
Rise from the Ashes : Burn Girl

My boyfriend dumped me after he got accepted to Tsinghua University with a beautiful straight-A student. However, after the college entrance exam, I was the only one who got accepted to Tsinghua, and was invited to give a speech on stage as the representative of the successful students. They could only watch from below.

Hayden_Y_ · Urban
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19 Chs


After that day, I didn't go out to play anymore, focusing all my energy on studying.

I suddenly understood Yin Xiu Cheng's words.

Learning is the power we give ourselves to choose our own lives.

I started getting up earlier and sleeping later.

Every morning at 5 a.m., I would recite 100 words before going to morning self-study.

I would take notes during class, and review during class breaks.

I no longer took naps during lunchtime, instead I would close my eyes and recite the most recently learned content while relaxing my eyes.

After school, I would walk home and listen to English listening exercises with headphones on, and Yin Xiu Cheng would help me review for two to three hours. After he left, I would review for another hour on my own.

Before sleeping, I would review the content learned throughout the day, and if I couldn't remember something I would get up to look at it until I had it all sorted out.

Even my dreams were about studying, and I would even wake up in the middle of the night to suddenly look at a knowledge point.

At first, my mom was very happy to see me making such great progress and would show off to others every day. She would also make me different kinds of good food at home.

However, now she's afraid, and every day at meal times she anxiously tries to persuade me:

"Ru Ru, take a break, what will happen if you exhaust your body?"

I can't rest. When I rest, I feel a deep sense of guilt.

Even when I go to the bathroom, I think about what Qiu Ting is doing now.

Is she studying?

If that's the case, then I'm falling behind her again.


Days pass by like this, and I sometimes forget about time.

I can only see my grades rising at a terrifying speed.

The third monthly exam, 16th place.

The fourth monthly exam, 8th place.

By the time of the fifth monthly exam, I even overtook Jiang Shu Hua, losing to Qiu Ting by only three points.

When the grades were released, Jiang Shu Hua was stunned.

He almost couldn't believe it, and kept looking over his test over and over again until he had gone through all of the scores and finally sat down on the chair.

I saw him turn to look at me, and his eyes were filled with amazement and shock.

I avoided his gaze and concentrated on looking at my mistakes.

Now, no one mentions that I cheated anymore.

All of my classmates are used to my progress because they can see my efforts.

However, they are still shocked when grades are released, and no one looks down on me anymore. Now, everyone comes to me to ask questions and copies my answers and tests.

I have become the "genius" in their mouths.

The teachers treat me like a treasure, and I am used as a model case and promoted everywhere. My full score compositions and tests are posted on the corridors.

I have gradually gotten used to all of this and no longer feel proud.

Now, the only belief that supports my almost crazy efforts is to surpass Qiu Ting and get into Tsinghua University.


When I was leaving the school, Jiang Shu Hua stopped me.

"Qiao Ru!"

He stood in front of me, but his eyes no longer looked down on me as they always had.

In the natural world, the rule is survival of the fittest, and it is the same for people.

Admiration for the strong is something ingrained in human DNA.

Jiang Shu Hua finally no longer has the qualifications to look down on me, and he doesn't dare to either.

However, I am no longer interested in quarreling with him.

He is already a defeated underling.

"Qiao Ru, you... you are very powerful." He had a complicated expression, as if he didn't even know me.

"You seem to have changed."

I don't have time to listen to his nonsense and directly say:

"Get to the point."

Jiang Shuhua looked at me and lowered his head, saying:

"I hope you can cancel the bet with Qiu Ting. We're classmates, there's no need to make such a fuss. It'll look bad on you if things get out of hand. Can you tell her to let it go?"

I was almost laughing at his lack of shame.

"Me? Why me? Why doesn't she come to me herself?"

"Ting Ting is more...proud. She's definitely not going to admit defeat. Besides, you and her don't have any deep grudges."

"Besides, you've made such great progress because we encouraged you. Can't you just give in to her?"

He looked at me with a frown, as if he thought it was natural for him to say these things.

As I looked at Jiang Shuhua's face, I felt sick to my stomach.

What gives him the face to demand this of me so confidently?

How does he have the nerve to say that out loud?

I must have been blind to ever like him!

Thanks? I don't want thanks them!

If I want to thank anyone, I'll thank myself for working so hard.

I snorted and glared at him, saying:

"Do you think you're something special?

"Do you think you're worthy of my thanks? If you have too much time on your hands, go find a factory job instead of going crazy here!"

Just as I was about to leave, I realized something.

I don't know if this was Jiang Shuhua's own idea or if Qiu Ting was afraid and asked him to do it.

I smiled maliciously.

"Could it be that Qiu Ting is afraid?"

"You can tell her that if she's willing to apologize to me, I'll be magnanimous and let her off this once. How's that?"

There was a flash of anger in Jiang Shuhua's eyes.

"You've gone too far, Qiao Ru. I'm trying to give you face by telling you this. Don't blame me if you lose and lose face!"

I laughed and looked at Jiang Shuhua steadily.

I disdainfully said:

"A defeated underling like you thinks he's worthy?"

"Come talk to me when you surpass me."

"You! --"

Jiang Shuhua was completely angry and coldly left with an irrational remark.

I watched his back and finally let out a sigh I had been holding in my chest.


That felt good!