
Return Of The Number 1 Defender

On the day it finished, another one began. The beginning of the earth's war began as gates fell from the sky and released catastrophes one by one. But, amidst the destruction, those who received power from an unknown source started to arise from the rubbles and fended off the monsters. 3 years passed and the nations had slowly risen back up with awakeners coming out everyday, although one particular person standed out from the rest.

Justine_Animator · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

The Ruler

Angel stayed quiet as he looks at the golden system panel in front of him. He wiped his eyes and slapped himself multiple times, trying to see if he was actually dreaming. He looked behind him and saw Rachel passed out on the ground.

[The 12th wave will be starting. Goodluck.]

'Just how many waves does this gate have!?', I say to myself with an angered tone.

"Master, can you stand up?", Cerios asks.

"Huh, oh y-yeah.", Angel answers as he stands up from the ground.

"I can feel multiple presences getting nearer every second. I'm fine by myself, but I can't protect you master and that woman behind by myself.", Cerios says.

That's right, in a tower defense game, you can't protect the territory by yourself. That's why there are 7 unit slots, meaning you'll need atleast 5 or 7 units to ensure that any enemy that gets past the first unit will be killed by the second summoned unit or if the enemy gets past the second unit, the third will kill it. That's how the usual tower defense game goes.

'System open!', Angel shouts in his mind.


-Strength = 56

-Agility = 45

-Durability = 50

-Intellect = 40

-Luck = 30

-Skills = Assimilation, Summon, Crimson Moon, Basic Swordmanship, Basic Bowmanship, Basic Spearmanship


"My lord, they're coming.", Cerios says seriously

"I know, skill summon!", Angel shouts.

[Summon(E)(active): A ruler is nothing without his subjects! You're able to summon E-ranked units with a small chance of summoning a rank above it. --

-Cost: 100 gold

-Numbers of use: 7

-Cooldown: 24h


As the summoning started, a bright circle with unknown symbols inside appeared on the ground. Similar to the game, you have to touch the circle to reveal the summoned unit.

[Medas(E-rank)(Type: Air)(Attribute: Holy) has been summoned. Keep or summon?]

'An air-type summon? And not only that, its attribute is holy.', Angel says in his mind.

Air-type means that it can only attack from afar or from the sky, basically it means long ranged. Attributes are more important, it basically shows who its effective against. To easily explain it, a holy attribute deals more damage against a dark attribute.

[Monsters have spawned.]

"Medas, appear before me and slay your foes!", Angel shouts.

A portal then appeared at the top of a dead tree near the gate where the monsters spawned. Then came out an archer wearing armor, holding of what seems to be a divine bow. I realized that the summon was from the 'Gaia Religion', a divine religion with soldiers and angels as the units.

'I'm lucky.', Angel says in relief.

"Some of the monsters had gotten past the archer's range! Master stay behind me!", Cerios shout in worry.

Angel walked up to Cerios

"Cerios, my loyal servant, may I borrow your body for a second.", Angel asks.

"Master, what do you-", Cerios asks in confusion

"Just for a second.", Angel says as he taps Cerios shoulder.

"My body has and always been for master's use, use me as you see fit.", Cerios answers.

"Thanks.", Angel says.

[Assimilation is being used on target Cerios, you may control Cerios for 24 hours. User can cancel the skill anytime.]

As Angel entered his 7 star unit Cerios, he could feel an immense power surge inside him. Cerios's body was coated with mana from head to toe, protecting any blind spots.

"So this is what its like to be inside a 7 star unit.", Angel says as he look at his body.

The monster were getting near to them, but Angel didn't feel fear but rather excitement. The unit's personal traits must've had been part of the assimilation skill, a skill where the user and unit becomes one.

"Come at me!", Angel shouts in excitement.

Angel, not caring about anything due to the excitement trait of Cerios, slashed through the demons one by one. Rachel had woken up due to the commotion that was happening, she couldn't see where Angel was and only saw two people, one wearing slashing through the demons and another shooting arrows on top of a dead tree.

As Angel reached the gate, a single thought came.


Cerios was the type to slash anything in his path, and with that, Angel slashed the gate, ending the mission forcibly.

[Monster spawn point has been destroyed, rewards will be halved due to incompletion of the mission.]

When the system disappeared, Angel was brought back from Cerios's body. Angel looked at both of his summons as they both looked like to disappear.

"Master, may we meet again, when fate allows.", Cerios says as he fades away.

"Glory to the goddess Gaia!", the archer says he fades away.

"Yeah, lets meet again but with all of them next time.", Angel says

The gate where they came in opened and the reporters that was waiting could be seen outside. Angel and Rachel came out of the gate and answered the questions that the reporters asked.

What did you see inside the gate? What kind of mission was given? How was a porter and a support was able to survive the gate with a difficulty colored black? We were bombarded with questions regarding about the dungeon but Rachel mostly answered it.

"A man with a black coat and red hair was suddenly in front of us and rescued us, killing all the monsters inside and also there was a archer wearing an armor that shooted the monsters from afar.", this was Rachel's answer when were asked on how we survived.

I went back to my home and opened the system panel again. I still couldn't believe that I received a class ranked higher than any S-class Defenders. I pressed the unit inventory and saw Cerios and the E-ranked archer of the Gaia faction. I still couldn't summon them as it takes 24 hours before I can summon or resummon a unit in my inventory.

I explored through my system panel and discovered that I can roll for unit skins although its a bit tough for me now. The requirements for a skin roll is that I need a certain material that is only obtainable of low chance from bosses.

Angel giggled and looked out the window. This was the beginning of a ruler's story.