
Revival of Dark Elves

I've a novice at writing and I plan to make all my chapters around 1.5k words. the main character will be one of the strongest people alive. Also im making things up as I go on so bare with me.

Nub456 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Soul Weapon

( The remainder of the story will be In Miyana's POV )

My mother told me that that the reason that we have to do all of these physically exhausting activities is to prepare our bodies. When we reach 1000 years old our mana will be unlocked. When that happens the mana will make our bodies undergo a mutation. If our bodies aren't strong enough to withstand it then we will have a slow and painful death.

I've been running for quite a few weeks already and apparently my mother will make it harder for me soon. Of course I can run for longer but I still end up passing out eventually. Since no one is monitoring us most of the kids don't really try their hardest. At first they did but eventually they just stopped trying. If course me and a few others are exceptions.

I've noticed that I can run faster for longer. How fast I'm not sure. I can run for around 74 minutes straight at full speed. My current speed should be around 36 mph. Honestly I'm surprised at how fast my body heals. When I get back home all sore I go to sleep. When I wake up I feel as if I've been born anew.

I've reached the outskirts it seems. An elder is there as always to see who's present. There are around 163 kids here. Also I've been told everyone looks stop changing after they turn 3 months old. The way we know if someone is an elder is a feeling. We can just tell if someone is an elder.

The elder is a 6 foot tall guy with a deep voice, black hair and black eyes.

" Alright everyone as normal you will be running until you pass out. You have to monitor yourselves. Whatever you choose to do is of no concern to us. Of course you will regret it if you don't push yourself. That's all the Timer before you can go home is in the sky as normal. 15 hours which is half the day. You can start. "

After finishing his normal speech he disappears as he normally does. Some start running, some jogging, some walking, and others nothing. There's these two people who races with each other and me. It's just something to do to make this task more fun. We look at each other and we count down from 3.





And we blast off leaving a trail of dust behind us. As per normal I'm in the lead guy named Armon is not to far behind me. He has a competitive personality and he always glares at my back. He has green hair, red eyes and he's 5'10. He's 9 1/2 weeks old.

The other person is a girl who is also pretty close to me but a bit farther than Armon. Her name is Hailey. She has a competitive but friendly personality. I know that because when I wake up after passing out she's waiting. She talks to me and gets to know me. She has pink hair which is pretty rare and silver eyes. She's 5'10 and 9 weeks old.

Of course I'm 8 weeks and 9 days old. My hair is shoulder length and it's red. I'm currently 5'7

Back to our race it's been around 59 minutes and Armon starts to slow down. He's been getting farther away from me as he's slower than me. After another minute he's out of sight. Hailey Is around 260 feet behind me.

After another 7 minutes she also gets out of sight. I've won again today but it's not easy to do this daily for most. For me I like to run. Looking at the passing senary, the wind blowing against my skin as I run, and going this fast is wonderful. After another 9 minutes I start to slow down and my vision gets blurry. After a dozen or so seconds I see nothing but darkness. This is rather familiar. I know I've passed out.

I wake up after a nap although it's not really a nap as I passed out. As expected Hailey is by my side once again. I smile at her and she smiles back.

Hailey says " Good morning, your slept like a rock. "

' Ah you don't have to tease me everytime I awaken from my sleep. '

" I know but isn't it already more of a greeting or something at this point. "

' I don't know. Either way we should talk while running as usual. We don't have time to leisure around as we need to become the strongest. '

" I know to make ourselves and our parents proud. Let's get going. "

Hailey reaches her hand out to me and I accept her generosity. After I get up we start jogging progressively getting faster until we're running. I lower my speed so we can actually talk.

The amount of time remaining was 10 hours and 63 minutes. A hour is 70 minutes and a minute is 70 seconds.

Hailey ends up passing out again but she lasted a bit longer this time. After she passes out I put her on my back and she instinctively held on to me. I got up and started running with her. This slowed me down and exhausted me faster.

After we woke up the same thing happened again until we passed out. When I woke up it was time to go home. Her house is a lot closer than mine so she gets home first all the time. After the time reach 0 everyone is teleported to the entrance we started at so the walk home is always the same.

As usual my mom is at the entrance. We do the usual and after she's done she tells me something.

" Tomorrow instead of running we will find which weapon best suits you. After that I will teach you how to use the weapon. Usually you would get a trainer but I'm the best with every weapon. You can make your weapon heavier or lighter at will. I will have you make it heavier as you get stronger. After you become proficient with your weapon I'll have you run with your weapon. Of course later you'll be doing other things that will be painful like bathing in magma but that's a bit far. "

' Did you just say I'll have to bath in magma? Are you people actually trying to kill us? '

" It's just apart of the process. Get some rest. We'll start training as soon as you awaken. "

With a grim look on my face I tell my mother goodnight and pass out on my bed.

I had dream about training with my mom and she ends up chopping my arm off. Of course it was a nightmare that I didn't awaken from since my will to sleep was strong. Dark Elves don't need to eat to survive but we usually eat anyways. Things like eating delicious food and sleeping are some of the best parts of life.

After a while I awoken with tears in my eyes. I had a dream about my past life. Not the most enjoyable thing as it was rather bad.

Unexpectedly my mother is in my room.

She ask " Why are you crying? "

I heard a hint of concern in her voice which warms my heart. I respond.

' Nothin. Just a bad dream. I'm actually poo pretty excited for today. '

" That's good. Let's hope that motivation stays. Get dressed after washing up and come into the living room. "

I know she knew that my crying wasn't nothing but she chose not to push as I didn't want to tell her yet. I was grateful and hurriedly washed up since I usually don't after coming home. I'm mentally exhausted so give me a break.

I wash up and get dressed. As usual I put on a sports bra along with some shorts and gloves. I meet my mom in the living room. I see my sister leaving the house and tell her goodbye.

' Goodbye, I'll see you later. '

" Bye, and have a good time. "

A short exchange as usual. Well we are both quite busy.

My mother signals me to follow her. We go into the basement. Due to the use of magic it's bigger than it actually is. It has many rooms. We go to the 4th door on the right which has a sign saying " Training Room "

This room is around 5 times the size of the house.

" Ok to get your weapon you have to reach into your soul. To do this is simpler than you think. Think of your soul as whatever you wish and reach out to it. I'd you feel the need to grab something do it. You should have your Soul Weapons. "

I envisioned my soul as a blue and purple phoenix in the middle of my body. I imagined reaching out to it. I feel the urge to grab something and I do and pull.

I open my eyes and there was two double ended blades in my hands. The actual blades were around my arm length with the hilts being 1/4 that size.

" I see a rather difficult weapon to master and it's rather rare. It seems we both have some work to do. "