
Rise from the Ashes : Burn Girl

My boyfriend dumped me after he got accepted to Tsinghua University with a beautiful straight-A student. However, after the college entrance exam, I was the only one who got accepted to Tsinghua, and was invited to give a speech on stage as the representative of the successful students. They could only watch from below.

Hayden_Y_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


Waiting for the results was very long,

but it seemed like just a moment.

During these three days, I forgot what I was doing and couldn't focus on my studies at all.

Every day, the final exam questions flashed before my eyes when I opened a book.

Every night, I had dreams.

Sometimes, I dreamed that I won and scored more than 700 points, far exceeding Qiu Ting, and I laughed out loud in the dream.

Sometimes, I dreamed that I lost and failed by just one point, standing at the school gate and bowing to Qiu Ting's mocking face to apologize.

The people around me let out a loud whistle, and I woke up in a cold sweat from the nightmare.

I reposted various good luck images on Weibo, thanking the little dog for blocking bad luck and the Zhen Huan for blocking bad people.

I felt like I was going crazy.

But before I even had a chance to react, it was time for the results to come out.

Sitting at the table, my mood swung between tension and calm.

On the one hand, I felt that the result didn't matter anymore, and what I achieved today proved everything.

As far as I am concerned, I have already succeeded.

However, on the other hand, as soon as I think about Qiu Ting pressing down on me again, I become angry and even despair!

I was fighting with myself like this, and it was clear that Qiu Ting was also very nervous, constantly taking deep breaths.

Jiang Shu Hua was sitting next to her, comforting her.

"It's okay, Ting Ting, no matter how good Qiao Ru's level is, she definitely won't be able to surpass you."

The followers also came over and said, "Yeah, Qiu Ting, Qiao Ru just had a bit of luck before, she won't catch up to you in her lifetime!"

I completely ignored them and just watched the teacher walk into the classroom.

The homeroom teacher had a big smile on his face as he walked up to the podium.

"Be quiet, classmates, the final grades are out! Be quiet!"

All the classmates in the class returned to their seats and stopped talking, and more than 50 pairs of eyes were fixed on him.

"Our class did well in this exam. Not only did we have the highest average grade in the grade, but the top two students in the grade are also in our class!"

The homeroom teacher's eyes swept over me and Qiu Ting and picked up the list in his hand.

I held my breath, and the sound of a needle dropping could be heard in the classroom!

Qiu Ting and I both knew that these two people must be us.

But the difference between first and second place is vast, and second place has no meaning. Only first place is the real winner!

"Second place..." The teacher dragged out the tone.

My heart was beating wildly, each beat almost jumping out of my chest.

"Second place, Qiu Ting! 697 points, Qiu Ting is very excellent, with full marks in two subjects, keep it up!"

A thunderbolt split the sky, and Qiu Ting's body shook violently before collapsing onto Jiang Shu Hua.

However, Jiang Shu Hua didn't reach out to support her, but just opened his mouth in shock and turned to look at me in disbelief, as if he had seen a ghost!

"First place..." The teacher continued.

At this moment, my heart was unusually calm.

I had enough confidence in myself, and this confidence came from absolute strength.

"First place, Qiao Ru, too amazing, I don't even know what to say!

"Qiao Ru, 701! With this score, getting into Tsinghua University is no problem. Qiao Ru, you must persist in studying, don't be proud and don't slack off!"

Qiu Ting turned violently and knocked the table behind her crooked.

Her face was pale and her expression was indescribable, as if she wanted to eat my flesh and blood.

I feel like she's going to come over here and bite me to death any second now.

I give her a slight nod and make a mouth shape:

"Don't forget, your promise."

The classroom is quiet for a moment, then explodes.

Everyone twists their neck to look at me exaggeratedly, they're even too shocked to gasp, they just stare in shock.

After a while, everyone ignores the homeroom teacher and starts to make a racket!

"Damn, Qiao Ru is too badass, she really came in first!"

"Genius, she's only been here for a semester, maybe she's really a prodigy."

"I give up, I really give up, this is just too much...Qiu Ting really needs to go apologize to her?"

Their faces are all full of surprise and admiration, their eyes are full of disbelief and admiration.

I look around, my heart fills with an indescribable feeling.

I still remember before, these people weren't like this at all.

They all used to mock me.

Delusional, no sense, out of this world, full of crap...

Those are things they used to say about me.

However, five months later, I used my strength to slap each and every one of their faces.

Now they all know, I wasn't just talking crap when I said I was Qiao Ru.

I have the absolute strength to support my goals!

I have the ability to follow through on what I say!

I enjoy these praises and compliments, but suddenly an image of a smiling face flashes through my mind--

Yin Xiucheng's face.

I think...I want to tell him this good news!