
Rhyfel Chronicles - Flash Casters

Rhyfel means war. His teacher prophecy chosen him as the protagonist of this story. How is magic of his calliber can possibly defeat Empress Evie.

Stivanstin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 5.

Time was going slow and I told everyone to wake me before midnight.

I my dreams revolved around Sertorius and stolen children, flowers on graves. All those standing in the shadow in front of me, I can't see their faces but I know them.

I was gently shook awake by Hanna she told me the meeting is 10 min. I splashed some water on my face ourside and headed in to the meeting room. I was surprised about the amount turned up it was almost a full house, even teacher Milarose came. I walked in and things got quite I nodded to the room and didn't waste any time.

" People thank you for coming, I know it's late so let me be brief.. Empress Evie is making her move in the capital in 2 days, her targets are orphanages around Matra... the problems comes in the form of numbers."

I took an deep breath and read the paper on the logistics I asked for earlier. Jillian must've left on front of my chair when I slept.

" There's a total of 187 orphanages in Matra, unfortunately we only know 5 attacks theres always a chance for more or less. It's an immensely difficult job with no back up for now..."

I waited for any errand questions that people might had, but everyone was silent.

" We would need at least 187 individuals with teleport and we just don't have the them. So we will assign the existing 43 members capable of information relaying to some of the building. Then it's a waiting game."

" How do you know about this Rhyfel?"

Keany voiced probably everyones question.

" I got contacted by someone deep embedded in the Guardians and he is willing to help, his goals are the same as ours. Please hold your questions, because that's all the information I can tell....I recently learned that might be spies among those we hold close."

That left a bad taste in everyone mouth, in the years we fought together we shared all with each other, we all became a close knit family in a way. It hurts to even think someone you love as such would betray you.

I let a minute or so murmuring to go on, I looked at Cal he bored his eyes through me. He knows me to well. Hannah's eyes also became suspiciously narrow. What is she thinking now?

"Please I did not said that to cause distrust among us, you needed to know... and now need keep our secrets even closer to our chest. Chose to trust with even greater care than ever before and pay attention to those who ask suspicion questions."

I give them a lot to chew on so I left those coordinate the rest who were much better suited for the role like Milarose or uncle.

" With this all questions about the upcoming mission should be directed to Cal or Teacher Milarose. Thank you for coming such an hour, and let us prepare the best we can, let's hope for the best."

I sat down and only half listening to the next 10 min. I felt very tired but didn't want to be the first to leave. Looking at my comrades , I could tell by their facial expressions the fear of failure was clearly visible. In the 180 plus orphanages in the capital housed about 3000 of the abandoned and the forgotten. With only 43 of us, how are we supposed save anyone?

I saw Annie more with determination in her eyes than I ever saw. Growing up in a place similar, she probably understood better than anyone how wretched of life they lived and how hard is to get out with such start, this felt personal for her.

We don't have enough people, all of them had associates outside the order but we can't ask for help. Not if anyone told can be a pipeline of information to the guardians. The fact not even Sertorius knows her plans means she never trusted even those who got closer to her.

I felt my shoulders grabbed. I looked up to Cal.

" We need to talk.."

I got up after a sigh and followed him to the kitchen.

"...can you tell?"

I hesitated but if I can't trust my only family...I probably can't trust anyone.

" ...it's like this."

After retelling the events since I find Milo he sat there just organizing all he heard.

" I never thought you'd of all people trust him enough to let him perform unknown magic on you."

" I was ... I believed him. I came there fully prepared to end his life, he beat me so fast it's laughable. I believed myself dead... yet he spared my life and he didn't force my choice. He needed... help I guess. I don't know. I'm sorry, I did put all of us at risk."

He smiled and put hand on my shoulder.

" I'm not mad about it, I trust you. We all do Rhy and since it did come to this we gonna do our best. Like we always did."

I felt better after telling him, I hated that this secret is there. Maybe I should talk to at least Hanna and Tristan. I mean I get why I can't tell everyone but not trusting them felt rotten.

" Sertorius is sure powerful huh?"

" It's the thing Cal, I don't even know. We never dueld he just...the point is, I never saw his spell casts, he defeated me with nothing but thinking. I'm not sure about his full abilities, but he is sure clever."

I could guess his thoughts because I had the same, how strong the empress, if someone like Sertorius admitted he can't defeat her, most likely not even close. What chances I have and the world as a hole? Grace... I think its first time when you...

" Stop .. stop with that look. I told you before now let me say it again.Thinking all this rides on you or that people die for you, it's not true. Don't be so arrogant to think that the people who sacrifice everything, do it for you or some silly prophecy alone."

Heard it before, he was right and yet.

" You know...Grace once asked me if I know who are the only ones to survive those ancient stories about Gods and monster were. The answer was the people who were not in them.

She told me Gods torment those they see and if can help it, consider leaving people out of my own story. If the Gods turn their gaze on me."

Cal let me talk, I never talk about Grace not to him or Hanna, or anyone.

" Sometimes is does make me wonder if the empress is indeed a Goddess and now looking at me, then maybe I shouldn't been allowed..to involve so many in my story."

We remained silent for sometime. Xander came in and asked Cals help so I was left alone with my thoughts. It was past 1AM but all my previous drowsiness was gone.

I needed to clear my head. I left a note and stepped outside. And saw my own surroundings broke apart, took a step and I was back at in the cemetery. It was dead silence which normally wasn't effected by the time of day. Cemeteries are always silent.

I walked over to a grave. It was my biological mother her name was Cynthia, never knew anything about my dad. She died when I was seven. I only have superficial memories of her now. I looked the right and saw my other mothers Grace's tombstone. There was nothing but and empty confin in there, but it was all we had.

She took me in. With my uncle didn't even knew I was existed or I had any knowledge of him until 3 years ago I was alone but then she came... As for Cal ..being a wanderer he never stayed long anywhere, news didn't reach him like others he didn't even know his sister had died.

I made a promise to you, one day I will hold a real funeral. Now those words felt like air. I'm not him. I can only handle small fries, there to many unknown enemies not mention those who already humiliated me like Sertorius.

We gonna fail those children to, they will be taken and experimented on and only God knows what else. Without the turn coat we wouldn't even know about the attack at all. We could only read about it later, but was it better now? To have the knowledge and the bravery to help and still fail anyway?

My mood quickly worsened and I sat down my back to a nearby oak tree and rested my eyes, the wind was warm and the sounds of cicadas the only noises carried by it.

I remembered my childhood and how safe I felt within our little cabin at the edge of Matra. Grace was warm and caring yet strong and disciplined. I wanted to become strong just like her but I didn't show signs of being a flash caster.

There were kids out there creating flashes just 4 years old. Me at 9? nothing... One day I decided to pick a stick resembled a sword and started practicing the things I saw swordsman do. To be honest I just wildly swung it around and thought it training.

Grace came home from Mishra where she taught and saw me with the stick sword.

" What's happening here?"

" I don't have the talent to be a caster like you, so I need become a knight of the king so I can help somehow. Knights fight with swords... this is a sword."

She chuckled at my childish line of thinking.

For me it sounded like she's mocking my newfound resolve. She saw my getting upset and stopped her giggles.

" Rhy I glad you want become stronger for me but I need you to know. I'll be proud whether you're are a Flash caster or a knight even if you end a blacksmith. You already helping me, like I believe you help many more in the years to come."

I felt tears strolling down my cheeks... Mother you were wrong.

next chapter expected at the end of summer. I got a lot of projects and need some time to finesse this. sorry for the wait.

Stivanstincreators' thoughts