
Rise from the Ashes : Burn Girl

My boyfriend dumped me after he got accepted to Tsinghua University with a beautiful straight-A student. However, after the college entrance exam, I was the only one who got accepted to Tsinghua, and was invited to give a speech on stage as the representative of the successful students. They could only watch from below.

Hayden_Y_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


During the last month before the final exams, Qiu Ting and I both started studying frantically.

Now we both knew that we were the only ones who were truly rivals.

In this showdown, there can only be a winner and a loser, no ties.

The winner is showered with praise and admiration from everyone.

The loser is humiliated and disgraced.

Qiu Ting has always had a reputation as a genius.

She used to always say that she never studied at home, that she relied entirely on her natural intelligence.

Now she no longer says that, and instead stays after class to study without even going to the bathroom.

I've seen her come to class several times with big dark circles under her eyes, obviously having stayed up all night.

Unlike before when she was carefree and relaxed, she now truly feels threatened by me.

I am both pleased and anxious, wishing I could squeeze in 25 hours of studying into each day.

The class spectators have also gradually started to get excited. When I first said I was going to challenge Qiu Ting, everyone unanimously mocked me.

However, after the fifth monthly exams, no one said I was being unrealistic anymore.

Power makes everyone shut up.

No one dares to look down on the strong.

Even many people are starting to speculate that I might really surpass Qiu Ting.

I even saw Qiu Ting and one of her followers argue because of this issue, with the follower trying to persuade Qiu Ting not to worry too much.

Qiu Ting uncontrollably scolded her: "What am I worried about?! Does Qiao Ru deserve to make me worry?!"

"If you can't talk, then shut your mouth!"

The follower didn't dare say anything and walked away unhappily.

I heard this and wasn't angry.

Qiu Ting's state is exactly what shows that she's afraid.

She knows that I really might be able to surpass her.


Finally, the day of the final exams arrived.

The day before the exams, Yin Xiucheng didn't give me any more tutoring.

He brought me a carton of fresh milk: "Drink it while it's hot, and then go to sleep soon."

"Get some rest early today, you'll need energy to go to battle tomorrow."

I was already so nervous that my heart was beating faster, and yet I suddenly felt panicked.

My forehead and palms were constantly sweating.

What if I don't do better than Qiu Ting on the exams?

What if I'm not as good as her, after all she has been working hard too.

She already had a good foundation, and with all this extra effort, will she have made even more progress?

Do I really have to go to the school gate and shout that I'm a worthless dog?

I can't live like that!

I'll become a joke, a joke that helped create the myth of Qiu Ting's achievements!

"Yin Xiucheng,"I looked at him fearfully and said in a trembling voice, "What if I don't pass her? What should I do?"

I thought he would continue to insult me as usual and curse me for being nothing.

But I didn't expect Yin Xiucheng to stretch out his hand and touch my head.

His hand was rough and dry, but warm, as if it had magic powers that calmed my anxiety.

"Hey, Qiao Ru, are you doubting me?" he said.

"My students can't be worse than others?"

He squatted by my bedside and looked at me.

Yin Xiucheng's pupils were dark and deep, and when he stared at someone, it seemed to be able to draw their soul into it.

Suddenly, I felt a little hot on my face.

After a while, he laughed.

"You can do it.

"Actually, you are very smart. Before, it was because of your poor foundation, but now you have made up for it. You must be stronger than anyone else.

"I say you can win, you can definitely win."

It's the first time that Yin Xiucheng seriously complimented me.

I felt my eyes welling up with tears, but my heart became calm.

I thought, even if I don't believe in myself, I should believe in Yin Xiucheng.

I can definitely do it.