
Reverend Insanity Semi

A RI reader get transmigrated to RI world as Fang Yuan.

Green_Dolphin · Outros
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28 Chs

Bad luck lurking behind the good luck

Fang Yuan did not immediately search the stalk of bamboo, he made preparations in advance.

He knew that the reason behind this place causing the odd wood Qi around was because of refinement material, or a beast, or Gu worm.

But Fang Yuan already found Gu worms in this place, moreover it was two Gu worms, so what was left was refinement material and a beast or maybe another Gu worm.

The chance of a Gu worm still hid in these stalks of bamboo was very slim, so Fang Yuan excluded the possibility of Gu hiding in these stalks.

Since the probability of a beast hiding here was 50% then he didn't want to take any risk.

He only had Moonlight Gu as his weapon. But the danger ahead was still unknown to him, so Fang Yuan took the risk of using Yin Moonblade with 5% Yin Qi.

5% of Yin Qi is the limit for this time because Moonlight Gu is still in a state of injury from the previous use of Yin Moonblade, moreover if Fang Yuan only uses Moonlight Gu is only Rank one, its normal attack is very weak.

But before preparing the Yin Moonblade, Fang Yuan fell into contemplation.

Would he take the risk of using Yin Moonblade with Moonlight Gu current state? Or would he take his time first and then return to this place after he has better preparations?

Fang Yuan thought about these two things and finally chose to take the risk.

Nobody knows what will happen when he returns home then comes back here or to postpone this chance until he can guarantee his safety. Maybe when he comes back to this place, someone might already find this place by then.

Then the second reason is his luck, luck is variable. If he was careful then this opportunity would not be a disaster for him.

Fang Yuan carefully filled Moonlight Gu with Yin Qi.

Then he started to inspect this place with Small Qi Gu's help.

But when he used the magnetic Qi field, there was no strange wood Qi in this place. The magnetic lines on the magnetic Qi field did not change anything like what happened before.

"So it's true that Rank three Gu is the cause of the oddity of wood Qi in this place. But because of that the only method of investigation I have has become useless. "Fang Yuan seemed repelled, it seemed he had to wait until he got a Gu with investigative ability and then came to this place again.

But even though he already knew the result, he was still stubborn. Finally he decided to investigate this place for one last time so that there would not be any regret left in him, if in the future this place was found by others before he could successfully obtain investigative-type Gu.

This last investigation was so thoroughly carried out by Fang Yuan, that he didn't even miss a single leaf that he saw.

Then briefly he saw a flash of light green luster like gold, but that was only a glimpse and the light came from the bottom of these bamboo stalks.

Fang Yuan did not immediately dismantle the bunch of bamboo when he found this out, because he got the answer he was looking for.

It was not a definite refinement material because the flash he had seen earlier was not stationary and seemed to be moving.

"So the answer is a beast. But what kind of beast is this ? At first glance it looks like its body is covered by something radiating a metallic luster and covered by green gold. "Fang Yuan then made the decision to keep his distance, he had never heard of this beast from what he had read in the academy.

In Qing Mao Mountain there is a beast called the bamboo snake, this beast is like an endemic animal from Qing Mao Mountain, because this mountain is filled with bamboo plants.

But as the name implies, the bamboo snake is not a snake with a body covered in something like shiny gold, this beast got its name because of their unique way of reproducing.

When an adult bamboo snake will lay eggs, they will look for a safe and hidden place, usually in their territory area. Then they will start to change their body to resemble a bamboo stick that has segments. Then starting from the tail they will begin to cut off the rear segment which will eventually become an egg.

Their eggs were like a segment of a bamboo tree, not ovals like the eggs in general. Because of this they are called bamboo snakes.

Facing something he didn't know, Fang Yuan chose to not gamble his life with this mysterious beast.

He walked backwards to prevent the beast's attention and after he felt safe enough then he would run away from this place.

But when Fang Yuan just took his second step backwards, this beast jumped out of the bunch of bamboo and attacked him.

A flash of metallic green luster jumps toward Fang Yuan.

The back of the Fang Yuan palm was bitten by the beast and Fang Yuan could clearly feel that he was poisoned from this bite. He felt something that the beast injected something in his right hand, it gave him an unpleasant feeling.

Everything happened so fast that Fang Yuan could not pay close attention to the real appearance of this beast.

Reflexively, Fang Yuan tried to release his hand from this beast's jaws, but the beast just let him hand go after one bite.

And at that moment Fang Yuan knew that this was not a constrictor-type snake but the one who used venom. 

He has been poisoned.

When knowing about this he feels that his heart is pumped like crazy and he can feel his adrenaline rising up making his vision blurred, his body is shaking and even right now he can feel that he is already wretched in sweat.

His mind was pausing for a moment and just for a second and he lost control of his body and almost dropped himself to the ground.

In front of Fang Yuan there was a snake that was about 1.7 meters long. This snake had a slender body and was decorated with scales that looked like jade scales which had been polished to give off a metallic green luster like it was made of gold.

On the head of this snake there was a piece that looked like a jade that was bigger than the rest of the scales, its two eyes had dark green vertical needle-like pupils and stared at Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan and this snake were on high alert for each other, but it was this snake that made the first move. The snake opened its mouth and looked like it was going to shoot something out.

A green light seemed to gather in the snake's mouth then a shard of jade which had a sharp angle pointed at Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan was shocked, it was not because he saw a shard of jade that had just formed but he felt the aura of a Rank three Gu emanating from this snake when this snake opened its mouth.

Then Fang Yuan felt a very dangerous threat from this. If this snake had a Rank three Gu in its body wouldn't it mean that this snake at least a thousand beast kings? That on par with Rank three Gu Master ?

But seeing that this snake is alone and without a group, then the only sensible answer is that this snake is a mutated beast.

In Qing Mao Mountain, there are only a few types of snakes and among those snakes the one with the most numerous count are the bamboo snakes. Fang Yuan already knew about other types of snakes, but there wasn't a single snake-related information that explained what kind of snake that was in front of him at this time.

This snake is actually a mutated beast from the bamboo snake and the information regarding this snake is already in Gu Yue clan's records, however this information is not for public so it is not available in public places like the academy. Where Fang Yuan mostly gets his information about the Gu world.

Green jade bamboo snake is the name for this snake. However, because mutated beasts rarely appear, it is almost impossible to find these beasts in Qing Mao Mountain.

That is why not many people know about the existence of this mutated beast.

Fang Yuan immediately took action and jumped to avoid the snake's attack but his body still in fear-state that made his move not too smooth. 

He trips himself and falls to the ground.

But the snake opened its mouth again and prepared for the next attack, Fang Yuan who saw this use the energy that was left in his body that was crippled by fear to roll over and try to stand up.

He succeeded in his  first try and found out that the snake looks like it is holding its attack when Fang Yuan does this.

But Fang Yuan's mind is in a mess right now so he isn't aware of this. 


Seeing there was a chance, he tried to prepare some countermeasures. That was Yin Mooblade.

Of course there was a possibility that this attack would fail, because the situation that Fang Yuan was in is a state of urgency right now and his goal is not to harm this beast but to make some space so that he can escape.

But the poison from the green jade bamboo snake had entered his right hand, this made him unable to aim Moonlight Gu effectively.

Fang Yuan used his right hand as his primary hand and using a Gu was like using one's own limb, so he therefore had to use his poisoned right hand for high accuracy.

The green jade bamboo snake saw Fang Yuan roll over and halt its attack, but when it sensed that Fang Yuan was preparing an attack, the snake then made a countermeasure against it. Then a new aura of Rank three Gu was again felt by Fang Yuan.

He felt really depressed because of this, if so why didn't he just run away?

He had definitely done it earlier if he could, but his escape route was blocked by a dense bamboo tree and it also seemed that this snake would not let go of Fang Yuan, it was seen from the snake's very aggressive attitude.

Then why is this snake so eager to kill Fang Yuan?

The reason was simple, because Fang Yuan took its Gu.

The rank three Gu who had just undergone a Rank up was originally a Gu in this green jade bamboo snake's body, but because this Gu couldn't rank up inside the snake's body. Green jade bamboo snakes then go to find a good place for the Gu to undergo a Rank up.

However, when the snake was looking for a good place, this Gu flew out of its body and began to rank up within this stalk of bamboo, as if there was something special about this place.

Having no other choice, the green jade bamboo snake chose to keep on guard while this Gu underwent Rank up.

But when Fang Yuan came, at first the green jade bamboo snake did not feel that Fang Yuan was a threat because it could feel that Fang Yuan was only an initial stage of Rank one. Moreover, if this snake directly attacks Fang Yuan and Fang Yuan runs away, its existence will be known by the humans on this mountain and this snake is quite smart considering this fact.

And also there is another reason that is not to interfere with the Gu Rank up process, if a fight occurs this Gu could be hit and destroyed. Like when Fang Yuan found about this Rank three when it was in the process of Rank up.

This Gu is a very important Gu for the green jade bamboo snake, even though it has other three Rank three Gu inside its body, the green jade bamboo snake still considers that this Gu is more important and now the Gu that is very important to him will Rank up to Rank three. Of course the snake will do everything in its power to make that happen.

After feeling that the Gu was successfully Rank up, the green jade bamboo snake no longer had a reason not to kill Fang Yuan because now this Gu was in Fang Yuan's possession.

The green jade bamboo snake was waiting for a good chance to launch a surprise attack so it all ended in one strike and prevented the Fang Yuan from escaping.

That was the first bite that the snake launched at Fang Yuan.

But the poison that the green jade bamboo snake needs takes some time to show its effect.

Also the reason why this snake halted its attack when fang Yuan rolled over was to avoid attacking the rank three Gu in Fang Yuan's possession.

The two sides prepared their respective attacks, Fang Yuan prepared the Yin Moonblade and the green jade bamboo snake prepared two types of attacks.

But the first to successfully launch the attack was the green jade bamboo snake, in its mouth still open and a shard of jade being formed. The green jade bamboo snake's branching tongue moved like a whip cut and a needle that was green and looked like it was made entirely of liquid gilded towards Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan knew that odds were not on his side when he felt the aura of this snake's second Rank Three Gu.

Fang Yuan began to relax his body, the flash of death was clearly visible in his eyes. At that moment he felt all of his life burden was lifted from his shoulder. He let out a soft breath "Ah"

And at that moment he didn't have any fear; instead he took off his acting face and showed a sincere smile.

'Ha ha. In the end my trip only reached this far, I only regret that this story of mine is just too short. I still want to see more about this Gu world. But now there's nothing else I can do, at least I want a instant death from this beast '

Fang Yuan felt a lot of emotions in a short time.

As soon as Fang Yuan saw the attack coming his way, he knew he could avoid this attack but not the next one. Whatever effort he makes, the result is already set on stone.

But even though Fang Yuan still tried his best, he didn't know what would happen but at least he had to do everything that he could to overcome any adversity that came in his path..

Wasn't it because of this that he wanted to live like Fang Yuan? Fighting something that seems impossible and never giving up even though death and failure is right in front of his eyes but still preserved until his body gets destroyed or until his soul disintegrates. He wants to preserve all obstacles that come in his way and when death comes to him he will have nothing to regret because he already lives a life that he really wants.

Fang Yuan did not hesitate anymore, he knew that this first attack would probably be like a poison eating down his body, but it still gave him less time until the poison killed him instead of taking the second attack — a direct physical attack from a shard of jade.

Fang Yuan used the Yin Qi Drop Gu to increase the Yin Qi content in the Moonlight Gu. He didn't pay attention to how much content he was going to use, but only one thing was on his mind.

"I have to use my strongest attack on this one strike!" Fang Yuan began to feel that Yin Qi was starting to leak out from Moonlight Gu into his right palm and gave him a strange sensation and at the same time he could feel that Moonlight Gu start to shake softly.

But he didn't stop, he kept preserving and filling it with all his might. He would probably destroy Moonlight Gu because of this because at this point the Yin Qi content had already passed 15% and the Moonlight Gu, which was originally injured, started trembling and cracks in his body began to spread.

"Ha ha ha ha. Let's see who will be the winner of this fight, you or I who will die first. " His face doesn't show any fear at all,instead he showed a face that is full of life and satisfaction.

Fang Yuan knew that even if he managed to defeat the green jade bamboo snake with one Yin Moonblade strike he was still in as much danger as the green jade bamboo snake.

First he was poisoned and the poison was in his hands already starting to spread.

Secondly he knew that if he fired the Moonlight Gu now this Gu would definitely be destroyed and give him a backlash.

Third was the backlash from Yin Moonblade's killer move would definitely fill his entire right hand with Yin Qi and eventually cause permanent impact or possibly kill him on the spot.

Die from backlash is not rare for Gu Master after all.


By Nefar-inn and Spyrakles