.

At this point, the hall was in complete pandemonium as maids and butlers were all panicking. Some fell over while carrying trays and got scolded by other servants, while others were simply sweating bullets while they cleaned every inch of the hall.

With no clue about what was happening, Raz could only watch in curiosity at the spectacle as he was nudged towards a place next to two rather huge chairs with cushions and padding to make the marble more comfortable.

Meanwhile, he saw what appeared to be his seat, which seemed to have been newly made as the marble was quite polished off and new.

Marisa placed him on the seat while patting off his fancy set of clothes of any dust or specks before smiling and saying, "Make sure you behave, Young Master! A very important person is coming to visit, so you must make the best possible impression! Appear respectful, courteous, smart, and strong!"

Her words made Raz feel startled and intrigued as this was the first time an important figure seemed to appear to cause such an intense reaction from anyone since he was born.

As he continued to think about this, his ears picked up conversation slowly approaching as soon his mother and father appeared through a door. Soon Raz's jaw almost dropped as he stared at his parents, who were also dressed up in fancy clothes.

His dad, who would be considered rather handsome, looked more assertive and noble as he wore a magus robe embroidered with a silver-looking fluid-like metal that looked magical and formal.

However, what was really stunning was not his father but rather his mother. Even without any fancy or expensive clothes, she was already stunning, but as she dressed up in fancy clothes and touched herself up. She turned into something akin to a stunning angel.

It wasn't far-fetched to say that her beauty could literally make other people fall to their knees in awe.

The moment the two of them looked over at Marisa and Raz, a look of almost craziness appeared in their eyes as they raced over to him in a crazed sprint before his mother picked him up into a full-on hug.

As Raz was being essentially squeezed to death, he could only look towards his father with puppy eyes for aid.

William Alden looked at his adorable son beg with his stunning eyes, one of which was gray and the other hazel, as he inherited one eye color from each of his parents.

But before Raz could see a glimmer of hope, his father joined his mother and also started to hug the life out of him.

While being basically suffocated, Raz could barely choke out, "Hard…to…breathe!"

After some more wiggling and resistance, Raz's parents finally let him go as Marisa fixed any wrinkles that had appeared on his clothes.

"He's on his way! A carriage with the Alden crest has been spotted a few miles out of the city," an exhausted butler said as he burst through the door panting.

Suddenly William looked more serious as he started to instruct the butlers and maids around him, "Prepare to receive our guest with the utmost caution as a VIP. Have the chef be on standby in case they wish to have a meal, and make sure that no one messes up today! This is of the utmost importance!"

"Yes, my Milord!" the maids and butlers loudly chimed as they ran towards their stations.

Fay suddenly looked nervous as she softly murmured to William, "Is everything going to be fine? Especially after the last time?"

William seemed to recall something as he winced from the memory but still firmly announced, "It will be fine if he comes alone, but if the elders are with him, then things will get troublesome. Anyways let us take a look."

As Raz sat in his chair in an almost slouched position, his father suddenly released a mysterious and unfathomable aura as an azure blue-colored glow started to form around his hands that soon turned into arcane runes and glyphs.

Seeing magic happening right in front of him, Raz abruptly jolted up and tried to get a better look at what his father was doing, but due to his tiny body, he could barely get a glimpse of what his father was doing.

Luckily his mother seemed to notice his curiosity and picked him up by his armpits as she smiled while softly whispering, "Curious, are we? Come, my little angel."

She gently placed Raz on her lap, which gave him a full view of his father's magic. After another minute or so, the runes formed a giant circle that slowly showed an image almost like a camera from his previous life on Earth.

The magic circle panned onto a rather large and imposing carriage that was made of steel with the occasional shimmer of magical runes similar to the ones that appeared when his father was casting the magic circle.

On the side of the carriage was a gold-etched symbol of a dragon with its wings spread and two noticeable horns atop its head, which contrasted with the black steel-like metal that appeared like obsidian that made up a majority of the carriage.

Four horses pulled the horses as they were in a full gallop as one person at the head of the carriage, that was dressed in a black cloak with their hood up, spurred on the horses.

William sighed a wave of relief as he explained to Fay, "It seems he's alone as there are no other carriages, but that is no doubt the Alden family crest on the side of the carriage. Fate has not yet abandoned us. Let us welcome my father!"

Raz could only think one word in his mind as he listened intently to his father's words, 'Grandfather?'