
Revenge of a Dying Lilac [SYSTEM RULES] {BL}

You died not because it was the heaven's judgement but because you were wrongly accused. Your death makes you realize your greatest regrets. And so, the normal life you thought you always you have, hiding it's dark secrets and is now slowly unfolded the deeper you dig in to the world of a so called system.

crimsonfujo656 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs


Time was still running. His mind was wondering still. Trying to figure out how will he find this missing person without a clue. He's laying in his bed with his eyes covered with dark circles indicating that he didn't sleep all night. Who would? When you were given a mission with an empty paper. Finally, he get up decided to ask the system about something that might help him solve the mission.

"Lilac are you there? I have a question. Do you have any kind of tools that might be of help?"


"Dear host, we have every tools you need to complete your mission easily"

"Really? Can I have it?"


"Dear host, You need to pay"

"Pay? Tsk how much is it?"


"It depends on the tools you needed"

"Okay then how about something that can locate a certain location like a compass or something"


"There are 3 kinds of compass available in the inventory chart"

"Can I see it?"


Metallic Compass Detector - direction (300 gold stars)

White Compass Detector - entity (500 gold stars)

Gold Compass Detector - treasure (1000 gold stars)

"Lilac, What's the purpose of those gold stars?"


"Dear host, it's the price of every item"

"What? The price? That expensive? Why don't you people go rob a bank?"


"Okay fine, then do I have any gold star?"


"No, you didn't complete any mission yet. Your current balance is 0"

"What?! As expected. Is this any other way?"


"You can have a loan. Every first time host player needed to borrow money from the head system to buy the necessary things they needed to complete their mission"

"Then can you help me?"


"As you wish"


The head system approved your request. A total of 1000 gold stars has been sent to your account. Thank you for your patronage.

He put his palm on his face, feeling dejected. It's his first time borrowing money and now he's even in debt. Cruel, this system is cruel. Since he is a pampered son despite the fact that he's gay , his parents still supported him, by financial or even moral support. He's thankful that his parents didn't think that his sick or needed any medical advice.


"Dear host, your account balance is 1000 gold stars. Would you like to used it?"



"Choose your item"

A big screen flashed above him containing every kinds of tools. He couldn't even recognize some of it.

"I want the White Compass Detector"


White Compass Detector - entity (500 gold stars)

Would you like to continue?

            [YES]             [NO]

With hesitation, he press the [YES] icon. If only he was given one clue or information about the missing person he wouldn't have to deal with this system whom just making him bankrupt.


"Congratulations dear host, for obtaining the White Compass Detector. 500 gold stars had been deducted to your account. Remaining balance is 500 gold stars"

"There's nothing to congratulate. If only I'm not afraid to die, I won't be in this situation. You...you system....tsk whatever"


"A reminder dear host, the loan also comes with interest of 5% and will automatically deducted to your next payment"

"WHAT? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"


Mission has started.

Remaining time: 5days:22hrs:59mins

Class: Beginner

Status: Incomplete

Status Bar: 0%

The reality slap him hard. He massage his temples when he felt his head started to ache. This system won't spare him even a little bit of seconds. Always reminding him about his mission.

He step out of his room to start finding clues about the missing person. Although he doesn't know where or what, he still need to force himself to move as  he don't wish to die.

"Lilac, does the White Compass Detector can detect any kind of entity?"



"Can it find even a person?"



"Then can I used it to find the missing person?"


"No, White Compass Detector can only find an entity if you can give the name of a certain person"

"Is there any other use of it?"


"It can track a person's location if you have something that might lead to it"

"You mean I need to look for something that he owns or that belong to him. Could it be possible of anything?"


"Yes. As long as in has traces of that person it can locate anywhere"

"Then what's the difference between the Metallic Compass Detector and White Compass Detector?"


"Questions that aren't related to your mission can not be answered by the system"

"I'm just asking about their differences"


"Okay where should I start? Where do usually a missing person be? There's a lot of choices. But I don't know where to start. Could it be-- no. Maybe no--- then how about--- no. Ahhh my head is going to crack"


"Head System notice the host player is at loss, thus a secondary help will be activated"



Secondary Help Complete

"Secondary Help? What's that?"


"A cat?"


Secondary Help have reach the target

A cat with a rare black and gray stripes showed infront of him. He bent down his knees to face the cat while patting it's head. Even though it didn't react but this cat just look at him with a black and hollowed eyes.

"So you're the Secondary Help. Nice to meet you push-push. How are you today? Do you want some treats? I'll give you some if you can tell me where's the missing person is, a good deal right?"

The cat shows no sign of interest. A second passed, it started to run inside a building. He followed the cat and stop infront of the building only to realize that it was the same building where he wake up with his best friend's boyfriend beside him. The very place where it all started.

He went inside the motel with his heart palpitating. He suddenly felt a mixed emotion. Firstly, because that incident gave him a very traumatic experience. Secondly, because of the humiliation, Thirdly, because he was accused of something he didn't do.

He look around the lobby to find the cat but fail. It's like the cat is gone like a bubble without a trace.

A receptionist walked closer to him. He didn't notice her at first.

"Hello dear guest, welcome to *** Motel. How may I assist you today?"


"We have a special promo today.  a VIP room for two is now 15% off while a single VIP room is 20% off. We also have--"

The receptionist continue to blabber their promo while he was thinking about the incident. Before his best friend drag him outside the room ,he vague saw the room number outside the door. '#609'.

"Miss is room 609 still available?"

"Please wait for a moment sir, we're still verifying your request"


"The room 609 is still available, would you like to take it, sir? Sir?"

"Ah...yes yes I'll take it"

"Okay, how many hours or days would you like to stay in, sir?"

"Maybe a day or two"

"Very well. Would you like to pay by cash or by card?"


He handed his gold card to the receptionist, watching her do her staff. Then the receptionist handed him back the card and paper for him to sign.

"Please put your signature here sir.....Thank you. Here's your key. Please enjoy your stay at *** Motel"


To Be Continued
