
REvenant: Insurrection

"Are you fighting for this world to save yourself, or are you fighting for this world to carry the burden of those who've fallen?" A story of how a youngster survived in a post-apocalyptic world that's nearing it's end. A world full of suffering, death, sadness and agony.

Makoiiy_ · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

[Episode 0] Prologue - Part 1/2




I was able to open my eyes, even tho my vision is a bit blurry, I recognized Captain Geo calling for my name followed by a huge explosion and piercing sounds of gunshots.

"Minoru, wake up!! Are your wounds okay?!"


"The Revenants are advancing faster than we thought, we're outnumbered already. We need someone to send a report to the Capital to send more reinforcement here in the frontlines!! Our Unit needs you!!!"

"How about you, Captain!?!? How about our Unit!?!?""

Another huge explosions were heard along with the loud gunshots from the frontlines just outside to the point that we were screaming on top of our lungs just to hear each other out.

"The Unit and I talked this out!!!"

"What do you guys..."

The Captain handed me an envelope with a stain of blood from his bleeding fingers.

"Do it, kiddo!!"

"No Capta—"

"Here's the key to the Military Vehicle outside of the frontline, use it!!! "

"No, wait!!!!"

"Do it, Minoru...live a long life!!!"

The captain took a proud stand and made his way back to the frontlines. I thought to myself, "Isn't he scared?" "Isn't he backing down?" but all those thoughts vanished when I heard his proud war cry.

"Be proud, soldiers!! We've made it this far, as long as we stand, the frontlines will never fall into these monsters!!"

Our Unit replied with a loud war cry to accommodate with the dedication Captain Geo given them.

He looked at me and nodded his head, I erased all my hesitations and stand from where I am sitting letting out a straight salute towards him. I left with the Military Vehicle back to the capital city of Saint Cordana. I never knew...that's the last time I'd call myself Lieutenant Minoru of Unit-02A.

10th of August, year 2023 of Gregorian Calendar. A plant biologist discovered a strange shrub near a Nuclear Exclusion Zone, it's a really strange plant that evolved to survive under in such a harsh conditon. It was soon brought by the biologist to the Laboratory located in the West. Some past reports says that the biologist formulated a medicine and some call it the "Mirracle" that cures any illness for anyone who uses it. Soon, they'd realize that they accidentally opened the "Pandora's Box." People who have taken the "medicine" suddenly changed their behavior. They've started to bite, harm, and kill people on the sight. Plants started to grow from their bodies even the corpses of the dead seemes like reanimated once again to haunt the living, they were called "Revenants" or the once who came back from the dead. Before anyone knew, it became a huge epidemic caused by an unknown infectious disease.

Hundreds of years since the epidemic started the world is still struggling from it's wrath but humanity found it's way to defend themselves from the disease. They've constructed 12 Major Fortress Shelters for the remaining of humanity scattered all around the globe, eventhough the fortress held the survivors for a century now, the casualties never stops.

I've arrived at the capital, I ran through the giant corridors of the Headquarters with all my remaining strength and opened the huge wooden door of the Major's Office only to see Major having fun with some hoes in the room.


"Lt.Minoru! Who gave you the permisson to just walk in here, haaaahhh!?!?!?"

"Major!! We need more reinforcement backup for the northern frontlines, I beg of you!!!"

I approached his table and slapped down the envelope with blood stains.

"Disgusting, what is that!!"

"I said we need more backups for the frontlines!!!"

"How dare y—"

A garrison soldier walked in the room and reported: "Sir!! The northern frontlines fallen along with the members of Unit-02A, sir!!" My eyes widen for what I've heard.

"Ohoh, I see. Send another wave of shitheads towards the frontlines, kill all of the Revenants on sight."

The garrison soldier nodded and salute.

"It's all because of you..."

"Liutenant Minoru, watch your mouth. Don't blame me because your Unit is full of incompetent dogs, I was just here ya know~"

"It all happened because YOU were just THERE!!!! We've been calling out through the radio channel hoping for YOU to send more backups to the Frontlines and you never did answer!! We were dying in the frontline, and the moment I walked in this stinky room all I saw were bunch of naked hoes and YOU having fun?!?!?!"

I jumped to his wooden office table and grabbed his collars. The girls backed away from the scene.


"But... that's the purpose of being a Garrison Frontline Soldier isn't it?"

He grinned with an evil smile

"....To die in battle???"


"Liutenant, step down the table and calm yourself." a man spoked with a respectable voice.