

The events that unfolds took place within the world of Middinheim. Thousands of years after the Elders and the Gods went to war over a broken promise. A war where the Elders used all manner of beasts and giants to serve while the Gods cosigned the much younger races to fight by their side. Under the heaven's authority, the Valkyries carried the dead as they wait to return to the Middinheim. The greatest among them were permitted to spend eternity in the Palace of Heroes but the rest had to return to the world to fight anew, forgetting themselves each time. These heroes fought as the Gandrengr, being chosen as one of them meant receiving the Ring Cycle. The Ring Cycle is a mark that binds the soul to the mortal world, making it possible for them to return to life even after death. This was meant to be the solution to curb the power that the Elders had. With only 1 in 1 000 000 being capable of bearing the Ring Cycle. Making the Gandrengr greatly coveted, allowing the Gods to push back against the Elders, and almost wiping them out. But the lands are suffering and the people are living in fear. In spite of all their strength, the heaven's war ravages all who are drawn into it, whether they are willing or not. The world falls towards it's destruction as the Norns see it, only held from back by a fiery red thread. Binding the Gods and the Elders folly. But for how long?

AllenWisse · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Call of the Bewitching Forest

Several guards rushed through the door at the sound of the nurse's firm orders, and one by one they moved against Gode, forcing him back onto the bed.

A struggle quickly shifted from the hunter's end to that of the unsuspecting guards as the first person to lay his hands on his shoulder was suddenly thrown into the approaching group before leaping over the tumbled few.

Gode tried to force himself through the corridor, pushing past the nurses and sisters all shocked to see one of the patients in such a state, but once his nurse managed to get out of the room:

"Stop him, he cannot be allowed to leave" the doctor's desperate call sent a flurry of Vyzsaard knights through the corridor, cutting him off as they quickly surrounded the path with the nurses shutting themselves just as suddenly as they stepped into the hallway.

Closing in on him, the doctors called for him to return back to his bed, but the desperate expression of a trapped beast with him bearing fierce teeth and a piercing glare.

He raced past the same doctors before leaping out of the open windows. Landing in the courtyard with a jolting thud scared the patients enjoying the afternoon sun.

"Ketinna auf Hróðvitnir" the words of these incantations echoed through the building, shaking everyone to their bones before silence filled it. With the commotion dying down, the nurses followed the guards outside.

Where they found Gode, pinned to the ground by ghostly chains that shimmered with a golden hue, and in front of him was a phantom glowing with a similar colour, whilst looking almost see-through.

"Breathe, hunter. You must calm thyself lest you send thy wounds to fester"

"Who are you?" The glint of worn and battered steel sword mirrored the light of the figure with Mirella facing her after leaping through the crowd.

"Stay thy hand. I seek no conflict, only quarter."


"Thy companion is in need of my word, however, he will not heed it in a frenzy, thus I had been moved to halt his escape. From the hue of your hoods and armour, I can surmise that thou art knights of the White Country, a Kingdom of Winter?"

"Yes, we're knights of the Vyszaard Guild, and he was a hunter sent by the Guild to aid the people of Mannheim, which is why I would ask that you free him, my lady?"

"You speak to his character but you do not know him"

"So be it then. Stand Godegisel, do you have your wits about you"

"..w..where am I?"

"Sir Gode"

"Oh yeah, ugh...I already told you I'm no knight so you can drop the sir. Hang on, why are you and your knights here" all of the moved in sync to put their swords and shields between their Captain and the bound hunter.

"Hark. Listen well, my magicks will not last eternal so I must speak with urgency"

"The Forlorn Hunter Godegisel and the company of Vyszaard Knights led by Captain Mirella were brought to this clinic by your Guild after the incident in Mannheim"

"We were receiving treatment about 3 days ago when we were ordered by the Guild to provide a report of the incident. Since our primary suspect was still recovering, the Guildmasters saw fit to wait" Mirella added, in response to Gode's puzzled expression.

"Fine, but why am I tied up?"

"I needed thy stagnation to work upon the curse that hath taken hold of your mind. The poison of the beast you slaughtered can at times scar the mind. By the time my magic had taken hold, you were well on your way to rampaging through the clinic" the ghost answered, waving its glowing hand over him and casting away his shackles.

The golden bounds faded into stardust, which put every knight on edge as the circle of blades drew closer to the hunter.

"Since you are now of sound mind, there is no need for these."

"Now good, for the matter that I had come to you for...."

"Before we continue. I must ask your name, knowing that I am indebted to someone doesn't sit well with me, but I will still honour a debt all the same" his tone was deep but he spoke with shocking clarity, surprising even the ghost.

"I am Livia "

"A pleasure to meet you"

"Yes. I have precious light time left, but I would implore you, hunter. Seek the Gottrenstein Threshold. Make your way to the Hercynian Forest" her words were accompanied by a growing buzzing sound that muddled her words somewhat.

"Huh? The Hercynian Forest, what business would I have with such a place"

"Our Lady, she—she—needs you—we—need you—" the ghost's speech was cut short as the ghost fizzled out in a shower of golden stardust.

"She's gone...Sir Gode?" Mirella reached past the guarding knights to tap the hunter on his shoulder.

"What happened?"

"I don't know. But I know where I need to go"

"Y-you cannot leave, not yet anyways. The Guildmasters are still to hear your report. And you haven't completely healed."

"Can you not send the report yourself?"

"They wished to speak with you as well...."


"If you were to come with me, I will do my best to help you on your mission, wherever it may lead you?"

Hearing that, he found the strength to stand:

"And why would you help me? miss"

"Because, I owe you a debt, remember" her eyes were averted from his own when she answered, twirling a lock of her hair around her finger.

"Hmph. I guess you do" Gode let out a smirk at the thought, leaving her wondering if the sight of it was real.

"All right then. I'll go with you, and in turn, you'll help me find the Hercynian Forest" the hunter offered his hand. And with a gentle smile and excited nod, Mirella shook it.

"It's settled then. Do your best to get enough rest, Sir Gode, I'll begin the preparations for our leave" stepping away from into the crowd of disgruntled knights, all sharing their disdain at the thought of travelling with the hunter.

Though their cries fell on deaf ears as she walked off with brisk excitement.