
Retired God of Cultivation

Jiang Baiyu, the Retired God of Cultivation, was living a peaceful life in the small town of Shangxi. He spent his days brewing tea and enjoying the company of his harem of beautiful women, far away from the chaos of the cultivation world. But when a great threat loomed on the horizon, Jiang Baiyu was forced to pick up his sword once again.

StudentOf_DAO · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

As tea flows, so does blood

In a world where the cultivation of Qi was the foundation of power, the strong ruled and the weak perished. It was a world where martial arts were highly valued, and battles between cultivators were a common occurrence. The various sects and clans wielded tremendous power and influenced everything from politics to commerce. The highest echelons of power were dominated by the grand masters of cultivation, who could control the elements and even shape reality itself. It was a world of endless possibilities, but also of great danger.

In the small town of Shangxi, nestled between the mountains, there lived a retired grand master of cultivation. Despite his status as a former god of cultivation, he had chosen to live a peaceful life, far away from the power struggles and politics of the major sects. Instead, he spent his days sipping tea and enjoying the company of beautiful women. His name was Jiang Baiyu, and he was a legend in the cultivation world. He had attained the highest level of cultivation possible and had even surpassed it, but he had grown tired of the constant fighting and scheming. Now, he was content to live a simple life, away from the eyes of the world.

Jiang Baiyu was a tall man, with broad shoulders and a lean, muscular frame. He had sharp features and a piercing gaze that could make even the most powerful cultivators tremble. Despite his imposing presence, he was a gentle and kind-hearted man who loved nothing more than a good cup of tea and the laughter of beautiful women. He had built a small tea house in the heart of the town, where he spent most of his time, brewing tea and chatting with his guests.

The tea house was a simple wooden structure, with paper walls and a thatched roof. It was decorated with delicate paintings and calligraphy, and the scent of incense hung in the air. On the walls, there were shelves filled with rare and exotic teas from all over the world. Jiang Baiyu was a master of tea, and his customers came from far and wide to taste his creations.

As the years passed, Jiang Baiyu's legend grew, and many young cultivators sought him out, hoping to learn from his wisdom and experience. But he turned them all away, telling them that he had retired from the world of cultivation and had no interest in returning to it. He was content to spend his days sipping tea and enjoying the company of beautiful women, far away from the chaos and strife of the world.

Little did he know that his peaceful existence was about to be shattered, and that he would be forced to return to the world of cultivation once again. A great threat was looming on the horizon, and only a grand master of his caliber could hope to stand against it. The retired god of cultivation would have to pick up his sword once again, but this time, the stakes were higher than ever before.

Jiang Baiyu sipped his tea as he relaxed in his favorite armchair. The soft touch of the beautiful woman's hands on his back eased the aches and pains that came with old age. He closed his eyes, letting out a contented sigh. Life was good.

But his peace was shattered by a loud knock on the door. Jiang Baiyu opened his eyes and glared at the door. He knew who it was. His grandson, Jiang Yuchen, was a constant annoyance. The young man had no talent for cultivation and spent most of his time chasing after women and causing trouble.

"Come in," Jiang Baiyu called out, resigning himself to another interruption.

Jiang Yuchen burst into the room, panting and out of breath. "Grandfather, there's trouble!" he exclaimed.

Jiang Baiyu raised an eyebrow. "What kind of trouble?" he asked.

"It's the demon sect," Jiang Yuchen said, his voice trembling with fear. "They're looking for the sage teacup!"

Jiang Baiyu's eyes widened in surprise. The sage teacup was a legendary artifact, said to possess incredible power. It was said that whoever possessed the teacup would have the power to control time itself.

Jiang Baiyu had heard rumors of the demon sect before. They were a group of ruthless cultivators who would stop at nothing to get what they wanted. If they were searching for the sage teacup, it could only mean trouble.

The beautiful woman continued to massage Jiang Baiyu's back, her hands expertly working his meridians. "What should we do, Master?" she asked.

Jiang Baiyu pondered for a moment. He had long since retired from the cultivation world and had no desire to get involved in their affairs again. But the sage teacup was too dangerous to be left in the hands of the demon sect.

"Prepare my sword," Jiang Baiyu said, his voice firm. "We're going to find the sage teacup before they do."

Jiang Yuchen's eyes widened in surprise. He had never seen his grandfather so serious before. But he knew better than to question his grandfather's decisions. Jiang Baiyu was a grand master, one of the most powerful cultivators to ever exist. Even in his old age, he was still a force to be reckoned with.

As Jiang Baiyu got up from his chair, the beautiful woman wrapped a silk robe around him. Jiang Yuchen hurriedly left the room to prepare for their journey.

Jiang Baiyu took a deep breath as he gazed out the window. The world had changed since his retirement. The cultivation world was in chaos, and the future was uncertain. But he knew that he had a duty to protect the world and the sage teacup from falling into the wrong hands.

With his sword in hand, Jiang Baiyu set out on his journey, determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Deep in the mountains, within a hidden lair, a group of cultivators gathered around their leader. The man, known as the Golden Blood Dragon, was a fearsome figure, standing tall and proud. He possessed incredible power, having reached the 5-star demon realm stage of cultivation. His weapon of choice was an enlarging staff said to be able to pierce through the heavens. He was a formidable opponent, and his enemies knew to fear him.

But even the Golden Blood Dragon had his weaknesses. He was accompanied by a beautiful woman, who was known to be a child of the demonic phoenix bloodline. She was responsible for the temporary endowment of power on the Golden Blood Dragon, and he relied on her heavily.

Despite their power, the Golden Blood Dragon's minions were hilariously incompetent. They stumbled and bumbled their way through missions, often causing more harm than good. But somehow, they always managed to get the job done.

The Golden Blood Dragon had heard rumors of the sage teacup, and he knew that he had to get his hands on it. He had sent his minions out to find it, but so far, they had been unsuccessful. But he was determined not to let it slip through his fingers.

As he was pondering his next move, the Golden Blood Dragon sensed a presence nearby. He turned to face the entrance to his lair, and there, standing before him, was his long-lost master, Jiang Baiyu.

The retired cultivation god and the Golden Blood Dragon stared at each other, both surprised to see the other. Jiang Baiyu had thought his student was dead, having lost track of him during a campaign against the demon lord 500 years ago.

"Master," the Golden Blood Dragon said, his voice filled with emotion. "I never thought I'd see you again."

Jiang Baiyu looked at his former student, his heart heavy. He had trained the Golden Blood Dragon himself, but the young man had been seduced by the dark side of cultivation and had turned to evil.

"Your path is a dark one, my student," Jiang Baiyu said, his voice stern. "But I cannot let you have the sage teacup. It is too dangerous in the wrong hands."

The Golden Blood Dragon sneered. "You are no match for me, old man," he said, gripping his staff tightly.

Jiang Baiyu drew his sword, his eyes flashing with determination. "We'll see about that," he said, charging forward.

The two masters clashed in a flurry of blows, their power echoing through the mountains. The evil minions watched from a distance, unsure of what to do.

Despite the Golden Blood Dragon's formidable power, Jiang Baiyu proved to be a worthy opponent. The two masters fought fiercely, neither willing to back down.

The battle raged on, the sound of clashing weapons filling the air. But in the end, it was Jiang Baiyu who emerged victorious. The Golden Blood Dragon lay defeated, his staff shattered into a thousand pieces.

Jiang Baiyu approached his former student, his heart heavy with regret. "I am sorry, my student," he said, kneeling beside him. "I could not save you."

The Golden Blood Dragon looked up at his master, his eyes filled with tears. "Thank you," he said, before taking his last breath.

Jiang Baiyu stood up, his eyes glistening with tears. He knew that the world was still full of darkness, but he also knew that there was still hope. As he turned to leave, he knew that his journey was far from over. There was still much work to be done, but he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.