
Rise Of Hero With Unranked Talent

Tags- #Apocalypse, #R18 Alert: Government inform that there are monsters coming out of the Portal like things that just appeared. Public is advised to stay in the homes for time being until Government send next message saying otherwise. And people who have awakened skills from B to S rank please report to your near government office. This alert from Government caused the waves of panic in public but no one was courageous enough to deny this alert and throw away their lives by going out. But there was rich boy who was training his stamina by staying in the water. He was boy of 19 who inherited all the wealth from his parents after his father died. When He was under water a blue transparent screen appeared in front of him. [ Ding! Host is 66666th candidate to connect with Supernatural system helping many races fighting against the descending apocalypse. ] [ Ding! Host has awakened Unranked Talent- Edit ] [ Ding! Host can now access the status window ]

Fantasy_Bringer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 3- Buying First Skill Book

I started playing with the dagger made with Keros Supernatural metal. Although at first I wanted to make sword instead of dagger because using dagger means that I have to go into very short distance of Monster to fight. But as I was making sword That exhaustion was too overwhelming for to me continue with shaping process. 

Few minutes passed as I was playing with dagger and with this dagger I was feeling so much safe. Then I started to go through the skill- books available on multi- race trade feature. 

There were also Demon, Spirits and angels in those races. 

Presence of demon among these races got me thinking, Is demon race was also invaded by the monsters. I was shocked at this because in many books demons were portrayed as the invaders of world but here in this case, but here they are also victim of monsters.

Now, I can not imagine who is behind this monsters invasion. 

All D- Rank skill were priced at the 1000- 2500 cosmic coins. Skills were further divided into passive and active skills. 

I was more interested in the passive skills because I don't want to find out that during using active skill, I had run out of energy to use it and can not it anymore.

I now have the attack method using dagger, what is left is to get a support or defence based skill.

There were many such skill to buy but I have to cosmic coins to buy them for now. 

As I was going through a loud voice from the one side of walls of my house. 

I was feeling a little terrified because all the security alarms were ringing. If it was a normal scenario even bullet would not be able to penetrate the walls or glasses of my house because material used in building my house was really class making it one of the safe place. 

But now it can't be said anymore because for monsters destroying these places were easily cutting butter with a knife. 

This voice grew loud and loud. A shadow of wolf like creature appeared in front of me. 

Next came the pungent smell of blood and aura of killing and violence. 

Eyes of wolf came in the view which was so domineering that I felt my heart beating so fast and my hands holding the dagger was now shivering and vibrating in fear.

This wolf was of black and green colour which is very odd colour for wolf but this wasn't no normal wolf but a monster straight out of fantasy. 

I wanted to flee back and run but deep down I knew that with my physical fitness now I can not outrun this monster.

Monster lunged in my direction and it was do fast that I could not even move in other direction to dodge this attack.

  But remembering my practiced fighting techniques and martial arts. I brought my dagger forward to block its attack. 

As attack landed, there was a huge strength impact behind that claw attack which directly thrown me toward the wall crashing me.

My inner organs was smashed with this pressure and claw of wolf injured my holding the dagger. 

[ Ding! Host is affected with D- Rank poison of shadow wolf ]

[ Ding! Host is loosing 2 Every second, and health recovery is blocked by its effect ]

My health points got a big hit from strength below and now it is health points is decreasing every moment. 

Now I was on my wits end and can only resort to my last and hidden card which involved the hidden effect of the dagger.

Activating this effect, I felt strong surge of strength coursing through my veins making me feel like I can now easily take down this wolf. But, I knew it best to not confuse this boost of energy with omnipotence. So, I still moved with caution. 

Taking out dagger with caution, I stabbed it on the upcoming next claw attack.

Although I was also attacking this time with buff effect but I still have to take that impact but as I was prepared for this impact so effect was less serious but decreased a huge chuck of my Health Points.

Dagger got stuck in skin of wolf continuously decreasing his health, Wolf whimpered in pain for a little but then a red glint passed in his eyes and he started attacking me like a mad dog. 

I was under pressure because longer I use the hidden effect of dagger the more severe the side effect will be. 

So, I looked for right moment in the barrage of attack thrown by Shadow wolf, and at finding that right moment I attacked on the stuck dagger pushing it even more deeper. This final impact of dagger and loosing health points over time along with being affected by the energy draining effect of effect finally killed the wolf.

[ Ding! Host has killed the D-rank shadow wolf. ]

[ Ding! Calculating the Experience points for killing monsters ]

[ Ding! Difference in Rank of host and monster is too high so Experience points can not be analyzed ]

[ Ding! System has initiated a new Levelling system for the planet Number 9999 ]

[ Ding! Global Announcement- Monster of every rank will drop the crystal corresponding to each attribute. People can absorb these crystal to gain strength. For every successful rank up, people need to absorb the 10 crystal of each attribute. Monster can also drop other loot Including but not limited to skill book. ]

There was some crystals in the place of body of shadow wolf along with a book shaped item.

I picked them up and new notification appeared on the screen. 

[ Ding! Host posses D- Rank crystal of Strength, Agility and Defence. But Host is recommended to first absorb the 10 F- Rank crystals of all attribute before proceeding with E- Rank. ]

[ Ding! These crystals will automatically be stored in Inventory ]

[ Ding! Host has acquired D- Rank passive skill book passive based- Poison resistance ]

[ Poison Resistance- D- Rank- Passive Super skill- Host of this skill can negate the effect Poison of up to E- rank and can resist D- Rank poison but will still need other help to get rid of poison ]

[ Does host want to learn this skill ]

[ Yes ]  [ No ]

I quickly clicked on the Yes button because after Hidden effect of dagger wears off, poison started to work more quickly on body spreading to every part. After I learned this skill noting about my body changed but i can feel that poison that was previously making me go unconscious. But now that hazy feeling went off, and I still need to use something to solve the problem with. 

But normal anti- toxic medicine would not work on this poison according to my guess. But what can I  possibly do here. 

[ Ding! Dwarf Hephaestus have bought you Keros metal ]

[ You have have received 3000 cosmic coins ]

[ Ding! You have received friend request from Dwarf Hephaestus ]

[ Does host want to accept this Friend Request ]

[ Yes ]  [ No ]

My whole concentration was on that 3000 Cosmic coins  and I ignored the friend request for now.

"Shit! My luck is working really good. these coins just arrived on time. Now I can buy some kind of skill to solve the present situation." I said to myself.

I had already many skills and I know which one to buy. So, I clicked  on skill a list and bought one.

[ Ding! Host has bought D- Rank passive and active skill Super healing ]

[ Super healing- D- Rank- Passive Skill- Host of the skill will have super fast healing ability which can help in recovering from wounds and negative state like poison or dizziness]

[ Passive effect- It provide supernatural fast healing. ]

[ Active effect- By touching someone and on activating this effect, person who was touched can heal super fast but it will that person calories stored in that person's body to heal. ]

Passive effect of this skill started its effect and in few minutes recovered me from poison.

Now I looked here and there and found my dagger which I stored in the inventory. I didn't noticed any other monster in the surroundings which it was alone. 

Remembering the friend request from before I was now in delima whether to accept or reject it. Because it was not from other human but fantasy race of dwarf from another planet which i guessed from the notification of system naming the earth as 9999th planet.