
Return Back

(Early Mention : MC is a bit of a Teacher (His points is obtained by teaching ) And It's not Polygamy . ) I return to the past ? But what happened to my memories ? Still this time I will find my wife and make her happiest . But I don't remember anything about her . It's still no problem though , I have a System and it will help me regain my memories . This time I will reach the peak and explore the Dark World . I will never let my daughter have any pain . But . What is this strange situation ? Is this really past ? Why are there twins calling me father ? What the hell is going on ? Did this happen in my last life as well ? ..... This is the story of Lin Fan who returns to his youth age after death but fortunately or unfortunately he gains a system which lets him reach the pinnacle of the world .. With points earned , he could regain his past memories, other world songs , stories , martial arts , skills , knowledge etc . He only wished to find his wife and marry her even in this life as well even though he forgot even her name . But he finds that his life wasn't as simple as it seemed in his past life . ..... Tags : Jack Of All Trade (Main ) , Childcare (A bit later ) , Celebrities , Power Couple , Monogamy , Extremely Devoted Love Interest , Comedy , Action (Later after Entering Dark World ) , System , Hidden Identities , Teacher (MC is a Teacher ).

For_Writing · Urban
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


The place where the party was set wasn't that far from there . It was near Light University .

The party was set for 8 PM . So he reached there he found that a few others were already there . As the body of the party Baldy was already there . As soon as he saw Lin Fan he ran toward him happily. In his University time , Lin Fan was very close to three other students . One was Baldy , another was Fatty and the last one was called PB . PB was short for playboy .

The apartment where he was now belonged to PB . Baldy was also at Music Department but Fatty and PB didn't belong to it . Fatty was acting and PB was from Finance . Lin Fan has to believe that Fatty was very good at acting .

"Brother You finally came . "

"Haha . Baldy . How are you these days ? How is preparation going ?"

"Party is very good brother . But Fatty and PB said they can't attend . Fatty is away from City and PB is away from country . "

"Haha . "

Actually Lin Fan was nicknamed as CF (Ceiling Fan) . But Lin Fan didn't like this name so they didn't call him that in public. This name had strange origin .

While watching Lin Fan , PB has once said 'Our Fan is like a Cieling Fan . He is above us and we can only sigh and watch how beautiful it is when it's on action . '

"Brother , I have called every last one of our classmate other than the Xu Gang and his friends . "

Xu Gang was the person who made Lin Fan to unable to enter any company so there was bad blood between them . Baldy knew that so he didn't invite them .

"Beside I have also called Beauty Li and she have agreed to come . "

Saying this he winked at Lin Fan .

Lin Fan knew that name . She was the most beautiful girl in his class and top 3 in whole University . Lin Fan used to have crush on her .

In fact , just two days ago , he would be very happy hearing that name but now he was extremely calm .

If it was a mention of opposite gender, he already have someone .


"Don't mind me . Welcome others for now . "

"Okay . brother wait for me to come back . "

Since other were also his friends from Uni , he talked with the others for a while .

After about 5 minutes , the atmosphere became active as a beautiful girl entered the room . She was beauty Li . With her came a few of other girls .

Be it music or any entertainment department , most would have handsome and beautiful students . Although the girls were not comparable to Beauty Li , they still were above average .

If Beauty Li scored 8.5 out of 10 , they would receive 7 out of 10 .

When entering the room , Beauty Li also took a look at Lin Fan . Among the boys , he was absolutely the most good looking .

Beauty Li had come to know after graduation that Lin Fan used to have crush on her . If he had asked her out , she wouldn't have rejected as she felt that only Lin Fan was suitable for her among the other students .

She used to talk normally with him but she didn't notice that thing . But seeing now , Lin Fan has no reaction , she felt that her friend were joking with her .

They entered and sat down near Lin Fan . The tables were organized to be near each other .

"Brother Lin , how are you doing these days ? "

"Hee , it's going normally as usual . What about yours ? "

Li Hee , full name of Beauty Li .

"It's alright as well . Brother Lin has signed any company ? "

"Nah . I have no plan to sign any . "

"Huh? Why ? You're great among our batch . It will be such a loss . I "

She was continuing but a girl from her side pinched her. Suddenly she remembered the incident . Xu Gang , had reach and power and it was said that he would make sure that no company sign Lin Fan .

'Stupid . How could I forget that ? '

She blamed herself . She truly forgot about it .

"I'm sorry . "

"It's alright . "

"Brother Lin , should I introduce you to someone. I think they might help you ."

"Nah , there's no need . I don't plan on continuing the same route . I plan to enter the teaching field . I think that suits me better . "

"Oh? Brother Lin is planning to teach ? "

"That is the thought . Lets see. "

"Have you thought of any place to teach ? I know a few institute . "

"No. You don't have to go that far for me . I already joined the PU to teach . "

"PU ? I don't think their Music Department is well known . "

"Yeah . In fact , they don't have Music Department in University Level . They used to have but they cut down due to lack of student . "

"Oh . "

She didn't ask much .

After every invited students entered , the party started . They realised that Xu Gang and close friends weren't invited but they didn't mind much as they knew Lin Fan and Xu Gang had bad blood and Baldy , the host was Lin Fan buddy .

"Okay everyone let's get the party started . "

The party was filled with alcohol and foods to eat . They talked about each other . They were close to each other and there was no bad blood so there was no one showing arrogant behaviour .

They talked how they are going on with their life and what plans they have . Some exchange phone number if they didn't have previously . Now that they were in the society contact would surely help .

Lin Fan was also centre of attention from the boys . Many took his contact information mostly girls .

After drinking and eating and talking for a while , some were busy and had to return early so they exited . After a while only about 12 students were left . Baldy walked up .

"Okay . Since we are all here . Let's play the Ultimate Game . Truth and Dare . "