
Reverend Insanity Semi

A RI reader get transmigrated to RI world as Fang Yuan.

Green_Dolphin · Outros
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28 Chs

Passing time

In the room where the Flower Wine Monk corpse was, Fang Yuan leaned against one of the walls, he looked very tired, his breath was still short and tried to catch his breath.

In this room the light and shadows alternated with each other making the footage prepared by the Flower Wine Monk the only thing moving in this room. The sound of the recording was repeated and a red light filled the room.

In front of the Fang Yuan were Ko Ki and Lin Lu's corpses, their corpses lying side by side. Only Lin Lu's corpse was an eyesore in this room because his head had been separated from his body, blood could still be seen dripping from the wound and the smell of blood filled this cave.

Fang Yuan looked at the footage in front of him, then peeked at the two corpses in front of him, but his mind did not think about it at all.

He thought of the camouflage he had just applied to achieve this end result.

"Sigh .." he let out a deep breath before starting his deduction, "Alright let's see what really happened."

Fang Yuan was in a state of panic because the guests were not invited to this place, because at first he was just an actor who acted like Fang Yuan, he couldn't think of a plan properly and fear filled his mind.

But an intuition helped him get out of the situation.

He used the rich Shadow Qi and Dark Qi in this place to create a camouflage.

But this was the problem in itself, how did he know that this place was rich in Shadow Qi and Dark Qi?

He doesn't know it, maybe he subconsciously considered this in his subconscious, while exploring this place.

He used Shadow Qi and Dark Qi on his clothes, because he knew that Qi could only affect the world around him only when it reached a certain amount or reached a certain density.

But that's not the main problem. Why could he think of using Qi around him that he hadn't even checked, then using Small Qi Gu to increase the amount of Shadow Qi and Dark Qi on his clothes would result in him becoming one with darkness due to Shadow Qi and then hidden because of Dark Qi.

This in itself uses almost three paths. With the Qi path as the main source, then the Shadow path and Dark path as support.

Fang Yuan had the normal level in these three paths, except for the Dark path which he knew from the content in the novel that the Dark path was specifically for concealment.

If it followed the logic in this Gu world, then the Fang Yuan must have a Master level in these three paths to combine them into a sensible intuition. Or it could be by having a Grandmaster level on the Qi path, because with Grandmaster one can mimic another path.

So the answer that Fang Yuan concluded from the logic of this world became absurd.

The only answer is a path that can generate intuition for all paths and does not need to understand the specific path.

It is the Path Imagination, using the understanding and experience of its users.

Fang Yuan only knew that Dark Path could hide his presence, but that alone was not enough for him to create a perfect camouflage, he also needed to hide his body in the darkness to trick the eyes.

For that Fang Yuan has two choices, the first is the Shadow path and the second is the Phantom path.

However, Fang Yuan did not know the essence of the Shadow Path, nor the nature of the Shadow Qi. But he knows the essence of the Phantom path from the content in the novel, the essence is to turn the real into a phantom, this is just ignoring incoming attacks, not hiding the contents.

So it is natural that Fang Yuan unconsciously chooses Shadow Qi for his camouflage, especially in this place there is almost no phantom Qi.

When Fang Yuan sucked the Qi of this room with Small Qi Gu to check his ideas, he found two kinds of Qi that filled this place, they were Shadow Qi and Dark Qi.

But how does he know that these two Qi are Shadow Qi and Dark Qi?

He only knows Yin and Yang Qi, then a collection of Qi called Negative Qi. And some other Qi.

Perhaps pressured by circumstances and time, Fang Yuan chose to follow the only plan he had. Because these two Qi were compatible with each other, and also when he released Shadow Qi and Dark Qi onto his clothes, there was no instant damage when he did so. This could explain why he chose to continue releasing the Shadow Qi and Dark Qi from his clothes.

Now that the problem of Shadow Qi and Dark Qi had been cleared for him, now it was time for the  problem in the Qi path.

The concept of this camouflage idea is Dark Qi or Dark path which prioritizes concealment, but Fang Yuan uses the means of the Qi path.

"Qi path ... Qi ... What exactly are these things? Is it Energy? What exactly is this Energy?"

Fang Yuan was able to catch his breath now, his face was not as tired as before, but he still had to gather strength before starting to examine the corpses of Ko Ki and Lin Lu.

Humans get inspiration from nature, by observing every event that happens, we can slowly begin to understand what is happening.

Fang Yuan looked around once more for inspiration to find the answer he was looking for. But he didn't find the inspiration he wanted, in the end he pondered and focused his thoughts into his aperture.

The only thing related to Qi in this place was the primeval essence which was made of primeval Qi and also Small Qi Gu.

In the manaerture there is a thin wall of light and it accommodates the initial stage of Rank one green copper primeval essence, on the surface of this primeval essence ocean you can see Moonlight Gu floating without moving like a wood. Then, basically, Small Qi Gu, who was also silent, didn't move.

After observing these two things, he finally found a clue that eventually led him to a conclusion that could explain the reasons for his intuition, but did not fully explain why he was able to create this camouflage without any attainment in the three paths.

He pulled his senses from his aperture, now his face, which still had traces of fatigue, showed a happy expression.

"Ha ha. It turns out that all this time I was wrong in solving this problem. " Fang Yuan shook his head slightly, he seemed to realize that he had been deceived by his own thoughts.

He used the logic of the Gu world to find an answer to why he could generate that intuition, but he left his perspective as a person using Path Imagination.

Imagination is thinking from outside the city, and is not limited from any side as in the box. When he tried to understand it from the point of view of the Qi path, Shadow path, and also Dark path. He from the start forgot his own path of Imagination.

"Imagination is unlimited, has no end or beginning, its limits are only the understanding and experience of the user himself"

If someone knows the lion and the eagle, then by imagination he will be able to create a lion with the wings of an eagle and also an eagle with the head of a lion.

This is one of the essence of the Path Imagination, creating something new without even understanding it in detail.

All it takes to create an eagle-winged lion is to know the shape of the lion and the shape of the eagle, there is no need to understand the details of their biology.

Fang Yuan previously only wanted a way to kill this uninvited guest, but he also needed to guarantee his safety in this matter.

He checked his surroundings first, but there was nothing he could use, he was new to using Moonlight Gu, so this was not an option.

Then the only way is to use the weapon it carries, a sword.

To use this sword, he needed to be able to approach his enemy without being noticed, so that he would not get injured when he approached his opponent.

Then the last shard was his Gu, Moonlight Gu was definitely out of consideration.

Gu was the only one who could turn one into a hundred depending on how it was used.

There are no invincible Gu, only invincible Gu Masters.

Knowing these three pieces of information, Fang Yuan subconsciously used his Imagination path.

He knows that the Dark Paths focus on concealment. All he needed to do was relate this knowledge to the fragment of information he possessed. And voila !

An intuition that contains a plan to get out of a state based only on the information he has.

Imagination path understands tree trunks without needing to understand the roots, but in the end Imagination path also requires the user to understand what a tree is and also other things to support its deduction. Then this understanding will be used to create a new understanding of the tree trunk.

"Ha ha. So that's what happened. "Understanding everything makes Fang Yuan feel better, he doesn't want to do anything without understanding it, he is now in the Gu world, he wants to live a pleasant life, for that he needs knowledge and strength.

But in the end he became aware of the profundity of the attainment. He did not have a Gu that could help him connect the fragments of information he possessed. Moreover, he was very panicked and could not think clearly.

"So because I can generate intuition without Gu, only with the help of information. Have I reached the Imagination Path Master level? "

Fang Yuan thought about this for a while, but this was not impossible.

"Ha ha ha. Of course not"

Fang Yuan had lived in this Gu world for 10 years as a mortal, then continued for some time as a Gu Master. But he knows that increasing attainment level is not an easy thing.

Fang Yuan then stood up from his seat, he was feeling better and stronger now, he started examining Ko Ki and Lin Lu's corpses.

He found a note from Ko Ki's corpse, and a refinement material from Lin Lu. This refinement material is shaped like an orb made of water, when it is pressed against the orb wall it will bend inward without damaging the thin wall, after being released the wall will return to its original state. In this orb you can also see that light blue water fills all the space in this orb, so when you tilt it, it won't move.

Fang Yuan put this water orb aside for now and started reading the note Ko Ki left behind. He finally smiled after reading it.

He knew all the Gu worms he caught earlier, except for Water Needle Gu, because Ko Ki didn't know this Gu from the start.

Then the other information is this water orb. This was a Rank three Fine Blue Water Orb refinement ingredient. This ingredient can be used when refining a Rank three version of Current Gu.

Ko Ki was a member of the Bai clan, and also he is a Rank two Gu Master. So it is not weird if Ko Ki heard about this refinement material, but also he does not know how to refine it, he only knows that this refinement material can be used to refine a Rank three Gu.

Also Fang Yuan found interesting info about Water Snake Gu.  

Ko Ki got this Gu in one of the rivers that was outside near the territory border of the Gu Yue clan. He found this Gu was injured and floating in the river. Ko Ki caught this Gu and refined it easily.

"Maybe I'll visit the river to look for some Gu worms next." Fang Yuan only prepared a new location to visit in the future.

Then after all that he found primeval stones, the total was 48 and added that left by the Flower Wine Monk to 63.

Fang Yuan still had plans against these two Gu Masters corpses, he still wanted to experiment with Gu Masters bodies after all. Where else can he find it?

But at the end of it all, he still thought that this Gu world was indeed vast. In the story, Fang Yuan did not meet these two Gu Masters, perhaps due to the difference in visiting time between the two of them.

"Am I also going to experience something like this again? After all, the novel RI only tells from a point of view that focuses on Fang Yuan, so if I start exploring this village, this Qing Mao Mountain maybe I can still find something that can be of use to me. Like the Water Snake Gu that Ko Ki got."

The world of Gu was vast, compared to this Qing Mao Mountain, it was just like a dot in the middle of a large canvas.

But for Fang Yuan, he felt that this Qing Mao Mountain was still too large for him who was still like now, weak as fuck. He wanted to explore this mountain and find something that might not be mentioned in the novel.

Fang Yuan wanted to start his experiment immediately, so he first had to use the primeval stones he had just obtained.

Fang Yuan wanted to refine this Gu Master's body into a Gu or at least help him understand what he wanted to know through this experiment.

Fang Yuan first needed to replenish his Small Qi Gu, because all these experiments were centered on this Gu.

When Fang Yuan saw the absorbed Qi he was a little surprised. There was a new Qi that was discovered by him.

This Qi is dark black in color and is aggressive towards other natural Qi. When Fang Yuan wanted to feel this Qi sensation, he felt his finger touching this Qi go cold, lose its warmth, more precisely his life energy, and a sensation like death.

Fang Yuan realized that this was Death Qi. Either way he could only guess for now

He assumed that in a living being's body there was life energy, then when that living thing died, that energy would be converted into Death energy. Then it finally produced Death Qi.

"Yeah. This is just my guess, but it is enough for now rather than not understanding anything. All journey with a thousand steps begins with one step "

Fang Yuan wanted to continue his experiment, but a new intuition popped into his head.

Why didn't he use Death Qi's aggressive nature to weaken the Gu worms he had just caught and make it easier for him to refine them?

Besides now he has a lot of primeval stones he got in this place.

After thinking about a few things, Fang Yuan decided to refine the Gu which was important to him.

Now it is very late at night, maybe it is past night. He didn't want to attract the attention he didn't want right now.

Fang Yuan first started with the Liquor Worm, he put the Liquor Worm in front of his body and between his hands.

Beside the Liquor worm was Small Qi Gu, which was completely filled with death Qi.

Fang Yuan started refining this Gu. First, using primeval essence to refine then followed by Death Qi to weaken it.

This was done simultaneously by Fang Yuan, the Liquor worm which was Rank five earlier as mentioned in the novel had a strong resistance, but when his body was attacked by Death Qi, this Gu began to lose his focus to survive the refining by Fang Yuan.

After the primeval essence ran out, Fang Yuan started to replenish it, then continued.

Maybe he could indeed refine the Liquor worm in a short time this way.

But an unexpected thing happened, the Liquor worm that was originally healthy began to lose its vitality, it looked sick and its body color slowly faded.

Fang Yuan stopped giving Death Qi and only focused on the primeval essence.

In the end he managed to refine the Liquor worm.

But he realized that this was very dangerous, he saw the Liquor worm which was now lying weak in the palm of his right hand. The Liquor Worm had almost lost all of its vitality and its wings were like withered plant leaves, Fang Yuan started to use Small Qi Gu to help the Liquor Worm recover, he began to draw Death Qi from the Liquor Worm.

At first he was troubled, because this Death Qi seemed to almost stick to every cell in the Liquor worm's body, but in the end he managed to get most of it out. Now the Liquor worm looks better.

"Looks like I don't need to use Death Qi to refine Gu, the Liquor worm may have survived because it was previously Rank five, but if I use this method on Gu with lower ranks they will probably be destroyed before I refine them."

Fang Yuan decided not to continue refining the other Gu worms, as they were still Rank two.

He continued with his experiments, time was short now, so he could only do what he needed most.

Fang Yuan started filling Ko Ki's body with Shadow Qi and Lin Lu's body with Dark Qi, then he took the body out to bury it.

He didn't want to make this cave fill with Death Qi and make it rotten because of the bodies.

If the Death Qi accumulates in high amounts in this place,maybe some event will occur, and Fang Yuan doesn't want that to happen.

Fang Yuan chose a hidden place to bury their bodies, then immediately headed to the village to return home.

He didn't head to his new home, but an inn. It was very late at night, if he came home now, maybe he would get Chi Lian's attention.


By Nefar-inn and Spyrakles