
Revenant's Ascent System

This is the story of a human boy, who after having his parents killed by vampires was enslaved by them. During the next 4 years he bides his time, while planning his escape and learning their ways. After overhearing a conversation between some of the other slaves, he realizes his time is almost up. During his escape he's almost killed, and falls down a seemingly bottomless pit where he has a fateful encounter with a mysterious entity. As he lies at the bottom of the pit he can feel his life fading away when he hears a voice, both chaotic, and omnipotent, exclaim ["welcome to Revenant's Ascent System".] A.N: This novel has been stopped. Read the chapter named news for info on why.

David_Hill · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

The Suffering and Strengthening of Vexen's Mind ( Time Skip Chapter) / Escaping before getting Killed

Over 4 long years have passed. During this time Vexen, Rufus, and all the other slaves, had to work from dawn till dusk, with no breaks until the time they went to sleep.

During this time, Vexen learned many things about the vampire's culture.

He learned that the name of the vampire settlement they lived in was called Valenhurst, and that the lord of Valenhurst, Lord Hugh Loralles the 2nd, was only a baron.

Vampires have many ranks that they use to measure their worth in vampire society, ranging from Commoner, all the way to Vampire emperor.

The ranks are as follows: commoner, soldier, commander, lieutenant, colonel, general, and then the higher ranks of, baron, viscount, earl, marquess, duke, prince, king/queen, and finally emperor.

During the 4 years he also learned that Rufus was actually a year younger than him, and had been a slave for about 2 years already, so Rufus taught Vexen ways to use the work they are forced to do to strengthen his body, so he wouldn't be as hurt by the vampires if they chose to beat him.( Vampires would sometimes beat the slaves for no apparent reason other than for the fun of it.)

Vexen would also work out anytime he could, so he would get strong enough to escape one day, and get his revenge.

He knew that one day when he turned 19, he would be allowed to leave according to what the vampire lord said, and after he left when he could go to a city so that he could learn what his affinity in magic is, and learn some spells, so he continued to train his body, and steel his mind. While strengthening his resolve to leave this place and avenge his parents.

4 years later...

Vexen woke up in the middle of the night, and heard a couple of vampires laughing, and talking outside the slave house door, so he put his ear up to the locked door to eavesdrop, "I wish we could feed on the slaves, since they're young, I bet their blood tastes exceptionally good", one of the vampires said. The other one then replied "We can't feed on them because they need to be pure for the ritual, since when they turn 19 they will become the perfect sacrifice for our god Umbrak". The first vampire then said, "You wanna hear something funny, the lord told them that they get to leave when they turn 19 so they would work harder, isnt that hilarious"? "HAHAHAHA". the second one laughed, then replied, "Yes it is, but we shouldn't talk about it, especially in front of the slave house. What if one of them heard us"? the first one then replied "come on, who cares?, it's not like they can do anything about it". then they both started laughing, and walked away. Vexen was filled with dread, because he would turn 19 in a couple of weeks, and would be killed in a ritual to their god. He wasn't going to let that happen, he needed to live, so he could avenge his parents, and help Rufus escape. That very night he decided to escape, with Rufus. Vexen went over to where Rufus was sleeping, and slowly shook him awake. "Rufus we need to get out of here"! he whispers full of panic. Rufus then replied in a sleepy voice, "why what's going on"? Vexen then told him about everything he overheard from the two vampires. This made Rufus wake up completely, and say, "No you need to escape, you turn 19 in a couple of weeks, and if I go with you then you'll be caught for sure, because my mana is awakened, and yours is not". Rufus then gave Vexen a key, and said, "take this, I stole it from one of the guards while they weren't looking. Use it to unlock the door, and escape. When you get strong enough you can come back, kill these bloodsuckers, and rescue us in the process". Vexen who has grown smart enough to realize that what Rufus said is the truth then said, "I promise that when I get strong enough, I will come back and do exactly that". He then hugged the only friend he has ever made, and unlocked the door. Little did he know, that this very night his life would change forever.