
Ride Or Die With Me

Story is deleted! New Account: Moon7

Eshal_Shahnawaz · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
124 Chs

The Real Leader Of Bulletproof (2)

Taehyun turned towards her, his dark black orbs making her want to hide under a blanket and never come out again until he was gone. Rose didn't know why she felt that scared and afraid but gathering her remaining courage, looking down on the floor she asked,

"Would you like to go out with us tonight? The whole staff is going and it would be fun. C-can you?"

Why are you stuttering now, confident brat?

"Is she going to be there?" Taehyun asked staring at Naeun.

Rose nodded unable to speak.

"Ok, then I will be there."

After staring at Naeun one last time he went past the frozen pair and entered the men's changing room.

Rose came back to her senses first, "Girl I think he is totally into you!"

Naeun nodded and started working with her thoughts mixed up in her mind.

Why is he so interested in me all of a sudden? Why does he care whether I will be there or not?

Naeun didn't answer any one of these questions and finishing her work she went outside after saying goodbye to Rose. She intended to take the bus to her house and learn more about Taehyun but two muscular and strong men in black cornered her before she could enter the bus station.

Peace is probably not in my vocabulary anymore.

"What do you need?"

"You need to come with us." The men replied to Naeun's question.

Of course, why would you corner me then? To give me sweets?

"Who do you work for?"

"Mr. Han ordered us to take you to him. It would be best if you came without any unnecessary problems."

Curse that man.

Naeun sighed. She could of course beat them up right now and leave but she went along with them in their car as to not cause a ruckus.

Han Mansion, 5:00 p.m.

Naeun stepped out of the car and walked towards the mansion and knocked on the door. Some seconds later the door opened revealing a 17-year-old girl staring at Naeun with shocked but happy eyes. She went and hugged her and Naeun wasted no time in hugging her back.

"What are you doing here Naeun? Woah, it's so long since I last saw you that I forgot what you looked like."

This was Naeun's step-sister Harin, daughter of Mr. Han, Naeun's step-father.

"Come in, I think Dad was expecting you today."

Naeun entered the house and looked around. Nothing had changed in these 10 years. Everything thing was the same and reminded her of the horrifying memories she had faced in here.

"Well, well, hello Naeun."

Mr. Han walked into the room and Naeun bowed, internally disgusted.

He's the same as always. I didn't expect him to change either.

"Harin didn't you schedule a meeting you were supposed to go to now? Leave."

Harin looked at Naeun and she nodded her head making her nod in return and leave. Mr. Han walked to the living room and Naeun followed and they both sat down on the couches facing each other.

"Tell me how many years has it been since we last met Naeun?"

I wish we never saw each other again though.

"Approximately 10 years. Why, were you missing me?"

Oh sorry, were you missing torturing me?

" Come on dear I am your father."

If you're my father than I'm the Queen of England.

Naeun chuckled, "I never considered you my father even for a second. You are my father only in papers. If you want I can send you the documents till tomorrow and we will be strangers after that."

"Calm down Naeun. Let's not be hasty."

"Just tell me why you ordered your dogs to follow me and kidnap me. What do you want now? Get to the point, I don't have time."

Mr. Han turned serious, " I want you to get married to my business partner."

Naeun stared at him in disbelief. Get married? To his business partner? Her step-father who she hadn't met for 10 years was ordering her out of nowhere, to marry for his sake. He never cared about her and now, all of a sudden he was torturing her yet again.

"I'm leaving." Naeun said and got up.

"I gave you my name. You have to do what I tell you to."

"I never asked for your name. I don't even use it."

"Think about it Naeun and you know very well that I can make you come back. So you better come back here yourself soon."

By now Naeun was slamming the front door shut and walking out the mansion. She was fed up with her step-father who kept his distance all these years and now had started threatening her. Mr. Han was a public politician. He was very famous and powerful and considered himself very strong. Naeun bumped into Harin when she was some distance from the house.

"What did Dad want with you now? Is everything okay Naeun?"

Naeun smiled at her. She was the only thing she liked in that house and the only one she had when she lived in that hell. Naeun pointed to a nearby bench and they both went and sat there.

"Mr. Han wanted me to marry somebody." Naeun started, "He also threatened me because he thinks he is really powerful."

"He is nothing compared to you Agent 007."

"Maybe Agent 067."

Harin was also an agent working for KIA and she also knew that Naeun was an agent as well. Mrs. Han who was the previous Agent 067, was told to adopt Naeun when she was young. But Mrs. Han had died some years before and her mission was to report Mr. Han's every action to KIA as he was doing illegal things too.

But she had died after marrying and giving birth to Harin who became Agent 067 in place of her mother and continued on her mission behind her father's back who knew nothing. Another agent was also positioned to assist her. They both talked and talked and after completing a talk of 1 year they parted and Naeun went to to the restaurant her friends had decided for going out.

On her way, an old lady's groceries had fallen and nobody was stopping to helping her. Agent 007 had a heart of stone but light still managed to shine through it. She went and helped the lady out and spotting some trash on the sidewalk she picked it all up throwing it in the trash bin and entered the restaurant, mentally ready for what she was about to face.