
Chapter 15: Time skip and Rank up

It's 3 years since that Shit episode and a lot has changed since then.

I can now say with confidence that I can annihilate Movie superman Blindfolded with 2 arms behind my back.

It was not easy but I figured out a way to absorb solar energy than just getting a tan during the day.

Like during the night even if the sun is not visible, other stars are. So why can't Kryptonians absorb radiation from them. Is it because there is a specific range that we have to be in or is this just a plot hole that Jack Kirby made to nerf Superman?

I was very determined to figure it out, but I still couldn't fly and I still wasn't strong enough to go space exploring in my opinion.

Year 1:

So I trained my sense and absorbed as much solar energy I could for the course of one year.

It was at this point I started to feel a bit bloated from all the solar energy, so I devised a plan.

During the day I would absorb as much solar energy as I could, then during the night where the sun wasn't up; so there was no infinite perpetual battery for me to abuse. I circulated solar energy through my body.

During that time I had enough reserves to go a total of 12 cycles in my body. It was absolutely exhausting because even though it was very comfortable and made want to sleep. I wasn't experienced enough to unconsciously rotate the energy through my self.

One wrong move and the part of my body will explode from over energy saturation, so I had to make sure that solar energy reached every one of my cells, but it wouldn't go over their tolerance limit.

So at first I practiced during the day and then after 2 weeks of doing so. I trusted myself to start because there was no sun, so I couldn't heal myself.

It was a great success and I found a way to strengthen my physique in proportion to my energy.

Since solar energy is more suited to help my body the proportions went like this.





If my muscles had a proper workout and were completely exhausted then It would more like this.





So even though my mind and soul are tens of times stronger than my body, my body will grow stronger. In fact as time goes on my body will grow equal to them and then eventually grow much stronger than them.

But by then I should have found different types of energies suited to each aspect of myself.

There are an infinite number of dimensions and infinite number ownerless in Marvel. Surely there is a dimension with the specifications, I am looking for.

Six months later from that I could circulate solar energy automatically, ofcourse it was only a fraction of the benefits I get from doing it manually. But as it accumulates over time, it will help me a lot.

At night I would automatically circulate solar energy to strengthen my body and then during the day I would use it to strengthen my mind and soul.

Year 2:

I kept on doing that for another year along with training observation Haki.

I developed a passive effect to my observation Haki. 1000 meters in passive form in diameter and 1500 meters when in a straight line.

When I go active it's 2000 meters in diameter forming this perfect sphere around me. When I focus it in a straight-line then it's 2500 meters.

I named the perfect sphere that forms when I use my observation Haki in all directions from me: EN. From Hunter x Hunter as thats where I got inspiration from creating the sphere itself.

I truly wanted to make it so that sneak attacks were impossible to me.

Someone using En can feel the shape and movement of anything within the area covered by their aura, with the degree of awareness and finesse depending on their level of skill. Aura is basically the energy that can be used by all the inhabitants of Hunter x Hunter world.

For example if a swordsman were to use En while sitting under a tree that was shedding its leaves. He would be able to slice all of them with his eyes closed, he would be like omniscient god that can see all the leaves from all trajectory's and different angles.

It would be basically impossible to hide from him if you enter his range. But the problem with this is that most people in Hunter x Hunter world can only use En 2-5 meters around their bodies. Even Pitou could only use En 300 meters around her body.

But if I could somehow combine this ability with observation Haki, then it would be impossible to sneak up to me and if I can increase the level of my observation Haki up to the point where I could see the future. It would be basically impossible for anyone to beat me, well at least the mainstream marvel villains. Dimensional entities, Gods or other Hax alien species don't count yet.

Now, I did just that and it worked out beautifully.

I sat under a tree that had started to shed its leafs, since it was winter. It was a very big tree so it shed approximately 57 leaves every hour. I had fashioned a sword from some large sticks that I found.

I withdrew my En just enough to cover me and the tree. I would have my eyes closed and my full focus on anything in my range. Every time a disturbance was felt. I let my instincts guide me and it was cut in half.

I counted a total of 342 leaves cut in the six hours I practiced.

I did this for the last two months of my 2nd year. It was December when I had full mastery of it as the ability turned entirely passive. I didn't even need to think about it as information about my surroundings constantly gathered in my mind.

Even Tony stark's brain would have burst from all the information that was constantly being fed to my mind. Even someone like Charles Xavier would have a little trouble focusing as this constantly drew attention. It was like trying to read a book with Mariah Carey and Ariana Grande doing a duet right next your ear.

It took two weeks just for me to get used to it and once I did, man was it amazing.

I could see the unique gravings on each wood, the slight differences between the color of each leaf, the slight temperature differences in each place.

Year 3:

So on my third year, I decided that I had worked on observation for long enough and was going to try to control my body strength and work in increasing its damage and durability.

I as the dedicated encyclopedia of everything that is fiction, took inspiration from well fiction.

I "borrowed" some ceramic pots that were surprisingly durable and a titanium metal sheet that was about 4.5 inches thick and had the a length and width of 5 feet.

I searched for the forest for two logs that would act as support for the metal sheet.

I placed the two logs down with other metal sheet in front and the ceramic pot behind it.

The goal of this was to be to pass through the force of my strikes to the internal organs, if the mc has some abnormal armor that I can't break; like the destroyer armor.

For example if someone like the juggernaut were to exist here than it would be extremely hard for me to beat him just using my strength. But if the power of my strikes can pass through his nigh-impenetrable outer body than he is just a regular human, buts it easier said than done.

It was also a great control exercise because too hard and it would be destroy the metal and too light of a hit it produces a gong.

Same thing applies to humans, too hard of hit and I kill someone. Too light of a hit and it's live tape, tough a love tap to me would be getting hit with metal baseball bat right to the noggin.

Remember I am planning on using this in regular humans too, I need a away to knock them out without killing them.

It took me 1 month since En helped massively as it allowed me to perceive where my force went. I realized that the metal had these pathways if you will. I had make the kinetic energy of my blows pass through them to achieve what I wanted.

I was estatic, when I found out and I cooked up a true feast for myself and felt no pity for the Bear king that was staring at me with a pitiful face.

Anyways If I passed through the right pathway then the force of my blows would harmlessly pass through it, if not then....

It would explode turning into sharp shrapnel that actually had the force of a really live grenade except with double the projectiles and thrice the sharpness.

Most of the time it would be the biggest pathway that allowed me to harmlessly pass my force through someone and the small pathways made the force explode from the inside out.

The first was useful if an enemy of mine was holding someone hostage and I would just punch the hostage and the force would pass through them harmlessly and hit my enemy that was standing behind them.

The second was useful, if like I said the enemy was the juggernaut and I would just punch his solar-plexus upwards and all his organs would explode from the inside out.

I was far from mastering it, in fact it would take me the whole year to master it; but it was definitely worth it.

So I started the grind again

My scientific side popped up and I tried this on many different materials to see if they had different types of pathways.

Turns out that the stronger materials had less pathways and all of them were much bigger than some weak materials.

So the force would just pass through them and not do much damage, I am imagining that Vibrainum must have very little pathways as the thing is just so durable, yet has so many different uses.

11 months of continuously experimenting, I had mastered it.

Now I could punch a tree and 5 seconds later it would fall down due to its insides becoming hollow. Now if you would cut it open then you would realize that it's just a husk and what was inside was just lots and lots of very fine wooden dust.

(This was a bit inspired by Marvel/DC: The fighter fanfic, it's honestly amazing. I was very sad when it was dropped."

(Time skip End)

I reminisced the past three years as today was the day I was gonna create my second power that was outside this universe. En doesn't count as Observation Haki and it were basically merged and together.

It's a power that I know for a fact that I will master in no time and will become one of my most powerful abilities.

It's source was the sun and it's used by the characters of the greatest gag series that has actual plot; Jojo's Bizarre adventure

If you haven't guessed it already, it's....

Hamon AKA the Ripple

The Ripple is an energy identical to the Sun's rays, which the human body can produce through controlled breathing, having the effect of producing ripples of energy propagating from the bloodstream to the rest of the body and other objects in contact with it.

The Ripple manifests itself as electricity-like sparks, and it can be seen by ordinary humans. The Ripple can also affect non-living things.

An object charged with Ripple energy will have one or several attributes enhanced by the energy, making it a more effective tool, or weapon. Liquids conduct the Ripple especially well (and the user's Ripple shows on liquids as actual ripples).

It is mentioned by Joseph that objects covered in oil can conduct Ripple much easier. However while all materials can conduct the Ripple more or less well, inorganic material such as metal cannot store the energy, which simply passes through.

Due to its identical nature to the positive energy of the Sun, the Ripple's primary uses are to heal various wounds or ailments, and combat creatures such as vampires or zombies.

Living organisms can be affected by Ripple attacks, but are not automatically hurt by it.

Just it's ability to be super effective against "dark creatures such as vampires an zombies" already has me wanting it. Along with its ability to heal others and be able to enhance a fruit knife to the level of being able to cut a refined steel block in half has me salivating over it.

Also using, no scratch that just having the Ripple also preserves the user's vitality, making them look more youthful and be more energetic even during old age although this method has limits.

Now to be able To produce an optimized Ripple, users must precisely control the energy produced by the breathing and the energy of sun mixed together. It typically requires focusing the energy before unleashing it all at once to create a powerful burst of Ripple.

Normally only one-ten thousand people would be able to use ripple. But that doesn't apply to me in fact I should be the most talented being in existence in using Hamon. I derive my energy directly from the sun,so I am the most experienced in using it and I am basically the closest thing to a human-sun hybrid. I can just use my own solar-energy reserves; in a dire situation, which by the way I can do 28 rotations in my body with.

Also my lung capacity is so overpowered that I can literally blow away the clouds in the air.

So now on to training the ripple, in the anime and manga

Merely producing a light amount of Ripple required the user to breathe a precise way. For it to not only enhance the ability to produce it, but to also be able to efficiently wield it in battle, the Ripple user must undergo training and exercise his Hamon.

Ripple users undergo hyper-rigorous physical training to increase their breathing ability and thus the amount and power of the Ripple they produce. Although the training is explained as being focused on the rhythm of breathing, which will positively impact on the whole body, it doesn't stop a master from using physical exercise, like prolonged swimming, or forcing a student to stay balanced on the tip of the finger, it can enhance users to be in tune with their body and mind together as one, and the naturally typical benefits of working out, being as mutually seen as further drawing out the "flow" of energy the sun gives to all life on Earth.[4] Grandmasters prior have also kept secret and passed on much older intense and lethal advanced training regimens like the Hell Climb Pillar, which puts students in a life or death situation to push them to overcome their limits as a final test of mastery over the Ripple.

As I am not in "tune" with my mind and body being equal, I would have had a much harder time using hamon. However now is the time for the Hax person that is I.

I can draw out the purest form of solar energy to use at will and since the sun ain't going anywhere during the day and my reserves able to last the night, I can train this 24/7.

Now for those noobs that say Ethan, what about the mental exhaustion.

I am literally only breathing and after the first few days; I would be completely fine.

So I sat down on Mother Earth and cleared my mind.

I drew energy from the massive ball of light that was the sun. I breathed in and out syncing it with flow of energy coming and going from my body. When I breathed in, the energy that was attracted was like a herd of bulls rushing towards me; yet when I breathed out, it felt like water slowly pouring into a glass of water.

It was a pulse of energy that made itself know each time I finished a set of breathing and out. It grew larger each time I did so, eventually growing to the point of Large drums almost being abused.

In just a single hour, I produced a spark of golden orange lightning; though to me it felt like 3 minutes. Anyways as time went on so did the number of of sparks.

That continued until they covered me like a cocoon and from afar it looked like I was covered by hundreds of lightning sparks.

I was going my eyes to this, as my ears heard them buzzing and it was getting annoying, but I got this feeling that I shouldn't stop and I didn't.

Soon 24 hours passed, but I didn't stop; the sparks started to fuse together into one 3 foot long lightning bolt that looked like it could blow the top off a mountain easily.

1 week passed and in that timespan 6 more blots had joined each a golden orange crackling with power, they still showed no signs of stopping.

2 weeks later and the already terrifying bolts of lightning were showing signs to merge again.

Luckily this was during the day, so animals were there to witness it as they went to stockpile on as food as they could before deep winter started to roll in.

Suddenly the Sun felt much hotter than it should, rocks started to melt in a 1 meter radius of the mc. The dry barren grass under him revitalized and slowly, but steadily turned into a vibrant green.

Ethan awoke to see that the cocoon had disappeared around him, instead a single godlike thunderbolt stood in front of him.

Even though he knew with all his heart that if this bolt were to try to harm him. He would die an agonized death as even the sun won't be able to heal him as all his cells would be instantly carbonized.

(1st person POV)

But I also had this overwhelming feeling that this Bolt would never harm me.

So I touched it and what happened next was something he couldn't describe with words.

He moaned, for god-sakes I was a 93 year old man with both my lives combined together. But the pleasure was just something I couldn't describe.

My cells were literally drunk in this feeling, they absorbed so much energy that I thought they was going burst.

Instead they expanded and became larger, but they were filled again in an instant. This cycle kept repeating itself countless times.

I resisted the pleasure and hurriedly pulled up my status screen as quick as I could.

I knew chances like this didn't just come around everyday.

Name: Ethan Hunt

Race: Solar Kryptonian

Str: 100

Dex: 100

Con: 100

Int: 100

Wis: 100

Remark: Ready to rank up




Perfect Overachiever

Power Anchoring


True Kryptonian(sealed)

Golden rule (sealed)

Man of mysteries (50 percent active)

Essence of Home (sealed)

Genesis Embryo (sealed)


I smashed the Rank up button and then I passed out.

(3rd Person POV)

After Ethan passed out, a reddish light came out of his chest. It along with the thunderbolt made countless changes to his body.

They first looked at Ethan's state and "saw" how unbalanced he was, his mind and soul were much stronger than his body due to his past life.

So they entered inside and forced out all impurities they could feel in the 3 layers of the epidermis .

It came out like black sludge that looked and smelled like someone just emptied a whole bottle of fart spray in your mouth, but that wasn't even the scary part. The scary part was the amount that came off. There was enough to fill in buckets of the stuff.

With a bit of energy from both the reddish light and the thunder bolt, the impurities were instantly vaporized.

Now they focused on refining each layer of skin.

They went to the subcutaneous fat and they strengthened it to the point where it had the same strength of the muscles themselves. It was still the same stretchy layer that connected the dermis to the bones and muscles and was a padding to the muscles and bone. But now it had a layer of very small yet highly durable hexagonal plate covering it. It would now act as hard rubber and simply bounce back kinetic energy as it made contact with it.

Next they went one layer above into the Dermis.

They went to the sweat glands first and hyper charged them in the way that Ethan would still sweat the same, but the waste carried in it would be be muncher higher. So he can actually filter out diseases and poisons much faster by just sweating it out. They crossed over to the nerve-endings, where they made them much more resilient.

So while Ethan wouldn't receive any less signals, it's just that if he gets tortured than he will receive much less pain than he should receive. So while he could still feel pain to know that he is injured and how severe it is, actions that are caused to purely cause him pain; are numbed and are not as effective.

The Hair was next in line, they made it so that each hair on his head would remain glossy and shiny. They also strengthened the roots at the end of each hair; these roots attaches to a tiny little muscle that tightens and gives you goose bumps when you are cold or are scared. So they made invigorated the roots so that Ethan would not feel fear as much and would always have a calm and rational mind. It would take the point where the being could one-shot Ethan that he would begin to feel lots of fear toward someone.

There wasn't much to do with the oil glands, but I guess limit the amount of oil that they can produce, so no pimples for Ethan(lol, so many would die for that). They also made it so that the oil would nourish Ethan's skin and make it very fair and clear even though someone would have to get wolverine to do some damage.

Last, but not least in the dermis were the blood vessels. They refined all the blood vessels present in the three layer of skin to the extreme. Ethan's blood vessels were supercharged in the way that they would clear away the already minimal waste produced in Ethan's body. They will be very tolerant to viruses, diseases, poisons and will reduce lactic acids to an all-time low.

Finally the epidermis or the skin.

Instead of refining the old function of making new skin cells and old ones to flake off, they changed it so that invisible hexagonal plates linked together formed by solar energy would be grafted in the skin. These hexagonal plates took lots of solar energy to form, but they were self-preserving as a layer of them would fall off every moth and they would be used to grow new tougher plates.

They reached the final part of their work, at this point, both the thunderbolt and the reddish light had diminished a lot, but they had the ability to make 2 final changes.

They went straight to the cells in the skin that are a part of the immune system. They strengthened them to the point where it would take 0.4 grams of botulinum toxin to do any actual damage to him by poison.

(Botulinum toxin is the most deadly poison on earth, to the point where 1 nanogram can kill a human. Which in my opinion is insane because a nano gram is so small that 1 gram has 100000000 nano grams in it. So yeah our mc is becoming strong now.)

Now the thunderbolt and reddish light were only wisps of their former selfs. The thunderbolt decided to merge into his hamon. The thunderbolt was the representation of his hamon, no more like what Ethan's hamon would become in the future.

It went deep inside the recesses of Ethan's mind where it waited for Ethan to wake up and use it.

(Please comment and let me know what you think. Also please consider giving this some power stones)

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