The events that unfolds took place within the world of Middinheim. Thousands of years after the Elders and the Gods went to war over a broken promise. A war where the Elders used all manner of beasts and giants to serve while the Gods cosigned the much younger races to fight by their side. Under the heaven's authority, the Valkyries carried the dead as they wait to return to the Middinheim. The greatest among them were permitted to spend eternity in the Palace of Heroes but the rest had to return to the world to fight anew, forgetting themselves each time. These heroes fought as the Gandrengr, being chosen as one of them meant receiving the Ring Cycle. The Ring Cycle is a mark that binds the soul to the mortal world, making it possible for them to return to life even after death. This was meant to be the solution to curb the power that the Elders had. With only 1 in 1 000 000 being capable of bearing the Ring Cycle. Making the Gandrengr greatly coveted, allowing the Gods to push back against the Elders, and almost wiping them out. But the lands are suffering and the people are living in fear. In spite of all their strength, the heaven's war ravages all who are drawn into it, whether they are willing or not. The world falls towards it's destruction as the Norns see it, only held from back by a fiery red thread. Binding the Gods and the Elders folly. But for how long?