
Revival of Dark Elves

I've a novice at writing and I plan to make all my chapters around 1.5k words. the main character will be one of the strongest people alive. Also im making things up as I go on so bare with me.

Nub456 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Weapon Training

Fight scenes may be a bit weird but I'll try to improve them. Also it's a bit harder with her unique weapon.

" First I will teach you how to use your weapon. Teaching through combat is how we do things. You will learn how to use your weapons yourself. "

My mother proceeded to form weapons similar to mine. She got into a stance and waited for me to get into mine. Not knowing what I'm suppose to do I just got into a stance that I felt was right. I held the blade in my right hand diagonally so the blade would be in front of my chest and beside my right hip. The blade in my left was held in a similar fashion but just beside my left hip.

" Your weapons are rather difficult to use since they are double ended you'll have to be more careful when using them. If your fighting multiple opponents it'll be easier for you to defend. Also when using these weapons you should be more speed oriented. "

After mother said that she took a step towards me to signal that our fight was about to begin. I was nervous and I was sweating before the fight began.

My mother started running towards me. In a couple seconds she closed most of the distance between us. Unexpectedly she disappeared from my vision. My instincts tell me that that she's above me and their right as she's currently rapidly falling towards me.

I step to the side out of her path while swinging by blades to where she will be soon. I expect to hit her but she flipped mid air and stepped on my blades. She swings her blades at both sides of my head where I can't see. I instinctively use the other 2 blades to block her blades. She kicks me in the face while she was still standing on my blades. I ended up losing consciousness for a couple seconds.

" That wasn't bad but you shouldn't have left your face so wide open. If your reaction speed was fast enough you could've turned your side slash into a vertical attack where you spin your blades in a circle quickly. If you did that I wouldn't have been able to land on your blades. "

' Instead of giving me a lesson you could see if I'm ok first. '

" I didn't hit you hard enough to check on you. You should listen to me and learn from your mistakes. Now get up we'll be doing this again. "

For the next 16 hours I basically got beat up. I got some breaks as repeated hits to the head can cause some problems. Eventually she stopped hitting me in the head and switched to almost breaking my bones.

After training I was upset as I didn't even hit her and I'm pretty sure when I get used to her speed she speeds up again. The amount of pain I felt in those 16 hours was the most I felt in my whole life. I was really fatigued and my muscles were extremely sore. I lay on the couch as I can't make it to my bed in my current condition. I'm pretty sure some bones are broken but the hunger and thirst is was experiencing was worse than the pain.

If course my mother isn't heartless as she fed me, got me some water, and bathed me as I couldn't do so myself. Honestly it was embarrassing but I was thankful she did it. After that she put me in bed and I went to sleep eve before I was in bed.

When I woke up I could tell all my injuries healed and I was told when I was young that we heal quickly when we sleep. Also if we let our bodies heal naturally they'll be stronger than before. Pretty nifty if you ask me.

I didn't want to get out of bed as I knew what the day held for me. I got up anyway as I fear that refusing to get up will make it worse. I put on something similar to what I had on yesterday.

I could smell and hear my mother cooking as she usually does. I enter the kitchen and hug my mother from behind before sitting down. I could tell my sister left as she isn't here.

" You and your sister won't be able to bond much now but after you guys become old enough you'll have time to talk and hang out. Also I'll eventually talk to you like a mother would to her daughter but for now you won't see much of that. "

' Ok. '

I honestly didn't know how to respond and things like ok only came to mind. After around 13 minutes mother was done cooking. It was food I could recognize. Things that look Iike bacon and sausages, strawberry's with some waffles and syrup. I subconsciously let out a smile and mother sees it.

" Glad it looks appetizing to you. " She said with a smile and a bit of amusement in her voice.

I managed a " Thank you for the meal " through my embarrassment. Despite my embarrassment I got a boost of courage to say what I've never said in my 2 lives.

I took I a deep breath and said " I love you. "

Time seems to have stopped as I waited for a response. I took a glance at mother to try to figure out what she was thinking. She had stopped everything she was doing and slowly looked at me. It was nerve wrecking. After what felt like decades she finally said

" I love you as well. "

At her response I was relieved. I also noticed I stopped breathing. I took in a ton of air and relaxed my tense muscles. We continued to eat our meal in silence.

We continued our training for a couple years. I honestly can't remember them very well. With our training my speed, strength, agility, reaction time, and some other things increased tremendously. I'm now 3 years old and 5'9 which is pretty short for dark elves.

I was told we would tone down our fighting time pretty soon and start learning magic. After that comes a lot of complicated things. I'm told I'll have to go through some excruciating pain to refine my blood and body. What I'm most excited about is when I reach 5 I get to get a monster egg that has an unknown pet inside.

What the pet is depends on you. I mean everything about you. Either way today I'll be fighting mother for the last time in a while. I've improved considerably and mother even praised me. I need to focus as our match will soon begin.

This time I charged at mother. I used my right blade to do a side slash and my left remained at my side. As expected my mother easily blocked and counter attacked by stabbing her balde at me quickly. I use my left blade to block and started to spin it. I blocked my mother's attack with my left while continuing to gain speed with my right. After around 39 seconds O couldn't hold off against my mother with only my left so I used my right to attack.

My spinning blade was rather difficult to block against unless you have enough strength to stop it. I cut towards mother right side of her stomach instead of trying to block it she dodged. While she was dodging I made my left balde spin as well.

I knew this wasn't gonna go anywhere as my mother could dodge these all day. So I guess my weapons together and created a double edged spear instead. The blades were extremely big and I stabbed towards mother. She dodged and grabbed the pole part. I yanked my spear back and she followed. I decided my weapons and did a downward slash with my right blade followed by a sideway slash from my left.

My mother grabbed both with her fingers and the fight was over.