
Chapter 11: Okamis Mark

After talking for a few more moments of conversation Okamis mind had finally calmed down witch eased her worries greatly

'As I thought my emotions arent natural, it would have taken anyone more then a day to come down from a state of pure insanity.. maybe it has something to do with my calamity class?'

[System]: The calamity-class comes with many benefits that involve the mind such as

- Mind Refinement: A technique that can improved by meditating while circulating ones own magic power (Mp) through there entire body, this technique prevents the degradation of ones mind in all forms and can even prevent depression, insanity, and other mind altering effects and diseases depending of ones development with said technique

- Current Development: Stage 1(Beginner)

- Applied Benefits: Tier 1 Mind Clarity, Tier 1 Mind Resistances, Tier 1 Telepath Resistance

'Well that explains alot.. though it is really annoying that this thing seems to only answer me when its convenient for it' She thought with a sour expression as Lilith entered the room and seated herself next to Okami on the bed

However this time she was joined by someone, it was the blond human we met in the forest

"What are you doing here I thought you would have ran off the first chance you got"

Okami had thought se had quenched her negative thoughts finally but for some odd reason she could feel her bloodlust scratching at the back of her mind

She would have just normally killed the girl who was causing her such an annoyance but she didnt want to deal with the memories that would follow soon after

For it seemed that the amount of torment her brain put her through was equivalent to the amount of bloodlust/killing intent she released

'I should definitely refine that technique the system mentioned, though I wonder why the effect dont show up in on my stats board?'

"N- n- No I wanted to help.. I felt I was somewhat at fault for what happened yesterday" Kir said with a shirt bow 'why the hell did you come back idiot?! Shes just going to kill you!' A reptilian sounding voice spoke in Kirs mind with a worried/aggravated tone

'Shush, I know that very well! If it comes down to it I'll just run as best I can'

"I see.." Okami stared at the girl for a few seconds before beckoning her closer

"Hmm, why do I sense multiple life forces asleep inside you?" She asked calmly while pressing her frigid hands against Kirs stomach

"I am a beast charmer.. emph! My tamed monsters rest inside a storage space placed inside of my body.. enn!" Kir squirmed from the sudden coldness against her bare stomach

Kir was currently had on a more casual attire that included a brown leather jacket that stopped mid-way down her sides, the jacket was rather large and was slowly sliding off the girls lean shoulders but to ones amazement it never fell off completely

The rest of her outfit was rather basic being a white cropped-top that hugged her lacking chest tightly while leaving everything else open to the viewers pleasure an a short pair of tight fitting pants that stopped just below her knees

The girl was barefoot at the moment (Likely because they were indoors) with messy curls that stuck out from all angles, she looked like she had just woken up from a peaceful nap

'What a masculine frame..' Okami commented in her mind while removing her palm from the girls bare abdomen

Lilith sat by the side practically fuming as she gave Kir a multitude of side glares all the while she was holding Okamis free arm rather tightly

"A beast charmer? Those are pretty rare do you work for some noble house?" Okamis knowledge may have been limited but she knew alot about the outside world before she evolved into whatever she was so she knew about many things she probably shouldn't have considering she was locked in a frozen tundra her entire life, how she got this knowledge? Who the fuck knows, but Okami didnt care to question it as it was pretty useless in her current situation

"N- no I am on my own, I've turned down a plethora of requests however" Kir said with a heavy breath and a hand over her chest, her embarrassed tone and expression sharply contrasted her tom-boy appeal but didn't do much to hurt her looks in the slightest

Despite what Lilith was thinking Okami was not swayed in the slightest by this girl and held absolutely zero affections for Kir, at most she saw the girl as something entertaining and nothing more nothing less

Okami thought for a moment while she glanced over at Lilith who was currently itching to rip this child's throat out

"Work for me then.. you can replace Inu and Zero-one I was planning on selling then off anyway"

"Wh- what?! You can't be serious!?" Lilith shouted looking Okami dead in the eyes with a pleading tone

"Of course I am.. why would I lie about such things, those two would be completely useless in any meaningful battle and Inus personality is rather boring, after restoring his emotions he still blindly follows whatever I tell him and even accepts anything I do to him without a single complaint.. not entertaining in the least" Okami said in one breath and a small sigh at the end

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to come between you and your partner, plus I'd rather work al- "

"You have mistaken my words to be some kind of generous offer.. No I wasn't giving you a choice, work for me or you will have exactly ten seconds to run as far as you can after that I'm not to be held accountable for Liliths actions

She said gesturing towards the pouting girl leaning on her shoulder

Kir pressed her lips before exhaling deeply in surrender, "Fine.. but can I ask what you expect of me?"

"Nothing, as long as you follow any order your given and stay by my side you can do whatever you want, however I will be tracking your location at all times"

"And how will you be doing that?" Okami grinned over at Lilith as she gestured for Kir to lean her head down

Okami cupped the girls chin before dipping her head down into Kir's neck, feeling Okamis cool breath touch her sensitive skin Kir gasped but what happened next left her speechless

Lilith stared wide eyed as Okami gently bit into the side of Kirs neck pinching her tanned skin between her front teeth

Once Okami lifted her head the mark on Kirs neck began to freeze over and form silvery blue octagram that encased a skull pattern in its center


[Overlords Sigil - (Rainbow)]:

A Symbol Representing One Of The Seven Great Calamities, The Calamity Of Death And Sin (Okami), Those Who Have Acquired This Sigil Are Officially Recognized By Said Calamity As A Trusted Individual In There Court/Group

This Sigil Can Only Be Removed By The Owner And No One Else (Okami), As Long As You Hold This Sigil You May Not Accept Another Calamities Mark Nor May You Acknowledge Any Master/Boss Other Then The Owner Of This Sigil (Okami)

While This Sigil Is Active You May Not Harm The One Deemed As Your Master/Boss

If Any Lie Is Spoken In Return To Your Masters Questions Or Inquires Heavy Penalties Will Be Applied

While Branded With This Sigil Your Life Will Belong Completely To Its Owner (Okami), As Such Your Vitals, Location And Magic Power Will All Be Transmitted At The Owners Discretion, While This Sigil Cannot Force Ones Actions Or Outright Kill Its Host A Variety Of Penalties May Be Chosen By The Owner Of This Mark As Subtle Punishments

The Host Of This Mark Will Receive Certain Benefits And A Total Percentage Of There Masters Attributes Depending On Class (This Does Not Drain Owners Attributes Or Take Anything Away From The Owner) And Will Be Able To Sense When There Master Is Any Mortal Danger

When Host Of Mark Drains There Mp Pool Casting A Spell/Skill The Required Amount Of Mana Will Be Siphoned From The Mark's Owner To Fuel The Spell/Skill, If Owner Of The Mark Dose Not Have Enough Mp Help With Said Spell Or The Siphon Will Be Extremely Detrimental (Such As Life Threatening Events) To Them This Effect Cannot Be Turned Off (This Is Not Optional)

When The Host Of This Mark Dies They Can Be Resurrected By sacrificing 200% Of The Hosts Total Hp (If Hosts Hp Is 1K The 2K Hp is Required For resurrection) A Certain Amount Of Exp Depending On The Power Of Said host Or A Sufficient Number Of Credits That Equals Out To The Value Of The Other Two Costs (Resurrection Is Optional And Is Up To The Owners Discretion)

< Calamity Specific Effects >

Working Under The Calmaity Of Death/Sin Grant's The Host Complete Immunity To Any And All Instant Death Magic Or Skills (Does Not Provide An Immunity To Death Its Self, Immunity Can Be Bypassed If The Being Who Cast It Is At Least Three Times More Powerful Then Owner)

Killing A Powerful Enemy Allows You To Absorb A Part Of There Soul To Make Your Self Stronger

All Neagtive, Dark, Blood, Or Ice Type Skills/Spells Receive A 50% Boost

Attunments No Hold Any Significance To You As Long As The Owner Of This Mark Has Good Understanding Of A Certain Element You Will Be Able To Master It With Enough Training

Gain The Following Skills For As Long As This Mark Is Present:

- [Deaths Grace]: Enchant Any Compatable Object With The A Weak Instant Death Effect That Only Afflicts Beings That Are Far Weaker Then You, Otherwise The Enchantment Will Only Improve The Object To Certain Degree And Provide A Degree Of Negative Damage

- [Dark Servant]: - Passive - Attributes Are Worth Double, Deal Double Negative Damage, Receive Double Holy Damage, +50% Resistance To Negative Energy, 15% Of Negative Damage Heals Instead Of Harms You

< Cost To Cast:(First Cast Free) 10Lvls, 45% Of Total Mp >


In her embarrassment Kir forgot to read the notification infront of her as she held her neck witha reddened face

"See her reactions are so much better" Okami mused to herself before speaking again

"Kir I will leave Inu and Zero-one to you Kill, sell, or even feed them to your let's it dosnt matter to me"

Kir nodded as she quickly left the room to do as she was told

"Now, is there something youd like to add hun?" Okami grinned teasingly over twords the girl who was now sitting on the edge of the soft wooden bed

"You did that on purpose.. You could have just planted with mark on her without any physical contact"

"I could have, but I wouldn't get to see you all worked up" Okami laughed genuinely before hugging the girl from behind, there relationship might have just started but she felt as if she had known this girl for years, it was hard to explain why she felt this way but Okami didn't care she was too caught up in teasing her new partner

"There isnt a need to feel so jealous my little parasite, You are the only person left on this accursed planet who can make me feel this way so stop worrying so much I'm not going anywhere"

Lilith pouted as she snuggled into Okmai lovingly embrace, "I dont believe you.." She spat still a bit angry

"Oh? And what is causing such disbelief?"

"You could be faking it.. like you told me earlier you dont have any strong emotions left so you put on a happy face and pretend"

Okami frowned at Liliths retorts, taking a deep breath her smile disappeared giving way to her normal cold and dead eyes that didnt seem to hold any joy in this world

"Is this the face youd rather see?" Lilith shivered as she peered deep into Okamis red orbs, she could tell Okamj was upset and that she crossed a line she shouldn't have

"S- sorry.." Lilith mumbled quickly looking away with a slight fear about her as she slouched further down

Okami could feel a natural grin creep up on her face as she kissed the girls forehead

"I promise my feelings are genuine, I've only ever felt this way with one other person... and they are no longer around, so dont question my feelings again okay?" Okamis voice was gentle and reassuring causing Liliths leftover complaints to fade away as Okami gently pet the girls hair

"Y- yes.." Lilith was extremely embarrassed she had never been treated in such a way before, in all her previous relationships she had been the one in charge, the one who gave the orders, the one who was always on top, but this girl made her feel the opposite she loved being held this way and pampered by Okami, and she was already painfully aware of who was actually in charge in between the two of them but be that as it may Lilith still didnt want to go down without a fight

But her comeback would be saved for later as she savored the sweet moments between them


An hour or so passed and the two ended up fooling around in bed again until a knock on the door took them both by surprise

Okami quickly covered Lilith with the bedsheets as she stood up and through on a random shirt that was thrown onto the floor

"What is it Kir?" Okami said opening the door slightly annoyed

Kirs face turned beat red as she quickly turned her head

Okami had picked up Liliths shirt frombefore and didnt bother to button everything up and as such not much could be left to the imagination

"Ive done as you've asked.. I just came to ask if there was anything else you need"

'Hmm she seems to be taking this whole serving me seriously at least'

"Hmm, yes actually do some scouting and find us a permanent place to stay Lilith paid off the owner of this place but I'd rather not stay in a building infested with rats" (Said rats she mentioned were about 5'5 on average evolved from apes and had the odd tendency to piss her off beyond belief)

"Yes I'll get straight to work." Kir bowed her head before turning to leave however Okami just grinned as she stepped into the hallway closing the door behind her

"First get some rest and take care of your needs first I am egar to leave this place but there is no rush.. Is there anything else you need?"

"H- how did you know what I wanted to ask?" Kir stood there confused as she shrunk infront of the giant woman infront of her (Gaint compared to her)

"Its written all over your face.. Lilith gets very jealous so I decided to step out and talk with you instead"

"I- I see.. well then what is the topic you wished to discuss?" Kir added trying to sound as polite as possible

"Simple!" Okami beamed clasping her hands together with a ecstatically, even through her words seemed joyous Kir shivered in fear as a burning sensation began to spread out from her mark

"Tell me what happened before I arrived at that river.." Okamis personality morphed back into its usual cold and unfeeling state the previous shin and glean she held in her ruby eyes was now completely gone making them seem as if they had thin film over them

Kir breaths hastened as she stared down at the floor in submission

"I was looking for one of my lost pets.. when I found Lil- " Kirs words became lodged I'm her throat when she heard Okami take a step forward

"I mean when I noticed Miss Lilith bathing in the river it wasn't my intention to peep I promise"

"That's all I wanted to know your free to leave" Okami said cheerfully as she reapplied her happy facade

"Your lucky I gave you that mark or I wouldn't have believed such a simple story" Okami said with a sadistic grin as she slipped back into the room

As soon as Okami was out of sight Kir felt her body tremble with pure terror that was only amplified by from the stinging sensation originating from her neck

She stood there for a while longer before returning to her room, she didnt want to go outside In such a panicked state


Back in there room sighed as she plopped her bottom onto the bed

"Your really upset over something so petty?" She asked raising a questioning eyebrow

"Of course not, it's the fact that she tried to run away and was the cause of the misunderstanding that sunt you over the edge that day, for that I should rip out her tounge and feed it to her" Lilith said casually while reading a miniature sized book that she had propped up against a pillow

"Whatever helps you sleep better hun" Okami joked as she stretched her body

"I guess we should actually be doing something other then sitting around" Okami suggested as while looking out of the glass window

Lilith smirked looking up from her book while kicking her legs in the air, "You want to go another round? I must say your sex drive is quite impressive" She joked rolling over onto her back

Okami didnt respond as she continued watching the people pass by on the sidewalks below, Lilith was about to keep messing with her when Okamis suddenly stood up interrupting her before she began

"I sense something.." Okami simply said three words before she immediately began pulling her clothes on

After getting dressed both of them quickly left the room with Kir following behind groggily

Walking out into the center of the paved street Okami clicked her tounge as she spotted the approaching army dressed in silvers and golds

"Isnt that the kings men?" Okami said folding her arms infron of her

Lilith was the one to answer first who also shared her annoyance, "Yes but theres no way hes here for us after all it would be impossible for him to find our location without sending a spy or tracking us"

"He couldn't have used such a spell on me or I would have known" Okami voiced her thoughts outloud witch was becoming a bad habbit for her

"Wither way though there still here" Kir spoke up behind the two of them

"True.. I guess I'll really need to deal with him before anything else"