
Rise Of Hero With Unranked Talent

Tags- #Apocalypse, #R18 Alert: Government inform that there are monsters coming out of the Portal like things that just appeared. Public is advised to stay in the homes for time being until Government send next message saying otherwise. And people who have awakened skills from B to S rank please report to your near government office. This alert from Government caused the waves of panic in public but no one was courageous enough to deny this alert and throw away their lives by going out. But there was rich boy who was training his stamina by staying in the water. He was boy of 19 who inherited all the wealth from his parents after his father died. When He was under water a blue transparent screen appeared in front of him. [ Ding! Host is 66666th candidate to connect with Supernatural system helping many races fighting against the descending apocalypse. ] [ Ding! Host has awakened Unranked Talent- Edit ] [ Ding! Host can now access the status window ]

Fantasy_Bringer · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 2- Bitter Truth

Her message opened and there was a flood of information included in it.

{ Government Confidential Information- This is being informed that A meteor has been crashed down from outer space. From then on dimensional portal has started opening all over the planet.

Scientists have discovered that crashed meteor from space was a ball shaped object made of unknown material. It has been going down to core of earth digging its way to that place. They have discovered that this ball is changing the magnetic field of earth and spatial and dimensional fabric of earth which further cause the space disturbance resulting in the dimensional portal opening. 

It is estimated that all the technological based products would be rendered useless when that ball shaped object reach core of earth. 

Humans have mutated with unknown energy brought by the spatial portals. But instead of changing shapes they awakened talents. And in theories provided by many prominent scientists, It is being guessed that that ball is system connecting all the awakened people through system screen. 

Awakened talents include many ranks from S to F level, and S Rank have highest potential to become strong while F Rank have lowest potential among all the awakened talents. There are some exceptions where people awaken Unranked talent but these talents are not strong for people awakening it to gather strength to fight against monsters.

People witnessing this information are warned not send this information to anyone. Government will provide equipment to people with B- Rank talent or stronger talent after it was completer. Which can help them discover places where portal are, so they reach out there and kill monsters before they cause destruction. }

This message was kind of eye opener for me because it revealed so much information that overwhelmed me for a while. So, I took a big breath in and read the next part of written by the Riya.

"Genesis experience of us being together was wonderful for me and will always stay as beautiful memories of me. But now the situation have changed, this world does not depend on money anymore, it depend on Rank of talent now. And we are not compatible for each other. So, try to be. I will repay your favour in future because I am not someone ungrateful. So, it is time for both of us to move on."

I always thought Riya was different from other girl who wanted my money but at the end it was all da*n same thing. I was disappointed more in myself than her because I failed to recognize her true intentions.

Although moving on is hard for me but moved on and thought that in future I would never trust anyone I still thought back to what was I actually doing. Then I remembered about the Edit thing with metal refining.

I clicked on the screen opening the same screen from initial status window.

[ Ding! Host can edit to add the features up to the limit where It would be D- Rank Super natural skill, But it can not exceed D- Rank ]

I typed on the screen and added a feature.

[ Metal Refining ( Edit Attempt ) - Host of the skill can manipulate the metal by consuming the mental or spirit energy as he want. ]

But next moment which notification appeared it shattered all my fantasies of manipulating metal as in those novels.

[ Ding! Edit attempt has failed ]

[ Ding! Description added in the edit attempt has exceeded the limit of D- Ranked Edit chance. ]

I thought hard and came to a decision of remaining as business man instead of becoming a fighter. 

[ Metal Refining ( Edit Attempt ) - Host of skill can refine the ordinary metal into metal of similar rank to skill level. Host can do it with consuming the mental energy and without using any kind of equipment. Refinement method will keep consuming mental energy during this process. Host can shape refined metal into any shape but it will consume a big burst of Mental energy. It will have proficiency level of 1 to 100%. After gaining hundred percent it will evolve to next rank which will reduce the cost of energy consumption and increase range of use  ]

[ Ding! Edit attempt is needed to be customized. ]

[ Ding! Does host want system to customize it for the host to the D- Rank skill ]

[ Accept ]  [ Reject ]

I do not want to think any harder to come with exact description to customize because it may even take me a whole day to figure out the correct description. So, I clicked on the accept Button and new window explaining my new skill appeared.

[ Metal Refining ( D- Rank Supernatural Skill )- This skill consume 2 mind energy for every minute spent on refining and 5 mind energy for shaping the refining method. Host can refine and shape ordinary metal into D- rank metal with mind energy. Host will feel exhausted after using it. The exhaustion effect will take effect in time depending on the overall attributes of Host. ]

Now I thought that I should get on work to make something with metal refined with this powerful skill. 

Now I was in delima as to choose what metal for my first refining. Should it be Iron, silver, gold, titanium or Keros metal alloy that I created.

At last, I chose to go with Keros. Spending 15 minutes I refined 15 kg of Keros into D- rank Supernatural metal. At last I spent big time shaping 3 kg of it into D- Rank Dagger. But during this whole time I didn't felt any energy leaving my body but suddenly a exhaustion washed over me so it was effect mentioned in the skill description.

[ D- Rank Keros Dagger- This Dagger is made of unique supernatural metal keros. It can penetrate the skin of D- Rank monsters. It will weaken the energy usage of the monster at injuring monster ]

[ Dagger Hidden effect- Host can trigger this effect whenever he want which would give 10+ state boost to all attribute but host would not be able to fight anymore for the time period of 2 hours. ]

As I just shaped it and held in my hand. A new notification appeared. 

[ Ding! Host possess a supernatural item and opened a trade feature ]

[ Ding! As item exceed E- rank, host can access the trade feature of multiple races ]

Scrolling Down the trade section of multiple races that there were many interesting and fantasy things like Skill books, super Items, bloodline and many more. But all those things were sold in exchange of Cosmic coins. But in corner my balance of cosmic coins was zero. It was the first time of me feeling like poor. It felt really bad.

According to the fantasy novels, Dwarfs are race who love new kind of metal and see new kind of made weapon. I was sure in my self that modern designed metal keros made by me would surely tempt them. So, I Put 10 Kg supernatural keros metal on trade with Dwarfs and let system decide its value And it deciding value in terms of cosmic coins.

[ 10 Kg keros metal ( Unique Metal Alloy )- 3000 Cosmic coins ]

I was happy with the price because D- Rank metal were priced at the 150 cosmic coins per kg. I think price of my metal was so high due to the effects and buffs it provide. 

But will they buy my metal at this price? I was now second guessing my decision of it's so high prices. 

My biggest worry as of now was to discover as how to get more Edit chances.