
Rise of The Fallen

This is the story of Razjeel, Angel who lost everything and stood against God. He was the first angel ever created and also the first one to clash swords with his 'Father'. Follow Razjeel after he returned after 7 000 years of imprisonment to the world that completely changed but one thing stayed the same... His thirst for revenge towards those who took everything from him. ___________________ It's a DxD fanfic. It was my first ever idea for fanfic. I like the DxD universe and how many possibilities it has, almost endless!! I also never saw any fanfic where Mc is Angel or Fallen Angel so I tried to make one. It was created in my free time but still, I hope you'll like it! If this would be accepted by you, there would be no big harem, it's a drag to make one and keep all the personalities different and give each of the girls some screen time to not forget about her, so it would be 2-3 girls max. I don't own Highschool DxD and its characters except a few which I created. I don't own a cover either, I found it on Pinterest. Please, think of this as Parallel World and don't compare this to the original, it should make reading more comfortable.

ReeviN · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Chapter 22

Rias and the gang were looking at Razjeel in awe. They had a hard time fighting Kokabiel, they were sure they would die from that giant lance if it wasn't for Razjeel's arrival. Seeing how he effortlessly cut through that, they were speechless.

Rias gathered whatever energy she has and spoke to him. "W-why are you here? It's not-"

"Shut up." He responded coldly without looking at her.

She didn't expect that. His attitude when they first met and now was totally different. Although she was scared, her pride was stronger. Biting her lips, she managed to stand up, barely though.

"You are on my territory! As a Gremory heiress I- Aah!!" She tried to sound intimidating, but one look from Razjeel threw her back on the ground. Lying on her belly she felt powerful pressure crushing her body. Despite the pain she felt, she was unable to scream.

" Rias/President!!" Screamed everyone, but in the next moment they shared the same fate as Rias.

"I said shut up." He looked away from the group and stared at Kokabiel again. "And you. You are coming with me. Now."

There was something in his voice that made Kokabiel scared. Something unnatural. He felt like he had to obey him, like there was no other option.

"F.. Fuck you! I'm not going anywhere!" Overcoming his fear with anger he said with narrowed eyes.

"I wasn't asking." His eyes flashed with red light.

"Gah!!" The invisible power fell on Kokabiel, sending him straight to the ground. But when he was about to crash, he used all of his energy to resist. He managed to stop midair, several dozens meters from the ground.

Breathing heavily, with pale face and sweat all over his body, he decided to run. No matter how he tried to deny it, no matter what his pride was telling him. He knew he would never win against him.

Kokabiel summoned tens of Magic Circles, sending countless missiles at Razjeel's. Majority headed straight at him, while a part of them towards the ground in front of him. He wanted to use the cloud of dust to escape while Razjeel was busy dealing with the missiles.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he felt a powerful hit on his head. The punch was so powerful that he didn't even have time to scream before he crashed to the ground.


Feeling that the pressure disappeared, Xenovia looked where Razjeel was before, only to find that he wasn't there. Looking up, she found him where Kokabiel was previously, with Durandal still in his hand. 'Why is he able to use Durandal? He's a Fallen, he can't use a Holy Sword!'

Growl filled with pain escaped Kokabiel's mouth. With a corner of his eye, he briefly saw what happened. Razjeel appeared behind him and struck him with the flat side of the blade. Standing on his four, he once again fell flat on his chest, being pushed down suddenly. Feeling weight on his back, he turned his head to see what was that only to see Razjeel looking down on him.

With indifference expression, Razjeel stabbed Durandal through Kokabiel's thigh, pinning him to the ground. Painful shrieks escaped Kokabiel's mouth. But unfortunately for him, that was only the beginning.

Grabbing two of Kokabiel's wings, Razjeel began tearing them off, slowly, bit by bit. Kokabiel started screaming, like a wounded pig. One by one, all of his wings were teared off and thrown aside, leaving the convulsing and bloody Kokabiel on the ground, with tears all over his face.

Rias and her groups were looking at all of this with horror on their face. They have never seen something like that. That inhuman screams full of pain, the blood gushing from the teared off wings. Although Rias, Akeno, Kiba and Xenovia somehow held up, Asia and Issei were pale as if they lost all of their blood. Asia even started crying, covering her mouth.

"Stop! I beg you!... No more!" Kokabiel begged with a breaking voice. "I did for Grigori!! Now, with you, we can win the war!! We will show everyone that we are superior-"


The disgusting sound of cracking bones and mashed meat spread through the area.

"Kyaaaa!!" Screamed Asia, hiding her face in Issei's chest.

"I will throw up..." Flinched Issei.

Razjeel indifferently wiped his face from the blood and came off Kokabiel's back. He looked at Kokabiel's body like on the worst of the filth and took out Durandal from his leg.

He looked at the group of teenagers. When their eyes met, they all flinched in fear. Even Rias was trembling as he started walking closer to them. Issei remembered what Ddraig said to him about Razjeel.


"Why? What is so scary about him? He is just a Fallen Angel."

"He's been in this world for a long, very long time... The things he had done... You can't even imagine how many lives he took... Never, ever, fight against him, do you understand me, partner? It would be the end... for both of us."


Now he started to understand what Ddraig was talking about. But if decides to kill all of his friends, he won't go down without a fight. No matter how scared he was.

Razjeel stopped 15-20 away from Xenovia and casually tossed Durandal to her, like he was throwing a stick instead of a Holy Sword. Startled Xenovia catched the sword and used it to stand up. She took her battle stance and looked at Razjeel with fire in eyes, ready to fight back if he decides to attack.

Razjeel measured her with his eyes, before he nodded slightly. "You are weak right now. But he seems to like you. Take care of him." Said Razjeel giving her one last look before he walked back towards Kokabiel's body.

"Wait! What do you mean!?" Shouted Xenovia, not understanding what he was talking about.

Razjeel ignored her and with a snap of his fingers he disappeared in a flash of green flames, along with Kokabiel's body.

Xenovia kept staring at where he was before, with questions all-over her mind. She turned towards Rias and said in a sharp tone, typical to her. "Who was he? I demand an explanation, Gremory heiress."


"When did he leave?" Asked Azazel, walking from side to side in the Meeting Hall.

"About 5 minutes ago? I guess." Said Vali with an 'I don't care' attitude.

"Do you think he will kill him?" Asked Penemue while looking at the rest of the high-ranking people.

"I don't think-" Shemhazai started but was interrupted by a vortex of green fire. When the flames disappeared, they saw Razjeel standing next to something which resembled a human body, a very bloody body.

Shemhazai blinked a few times "Or maybe he will..." He said loudly to himself.

"*Whistle* I see you had some fun, old man." Said Vali 'admiring' Razjeel's work.

"Is he..." Penemue wanted to ask, but Azazel cut in her sentence.

"He's alive, barely." Azazel narrowed his eyes. "What happened? I know few things from Vali but no details."

"He broke the law. He tried to start a war between us, Devils and Angels, thinking that we are better than them." He walked toward the table and took a sip of the cold water from the glass.

Azazel glanced at Kokabiel with a frown and said toward Razjeel. "So? What are we going to do with him? Throw him to Hell?"

"No, you are too lenient for him, you've always been. You can't make excuses for his wrongdoings any longer. This time he crossed the line, he could endanger our whole faction." Said Tamiel looking at Kokabiel with contempt.

Azazel frowned hearing that. "Ahh... Fine." He sighed. "We'll throw him into Cocytus. That should be enough."

"Heal every of his wounds. Till the dusk I want him tied up to the pole at the Main Square." Cold voice came from Razjeel as he walked toward the exit doors, 'accidentally' stepping on Kokabiel's palm.

"What? Why?" Asked surprised Azazel. "So we are giving him sort of the light punishment?"

"No. I sentence him to 'Galwad y Dioddefaint'." He pushed the doors open. "And take that shit out of here. He's staining the floor." With that he walked out of the room, showing that the conversation is over.

Azazel was staring at the closed door with widened eyes. He sighed helplessly. "Well... Shit."

"Emm... What is that 'Galwad y Dioddefaint' old man was talking about?" Asked Vali seeing Azazel's reaction.

"It stands for 'The call of the suffering'. It's punishment from the ancient times. For some, one of the... most satisfying." Said Baraqiel looking at the Kokabiel with indifference. He didn't have any pity for that bastard.

"We should prepare for the 'ceremony'. Penemue, get some skilled healer or two. We will need them." Said Azazel as he also walked out of the room.


Main Square of the Grigori Capital.

When the dusk came all preparations were finished. Thousands of people gathered, surrounding a single, naked, person tied to the pole at the sole center of the square. When people recognized the said person, gossips flew across the whole crowd.

"Hey, it's Kokabiel, right? What is he doing there?"

"I don't know, dude. But this should be something serious."

"Yeah. The Lord himself told us to come. But why is he naked, though?"

Hearing the murmurs of the crowd and mocking comments of a few bold ones, Kokabiel was pissed. He was swearing at the top of his lungs, throwing insults left and right. He tried to free himself from the shackles, throwing himself like a fish out of the water. But no matter how he tried, how pissed he was, he couldn't free himself. He was handcuffed with Magic Restraining Handcuffs.

Seeing that he can't do anything to them, the previously nervous crowd sighed in relief, they became even more daring as few started throwing things at him like food pieces or trash. That took Kokabiel's anger to another level.

But in the same moment, Razjeel along with two unknown Fallens ascended from the sky, landing next to Kokabiel.

"You motherfucker!!! It's all because of you!! Free me now so I can kill you!! FREE!!! ME!! NOW- *SLAP* Guah!!" Kokabiel started shouting furiously, spitting out saliva. Razjeel looked at him briefly and slapped him across his face. Instantly a bruise appeared on Kokabiel's face and a few teeth disappeared from their place.

" Hear me out, citizens of Grigori!" Razjeel said in a loud voice. "Today we gathered here to punish this man for the crimes he committed!!" The crowd was silent, carefully listening to him.

"Because of his actions, another war almost started. A war in which you and your families would become victims. That was an act against the Grigori, an act against you, the people!" People felt anger rising inside of them, they looked at Kokabiel sending him contemptuous glares.

"The law I introduced states that everyone is equal. So today is the day when you see for yourself! The man who lives the life of the animal, should die like an animal! Right now, I'm calling on all the people who have ever been hurt by him, come up and take your revenge!! Break his bones and cut his flesh for any harm he ever did to you!! This is your 'Galwad y Dioddefaint', this is your call of the suffering!!" Verve in his voice captivated the crowd.

As if shyly, at first only a few started walking closer and closer towards Kokabiel. They summoned their Light Weapon and stopped in front of the cursing Kokabiel. Young man raised a yellow dagger above his head with shaking hands, and with a yell and closed eyes, he slashed across Kokabiel's chest.

Seeing how he screamed in pain gave him a strange feeling of satisfaction. Breathing heavily he walked back among the crowd, leaving space for the next someone.

And like that, one by one, everyone from the crowd left their 'mark' on Kokabiel. Everyone in a different way. One man gouged out his eyes, another tore off his ears, one woman pulled out his fingernails, but the most remembered was a young girl, no older than 18. She, with tears all over her face, walked in front of him and with hateful glare, she smashed blue Light Mace at his balls, devastating them completely. Kokabiel didn't even scream in pain, only a small squeak escaped his mouth.

What made that even worse for Kokabiel, was two unknown Fallen Angels standing next to Razjeel. They were healers, very skilled if not one of the best in the Grigori. Healing every single injury, excluding loss of the eyes, ears, fingers and his "gems", they provided him an endless torture. Whenever he was on the verge of dying, the duo made sure he'd not pass away. That day, the capital has heard screams that will never be forgotten.

After a few hours, when the moon was high in the sky, the 'ceremony' came to an end. The crowd dispersed, along with two healers, leaving Razjeel alone with Kokabiel. Well, with that what was left of him.

Looking indifferently at now bleeding out Kokabiel, Razjeel didn't feel anything. His previous 'zealous' speech was nothing more than an act to win people's favor. In his eyes Kokabiel was garbage, an utter trash that he would have to eliminate sooner or later. Fortunately Kokabiel turned out to be more foolish than he looked, giving Razjeel's a great opportunity to strengthen his position in the eyes of the people.

With a small wave of his hand, a torrent of green flames devoured Kokabiel's body in an instant, leaving completely nothing left. The massacred man didn't even know when he died. Razjeel looked at the artificial moon for a moment before he started walking back to the palace, humming an unknown melody.

Chapter for you, hope you enjoy it.

Sorry for not posting for a week. I got a new tablet (because the battery died in the old one and it was not replecable one) and I had to over-log. But I forgot my password to my Google account and it took me some time to log in. This time I wrote down the password in the notebook on my phone, just in case.

I will also post few chapters of Demon Slayer FF, sorry for that.

ReeviNcreators' thoughts