
Rise from the Ashes : Burn Girl

My boyfriend dumped me after he got accepted to Tsinghua University with a beautiful straight-A student. However, after the college entrance exam, I was the only one who got accepted to Tsinghua, and was invited to give a speech on stage as the representative of the successful students. They could only watch from below.

Hayden_Y_ · Urban
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19 Chs


As I was walking out of school at night, I could feel that people around me were looking at me.

They pointed at me and whispered to each other.

"That's Qiao Ru, right? So cool!"

Before, there were a lot of people like this too, but back then they would say: "That's the troublemaker Qiao Ru."

I was feeling a mix of emotions when my arm was suddenly grabbed tightly.

It hurt so much that I gasped and turned around to see Qiu Ting.

Right, she still has a bet with me that she hasn't fulfilled yet, I almost forgot.

Qiu Ting looks crazy right now, her long nights of staying up have made her cheeks sink in, her eyes are black and blue, she looks like a female ghost.

Her expression is twisted right now, her eyes are full of red veins, she's holding a roll of papers and shouting:

"Qiao Ru! This question was graded wrong, I just went to the teacher and got my points back, I'm now 701.5, I'm first, I wasn't crushed by you, I'm really first!"

The classmates around us exploded, this famous bet is almost known by everyone in the school.

Right now everyone is crowded at the entrance watching the commotion, the school entrance is packed.

"How about it?" She looks at me viciously, her nails almost digging into my flesh.

"Trash will always be trash!" Her mouth twists into an exaggerated and twisted smile, "You'll never beat me!"

The people around us, who didn't expect this twist, whisper to each other:

"Well, it's Qiu Ting after all, she's always been first, she really does have the skills."

"Too bad, it was just 0.5, Qiao Ru is pretty good too, but the time was just too short..."

The people around me are noisy, some are supporting Qiu Ting, some are feeling sorry for me.

I shake her hand off fiercely and Qiu Ting stumbles.

"Qiao Ru, you better say it! Just admit that your crap isn't worth anything now, admit it! I'll be willing to lose the bet, don't let me look down on you!--"

Qiu Ting is about to come at me again, I dodge her and take my backpack off my shoulder.

Qiu Ting thinks I'm going to follow through on the bet, she's excited and her eyes light up, she takes out her phone and starts filming me.

This person is really vicious, she still wants to record this moment.

Looks like I don't need to feel sorry for her anymore.

I slowly unzip my bag and take out a roll of papers, I unfold it in front of the crowd.

The original score of 95 on the papers has been crossed out and replaced with a 100.

I smiled and looked into Qiu Ting's eyes, "I'm sorry, I also found 5 points back, my score should be 706.

"Come on, admit that you're not as good as me and apologize."

I returned her words to her verbatim.

"Qiu Ting, I'll be willing to lose the bet, don't let me look down on you."

Qiu Ting's expression visibly fades from bright red to white!

Her face is pale and she stammers:

"It's impossible...this is impossible...I'm the first...I'm the first!"

There's a commotion in the round!

This time, almost everyone gasps in shock.

The round explodes with noise, everyone is saying something, most of them are mocking Qiu Ting.

As I watch them blame Qiu Ting, I suddenly feel a sense of dizziness.

When I challenged her, everyone was saying I was talking nonsense.

Everything seems to have turned upside down.

Qiu Ting stood dejectedly in place, her legs giving way and collapsing onto her classmate's body.

Perhaps feeling embarrassed, the little follower who had always been with her pushed Qiu Ting away and vanished into the crowd.

Only Qiu Ting was left, sitting dazed on the ground, muttering, "Impossible...impossible..."

Looking at her almost unconscious state, I suddenly found it very boring.

Qiu Ting has become accustomed to sitting on the throne.

Once pulled down, she collapses entirely.

Such a person is no longer worthy of being my opponent.

I looked down at Qiu Ting and said softly, "If you don't want to keep your promise, that's fine, but I have no respect for you."

As I said this, I turned to leave.

Everyone quietly made way for me.

A few steps out, just as I was about to get in the car, I suddenly heard Qiu Ting's shout from behind:

"Qiao Ru, I'm sorry, I admit I'm not as good as you!"

"But, I don't accept this. I will definitely reclaim first place next time!"

I hesitated for a moment, but did not turn back, getting in the car and returning home.