
Retired God of Cultivation

Jiang Baiyu, the Retired God of Cultivation, was living a peaceful life in the small town of Shangxi. He spent his days brewing tea and enjoying the company of his harem of beautiful women, far away from the chaos of the cultivation world. But when a great threat loomed on the horizon, Jiang Baiyu was forced to pick up his sword once again.

StudentOf_DAO · Fantasy
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4 Chs

As tea flows, so does blood (1.5)

Jiang Baiyu, the retired god of cultivation, stood over the body of his student, the Golden Blood Dragon, who had met his demise at the hands of his female companion. She stood before him, her eyes burning with a fierce rage that matched the inferno she had set alight around them.

Jiang Baiyu knew that this situation would not be resolved if he held back his power. With a determined expression on his face, he removed the Sacred Bracelets of Suppression that had been limiting his power for so long. His aura bellowed out like the roar of a mighty dragon, and he flew outside the mountain, showing remorse at the sight of dark flames burning the mountain's forests.

Gathering his qi, he unleashed an aptly named ultimate water-based move, known as the "Tears of Mazu," extinguishing the black flames that had engulfed the mountain. The woman looked on in shock as her powers were overwhelmed by Jiang Baiyu's sheer strength.

The two stood facing each other, their energies crackling with intensity. The woman's eyes flashed with anger as she glared at Jiang Baiyu. He knew that this confrontation would not be easy, and he prepared himself for the fight of his life.

Their battle was fierce and intense. The woman was a skilled fighter, using her demonic powers to hurl flames and dark energy at Jiang Baiyu, who countered with his powerful water-based moves. But Jiang Baiyu was no ordinary cultivator, and he had the experience and wisdom that comes with centuries of practice.

In the end, it was Jiang Baiyu who emerged victorious, his final blow knocking the woman unconscious. He knew that he could have finished her off, but instead, he chose to spare her life. He left her on top of a mountain, hoping that she would reflect on her actions with such a resounding loss.

Satisfied with the destruction of the evil sect, Jiang Baiyu returned to his tea shop, eager to enjoy a cup of his favorite Oolong tea after a long day's work. He sat down at his table, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes in satisfaction. He had done what he had set out to do, and he had protected the world from the evil that threatened it. He felt a sense of peace and contentment that he had not felt in years.

As he sipped his tea, he reflected on the events of the day. He was reminded of the power and danger that lurked in the world of cultivation. He knew that there would always be those who sought to use their powers for evil, but he was comforted by the knowledge that there were also those like himself who would always stand against them. For Jiang Baiyu, this was just another day in the life of a retired god of cultivation.