
Rhyfel Chronicles - Flash Casters

Rhyfel means war. His teacher prophecy chosen him as the protagonist of this story. How is magic of his calliber can possibly defeat Empress Evie.

Stivanstin · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4.

We arrived in the basement designed for training. The walls and dummies were spelled to with stand a lot...like a lot a lot.

Grace sure was something. I felt like she was here with me when I trained.

" Why not do some pairings I'll pair with Tristan and Rhy can practice on the dummies. Cal you can help Jill and run her through the basics some quick flashes,have some mock duels. You're have the most experience so go to it."

I heard Cal mutter about pitying Tristan but do what he was told.

Annie had plans that was clear to me. So I pulled her aside once they were far enough.

" You want to set them up? Can you be less obvious. "

" I don't know what your talking about...Rhy I say this with love, but you becoming unhinged."

With that she skipped to her boyfriend like dancing fairy. Fine let her intervene.. it might never happen without some.

We spent the entire afternoon there. I saw Jillian in action and she had great reflexes and casting speed. My uncle so afraid to hit her with his flashes, constantly missing on purpose and she making shields for nothing to hit them, was pure comedy.

Hanna came soon after fully refreshed and took me to eat dinner. With her mother and father alone...

Xander her father worked as a low level employee in the Magistrate and loving devoted father and husband. We had a good relationship, he was a good guy with a lot of future man goals checked. Like beautiful wife, kids and the kind of cheekbones women find very attractive.

I hope to age well like him, or just age.

I loved Mellita cooking, Hanna one real insecurity that she can't cook. She almost spelled Anni once when she told her about me asking her to make me her cake, which was heavenly by the way. That girl was a master anything food.

It was delicious as always and Hanna sulked next to me as always. I didn't care if she can't cook, so what if we never eat delicious meals or her waiting for me in nothing but an apron never happen...after all she hated aprons.

" We been hearing a lot of chatter Rhy, guardians are very active lately. Milarose and Keany thinks something big is happening."

" I see..any concrete info on attacks?"

" Nothing yet I'll report if theres any."

Or just report to Milarose but I wasn't in the mood for eye rolls. I didn't want that kind of responsibility sending people on specific missions they might never come back from.

" Xander we having a dinner with our daughter and her boyfriend stop talking about missions."

I felt little awkward but seeing how happy Hanna was I couldn't help but smile.

I felt moments like these are special, and how rare they might become in the near future.

The next week spent more or less then same, no missions or attacks. It was the calm before the storm. I enjoyed my time with my girlfriend and friends just training and long dinners together talking about a hopeful future.

It was late on the afternoon when I felt my chest heat up, it wasn't hot but sudden enough to clutch my chest and alert those around me.

"You ok...? Something hurt?"

Surprisingly Cal asked me faster than Hanna.

" It's nothing..I'm fine."

I went back to talking with Tristan about our new training regiment.

I excused myself and went into the hall, I closed my eyes and concentrated on that heat. Images of the forest last night flashed in my mind. I knew Sertorius was there. Incredible I somehow really knew, I felt him just standing there waiting.

I needed at least one ally and fast, I felt stupid not thinking this sooner. After a quick scan the obvious choice was ..Annie.

" Annie can you come with me a little, I need to show you something."


We went to my room and closed the door.

" Annie.. here's the thing..."

I recanted everything that happened to me after they left with Astel. Told about Sertorius and his resolve, his offer and asked her opinion. I felt so much better after. I wanted someone to know.

" Please don't take this the wrong way, I know how much Grace meant to you. We all loved her, but in that situation between death and a prolonged life of suffering... I think it might have been mercy."

I wasn't angry.. I was angry I couldn't be there for her not then and certainly not before. Never able truly repay her for teaching me, raising mez looking after me in Mishra. I fully understood my impotence, even now with 4 year of improvement...I would've be useless.

"I know...I'm fine. I agreed to cooperate, I need your help to cover for me. I try and be back as soon as possible ok?"

" Rhy what the hell I'm supposed to tell them? I was never good at take advantage of people like that."

" Annie you're like a baby deer, and we all adore that quality but I'm on the clock and my chest is sweating. Please make something up that doesn't sound that stupid and I'll play along when I get back. Thanks."

I left without hearing her retort. I quickly stepped outside and teleport away to the edge of the forest. He was there leaning next to a tree gazing at the sunset on the horizon.

" I was about to leave, you took 20 minutes."

" Yes thanks for the play by play dbag... it caught me at the wrong moment with everyone around. By the way is the heat stays until I actually come to answer your call?" I felt my chest cool the second I arrived.

I could tell by that smirk I was right.

" Alright Sertorius I'm here. What's up?"

" There's gonna be an attack on various orphanages around Matra 5 in total. The children are to be taken not killed. Which I'm sure is a fate even worst than death. It was announced on a whim and be carried out in 2 days."

Kids? Why kidnap them?

" How many guardians? And when and where exactly?"

" That's all I have, I don't even know the names of the actual buildings. I just know it's 5 and in 2 days. Day or night, how or how many... as I told you she is untrustworthy, she will tell the leader guardians possibly minutes before they be dispatched. I'm sorry it's all I know."

Did he seemed sad? He was...I guess little kids will do that to anyone...except for the empress. The problem was Matra was insanely big more than 200 million people, God know knows many lives in the underground city. Orphan are as common as autumn leaves. 5 out what 50..500?

" We do what we can...thanks for heads up."

So he really wants to help. But the entire thing become complicated I have to tell the order if not about Sertorius than some random person name who is my 'spy'. How else I can possibly explain this ..ambiguous knowledge? I told Sertorius as much.

" That's fine, I anticipated something like that. After all you need to work in a team...make some name up or don't name him at all, as their leader you won't be questioned. "

" I'm no leader Sertorius..."

We stood there for a bit and I allowed myself to watch the sunset with my former..enemy.

I teleport back near the headquarters and walked the rest of the way. Sertorius told me he will signal if more information comes his way otherwise don't bother him for at least a week. He be busy with something or other I didn't care at the moment.

How we gonna save anyone? We don't have enough members to deal with something that big...why steal kids? The best we can do is watch as much as we're able and when they attack split up. Hopefully they attack the ones we survey otherwise we are useless. Even with enhance we can't cover that much ground, I bet some are out in the countryside to...

I walked in the door and it was nice and quiet. Granted I was only away for 30 minutes or so. If knew that I might not asked Annie to make up some story. I was terrified how she was able to...take advantage of people? Oh Annie...But clearly no one noticed my absence.

I walked in and waited for my que from Annie as I kissed Hanna cheeks and took a seat next to her.

" How was the meeting with your new spy?"


"Bad news...but let's call a meeting everyone needs to hear this, can we bring in all tonight?"

Everyone in the room became alert, I knew they had a 100 question, but I appreciate them holding it for now.

" We send words for everyone, we try and get all Rhy. We holding it at midnight, that gives some time to all to make it."

My uncle was on point. I envied how calm he was in all situations. I nodded and got up in mind for some food but I was stopped by Hanna.

" Is that bad huh? All members, emergency meetings...ughh I'm getting nervous and nothing even happened. I'm sorry.."

" Never apologise ever again for worrying about me.. do you understand?"

She answered my question with a deep passionate kiss. She was as passionate as ever. We both ignored the stares.

" Where did you wanted to go, before I stopped you?"

"...just to get some cold water love is all."

I can't tell what I really wanted is Annie to make me something nice. But that was like taking a bath and casting light flash on yourself .. it can only end in a disaster.

" You been outside in danger again, sit down and I'll get some nice cold water for you... I want you to rely on me more for things Rhy."

She got me water...it was lukewarm.