
Revenant's Ascent System

This is the story of a human boy, who after having his parents killed by vampires was enslaved by them. During the next 4 years he bides his time, while planning his escape and learning their ways. After overhearing a conversation between some of the other slaves, he realizes his time is almost up. During his escape he's almost killed, and falls down a seemingly bottomless pit where he has a fateful encounter with a mysterious entity. As he lies at the bottom of the pit he can feel his life fading away when he hears a voice, both chaotic, and omnipotent, exclaim ["welcome to Revenant's Ascent System".] A.N: This novel has been stopped. Read the chapter named news for info on why.

David_Hill · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Rufus's Knowledge of Nova

*Everything Rufus knows about Nova (Setting of World) **Note that there are still many more ranks, races, and monsters that Rufus doesn't know about.

Power Scaling System: Existence core Rank:

Peasant Rank:

Lowest of the low, only the weakest of the weak start at this rank.

Mortal Rank:

Humans, the weakest race, start at this rank normally.

Primal Rank:

Elves normally start at this rank as they are a higher race. It marks an existence's start to becoming immortal.

Manamorphasis Rank:

When your existence reaches this rank you can live for around 1,000 years without aging and gain extreme control over your mana, enough control where you can manipulate the mana in your own body to do incredible feats.

Demi-Immortal rank:

When a person reaches this rank they will be able to use their inner manna as an external weapon of mass destruction. They will also be able to live for 5,000 years without aging.

Immortal Rank:

Those who reach this rank can live forever unless they are killed, and also can create a domain with their elements of mana. A domain is a separate dimension where the user's word is law, and is hard to leave unless the other person also has a domain.





Elves which have many sub-races including:

Dark Elves

Sun Elves

Night Elves

Spirit Elves

Wild Elves

Wood Elves

Monsters of Nova:




Dire Wolves


Lesser Drakes


About the world of Nova (from Rufus's knowledge):

Nova is a world a lot like earth, but with fantasy, and sci-fi elements.

There are many kingdoms of the different races as the world is the size of jupiter.

They have made many scientific advancements, and magic advancements even creating a fusion between tech, and mana called Magi-Tech. They have many vehicles that are similar to earths like cars, trucks, boats, trains, and almost every other type of transportation from earth.

Due to their being monsters of many kinds there are guilds that pay people to hunt them, even so, there are sometimes monsters that attack towns in groups, so many important cities have high Magi-tach barriers, and walls.

Even though they have made many science advancements, they still have gods they believe in that give many benefits to their worshippers..

Magic types:

In the world of nova there are many types of magic.

Here are the magic types according to Rufus.

There are three ways to use magic

Offense - attacking using an element

Augment - giving buffs and debuffs using elements

Evocation - summoning or calling beings using elements.(For the necrosis element it's raising the dead, and summoning/creating undead.)

Elements of magic:

The elements of magic are as follows:

Nature/Fire/Solar/Lunar/Water/Abyss/Spirit/Necrosis/Earth/Wind/Mind and the magic of the gods and their believers Celestial magic

God Level Entities Worshiped in Nova:

Bedula- is the goddess of light and justice. She believes that criminals should be punished, and undead should be vanquished without a thought. Her followers formed the church of Purifying light. Her followers are proud haughty individuals who abstain from worldly pleasures and only care about bringing the light to the dark corners of the world.

Umbrak- is the god of the dark and secrets. He believes that darkness is the only path to enlightenment, and encourages his followers to find the secrets of the cosmos. His followers are often individuals who meet in secret and practice dark magic(necromancy/abyssal magic). He is also revered by Vampires since they like to stay in the dark.

Dividuam- is the god of war and conquest. He believes that the only way to settle a difference in opinion is through battle. His followers tend to be battle hungry warriors who like to test their mettle. His followers mainly consist of lycans.

There are also Mysterious beings called the void gods. Not many people worship them because they are considered the most vile, and evil beings to ever exist.

Lesser deities also exist that give blessings to those who worship them.