
Reverend Insanity Semi

A RI reader get transmigrated to RI world as Fang Yuan.

Green_Dolphin · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Luck is only variable, the human itself who determine the final result

Fang Yuan stood in front of a stalk of bamboo trees that were the source of the odd Qi in this place.

But after he saw the contents of this collection of bamboo trees, he did not find anything out of place, everything was normal.

Inside this collection of bamboo trees, there are other bamboo stalks that fill the space in it making the space in it almost nothing other than the green color of the bamboo sticks.

He was confused about this.

Qing Mao Mountain has a lot of bamboo trees, bamboo trees can almost be found in all parts of this mountain, so there is nothing strange if anything strange happens regarding the bamboo trees on this mountain.

But the only things that could make this kind of oddity were refinement materials, or beast, or Gu worm.

But Fang Yuan discovered neither of these three.

If one of the refinement material was in front of him, then he would definitely be able to tell it apart. Yet there was almost nothing in front of him at the moment.

If it was a beast, then how can it not attack Fang Yuan when he tries to destroy the first layer of this stalk of bamboo ?

If it was a Gu worm, then Fang Yuan could at least sense this Gu aura. Yet he couldn't feel it at all.

"Then what happened?" This made Fang Yuan even more confused.

Fang Yuan try to consider all possibilities. The possibility of refinement materials, or beast, or Gu worms causing strange Qi was indeed in front of him now.

"The answer is right in front of my eyes, but i still can't figure it out. If only the academy had records about Qi then I would have some guesses about what might happen here. But like what they are saying, man propose and heaven dispose"

Fang Yuan had no knowledge of refinement materials or beasts or Qi. So there was a chance that he might have missed something very obvious, but he didn't know it.

If it was a Gu worm, then the most plausible reason would be this Gu had a concealment type or had the ability to hide its aura. Fang Yuan was only a Rank one, how could he possibly find out a hidden Gu worm using only his eyes and ears.

Not getting the answer, Fang Yuan tried the rough road, he wanted to cut down all these bunches of bamboo trees to get the answer he wanted.

"At least this way I won't miss anything"

Fang Yuan began to prepare for his attack using the Moonlight Gu that had been damaged, because of this Gu condition fang yuan only uses it on minimum power to try not break it apart.

When he was about to shoot it, an aura appeared from the bunch of bamboo trees in front of  Fang Yuan.

This was a Rank two Gu aura.

Fang Yuan was shocked by this, he stopped his action and began to get ready to catch this Gu.

But while he was waiting for the Gu to come out, a green light flew quickly past him, this light scratched his cheek and caused a shallow cut.

Fang Yuan was unable to digest what just happened in such a short time, he reflexively turned around and saw the trace of Gu that had just flown past him.

A regret rose in his heart, he had just let a Rank two Gu out of his grasp.

But he didn't drag on in the disappointment, instead he looked amused because his hunch is not wrong after all.

"Ha ha. Even though I managed to find this place, it turns out that Gu was not fated for me, maybe my luck was lacking."

Fang Yuan managed to get to this place due to various coincidences, first he succeeded in refining the Yin Qi Drop Gu, then continued with the purchase of refinement materials, but because it was closed he then got the idea to go looking for it himself.

But in the middle of the road he found this pile of bamboo from the main road, he felt that this collection of bamboo caught his attention, so he went to check it.

And also if he doesn't have Small Qi Gu then he will never find out about the oddity of wood qi in this place.

And in the end he found a Rank two Gu hiding in this place.

Maybe it's because he hasn't used the Spring Autumn Cicada yet so he has good luck.

Fang Yuan, who in the story suffered bad luck because of using the Spring Autumn Cicada, so he experienced many bad encounters, but because of his cleverness he was able to overcome these calamities, instead he turned it into his advantage.

Even in his first life he was also very lucky, he managed to live to 500 years, didn't he have high luck in the beginning?

Then if the current Fang Yuan had all kinds of coincidences leading him to a Rank two Gu, it would not be unusual.

Fang Yuan felt that the question of the oddity of this place had been resolved.

Maybe the Gu who just escaped earlier was the cause of the strange Qi in this place, he thought.

Fang Yuan began to stretch all his muscles and wanted to continue his journey to find refinement ingredients from nature.

When he had turned around and wanted to take the first step, he felt it.

An aura stronger than a Rank two Gu.

Fang Yuan quickly turned around and looked for where the aura had come from. It was that pile of bamboo from before.

In his heart he said "Is this Rank three Gu?".

Fang Yuan started searching for the pile of bamboo trees, but he couldn't find this Rank three Gu, although he could faintly sense this Gu aura.

Fang Yuan stopped his steps, he took a deep breath and then let out a cold breath.

He had almost missed this opportunity, he was only Rank one, the initial stage was also above all that. How could he possibly find a Rank three Gu who was hiding itself?

But fortunately Fang Yuan realized this, looking for it the normal way is not possible.

Even if he wanted to use investigation-type Gu he couldn't, he didn't have a Gu like that.

The only thing Fang Yuan could do now was use up everything he had, it was Small Qi Gu.

He summoned this Gu to follow the sucked flow of the wood Qi.

This is just an idea, maybe what flew earlier was not the reason why the Qi oddity occurred, maybe this Rank three Gu was the cause.

Fang Yuan activated Small Qi Gu and then used a magnetic Qi field to help him navigate the wood Qi flow.

He was surprised to see the result, around Small Qi Gu was a stream of wood Qi was heading somewhere from the magnetic field, it looks like the magnetic field lines made by Small Qi Gu are being drawn by a magnet which is stronger causing it to be magnetic Qi field to change.

He was surprised to see this, because this was the first time he had seen Small Qi Gu's magnetic field lines change.

Fang Yuan followed the flow that sucked Small Qi Gu's wood Qi, he finally found it.

He was surprised when he first realized this, a collection of bamboo leaves forming a ball was sticking to one of the bamboo stalks.

Fang Yuan had investigated this place five times using his eyes, ears and hands, but to no avail. He could not even find Rank two Gu, but now he found this collection of bamboo leaves with only help from Small Qi Gu.

"If I do this earlier maybe I can get that Rank two Gu" Fang Yuan looked sorry, but actually he already knew that it was not possible, because even though he found the Gu, he still had to catch it, but the Gu earlier had very high speed. Speed that even made him unable to react in time.

Fang Yuan took out the bunch of leaves that made up this ball, and started examining it.

He discovered that a Gu worm was in the process of Ranking up, perhaps this was how a Gu worm rose from Rank two to Rank three. This might also explain why this Rank Three Gu's aura was so weak. it's not genuinely a Rank three but just a bit more stronger than Rank two.

Fang Yuan was in no rush, he did not know that what he was doing might disturb this Gu and cause this Gu to be crushed.

So Fang Yuan only saw this bunch of leaves.

He wanted to channel his primeval essence, so that when this Gu finished Ranking up, it would be easier for him to refine it like the Yin Qi Drop Gu.

But this is very risky, what if what he did would only make this Gu fail to Rank up and then get destroyed ?

Fang Yuan chose to not disturb this Gu, but he examined the process of this Gu Rank up, maybe by doing this will give him some short of how refinement works.

Then finally a Rank three Gu was just formed.

This bundle of bamboo leaves wrapped around Gu slowly began to open and showed the Gu who was inside.

Fang Yuan watched the process as the leaves opened with eyes full of hope.

It was an immense joy for him, earning a Rank three Gu just by visiting the forest. What kind of Gu Master doesn't want this to happen to them ?

In the end Fang Yuan's luck is indeed pretty high.

When the last layer of the leaf cluster opened, a burst of Rank three aura spread out.

This makes Fang Yuan a little inconvenient, what if someone else is here? Aren't they going straight to this place?

But strangely, this Gu immediately stopped the aura from coming out.

Fang Yuan himself was confused about this.

"Maybe it's because this Gu is Rank three, so when it hides its aura I can't feel it right away?"

Not knowing what happened, Fang Yuan chose to assume that way.

Fang Yuan kept this Gu and wanted to leave this place immediately, because in this place there was still the aura of this Gu, so if a Gu Master came to this place, Fang Yuan would be in trouble that he didn't want.

Humans are greedy creatures, let alone the inhabitants of this Gu world.

Fang Yuan knew this very well when he was still reading RI novels.

"In the end my luck was still high, it's just that Rank two Gu was not fated for me", A glimpse of regret in Fang Yuan's eyes.

If Fang Yuan chased the Gu earlier, he might lose this Rank three Gu.

But luckily he wasn't too greedy, he knew that there was no way he could catch up with the Gu earlier, he made the right decision to not go after it.

Then Fang Yuan got a little insight about the Luck path.

He knows that the essence of the Luck path is "fate is predestined, luck is variable".

As the saying goes, everything is just variables. If he didn't have Small Qi Gu and even though he had Small Qi Gu, the possibility of him finding this Gu that was hiding in this place was almost impossible for him.

In the end a variable is just a variable, which determines the end result is the owner of the variable itself. Instead of calling this a fortuitous encounter, it would be more accurately described as the result of the fang yuan hard work, of course with the help of several variables.

What if he didn't have Small Qi Gu? Then he could only meet a Rank two Gu earlier, because he would definitely cut this stalk of bamboo to find out what was inside.

What if he wasn't smart enough to use Small Qi Gu? Or rather what if he had intelligence as low as Ma Hong Yun?

Surely he wouldn't be able to use the variable he had which was Small Qi Gu.

Then fang yuan got a little inspiration from this. His lips curved and showed a face full of satisfaction.

"Luck path, this is no ordinary path, this path requires the ability of the user to take advantage of the variables at their disposal to turn everything that happens to them into benefits" Fang Yuan felt happy because he felt he understood the luck path even a little, but it was better than nothing.

Even though he knows the essence of the luck path, he simply cannot begin his journey on the Luck path. He only got help from novel content, if he didn't know the essence of the luck path how could he possibly get enlightened like this?

But because of this incident, he managed to grasp the meaning of this word even if only slightly.

Realizing how powerful the Luck path was, made Fang Yuan want to further trace this path, but he still lacked the understanding for this.

"Looks like I have to do an experiment for this, but unfortunately luck is only a variable, it's unpredictable, all I can do is find a subject that I can observe and start an experiment from that subject."

Some things were easier to understand when seeing other people doing it, which was why Fang Yuan wanted to have a test subject.

In this way, an experiment that Fang Yuan would carry out increased.

But there was still something stuck in his head, this was not some short of happiness, but a new intuition that Fang Yuan had been waiting for. However, this intuition only appeared When Fang Yuan managed to solve the mystery which resulted in the Qi in this place becoming strange.

So he wanted to know what this intuition contents.

Is this an intuition that helps him to understand the Luck path? If so, this is a good thing.

If it were anything else, Fang Yuan was not too disappointed, because any intuition that ruffled his mind at this rate usually brought him many benefits. Like what happened in the Cave where the Flower Wine Monk's legacy was and also when he refined his first Gu.

With the satisfaction of getting a Rank three Gu, Fang Yuan began to focus his mind on digesting this intuition.

It took quite a long time to digest this intuition, because this intuition was not like an idea like using Shadow Qi and Dark Qi, or like an order to throw and use primeval stones on the ball of light.

This is a question!

"If this Rank three Gu caused the wood Qi in this place to become absorbed to help itself to rank up naturally, then what reason did this Gu choose this place?"

This Gu was unmistakably related to the bamboo tree, it was clear from the whole body. This Gu looks like a bamboo tree green termite, its wings look like young bamboo tree leaves, and are the size of a duck egg.

But on Qing Mao Mountain, bamboo trees could be found almost everywhere. Then why here? Near one of the main streets of Gu Yue Village?

In the end, Fang Yuan could not answer this question and continued to investigate this place to find the reason.

Maybe he will get more benefits by following this intuition.


By Nefar-inn and Spyrakles