
Return Back

(Early Mention : MC is a bit of a Teacher (His points is obtained by teaching ) And It's not Polygamy . ) I return to the past ? But what happened to my memories ? Still this time I will find my wife and make her happiest . But I don't remember anything about her . It's still no problem though , I have a System and it will help me regain my memories . This time I will reach the peak and explore the Dark World . I will never let my daughter have any pain . But . What is this strange situation ? Is this really past ? Why are there twins calling me father ? What the hell is going on ? Did this happen in my last life as well ? ..... This is the story of Lin Fan who returns to his youth age after death but fortunately or unfortunately he gains a system which lets him reach the pinnacle of the world .. With points earned , he could regain his past memories, other world songs , stories , martial arts , skills , knowledge etc . He only wished to find his wife and marry her even in this life as well even though he forgot even her name . But he finds that his life wasn't as simple as it seemed in his past life . ..... Tags : Jack Of All Trade (Main ) , Childcare (A bit later ) , Celebrities , Power Couple , Monogamy , Extremely Devoted Love Interest , Comedy , Action (Later after Entering Dark World ) , System , Hidden Identities , Teacher (MC is a Teacher ).

For_Writing · Urbano
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23 Chs


Just when he was about to sleep . A call came on his phone .

It was named as Baldy . It was his friend .

"Hey , Baldy what happened ? Why are you calling so late ? "

"Oh . Brother You're awake thank god . Are you free tomorrow ? I have decided to do my Graduation Party tomorrow . So youre invited . You should come ."

"Okay . But why are you calling now ? "

"Hehe . I just made up my mind . So I was pretty excited . "

They spoke for a few while and ended the call .


He woke up early the next day and went on running. Although he wasn't that hard worker for exercises , he would still make sure that he would be able to pull himself up if he was hanging on a building .

But after return, it seems that his value of exercise has increased . After returning , he took a bath . While eating .

"Brother I mean to ask you this ? But why did you paid all at once ? "

"I had money so . Don't worry so much . "

"Huh? Son , you paid all at once ? How much ? "

"He paid 120,000 dollars for a year . "

Lin Fan glared at her .

"Son , how could you use your money ? Let us parents take care of it . "

"Mom, There's no need . She's also my sister . How can I not take care of her ? "

His mom was still insisting and was even going to send him money .

"Mom , you don't have to send me . If you really have excessive , just eat more healthy food with dad . "

Ma Lin couldn't help but sigh . It seems that her son has really grown up.

"Haih. Okay , son , I plan to leave today . "

"Huh? Today? Can't you stay for a few more days ? "

"No . After eating , I will go . "

"Okay . "

Lin Fan could only sigh . But after making enough money , he would make sure that his parents would be happy .

The eating after that was silence . After eating and cleaning , his mother really got ready to leave .

After closing the door , they also followed her to the station . After hugging his mother ,they finally told goodbye to each others .

After that, they didn't directly went home . Lin Fan entered a electronic shop and Lele followed .

In the shop , he purchased a recording set . It was used to record songs . The price was 20,000 dollars and he purchased a laptop worth 60,000 dollars .

Out in the open , Lele was unwilling to embarrass Lin Fan by asking stupid questions so once they enter house , she asked .

"Brother why did you purchase this ? And laptop ? Where did you get money ? "

"Stupid , don't need to worry . I have earned enough during University by singing . As for recorder I need it but this laptop belongs to you . "

"Huh ? It's for me ? "

She was very surprised .

Previously he could have just said that he obtained by working part time but as he expected by mentioning singing , Lele who also wanted to realize her dream donated a few RP to him . It was enough for two spins now .

His sister is the cutest .

She wasn't that forceful . She willingly accepted it and sat on the sofa to use it .

Lin Fan smiled and entered his room . After entering he took out his phone and ordered food to eat .

He also prepared his guitar and also readied the recorder .

In about 10 minutes , the order arrived . After eating , they took a bath and Lin Fan entered his room after remindinding his sister .

"Oi. I am recording . Don't make noise . Okay . "

"Okay . "

She was very happy with her brother today .

While she was using her laptop , she heard a beautifu music in the apartment .

'Was this played by brother? '

She was curious . She knew her brother level . He could play such music but what was interesting was that she has never heard this music before .

'Was this original ? '

She remembered her brother saying that he has written a few songs .

Soon the singing sounded .

'Huh? This lyrics ? '

Really . It seems to be original . Beside this lyrics was very good .

It made her remember a friend she has lost during high school time due to cancer .

Although the song was like for the respected people but still it didn't hide the feelings that the lyrics showed .

If this was really written by her brother , she was sure that her brother would be famous .

She went near his room but thinking that she might disturb him just watched from the door .

After about 4 minutes , the songs stopped .

She couldn't help but applause seeing he stopped recording .

"Wow . Brother . This is great song . Did you write it? "

"Um. How is it ? "

"Wow . This is great . Brother you'll surely be famous . "

"hehe . "

"Wait a minute , I will send it to you . But keep it to yourself . "

"Okay . "

"By the way , what will Lili think if you stay today over her ? "

"Huh? I don't think she would mind . In fact , she have always asked me to go . But why ? "

"Today I have a graduation party . I might return late . I just got invited yesterday so I had no idea . Mom had already booked the ticket so I didn't want to cancel it . "

"Eh . It's no problem . I can stay here . "

"No . Either you stay at Lili's or I will cancel it . "

"No no , you can go . I will go to Lili . "

He got to know that Lili stayed with her grandparents so it was better if she stayed there .

After about 1 hour now it was 5 PM , so they went out . Lin Fan first sent her to the Lili's and went toward the party place .