
Rise Of The New Devil : Vampire System

Dive into a post-apocalyptic world where the laws of nature have been upheaved by a mysterious cataclysm. Follow the journey of Aiden, an ordinary young man who is unwillingly thrust into an extraordinary quest for survival and redemption. When an unknown energy, Mana, spreads across Earth, transforming animals into monsters and endowing certain humans with incredible powers, Aiden finds himself caught in a spiral of violence and chaos. Left for dead after defending a stranger, life slowly leaves him. Aiden grits his teeth, a mad desire for vengeance shining in his eyes, tinged with a hint of helplessness. That was until... "Congratulations." "The host has become a vampire." Guided by this strange System that seems to orchestrate his evolution, Aiden must learn to master his new powers while fighting against the bloodlust consuming him. His path will cross with other evolved beings, like Ethan, a gravity manipulator with a troubled past who becomes a valuable ally. Through trials and revelations, Aiden will face heart-wrenching choices. How far is he willing to go to protect those dear to him? Can he embrace his vampire nature without losing his soul along the way?

Anthocs · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Leveling Up

After his first victorious fight against the demon dog, Aiden felt a strange combination of satisfaction and revulsion. The brutal reality of this new world was revealing itself to him, not only through the violence he had to exert but also through the beginning of his acceptance of his new status as a Dhampir.

As he moved away from the scene of the battle, his mind was occupied by the system notifications which, although devoid of any compassion, had guided his actions.

"This system... is it my ally, a form of prison, or something even worse?" he wondered.

"Even if this system helps me, everything has its price in life. I'll have to be careful. Besides, I feel like I'm the only one with one, but why me?"

Yet, despite his reservations, Aiden knew he owed it his survival and, perhaps, his future.

"Next quest: Find safe shelter before nightfall. Dangers are multiplied after dusk. Reward: 10 exp," suddenly appeared before his eyes, stopping these reflections.

The system, apparently indifferent to his inner conflict, continued to push him forward, towards ever-greater challenges.

This quest seemed reasonable. Aiden instinctively knew that the night would bring with it creatures far more terrifying than the demon dog he had just defeated.

"A safe shelter, huh? In this devastated city, where can I possibly find a place that keeps that promise?" he pondered, scanning the gutted buildings and deserted streets that stretched before him.

Surprisingly, he didn't come across anyone in the city, as if everyone had left.

The ruined city offered few places that seemed to promise safety and respite, but Aiden, guided more by instinct than reason, eventually stumbled upon a half-looted store. Its facade, though ravaged by recent chaos, promised temporary shelter from the nocturnal dangers heralded by the system.

Aiden advanced with extreme caution, each step measured to avoid betraying his presence. The senses sharpened by his recent transformation into a Dhampir allowed him to perceive his surroundings with more detail. The store before him, with its shattered windows and overturned shelves, seemed to have been abandoned in haste, a time capsule frozen in chaos.

Inside, the silence was almost palpable, violently contrasting with the distant screams that occasionally tore through the growing darkness. His heart was pounding, not with fear, but with the adrenaline of survival. Every corner of the store was carefully inspected, Aiden looking for signs of potential danger. When he was convinced of his solitude, a sigh of relief escaped him.

The overturned shelves, the products scattered on the floor, everything could be used to fortify his position. With zeal born of necessity, he began to block the entrance, piling up obstacles to create a precarious barricade.

"This will have to do," he murmured, more to reassure himself than out of conviction.

The exploration of the store soon turned into a quest for his survival. Behind an overturned counter, he found cans of food - priceless treasures in this world turned hostile. Next to it, a case of sealed water bottles promised to keep him hydrated for days to come. But the real discovery was the crowbar, lying under a broken table. At that moment, the tool seemed to him to be the most precious of allies, a promise of protection and the ability to face physical obstacles and, perhaps, more tangible threats.

With his findings gathered, Aiden settled into a dark corner, sheltered from prying eyes that might be watching from outside. He opened a can, savoring each bite with surprising gratitude for this modest meal. Water followed, cool and comforting. It was a moment of peace stolen in the midst of chaos, a moment to regain strength, both physical and mental.

As he ate, the screams in the distance seemed to be getting closer, a cruel reminder that the night would grant him no respite. With renewed determination, Aiden stood up, inspecting his barricade before reinforcing it further. Crowbar in hand, he felt ready to defend his refuge against the nocturnal horrors.

"Quest successful: Find safe shelter before nightfall. +10 exp." The notification appeared, bringing with it a sense of achievement and finally something positive.

"Congratulations, you have reached level 2."

"You have gained 5 attribute points and unlocked the inventory function."

"The inventory allows you to store items in a dimensional space, preserving them from deterioration. Inventory size is currently: small."

This seemed to be a particularly useful addition, given the circumstances. He carefully stored the remaining food and water in his new inventory, pondering how best to use this ability in the future.

He then found himself faced with a crucial choice: how to allocate the 5 attribute points he had gained by leveling up? After a moment of reflection, he decided to strengthen his weaknesses, to become more resilient to the challenges ahead. He added:

- 2 points in Strength, to improve his ability to inflict damage on others.

- 2 points in Endurance, to improve his physical resistance and ability to stay standing longer.

- 1 point in Agility, hoping it would help him run away if the danger was too great, or move faster as needed.

For now, he wouldn't increase Intelligence, wanting only to survive. For the moment, it seems to be a case of survival of the fittest, doesn't it? And, at the moment, he couldn't see what else this statistic could be used for.

Name: Aiden

Species: Dhampir

Level: 2

Exp: 5/20

Health: 40/120

Strength: 9

Agility: 11

Intelligence: 8

Endurance: 9

Skills: None

After making his choice, Aiden curled up on himself, exhausted by the day's events. The screams in the distance had fallen silent, giving way to a heavy, almost palpable silence. Despite the anguish that gripped him, fatigue quickly overcame him, and he fell asleep, hoping that the night would pass without incident. But it looks like that won't be possible, and that the night is going to be shorter than expected.