
Return of the Shaman

This about a guy who was summoned to another world with the heroes after defeating the evil empire and their dark gods the heroes return to their world exactly when they left which unfortunately for our MC is right after he lost his job and his only friend ran off with his girlfriend after she drained his account and because he is an orphan no family to ask for help Will only update when I feel like it

Guardian1 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

ch 16

So apparently a tool mage is similar to an enchanter except each tool made by them is also a array which can produce various affects that amplify their personal magics and is an extension of themselves but they also have ones main tool that is core to their power.

This is reason that mages haven't lost any more authority when the age of technology arrived as people needed magic less and less then came things like the witch trials forcing magical beings to remain hidden from the public but they integrated themselves with high level government officials to keep a strangle hold over the general public.

More importantly the tool mages that have become essential for the mage association have grown dissatisfied with their position within the association but because of politics have been prevented from moving up in authority and since Adam is the apprentice of the leader of the tool mage faction within the mage association his fuck up reflects poorly upon the faction leader as he is the most likely to inherit his position should he have no heirs.

I ponder the possibilities of how I can use this information to ruin Adam's life and somehow further increase my influence I mean just because I want to get revenge on Adam doesn't mean I should waste such an opportunity if can that would be icing on the cake almost completely lost in thought I was brought back to reality by Ai.

Ai:"Sebastián I think you should contact my family or at least allow me to do so because of that acquaintance of yours announcing your connection to me at the auction it will only be a matter of time before my family hears about it" Apparently Marie told her what happened

Me:"That would be the prudent thing to do but what will you tell them as I don't think they will except that you disappeared from their property unnoticed only to reappear with me"

Ai:"They might if you allow me to them to Chynna"

Me:"Why would Chynna matter it's just a construct?"

Ai:"I come from a family of puppet cultivators of course they would be obsessed with such a magnificent puppet and if I tell them that I became your pupil to how to create something like this they might even offer to make you an elder of the family even though you aren't related!"

Me:"Fine I might as well go meet with them myself and see if I can get some benefits out of this but I won't become some honorary elder of your family"

Ai, and I returned to the Wu family's mansion where we were quickly surrounded by security forces and puppets that were moving outside of our line of sight including a few cleverly disgused as trees I could have just ripped through these frail guards but I am here on a mission of peace in order create allies but I will not allow them to disrespect or manhandle me in any way seeing the look of disgust and promise of violence on my face decided to interven.

Ai:"Everyone stand down and do not harm my guest!"

random security guard:"Miss Wu please step away from the unknown individual so we may assess the situation"

Me:"I will not as I have stated previously he is my guest and if you attempt to take any action against him I will act on his behalf now immediately go call my grandfather and let him know I have returned"

Although they were a little hesitant about doing as she said because I wasn't asian so most likely not a cultivator eventually one of them called the mansion to notify her grandfather about her return and that she wasn't alone they placed special emphasis on that part of course a few minutes later we were escorted to the mansion where we were taken before her father and grandfather as well as other elders and experts acting all high and mighty looking down their noses at us especially at me and I was beginning to see a pattern with all these organizations so before they could continue to pretentious I pulled Chynna from storage ring.

Immediately whatever uppity bullshit her father or grandfather planned to say was caught in their throats as they now stared at the beautiful woman that was summoned out of a storage ring right before their eyes unable to comprehend what occurred until her grandfather finally started piecing together what actually happened.

grandfather Wu:"Is that woman a puppet?"

Ai:"That's why I wanted you to meet my teacher grandfather as you can see that puppet not only imitates life it is alive!"

random Wu elder(rWe):"Impossible!"

(rWe)2:"It must have been a teleportation technique no one is more skilled at puppet creation than the Wu family!"

(rWe)3:"Precisely even if it is a golem that just means that he stole it's blue print from an inheritance vault of one our ancestors like the illustrious Zhang Wei Wu who's inheritance went missing!"

Me:"I don't make a business of copying or stealing shitty golem creation styles I came because Ai insisted that I should because she promised that it would benefit me in some way yet now a bunch of doddering old decrepit men who are a step away from the grave dare slander me in such blanton fashion?"

Ai's father:"How dare you insult us in our own home who do you think you are!?"

Ai:"He is the Alchemist that the Dark elves have just recently given the new hotel and created all the items at the auction and puppet was the hostess of the same auction!"

Immediately the entire room falls silent as they begin processing what Ai just said and their actions prior to that information as they awkwardly realize what they had done and to whom.