

Izuku Midoriya....who is also known as Izuku Yagi the son of Toshinori Yagi along with his sister Izumi Yagi are both in the hospital for a very good reason.....their quirk analysis...this is to determine what type of quirk they will be getting seeing as they have reached the age where it would start to manifest itself Doctor: "okay Mr and Ms Yagi i have the results here for you both" and they were excited to see what type of quirk they will get Doctor: "it seems Young Izumi here has a stronger version of Ms Midoriyas here....a telekinetic quirk.." and the young girl was excited she can now strive to become a hero Izumi: "you here that dad i can be a hero now!" Yagi: "indeed you can sweetheart" Inko: "um....so what is Izukus?" she asked and Izuku who also excited can't wait for the results the doctor looks at them seriously before he lets out a sigh Doctor: "young Izuku here....he...he's quirkless." those very words that echoed in the mind of the young boy....he was powerless, he was now a living relic that should've died off long ago dropping his all might figure on the ground he stares at the floor defeated by the resultsYagi: "i mean....this...this has to be a mistake right?" not believing his son is quirklessDoctor: "i have run through all of the required test to see if i was wrong...but unfortunately not only does he have the extra joint in his little toe here.....there are also no signs of any quirk cells in his body....i'm sorry young man" he said before he leaves the room

the car ride home was as you expected mainly about Izumi and her quirk her parents were proud of her and they are 100 percent fully supporting their daughters dream....Izuku however was ignored by them....and almost immediately giving all their attention to his half-sister.it was frustrating to him, sure his step father was quirkless like him....but his biological father had a fire breathing quirk he thought that he would have something like that or better yet...Pyrokinesis, but no whatever higher power that existed wanted him to be powerless and weak.soon after this Izuku just leaves to his room he looks at some of the all might themed merch he has and doesn't want to look at it.he took them down and stored them in his closet before he cried himself to sleep that night...no one to comfort him, no one to say good night, or hearing the usual 'l love you son' it all went to Izumi and he hated himself since that day.

but of course....this didn't stop here....the next day at school they had found Izukus quirkless status and immediately he felt alienated from the rest of the class....his bestfriends Katsuki Bakugo and his sister Katsumi...with Shoto and Shoka Todoroki also had powerful quirks....and once they knew about his quirkless status they all started to bully him...and they have been doing this since.first it would start off as a way to deter Izuku from becoming a hero.it ended up something as a routine.to where they would hurt him out of frustration, anger, or just felt like it.and this has been continuing on for the next 11 years

Teacher: "alright class today we have our career day for all of you to choose what you want to be when you grow up" but then he throws the papers out of the windowTeacher: "but knowing all of you.....you want to be heroes" and the class cheered showing off their quirks in the classroom Teacher: "Alright all of you know the rules about using your quirk in public...much less in class" Bakugo: "hey teach don't compare us to these extras!" he said meaning him his sister the todorokis and Izumi"hey that's not fair Bakugo!" "Just because you have a good quirk means your better then us!" "asshole" Bakugo: "Shut the fuck up extras you could barely even hold a candle to us let alone even have the balls to stand up to me....because we are going to U.A!" and the class were chatting about how U.A the most exceptional school in all of Mustafu has only a .2% acceptance.but not one but FIVE of their classmates are going to enter.Teacher: "oh yeah....Midoriya you also signed up right?" he said to Izuku who was in shock nowIzuku: 'jerk' and soon the class started to laugh "Midoriya in U.A?!what a joke" "he's quirkless what could a freak like him do?" "i heard his real dad left because he was quirkless" "Bakugo did say he had a quirk too so it makes him even more pathetic" "Deku" Izuku flinched hearing his sister call his name Izumi then flicks the desk out of the wayIzumi: "we have told you may times...to not apply to U.A" Bakugo: "you really think they would let a quirkless in?" Izuku: "b-b-but they got rid of that rule....maybe i could join the support class i know a few designs on how to improve quirks and-" then he was punched by Bakugo Teacher: "ENOUGH!!all of you!" he shouted then they stopped and went back to their respective seats

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once class was over Izuku did his best on trying to pack up but when he tried to leave Izumi used her quirk to pull him back in Izumi: "who said we were done Deku" she said and soon he was in the corner Bakugo grabbed his journalBakugo: "what's this?hero's analysis no.15" Izuku: "Kacchan please give it back!" he said but he was still being held down by Izuku Bakugo then hands the book to his sister she then lights it on fire Katsumi: "whoops....my bad" she said Todoroki: "allow me to put it out" soon froze it he threw it out and it shattered to tiny pieces Shoka was frozen she wanted to help...but seeing how they treated him made her afraid as well she always felt guilty never helping Izuku.so she stayed silent Bakugo: "you listen here you fucking worthless piece of shit you better not apply to U.A" they soon went towards the door but Katsumi stops Katsumi: "hey Izu i know one way you could get a quirk" Izuku didn't look up Katsumi: "just take a swan dive off the roof and hope you'll get a quirk in your next life" and she left leaving him alone with those words Izuku: "even then....you wouldn't get it" he said to himself laying on the ground

soon after he leaves the school taking the longer route home wanting to get away from his family he may be quirkless...but he also is smart....he was heading towards Dagobath beach to search for anything that could prove useful.but as he was about to pass the sewer system "hey" he looks to the left and sees a huge slime monster "you look like the perfect hiding spot" soon he wraps a tendril around Izuku pulling himIzuku: "AHH!" but the tendril entered his mouth and he couldn't breath SM: "it's going to be all right now boy....just let it go" and he began to force himself down his throat he can fell himself fading away his whole life flashing before his eyes...but then "FEAR NOT!!!" the Slime monster turns around SM: "oh...shi.." then he a huge gust of wind tore it to pieces AM: 'Izuku?!' he sees his step son emerging from the slime

Izuku: "uh....wha?" he looks around to find himself in an unfamiliar street AM: "young man" he said to him Izuku looks up Izuku: "it's....it's " he was starstruck Izuku: "ALL MIGHT!!!" he yelled AM: : "YES IT IS I!!!!YOU SHOULD REALLY BE CAREFUL YOUNG MAN." Izuku: "i...i....i need your autograph" but he remembered his journal was destroyed Izuku: 'oh yeah....it was destroyed ' AM: "i'm really sorry young man but i must take my leave now!" Izuku: "WAIT I NEED TO ASK YOU SOMETHING!!" he said AM: 'oh no....please don't let be what i think it is' Izuku: "for all my life....people look down upon me....i-i.....i don't like talking about this but seeing your here i want to ask you.....is it possible to become hero without a quirk!!" he said AM: '.....i'm sorry son....if it were under different circumstances i would've help you...but i cannot let my feelings blur my judgementAM: "I'm...SOrry young man....You cannot.....Being a hero is a dangerous profession you will get hurt...and will become a liability....but you can also become a police officer or firefighter they may not get the best treatment but they do what is right...Farewell Young man" and he flew away Izuku just stood there and fell onto his knees Izuku: "not....not.....not even him....not even the symbol of peace believes i could become a hero" he started to tear up Izuku: "not even him.....not even him" his whole world shattered the small hope that has had.....broken....turned into dust now...Izuku: "because of something i couldn't control....something i never wanted in my life.....this skin....my flesh that is so weak....no power....a liability" soon he punched the ground Izuku: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" screaming so loud it could be heard throughout the block allMight from distance listening AM: "i really am sorry son.....i'm so sorry" and he left

soon Izuku ran...and ran until he was long away from the spot he was at and went home...he opens the door and obviously his parents aren't there he ran up to his room and soon pulls out his spare notebookIzuku: "why...why do i have to suffer....why....why is the world against me!!?" yelling into his pillow his despair now turning into rage Izuku: "AHHH!" he throws his chair out the window and soon punches his door creating a hole he throws the lamp and it shatters and flips the bed over on its sides not caring about the amount pain his hands are in he punches the computer screen and feels his skin burning from the battery acid Izuku: "these hands....this flesh....they make me weak....they betrayed me." he then starts to scratch at it tearing the skin off his hands until his muscles are exposed not caring or giving a damn about the pain....once he was done he sat there in the corner and he cried now....feeling the pain of his wound he didn't bother to clean it.before then he walks out of his room and leaves.walking about in town he looks at his phone to see he has a message from someone

'that was quite the show you put up there' it said to him Izuku hesitated at first but he has nothing left to lose now...so he didn't care 'who are you?' he asked him ???: 'just someone who wants to help' Izuku sneered at the message: 'and how could you help me?" he said ???: 'i've seen those designs you made...the metallic and cybernetic modules in your notebook....they are impressive' and this freaked him out....issue number 13 he theorized that in the normal circumstances cybernetic or 'cyberware' he calls it could potentially help enhance in many different ways...of course he made a coding sequence for it and has a design ready for use...but he doesn't know how to get the material let alone the hardware for such an expensive project Izuku messaged it back: 'how do you know this?' then an immediate responce ???: 'look behind you' it said to him Izuku was scared he slowly turned around to see a boy who was slightly older then him he had light blue hair that was almost white...he had red eyes and his skin was really dry...like as if he lived in a desert for 13 years and not once wore lotion.

Izuku: "who are you?" he said to him ???: "i want to help you Izuku Midoriya" Izuku: "you didn't answer my question" ???: "i have my ways of knowing someone" Izuku: "how so?" now irritated ???: "i know for your quirkless...i know for the last 11 years you have been abused and abandoned by your family and friends...and i know about your little episode with that symbol of peace" he said with disgust talking about all might Izuku: "so what.....you know me pretty well.....your going to off me....kill me?....make me your slave?" he said ???: "the hell?whats wrong with you?" he said confused Izuku: "if your a villain you would do that correct?" ???: "yeah we would but out in public for godsake" soon gestured him to follow Izuku: "where are we going?" he asked ???: "a place where we could talk" soon he took out a phone and messaged someone they went to an alley and Izuku was waiting for him to get killed but instead a black portal opened and the boy walked in???: "come on we can talk here" and Izuku follows

the place he was sent to was pretty anticlimatic but he was excited knowing about a teleportation quirk but he was lead to a bar and there was a couple of seats and a tv....there was some gaming consoles laying there and the boy gestured him to take a seat Izuku: "so now i'm here....what do you want?" he said ???: "well we cant' start yet" he said soon a television on the wall turns on ???: "hello there young Izuku....i see you met my successor....have you introduced yourself?" he asked the boy to which he groans???: "i forgot sensei....my name is Tomura Shigaraki..." he said to him Izuku held out his hand ???: "that is not advisable young Izuku....Tomuras quirk could kill you" Shigaraki: "my quirk is decay...if all five off my fingers come into contact with anything it can deteriorate at a fast level." Izuku: "pretty impressive...but also a curse i'm guessing" Shigaraki: "you said it" ???: "now then Izuku...i guessing your wondering why you are here" Izuku: "i don't know....why" ???: "simple....i want you to join us" he said Izuku chuckles a bit to which annoyed ShigarakiIzuku: "you....want me to join you....you know all about me....i'm quirkless, i have no value, i'm expendable, so what i could make cybernetic blueprints?anyone could do that." he said ???: "i beg to differ....you know your 'blue prints' are also the most detailed schematics i have seen in a long time...coming from someone your age...you are truly a prodigy" Izuku was caught off guard from the praise no one ever really seems to compliment his work....hell he drew in crayon off him with blades coming out off his arm.???: "the reason i want you to join us....it is because i want to fund your little project you have going" and Izuku was even more surprised not only does this person compliment him....but he also wants to fund his project to start building it....doing experiments and everything Izuku: "you want to fund my project.....yeah but at what conditions?" he said ???: "you catch on quite well...you see i have been in this mist off looking to help improve the league....quirks are never going to help us in the long run in my plans....i want to make sure that we would fall onto a reliable plan should something ever come up....meaning i want you to keep on making these 'cyberware' for us" and Izuku was impressed not only will he be able to make not only his schematics,...but he will receive full funding off future projects as well ???: "and knowing about your certain situation with your so called family....i would also allow you a room and you will receive to necessary items for you to live here" okay now this seals the dealIzuku: "well....you have a deal....but i have one condition" ???: "and what would that be?" Izuku: "for the cyberware i want to experiment on myself....and to join the front lines for any sort of plan or attack in the future" which made shigaraki smile but also surprised he wants to experiment on himself ???chuckled: "very well.....welcome to the league" soon the sound of clapping can be heard Izuku: "really your using stock sounds from youtube?" he said ???: "i felt it was appropriate but know then... you should get some rest... Shigaraki make sure he meets the rest of the league" then screen turns off Shigaraki: "since now your part of the league...you will follow my orders since i'm the one in charge when senseis not here.you can do whatever the fuck you want but you cannot expose our position....nor bring anyone here.otherwise i don't give a fuck." Izuku: "fair enough" soon he sees the TV and the news was on but he sees the same sludge VillainIzuku: "could you turn it up please?" he asked Shigaraki who obliges

TV: "and here today we have footage of an amazing heroic act today for Mustafa....Izumi Yagi the heroic teen that rescued her friend from a Villain whose quirk allows himself to be slime....has been praised among the heroes." then it shows all might AM: "what we have seen here today is a pure hero....i believe this may be the next symbol of peace in the making....for not only her but her friends as well to have shown heroic acts and escorted any civilians out of the way" then Izumi was seen with BakugoIzumi: "remember we did what was only right....we strive to become heroes and we will protect the people no matter what" then it went back to the show hostTV: "isn't that amazing the world of heroes are rising...and villains will continue to fall.this is the beginning of a new generation of heroes.....only time could tell this is Mustafu news" then it turns off Shigaraki looks at Izuku who was fueled with rageIzuku: "when can i start my project" he said Shigaraki: "well we already have some of the supplys in-" Izuku: "show me" he now has a clear goal...to topple the so called heroes world....the villains.....are victims whose story is untold....Izuku lived it....and now he will give back to the world and destroy it all!Shigaraki then leads Izuku into a small lab Shigaraki: "down here is where you will find all the material you need..." he turns to go out the door Shigaraki: "if you need something ask Kurogiri....he's the one who transported us here." then he leaves the room Izuku looks around and sees all of the materials laid out in front of him... then he opens his journal to look at Izuku: "optic optimzer and stephens ram chip...i will begin with these" thus the beginning of a new terror


after the defeat of the sludge Villain Izumi and her friends were on their way to her home...mostly to discuss what just happened with them Katsumi: "you dumb ass what did we fucking tell you about running off like that?!" while she is scolding her brotherBakugo: "Don't fucking talk to me like that you bitch how the hell was i suppose to know he was there in the first place!!!" then they continue to argue Todoroki: "so then....will this stop him his dreams Izumi?" he asked her and she sighs Izumi: "i hope so.....he's been nothing but a stubborn mule this whole time....he probably got it from his fathers side" Shoka: "are you talking about his biological father?" Izumi: "yeah 'him'....but even then....you know this whole bullying him until he gives up was the worst idea to agree to" feeling all of the build in guilt coming in Bakugo: "we fucking told the nerd to stop and i'm sure this time he will...he needed to learn his fucking place that quirkless are just a goddamn liability" Shoka: "but you heard him....he said if not the heroes course then he could join the support course" Katsumi: "it doesn't work like that Shoka...he never displayed any type of skill in engineering or even designing any sort of support item....starting now is just ridiculous....i'm sure in the future he will thank us" Izumi: "but still...we beat him up pretty bad this time...okay guys" and they stopped Izumi: "from here on out today we will stop any sort of bullying towards Deku" Bakugo: "you fucking sure about this?" he said Izumi: "i'm sure of it" Shoka: "..." Todoroki: "very well then" Katsumi: "always hated beating him....and now i really regret saying what said to him today" and Izumi perked up Izumi: "what did you tell him" she said Katsumi: "it's nothing really but..." then Izumi grabs her shoulder Izumi: "what.....did....you....say!" she said now Katsumi: "i said.....if.you really want a quirk....y-y-you.....should take...a-a-a swan dive of the roof and hope for a quirk in your next life" then suddenly she was pushed down Izumi: "you damn bitch....you really you implied to have him off himself right?!!" she yelled Bakugo: "so what if she said it...he never takes any of our advise seriously....for all we know he too weak to even commit anything like that" Shoka was now crying: "you idiots...how could say something like that" Bakugo: "and here you are now saying something" Katsumi: "for all the years since we did this you never spoken at all about Izuku and now you want to defend him?!" Todoroki: "he's needed to learn Shoka" Shoka: "it's not right!" Izumi: "we need to find my brother....fast!!" and they ran off

Inko yagi was already feeling tired and she only had been at work for a while now....seeing she needs to keep up with her work and make sure nothing bad can happen right?...so why was she having a sense of dread coming over her now?is it that she forgot a birthday?someone maybe?or she was just being paranoidInko: "*sigh* i really need some rest" feeling completely out of it today she heads on home.once she enters the house she looks at the family portrait of her Toshinori and her two kids she smiled seeing the photo and when she looks at the other one....a picture of them at the amusement park she noticed something.....where was Izuku?she wondered and looked again making sure she wasn't just seeing things.then she looks at another one with the same result he wasn't there either...she began to panic now and she looked through all of the past photos they have taken together and it would only be her, Toshinori, or Izumi with her friends....none of the photos from the past 11 years had Izukus picture in it just the photo they took together before.....before their quirk analysis test.dropping everything now.....she cried now....she had ignored and abandoned her only son from her first husband...Hisashis son.she was in a complete shock when she heard the news that he had died from an accident when Izuku was born.her son was the only reminder of him...and she had completely forgot about himInko: "i'm...i'm...i'm a horrible parent" she kneeled on the ground and cried more....she needed to fix this now...better late then never they would say....but what if she's too late for forgiveness her son had lived in this condition for years now...he probably believes they don't love him at all which made her heart break even more now

as much as he regrets telling his step son he couldn't be a hero Toshinori Yagi or also known as All might the symbol of peace had witnessed his daughters friend in trouble...much less to his concern Izumi went right in and rescued him right away which he was very impressed with by the way....but it doesn't help that he had denied his step son the chance of becoming a hero...he had seen the journals he's created and also the proclaimed 'cyberware' he calls it that could allow anyone even without a quirk to perform task that be deemed impossible to do...of course he had to reprimand Izuku about such things being that it wouldn't be right to experiment on people to see if it would work at all....but to his surprised he was talking about him....he wanted to test these things on himself...where he got the mindset of that was unknown to him but he had a feeling it came from his real fathers side of the family....but it never changed the way he treated him...he had always loved him like his own son....but now he is feeling a sense of dread now....something that has risen in the dark, and he feels it has something to do with himAM: "maybe i can talk with him later...maybe i can give it to him" then he jumps away

Izumi was now panicking her friend just told her brother to kill himself...this wasn't how it was supposed to go it wasn't suppose to be this way.Izumi: "Izuku....just wait i'm coming don't worry" running back to the school Shoka: "IZUMI!!!" she yelled out to her friend trying to keep up with her running Bakugo: "goddamn it sis why the hell did you tell him that?!" they finally reached the school grounds Izumi searched high and low for her brother but she couldn't find him anywhereIzumi: "he's not here....he's not here" now hyperventilating Todoroki grabbed her Todoroki: "it's alright we'll find him....he's not here so maybe he went home." smiling to reassure her Izumi: "we need to tell our parents" Bakugo: "tell what exactly!" Izumi: "we need to tell them everything we did to him" and now the group stayed quietBakugo: "....no" he said Izumi: "what?" Katsumi: "sorry Izumi....my idiot brother is right....if we tell them we don't have a chance of getting into U.A" Izumi: "are you...are you fucking kidding me?!" she said Katsumi: "we're sorry....but this is on our own terms.we said we all would become heroes....and we plan on doing just that, Izuku is probably fine now.he'll notice that we suddenly stopped and he won't have to worry anymore it's simple" Izumi: "Shoto you don't think that right?!" looking at her icy hot friendsTodoroki: "i'm sorry Izumi.....they're right...me and Shoka got in through recommandations from my father if we screw this up we'll suffer more from his punishments that he gives us" Shoka nodded now Izumi couldn't believe it...they backed down on telling the truth about what they did just so they could go to U.A....but now she thought about it as well she wanted to go to U.A it was her dream to go there...her whole life she has trained and trained to become one of the best.she was now in pressure to either tell her parents what they did or don't.....either way it will eat her up alive Izumi: "i-i-i need to think it over guys....just give until tommorow" then she leaves Katsumi: "wait...Izumi...?" now seeing Shoka grabbing her shoulderTodoroki: "leave her be....let her think it over....whatever she decides we need to be there for her"

as soon as Toshinori arrived home he already planned out what he's going to do....so inside, talk to Izuku, take him out for food....then Dagobah beach, tell him the truth about his quirk....simple really.only that once he enters his home the first thing that greets him is his wife crying and he could see things laying around the floor thinking there is a villain he rushes over to find Inko sitting in the corner crying holding a photo he couldn't see Yagi: "INKO!!" rushing over to his wife kneeling by her side Yagi: "what happened?did a villain break in?are you hurt?!" asking her she simply didn't give an answer which made him worry even more he soon pulled out his phone and dialed a number Yagi: "hello" ???: "goddamn it just when i finally fell asleep....what is it Yagi?" Yagi: "Shota i need you come over ASAP!!" seeing this was serious Shota sighs then groans Shota: "fine.....give me 5 minutes" Yagi: "Please hurry" then he puts the phone away he then checks his wife to see if there was any type of injury or any signs that a quirk was used Inko: "Toshi..." she whimpered out Yagi: "it's alright Inko....i'm here now" he said trying to comfort her " MOM!!!DAD!!!" soon he sees his daughter coming into the house Yagi: "Izumi it's alright we're fine" Izumi: "dad what happened?!" running now to her parents Yagi: "i dont' know...one thing i came home to talk to your brother then the next i find your mother on the ground crying Izumi: "mom....what's going on?" she asked her she wasn't talking Izumi: "Mom...please" asking her again Inko: "your.....your brother" Izumi: "what about Izuku did something happen?!" Inko looks up her face red and her eyes sore from crying too muchInko: "for 11 years" Yagi stayed silent Inko: "11 years that we've been ignoring him....abandoned him....for 11 years we have been horrible parents....god knows his mental health" crying even more Yagi: "but....we have been spending time with him...right?remember when we um....at the park last week right?" he said Izumi: "dad...it was just us....we left him home" she said Yagi: "oh god.....your birthday.....hers mine....i don't remember his at all!" now shocked realizing the horrifying truthInko: "what kind of parents are we?we have been ignoring him for so long now....when he needed us the most we were never there for him"???: "so you had a son" they look to the door entrance to see a scruffy looking man who looks like he hasn't sleep his entire life Yagi: "Shota....thank goodness your here" he said to him Shota: "you didn't answer me.....you had a son" he said more sternlyYagi: "...yes..." said to him to which now he looked more than upset...he is angryInko: "Shota please we didn't mean to." before she was cut off Shota: "i heard enough Inko....and your going to try and defend your way out of this....sorry is going to cut it with the kid now....where is he" he asked Yagi: "Izumi....have you seen Izuku?" he asked her Izumi: "no.....we didn't see him on the way home....i he would be here by then" she said Inko: "could he be i his room?" she saidShota: "well let's see about that show me his room" he said to them and Yagi finally stood up they all then walked upstairs to his door room to their surprise there was a hole in itShota: "shit" he said and now they all became concern Inko: "Izuku....are in there sweety?" she opened the door to her shock what they see is a room tattered in pieces the windows are broken the closet door was ripped off the hinges the walls had holes in them and most of all his all might wallpaper had a large X on it and the words 'false hope to the people' was written Shota looked around and saw that there was pieces of skin on the floor he observed them and saw that they had nail marks in it....out of rage the kid started to rip off his own skin...Izumi cried even more when she saw the pieces of flesh on the floor but what she did noticed was her brothers journals....one of them was missing Izumi: "mom....look" she pointed to the notebooks and they both know as well Izumi: "number 13 is missing" she said Shota: "what are you talking about" he said Yagi: "well....Izuku would often write journal entries of every hero and villain he can find....most of them are hero entries here" showing him one and he was honestly impressed with the amount of detail that in these....even the drawings are accurateShota: "and so what importance is number 13?" he said Inko: "it was at the time.....very interesting" Izumi: "and disturbing" Shota: "try me" Yagi: "you see 4 months ago Izuku came up to me and asked if it was possible to turn someone into a cybernetic enhanced soldier....or hero he asked me.....then he showed me these code sequence and plans about how altering the body to implant these 'cyberware' he calls them.to make even a quirkless as strong as a hero" he said Shota: "that's impossible....plus with how experimenting with these things could only go so far"Izumi: "that's not all...my brother would often say he wouldn't hurt anyone...but he would experiment on himself" which surprised him now Shota: "so he what was one of the designs on these 'cyberware' you call it" Yagi: "one he labeled 'Mantis blades' are blades that is hidden in the forearms of a person and could come out during combat....that material used for it and how the person can still use their arms and hands normally was all written down in it" he said Shota: "and with the state of the room here...he obviously left in a rage state....great" he said now Inko: "it's all our fault..." Shota: "it is.....you three have ignored and abused a child no less than your own son/brother.to the point that he possibly ran away or worse killed himself.....now since this is out of the bag i will conduct a full investigation on this case.and for the cyberware problem.....well he doesn't have any type of material to use it.also Yagi" he looked up at him Shota: "come to U.A....we'll have to discuss this with Nezu." and he left

3 months later

it has been three full months since the disappearence of Izuku Midoriya....the hidden child of All might or step son as he would put it....not much progress was made in the investigation but the main problem was the lack of evidence....since the family doesn't have a current photo of Izuku they couldn't find out what he would look like.they had tried asking their daughter but she was terrible at descriptions.so it all left them to check out at Aldera to look into the security footage but in some unknown circumstances the footage of Izuku have been 'lost' or 'deleted' by the school staff...and a majority have been placed under arrest for tampering of evidence and possible child abuse on the boy but it hasn't been confirmed...much to his best effort Shota Aizawa or also known as the underground pro hero Eraser head kept searching in hopes to find the boy....but in vain he couldn't find any.Izumi hasn't told any of the heroes or her parents about what her and her friends did to Izuku...Inko quits her job and for the past 2 months has been going out at night to search for her son....despite her efforts they were in vain....Toshinori Yagi also was suffering, but because of his importance as the symbol of peace he must continue to smile for the people.along with her friends who kept to themselves until the entrance exams in 7 months.

during these 3 months Izuku has finally completed one of his projects Shigaraki: "you called for me Midoriya?" walking into the lab to which Izuku smiles Izuku: "your in time also get Kurogiri and Sensei here as well Sensei: "i can see you fine Midoriya" soon Kurogiri came down Kurogiri: "is there reason i'm down here instead of cleaning the bar?" Izuku: "yes....three months have passed since i lived here....and the projects that i have been creating have only just begun but i know Sensei wants to know the progress but i also wanted to show you guys as well" soon he ripped off his sleeve and Shigaraki was impressed....he had cutted pieces of his arm and they noticed the cyberware that has been installedKurogiri: "impressive" Izuku: "that's not all" soon his eyes glowed red then the forearm opened and an enlarged blade came out Izuku: "this is my mantis blade project..concealed blades hidden in the forearms and they can pack a punch these babies can cut through steel like butter" soon he swings it on one of the steel doors and they saw the clear cut that ran through it Shigaraki: "just like out of a Video game....this upgrade will prove very useful" Kurogiri: "yes indeed....though keep it to yourself please....it is very hard to replace the doors" Sensei was heard chuckling: "this has been a huge breakthrough once more young Midoriya....your cyberware projects have been the most astounding technology that can put shield out of business...ever since your optimizer project we now can safely say that we can now start your training" Izuku: "my training?" Shigaraki: "yes....just because now that you have cool blades in your arms doesn't mean that you know how to effectively use them" Kurogiri: "i have the training room all prepped and ready to go my master" Sensei: "very good Kurogiri....now then both of you begin your training and then you may continue your research Midoriya." Izuku bowed: "yes Sensei...and thank you for taking your time out to help me Shigaraki" Shigaraki: "meh....just missing a few hours of gameplay....but it doesn't matter if we're going to take down the hero society we can just do it with words" Izuku: "so let us begin" they leave the lab.

only four months left until the entrance exams and Izumi has been hard at work....so far shes only cleaned about half of the junk that's there....and more and more her body was becoming defined and muscle was growing....she really didn't like this....but she's doing it for her brother.but that means he also has to go through this as well....but then again he has the heart of a hero so he won't let something like this stop him.once she was done training for the day she went on her jog.running past the cafe she sawIzumi: "Izuku?" she turned back immediately and saw it was just in her head she sighed and kept on running.


Izumi: "hey guys" she walked up to her friends Bakugo: "hey Izumi so did you and Izuku found out what your quirk is?" and she showed them Todoroki: "that's pretty cool" Shoka: "that's awesome" soon Katsumi showed her quirk Katsumi: "me and him have the same quirk....we're definitely going to be heroes" Todoroki: "i can shoot out both fire and ice" Shoka: "only ice for me" Izumi was frowning still and they took noticeShoka: "is everything alright?" she asked her Izumi: "guys.....Izuku." Bakugo: "what's wrong with him?" Katsumi: "does he have have a fire quirk?" Shoka: "ooh that would be cool!" Izumi: "no.....guys....he's....he's quirkless, he doesn't have one at all" after she said that they stayed silentShoka: "but what about our dream...all of us becoming heroes together?" Todoroki: "we can't do that if Midoriya doesn't have a quirk" sad nowKatsumi: "but if he doesn't have a quirk and trys to become a hero....he's going to get hurt really badly!" worried nowIzumi: "or worse" they didn't know what to do...they couldn't figure out how to stop Izuku from becoming a hero untiltodoroki: "i think i have an idea" he said Shoka looks at him in concern nowBakugo: "okay...spit it out" Todoroki: "back at home...my father would punish me if i wasn't doing anything good like say if i had burned the curtains...the rug...or even freeze the water in the toilet" "Katsumi: "you did that?" Shoka: "once" giggling a littleTodoroki: "anyway...my father would assert authority if something wasn't good....maybe we could use that same tactic....then he won't become a hero anymore!" he said Shoka: "b-b-b-but that's because Touya would take the blame" Todoroki: "but it works" Bakugo: "i don't know...it seems a bit...extreme" Todoroki: "what do you think Izumi?" all of them looking at her she was quiet then she would imagine what would happen if he did become a hero...she saw how badly he was hurt, how horrible he looked and then....his funeral.she didn't want that she wants him to live.Izumi: "okay...we'll try it" they all nodded in agreement

flashback ends

Izumi reached her house and went right up stairs to change to get ready for meeting those guys at the mall.once she was done she took a quick glance back at Izukus room...it was still in the same condition he left it in...all destroyed and in ruins.it was a reminder to everyone that they were the cause of this.the skin though was removed.she kepted it in a small box.praying he was still alive.and he was okay.Izumi: "okay i'm going" Yagi: "try to have a good time sweetheart" he said Inko: "say hi to them for me" smiling Izumi: "i will" and she left.closing the door Yagi: "so...the clerk said he was a regular?" Inko: "yeah...but he stopped coming after a month or so....so that's out of the picture." Yagi: "the search has been officially called off...Aizawa and the others have to prepare for the upcoming entrance exams" which dampened the mood even moreInko: "i know it's important for them to teach the future heroes....but it's now useless to even try now" Yagi: "Inko....i know...it's affected all of us...i could barely even focus when i'm working even during my breaks i would see if he's anywhere...Izumi has been doing the same thing and for that 'man' you saw...that was the only time he ever appeared" Inko: "no trace?" Yagi: "no trace" he said

Katsumi: "i'm so fucking stupid" she said to herself walking along the streets towards the mall since her jerk brother left early to meet up with Shoka and Shoto she's been feeling terribleKatsumi: "why did i say that" she thought back when she told Izuku to kill himself at first she thought it would've help him....help him rid himself of the pain....instead she fucked things up...like always.Katsumi and Izuku were pretty close back then...best friends besides her idiot brother they usually did a lot things together but once he was diagnosed as quirkless it all changed from thereKatsumi: "it was my fault...god why am i like this?" lost in her thoughts...she didn't notice that she bumped into someone Katsumi: "Hey watch it!" she said but she saw that the man was some dude who never heard of what lotion was Katsumi: "yo why you so fucking ashy?" she said Shigaraki: "ahh.." soon he activated the scanner

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Katsumi BakugoAge: 15Quirk: 'explosion' Affiliation: 'N/A' Danger: 'moderate'

Shigaraki could use her for his nomu project...but seeing the words Bakugo pop up made him realize this was the girl that Izuku was tormented by Shigaraki: "why don't you watch what you say....words hurt more then you realize" which made her shocked before he walked passed her Katsumi: "you....you.....Fucking ass hole!" she turned around to find him gone...like as if he was never there in the first place shrugging it off she walked away who does he think he is saying shit like that?Katsumi: "goddamn it....RRREE!" and she continued to walk

timeskip to the mall Izumi was sitting on a bench before"hey padawan" she looked to see Bakugo smirking as usualShoka: "hey Izumi" Todoroki: "hey" Izumi: "hey guys...um where's Katsumi?" Bakugo: "the bitch is still coming she woke up late" Shoka: "did you turn her alarm off again" Bakugo: "the fuck...why would i do that?...it's literally pointless...not even a damn explosion could wake her" Todoroki: "well how are things Izumi?" asking her Izumi: "it's been stable so far....nothing new yet....only the clerks statement that was it" Shoka: "still non sign of him" sad Izumi: "yeah....and that stranger my mom saw...he never appeared again." Todoroki: "was it him?" he asked Izumi: "no this guy had a strength quirk...plus he was wearing armor that even my dad couldn't afford apparently so no" Bakugo: "hmm" Izumi stands up: "well...we're here...all of us expect Katsumi who's going to be here in a moment.so why don't we walk around for a bit.i need the distraction" Shoka: "sure!"

Aizawa: "no more coffee" he looks at the empty box in front of him before dropping it in the trash...he hated that the search has now been called off.only because he has to get prepared for the next students coming into U.A...off course he knows what to do.but Nezu...the principle wants him to have no just one....but two additional students in his class...obviously they are Shoto and Shoka Todoroki.Endeavors kids...reason is he only wants them to be taught by the best in the school...well at least he respects him for that.but he still can't forget that day...when HIS eldest child Touya Todoroki ran away from home...and for the past 11 years he too disappears without a trace.so Aizawa tied both cases together and he realized that they had suffered in simular conditions....both of the them have been abandoned...both suffered because of something they have no control over...and they left because they couldn't take it anymore...but Izukus was more concerning seeing he wanted to take apart his body to instill cyberware...which seemed impossible.until he spoke to Nezu about it and he believes it's completely possible which scared him.thinking that the kid probably grabbed some scraps and just started to saw off his arm...or killed himself trying to even make something like that...never in his life had someone scared him...not out of terror...but from the desperation that this kid has...his dangerous will that he will destroy his own body to get itAIzawa: "fuck this day" muttering to himself walking to the principles office and he knocks"come on in Shota" and he enters seeing this bear mouse like thing in front off him...that's his bossAizawa: "you needed me sir?" Nezu: "yes indeed....it's about the entrance exam and i want your opinion" he gives him a flyer showing the points the robots are worth...the norm until Aizawa: "what's the Zero pointer?" Nezu: "it's a giant robot that will be the surprise for the examines" Aizawa: "and why do you want my opinion" Nezu: "cause i want to know if it's possible if a quirkless could take down this thing" which made him concernAizawa: "why me?" Nezu: "because unlike the other heroes you have a quirk that would make you basically quirkless...you rely on skill and combat techniques to help you...so from your standpoint would it be possible to take this thing down?" he said again to which Aizawa looked at it thinking....it's several stories high....and if they were to avoid this thing it has lock on missiles that could severely hurt someone....but if possible they could time it right and then maybe go for the head someone with an acid quirk or some type of beam quirk could hurt this thing but then this question dawns on him he realized he said he was the closest thing to a quirkless.Aizawa: "okay what's the real meaning of this?" he said Nezu: "i'm simply debating if i should either keep the rule that quirkless are allowed....or banned them from trying out" which off course caught him completely off guard off course he would ask that...he's more worried about the schools reputation than anything elseAizawa: "you do realize that my answer is a living controversy" Nezu: "yes i understand...but think about it...is it more important to have them be safe?...or is it selfish because you can't decide or your not prepared if any of them would die during this exam" Aizawa: "*sigh*" pinching his nose...this really has been a bad day for him...first the call off then the coffee and now this shit.Nezu: "it's okay if you don't want to answer right now...i'll give you some time to think about it but you only have today and tomorrow to give me your answer" Aizawa then nods and leaves the room Aizawa soon walks up to the vending machine...thinking about the kid...if he wants to try out he would let him...but the others who probably haven't even prepared for it....they could die and his decision will follow him forever."HEY ERASER!!!" oh god....Aizawa: "Hizashi" looking at his friend who is also known as the pro hero Present Mic PM: "YO!!what's boppin?" Aizawa: "please stop with that...it's annoying enough you that you have to yell out every word" PM: "hey i saw you leave Nezu's office...did he tell you again to not sleep during a meeting again?" Aizawa: "no....not even close" he said "but what can be close hmm~" soon he looks to see the R-rated Hero MidnightAizawa: 'kill me already'

after Aizawa explains his conversation

Midnight: "that's a tight spot your in"PM: "banning quirkless?" as insane as it sounds it does make some senseAizawa: "i don't know what to do....i know that it's possible the kid is probably going to attend...but at the same time...i don't want to be held accountable for any possible casualties" Midnight: "well....i think you should ask Yagi" Aizawa: "why ask him...he's the main reason this whole damn situation started" PM: "because they also may help you see some sense" Aizawa: "they shattered a kids dream...his father not once...but twice... as his father, and as All Might" taking a sip off his drink PM: "that is true...i did lose respect for him...and has anyone done anything about the Aldera case?" Midnight: "not that i've heard off...but they did say the search was dropped...this one i don't know" Aizawa: "and the media won't even help....only because it doesn't fit their agenda" PM: "i wouldn't want to get involved with them Shota...remember we are here too you can ask us for help" Aizawa: "god this is such a huge headache" soon he felt Nemuris hand on his shoulder Midnight: "it's going to be okay Shota...just think it over....do what you think is right...if you help we can stay here if you want" she said to him PM: "Yeah and i'll bet the little listener is training really hard for this too" thinking about Izuku training all he canMidnight just stays quiet to give him some time to think

sooner or later Aizawa was standing in front of the Yagi residence...he is not ready for this.Aizawa: "what the hell am i suppose to say.....hey your boss wants quirkless banned from the school but hey that's that" facepalming himself from this predicament but he might as well fucking bite the bullet and do it he knocks three times and waitssoon the door opens wide and he sees Inko Inko: "oh Shota....what brings you here?" smilingAizawa: "is Yagi there?" he asked Inko: "yes he's here..please come in Shota" and he did....he could never figure out how someone like Inko could exist.Inko: "just wait on the couch and he'll be down in a bit" giving him Coffee...how did she know?Aizawa: "thank you" and he waited for a bit looking at the outlines off where the photos used to be...the only one hanging is the one photo that has Izuku in it...and everyone else as well.he remembered when he found out Yagi had a son...it pissed him off more than anything....and he's still upset about itYagi: "hey Shota" he looks up to see him coming down the stairs and he sat down on the chair across himAIzawa: "somethings come up at U.A" he said seriously Yagi: "okay...what crazy plan has nezu come up this time?" he asked him Aizawa took a sip: "he asked me for my opinion....if i would either allow Quirkless into the entrance exams" Yagi: "that rule has already been established why is he asking that?" Aizawa: "you didn't let me finish...not only that....but he also asked if he should ban them from coming to the hero course all together...leaving them to only the generals course." to which Yagi was shocked as expected Yagi: "are you serious?!" he said Aizawa: "yes....and i need some second opinions...seeing that Hizashi and Nemuri don't know as well" Yagi: "this is crazy...i don't know how to respond to that" Aizawa: "he's giving me until tomorrow to decide" Yagi: "and only your opinion matters?" Aizawa: "from what i heard from Nemuri it was a voting session...both were half and half on this...and because i didn't partake in the stupid meeting...i have to be the one to give the call" Yagi: "i'm suppose to be teacher there soon...won't my opinion count?not as me but as the symbol of peace" Aizawa: "Nezu knows that you would pull something like that so he made sure that your opinion wouldn't amount to anything only because your wifes son is quirkless" Yagi: "damn it....the bastard is to smart for his own good." Aizawa: "so what do you think?" he asked him Yagi: "if it were up to me...i would allow them to enter."Aizawa: "even if the risk of them getting killed is high?" he said Yagi: "there are requirements to entering U.A even the quirkless has some...but it doesn't mean that should they take it...they should know the risk." he said Aizawa: "*sigh* it's basically they same damn answer...but it's at en even standpoint but it also means the other teachers want them banned." Yagi: "any other heroes?" Aizawa: "Vlad King, Nezu, and.....Midnight" Yagi: "midnight?really?!i thought you talked to her" Aizawa: "saw the voting count...her name was on them being banned...couldn't blame her...she only thinks that they would get themselves killed out there" Yagi: "so it's more of there safety" Aizawa: "yeah" he sat there for a moment in silence....thinking it over soon.....he stood up from his chairAizawa: "i'm not sure about my answer....but you will see it tomorrow" Yagi: "okay then" soon he opens the door for him and he walks out of it....all of this is going nowhere....he knows Shota would rather try to find his son....but knowing Nezu he needs him to prepare for this years new batch of students coming inYagi: "alright....come on down Izumi" he said and soon he sees his daughter walking down in shame...staring at the floor she was wearing her night clothes Yagi: how much have you heard" asking herIzumi: "not much.....only that his vote is what counts if quirkless should be allowed or not" Yagi: "yeah....i know" Izumi: "it's not fair....it's like the world is going against them....why can't they understand that they didn't asked for any of this?!" she said Yagi: "i know it's a very hard situation Izumi...there are no right or wrong answers here....only the consequences of the action" Izumi: "damn it....then Izuku won't be able to" Yagi: "i know Izumi all we can hope for is that my friend will make the right choice"

meanwhileShigaraki: "well then....the implant has been paying off swell" scanning everything that he could find...was actually fun knowing all the types of things and ways he could use this thing.but he was having WAY too much fun with itIzuku: "i see...because whatever you scan i end up seeing it in COMs...and i saw you scanned someone in particular" he said Shigaraki: "really...who?" Izuku: "Katsumi Bakugo...the sister of Katsuki Bakugo and also the one who told me to kill myself" Shigaraki: "oh...."Kurogiri: "pardon for the interruption" seeing Kurogiri entering the room he's holding a small briefcase" Kurogiri: "your material has come in MIdoriya" Izuku: "thank you Kurogiri...you can set it by the door" to which he did Shigaraki: "so you managed to fix it?" asking him to which he felt a stinging pain for a moment Izuku: "just did....you shouldn't worry about it...if it starts to spark you only lose an eye...and it could be replaced....but i will say is don't even look at the sun...it could really fuck up your neural link with the chip" Shigaraki: "am i that stupid to do something like that?" Izuku: "no....but it doesn't mean UV rays are good for the thing either....for now" then he finished Shigaraki: "so what's the next tool you have?" soon Izuku opens the case and brought out a chip Izuku: "hold still for a moment" and soon a small port on the side of his head opened Izuku: "give me a second...cause your going to like it" he said soon another click was heard and then Izuku: "done" and the port closed and Izuku undid the straps holding his head in place Izuku: "now then....the new tool you will now have is called...the theat detector module...so if someones looking at you...supposely heroes...the device will now highlight them and their positions...even if they are behind 15 feet of concrete" to which Shigaraki Smiles Shigaraki: "what can't you do" Izuku: "giving people quirks" Kurogiri: "but in my opinion these cyberware can potentially by just as dangerous as a quirk if not more...they can't be suppressed, can't be stopped, and with the way you made them can't be hacked" Izuku: "i make sure we don't want to get hacked....last thing i want is a hero to look at things through my or his eyes" Shigaraki: "good....so the entrance Exams for U.A is coming up apparently" Izuku: "i'm aware" Shigaraki: what are you going to do about it?" he said Izuku smiles: "i'm not going to let them have the chance at recruiting more heroes...so i have this in hand" soon a screen turns on showing a mech Izuku: "say hello to the Zero pointer...a mech that is designed to be a surprise to those trying out...basically the staff thought it would be a good idea to have them go against this thing...not directly...but to avoid it...but since it's a walking weapon" Shigaraki: "you designed something" Izuku: "let's call it...the neural link synthesizer...this device will allow me to have not only full control, But it will allow me to 'Be' the mech" Shigaraki: "oh i heard of this...something from a game before the pre quirk era...were a soldier can be linked in with a mech but they would have to manually pilot them...this is different" Izuku: "yeah...and when i take control...let's say i will try to ruin their reputation" Kurogiri: "so you'll kill them" Izuku: "not exactly...more so the students that would pose a threat to your cause" which made him smileAFO chuckles from hearing this he knew he made the right choice in recruiting him.Kurogiri: "hmm..there are many things in this world that is hard to come by Midoriya...and that is trust....and loyalty...two things traits that you have...and knowing what you told us now establish and confirms your loyalty to the league." which made Izuku cry seeing Shigaraki rolling his eyes Shigaraki: "no wonder you made these things waterproof"Izuku: "mainly if it rains" Shigaraki: "you sure about that?" Izuku: "pretty *sniffs* sure" Kurogiri: "alright then....i leave you be then" Izuku: "thank you Kurogiri.....and of course...we'll make sure that his fake society will fall!"

after all of the training and hard work...Izumi is now nervous for today is the entrance Exams at U.A getting ready for it she already has messaged her friends that they will meet up at the frontYagi: "you ready?" he said to her Izumi: "yeah....just really nervous..that's all" looking at the timeIzumi: "i'm going to go now" she said Inko: "wait Izumi" she stops Izumi: "yeah?" looking at her mother who smiles Inko: "i'm.....i'm really proud of you.....i'm sure Izuku would be too" before waving at her to which made her feel terrible they don't know the truth of what went on for years so she got out of there fast basically running Izumi: "shit....why does she say things like that?" feeling some tears coming down without her knowing Izumi: "i don't have the right to enter this place...but i'm doing it for him" and she continued to walk....she made her way through town and soon she was met with something surprising...there are others there....they seem like they're protesting holding signs in the air saying 'quirkless are human too' or 'stop the hate' then at this moment she knew what was going on..

U.A has officially banned quirkless from attending...it was only 4 months ago she heard about her father talking with Eraserhead about this....he chose to have them banned."IZUMI!!" she looks to see Shoka running towards her and the others following behind Izumi: "Shoka" she said Shoka: "did you hear?U.A has banned quirkless from attending." she said in horrorTodoroki: "we can't get in yet...but seeing this is insane there are so many of them" looking at the crowdKatsumi: i though quirkless only made up about 10% of the world population...why the hell are there so many here" Izumi: "well...if you know your statistics Japan has about 1 % of the quirkless here making them the largest group in the world" Katsumi: "damn it....now Izuku can't attend now" Bakugo: "it's what we have been doing for him right?even the damn school itself thinks they should stay away from this" before he was slapped by ShokaShoka: "be quiet Bakugo....this isn't something we have no control off..what we did was nothign more than evil...we now have to become for Izukus sake" Todoroki: "the whole worlds against the quirkless" Izumi was silent she just started to walk past the crowd seeing them looking at her with disgusted and hate she couldn't blame them...being banned from something.because of something you can't control.this is going down to shit Izumi was about to walk up the stairs until she trips Izumi: 'goddamn it' as she was about to use her quirk she stopped falling "good thing i got here...that could've been a nasty fall" she looks to the left to see a girl her age her bobhair cut with brown eyes and what seems to be a permenant pink blush on her face smilingIzumi: "um....thanks" she said to her "don't worry about it" she extends her hand "I'm Ochako Uraraka nice to meet you...um?" now seeing her friends coming up Bakugo: "the fuck is wrong you huh?" looking at IzumiIzumi: "shut up." she shook Ochakos handIzumi: "i'm Izumi Yagi, right here is Shoto and Shoka Todoroki, and this is Katsuki and Katsumi Bakugo" Katsumi: "hey" Shoka: "hi" Todoroki nods Ochako: "nice to meet you all...i hope we'll see each other again soon....so i'll see you in the exams" she smiles and runs off to which sent them shivers Bakugo was sweaty as well not because of her cute appearance....but because she reminded them of Izuku her mannerism to helping people so they think and the fact she has a million watt smile like him makes it creepy almost....as if Izuku died and was reborned as a girlShoka: "does she?" Katsumi: "yeah" seeing the crowd growing and the protesting becoming more intensed they went in quickly soon they went into the stage and took a seat next to each other...waiting for what seems like an eternity comes out the pro hero Present Mic PM: "HEY THERE EVERYBODY CAN I GET A HEY!!!!" he yelled out to which they silent until "HEY!!!" they looked to the source to see Ochako all happy and excited for the test PM: "THANK YOU LITTLE LISTENER NOW I SEE YOU ALL HAVE SEEN THE SMALL COMMOTION OUTSIDE" and they noddedPM: "BUT ONLY BECAUSE THE RECENT RULE OFF PREVENTING QUIRKLESS OFF ATTENDING HERE" too some of them nodded in agreement...practically all of them while some where confused and some even felt pity for the quirkless

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soon the explanation of what they're going to do was simple seeing that they are going to take out big robots in a fake city seems simple enough...that was until some random guy wearing glasses was telling the hero about the lack of explanation of the zero pointerPM: "YES I'M WELL AWARE IF YOU HADN'T CUT ME OFF I WAS JUST ABOUT TO EXPLAIN IT BUT I APPRECIATE YOUR TAKING THIS SERIOUSLY!" then suddenly turns around "AND YOU WITH THE ROUND LOOKING FACE!!!" pointing at the Uraraka girl from earlier Ochako: "m-m-m-me?!" pointing at herself"YOU HAVE HAD THE SAME EXPRESSIONLESS FACE THIS WHOLE TIME!!!IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY THEN I SUGGEST YOU WOULD LEAVE!!!!" to which Ochako was whimpering seeing herself in the spotlight Izumi then stood upIzumi: "HEY SHE HAS A RIGHT TO TAKE THE TEST LIKE ALL OF US SO WHY DON'T YOU SIT YOUR ASS DOWN AND LISTEN!!!" she shouted to which he was about to retaliate until Present Mic intervenes PM: "ALL RIGHT ENOUGH!!!" to which quiets the auditorium PM: "there we go....now then i will continue *ahem* the Zero pointer is what you guessed how much points it's worth....nothing....could call it useless...but there something about it that should give you to avoid it at all cost." which now made everyone concernPM: "alright then....now you all have a designated area so you may go to your area and once you are done you may go on home....you will recieve a note from us in the mail to tell you your results" to which everyone nods and continues down to the buses still seeing the crowd screaming and Izumi was hearing the conversation and comments from the others "god what a bunch of losers" "i know...it's just one school there are other hero schools they can attend" "they don't have a quirk so what use will they be in the field" "nah they'll get killed before they even set foot in here...they need to be put in there place" "as if a quirkless could be a hero...how pathetic" "they are living proof that evolution can go in reverse" "so pointless they are acting irrational....leave it to the ones who have a quirk" to which these made Izumi upset knowing her brothers quirkless status she noticed that Ochako was sitting alone by herself "god that girl was whimpering the whole time" "is her quirk even useful?" "i heard she can make things float with the touch of her hand" "pretty neat....you know if she wasn't cute then i would just kick her off the bus" Bakugo: "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" showing the sparks coming off his hand making them be quietKatsumi: "*sigh*" annoyed nowShoka: "is this going to end soon?"

seeing the crowd still protesting stood a figure from atop a building Izuku: "so....regardless i wouldn't have made it in...what a bunch of hypocrites" he said growling he was tempted to just run in and slaughter the whole staff...but even he knows that his tech won't be enough to take them down...he wasn't strong enough nor does he want his plan to go downwardIzuku: "just you wait heroes...you will regret the day you reject us from your society" looking at the protesters seeing that they are quirkless like him as well Izuku can relate...he was also pondering if he should take some in to give them cyberware...but at the same time he knows this power could corrupt the mind and maybe affect the psyche in a negative way Izuku: "are you seeing this Shigaraki?" he said talking into his ComsShigaraki: "seeing?it's all over the news...spreading like wildfire, but in a positive way they think the quirkless are a liability and will get themselves killed...while some wanted them to join so they could be killed off" Izuku: "of course....but it will change when i will finally make my grand entrance" smiling Shigaraki: "not until the actual classes start...but killing a few students won't delay the semester"

soon the bus stops at the fake city and they were in awe seeing the large doors waiting for the test to begin Izumi sees Ochako nervous telling herself that everything will be okay she was going to towards her until a hand touched her shoulder she sees it was the same boy that humiliated her "and what are you doing....trying to sabotage the others chance to enter?" he said sternly Izumi slaps his hand away: "fuck off glasses" soon he was shoved by KatsumiKatsumi: "she's trying to comfort her after you humiliated her asshole" soon Izumi approached Ochako and taps her shoulder to which she jumps a little Izumi: 'god she reminds of Izuku too much' Ochako: "o-o-oh hey Yagi" Izumi: "please you can call me Izumi Uraraka i noticed you look nervous" to which she nodded Ochako: "yeah i'm just being paranoid...but what if i don't make it...what if i fail my parents?" and Izumi couldn't help but see Izuku saying these exact words Izumi smiles: "hey don't worry about it...besides everyone has a chance.i believe you can do it so let's go and kick this tests ass" she said giving her a thumbs up Katsumi: "nice one" she said noticing both Bakugo and the Todoroki twins aren't with them Katsumi: "oh yeah since both the fire and ice twins are recommanded they don't have to take the test...but Bakugo is at a different city" Izumi: "right" soon the doors open wide and they see the city in full view all the while she sees Ochako rush in without a warning "what is she doing?" "she's cheating that's what" "the fuck is the kirby wannabe trying to do" "pathetic" soon the intercom turned onPM: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!THAT GIRL HAS THE RIGHT IDEA THERE ARE NO COUNTDOWNS IN REAL BATTLES GO GO GO GO!!!!!" he shouted and everyone ran in...and Izumi got ahead seeing the robots in front off her she used her telekinesis on them launching them into the buildings all the while keeping OFA on hold

flashbackIzumi: "okay dad i did everything what do i do now?" soon her father plucks a strand of hair Yagi: "EAT THIS!!!" he said soon she deadpans Izumi:".....what?" Yagi: "in order to have my quirk pass on you must consume a piece of my DNA that way it will pass into you" Izumi: "you mean you can't just mix it with something to i don't know....make sure i don't taste it!" Yagi: "it has to be a direct strand...sorry honey, that's how it works" soon she takes it....and with all her might swallows it very quickly and she started to gagYagi: "did you.....did you choke on it?" asking her Izumi was crying: "No.....what the fuck dad?!....what the hell is in your hair that makes it taste like a calcium pill dipped in chili?!" to which he was confused Yagi: "i don't know" Izumi: "okay now that's over....when will i be able to use it?" Yagi: "well you have to give it an hour so hopefully it'll digest when you get in" Izumi: "okay"

end flashback

meanwhile in the observation room Nezu: "my my this years batch of newcomers seem promising" Midnight: "indeed they seem quite the mature bunch" licking her lips Aizawa was silent he didn't say anything he just watched them bickerVlad King: "some use their quirks in many different ways " Powerloader: "i see some use it for speed" seeing the boy running at high speedsNezu: "and some use tactics" showing Ochako hiding then using her quirk to levitate them and destroy themMidnight: "and some...pure strength~" now showing both Katsumi and Bakugo destroying them with their explosionsAizawa was observing Izumis cam seeing her quirk launching them into each other while she was focused on something elseNezu then smiles: "i think they should be up for the Surprise HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" then he pushes a blue button

Izumi counted up to thirty points Izumi: "this hopefully should be enough" soon she sees Ochako Ochako: "alright 40" Forty?!thinking seeing her taking them down with ease impressed her despite her quirk requiring her to be in close proximity soon she hears a loud bang causing the ground to shake Izumi: "what the hell?" soon the bang happened again Katsumi: "the fuck?" soon they see the others running away "GET AWAY!" "RUN" "SAVE YOURSELVES!!!" then they see what seems to be a giant mech that was taller then the buildings in the city Izumi: "the zero pointer" she sees it firing it's small missiles in the distance then suddenly it hits the building above her avoiding it but before she could retreat she heard screaming Ochako: "HELP ME!!!" she was shocked to see Ochako until a piece of Rubble and the zero pointer turns away going after the others...until it starts to spark Izumi: "what the hell?"

in the Observation roomNezu: "what's going on?" Midnight: "is it malfunctioning?!" PM: "damn it someone needs to go out there" Snipe: "DAMN IT!!"

in an undisclosed location Izuku: "now then heroes....let's see if your strong enough to save your precious students" now jacking into a port he then slumps against the wall and soon his eyes glowed he now is in full control of the zero pointer looking around and he sees the other students trying to run away...overiding the safety protocols he fires a missile at them....almost hitting the target it was destroyed by an explosion he looks to the left and Activates his scanner Izuku: "Katsumi....you bitch" he says calmly staring right at her....she froze

Katsumi didn't know what to feel she sees the missile going towards Izumi and the others and she destroys the missile...feeling proud off her self what she didn't expect was the zero pointer staring right at her in the eyes...as if the mech was actually sentient and alive she could feel the hate and anger being emitted even though it was a mech.soon it reels it's fist back before it tried to punch her dodging barely she could see it turning at high speeds and then it smacks her causing her to crash into the building Izumi: "KATSUMI!!!!" she yelled out seeing the zero pointer then turns its head to her Izumi: 'is it alive?!' shocked seeing the mech looking at her with malice Ochako was also in fear seeing this isn't how the other mechs acted like Ochako: "leave me Izumi...you need to get out of here!!" Izumi: "i'm not leaving you here!!!" she said to her Ochako: "look at me this rubble is too heavy to lift for me and also for you....you need to get out!" soon the zero pointer let's out a raging shout which made even more concern

Aizawa: "what the fuck is happening!!" now seeing the Mech is actually alive!Nezu was also speechless as well Midnight: "it's alive!" soon Aizawa and snipe went out with Hizashi following Aizawa: "if those students die...i can't...no i won't let them die.not on my watch!"

Izumi then sees it drawing closer she then stood up now feeling something else...it wasn't her quirk soon green lightning started to come off her then her eyes started to glow she jumped up to it to which she reeled her fist back Izumi: "HAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!" and punches it causing it to fall over and soon the head off it pops off and the entire body explodes to which Katsumi and Ochako could only watch in awe seeing the power she possesses Izuku: 'what is this?!this isn't her quirk!!where did she get it from!!' now frustrated seeing that the mech was destroyed but he was still in control of the head he took a look and sees her falling Izumi: "shit i didn' planned for this!!" she saw her whole life flash her past, her brother, her family seeing everything that she had done wrong.but then she was slapped by Ochako causing her to float just inches above the ground and she deactivated her quirk and she hits the ground Izumi: "thanks..." to which Ochako gives a thumbs up before vomiting all over the ground Izumi looks at the zero pointer and sees it was still onIzumi: "heh...you couldn't stand a chance clanker" she taunted it but soon without her knowing Zero-Pointer (Izuku): "and you are a fraud" before it deactivates which left her shocked how did it?.....what just happened?!

soon after the whole ordeal Ochako was finally freed from the rubble...and was taken into care"oh dear...is there any major injuries i should know about dearie" she looks at the small elder woman Izumi: "no...i should be fine...just tired" before she fell over but Katsumi caught her Katsumi: "she's a stubborn mule...could we be escorted to the nurses please?" asking her "hehehe...of course"

soon the sound off metal slamming the ground was heard Izuku: "fucking bitch where did she get that quirk?and how?is there some family i don't know about?....who could've given it to her wh--" he stopped and he remembered something....All Might.....it came to his mind that he has something to do with this...he could ask Sensei when he gets back but right now he needs to Delta the hell out of there Izuku: "Kurogiri....i need a portal at this location" sending him coordinates then a portal opens....he looks at the school one more time Izuku: "just you wait sister....you will see me soon" and he walks into it.

after the exams Izumi was laying in the hospital bed...feeling the pain in her left arm....she looks over to see Katsumi and Ochako also in the beds as well...chuckling to herself she thought back when before the diagnoses Izumi would always admire Izukus talent for analyzing and observing heroes quirks showing her their pros and cons...it really amazed her when she first saw it...but she can feel her guilt crawling up her back again...it was suffering for her...but she knew her brother suffered worse...from her and her friends...hopefully she'll make in.Izumi: "god" trying to get up now Katsumi still had her eyes closed: "just shut the hell up and rest Izumi" she said to her Izumi: "what happened to you?!" concernKatsumi: "you may not have seen it...but that damn wall-e basically bitched slapped me into the building like i didn't pose a threat to it" Izumi: "and is Uraraka?" Katsumi: "she's only broke her leg...to which Recovery girl healed fine...we just need some rest before we go home" she looked out the window to see the crowd wasn't there anymore Izumi: "did the protesters leave?" and she nodded Katsumi: "yeah....only because the police were now getting involved and seeing the quirkless were being treated less than a human...it's sick" Izumi: "like we're any better" Katsumi: "can't deny that....fuck....everyday Izumi" she said Katsumi: "everyday i can't stop thinking about him...where he went....what happened, he just...ups and disappears on us without a trace" Katsumi: "i don't even remember what happened now" admitting itIzumi: "i know....my parents are taking it badly to this whole thing.....we've all been in the fault of his disappearance" Katsumi: "you know....sometimes it doesn't even feel real....like i'm just going to one day wake up and see his stupid grin again" smiling softlyKatsumi: "but...it's all a fantasy, he most likely hates us to the core" Izumi: "that would make sense...but this is my brother we're talking about...he will most likely have the heart to forgive us...and maybe....just maybe....we could go back to way things were...to the time when we all hanged out" Katsumi: "i'm not up to the corny situations like this....but goddamn i hope it would be like that"

but unknown to them....Ochako woke up...but she kepted her eyes closed...not wanting to interrupt them...but now....now she sees who they really are Ochako: 'she has a brother?and he's missing?!' thinking about it is he older?is he younger?and why do they feel at fault for him going missing.....then she heard them talk about the protesters...they also treated them like that...her brother was quirkless as well!!Ochako: 'why are they trying to become heroes?' what is their goal for this?and how does it tie to her brother?now she heard Izumis parents are also taking it hard from his disappearance Ochako: 'was he abused?was he tormented by them?' there is so much she wants to ask...but at the same time...restrained herself...from what she saw she saved her life....but would she do the same if she was quirkless?and also encourage her?she didn't know...but she had a feeling her and the Bakugos are at fault for this...Izumi: "sometimes....i wish i could take it all back....the day when Shoto suggested that idea...i should've stopped him" Katsumi: "same here" now this confirms it they bullied her brother...they tormented him... and now because he went missing NOW they regretted doing that to him?!they're just trying to lie to themselves...she even bets that the parents also neglected him as well...how much did he have to endure?only time will tell now if she ever finds him again....but now....she'll keep this to herself...until it will be necessary to bring it up again

Izuku: "of all the things that i have to do....of all the things to show my royalty to you...and to prove myself that i am a good friend...you want me to steal a goddamn gaming console for you?!" he said to which Shigaraki nods Shigaraki: "only this once" Izuku: "right....and this only once only counts towards you...and not also Kurogiri" looking at him who just looks away Kurogiri: "i just needed some supplies" Izuku pinches his nose: "alright then.....done" he said Shigaraki: "really?....that quick?" Izuku: "yes...i just rerouted two packages that would contain your 'stuff' and it should be here in 2 days" Shigaraki: "yes" Izuku: "your welcome" Kurogiri: "much appreciated" AFO: "now then Midoriya please come here" soon a portal opens and he walks throughIzuku: "yes Sensei" he bowsAFO: "there's no need for formalities....i have a task for you" he said Izuku: "of course.....what's the job?" AFO: "in about 3 days there is a group of reporters going to U.A and they will try to get in and i'm sure you know what it's about" Izuku: "the quirkless ban" AFO: "correct...what i need you to do is to infiltrate U.A and steal files to it's schedule to where they depart to a place called the 'Unforeseen Simulation Joint' or USJ for short" Izuku: "god they just like to fuck with them." seeing that USJ can stand for something elseAFO: "indeed...but this is where your training comes in and your cyberware as well...you cannot make your presence known...to be precise...a cold blooded snake...make your way through one of the ventilation shafts, proceed to the fourth floor but be aware this is where the hero classes will partake.so pro-heroes will be present...do you have any objections?" he said Izuku: "no sir." AFO: "good...now then...there is one thing that's optional...in U.A there is a student that goes by the name off Momo Yaoyorozu...her quirk is creation it allows her to create any type of item she wishes but she must know it's atomic structure...if you would acquire her blood i believe it would prove useful for your research" he says to which Izuku smiles insanely Izuku: 'a quirk that could create anything...and the Yaoyorozu family is a bunch of Corpo rats that will fuck anything that involves money and power...yes...he may have some plans for a quirk like that.Izuku: "three days correct?" he said AFO: "yes....but should you fail this task and be caught...it will be difficult to plan anything further...but i would suggest to go ballistic.and kill as many of them as possible" Izuku: "i will not fail Sensei" AFO: "i know you won't...now go i have some business to attend to" and the portal opens again and Izuku leaves AFO: "you are too valuable to lose Izuku...i have faith that this will not fail." chuckling now

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soon Izuku was listening to music...but the thing is he was listening to music published during the pre-quirk era a time before quirks even existed and could only ever be thought off in a dream or a show...Country may not be a popular genre...but Izuku heard about dark country to in his opinion is the true genre of country...listening to these messages...but what he was doing was instilling some more cyberware...for example cutting his throat open...and he installed a small module that would change the pitching in his tone of voice...Izuku: "whoa....i said i know .....i used to walk down the very same road" singing some of the lyrics...of course he knows them by heart... Izuku: "test one complete...now then...on to the plan..." he soon jacks into his computer, the best security can be broken...but sadly U.A has no luxury...placing all their budget in the fake city and the mechs...what a stupid plan to do...even Shigaraki could just up and break through like an infant Shigaraki: "I heard that!!" Izuku: "....now then, for the Corpo girl...what to do with her...how to acquire blood" pulling up a file off her now Name: Momo YaoyorozuAge: 16Quirk: 'Creation' Affiliation: 'Yaoyorozu corp'Threat level: 'low'

Izuku: "now then....obviously Class 1 A will be the one she's in..." he then closes it abruptly yes...even if he's cybernetic, and he himself cutted off both his arms and even drilled a hole in his head and pulled out his eyes and his next project is replacing his lungs and blood vessels to increase his endurance and bloodflow making his stamina almost inhumanhe cannot still look at a girls photo let alone someone who is as beautiful as thisIzuku: "the fuck is wrong with me?....*sigh* guess things never change....yet" and he then opens it back up but this time only for Izumis file to openName: "Izumi Yagi" Age: "15" Quirk: "Telekinesis" Affiliation: 'U.A' (heroes) Threat level: 'very high' Izuku: "WHAT?!!!" seeing if scanner malfunctioned he double checks it....same resultIzuku: "how can that be?her telekinesis isn't that powerful but then....that power she used to destroy the Zero pointer!!" he then pounds on the computer Izuku: "SENSEI!!!!!" he yells out and in the bar Shigaraki: "he's dead" Kurogiri: "it was nice gear"

soon the portal opens and Izuku walks through AFO: "and why are you yelling?" Izuku: "i have an important question" he said and then he explains the whole situation that happened at the entrance exams Izuku: "i was wondering if you know anything about this...and i know this is out of line and i haven't been able to prove myself yet but it's still in my head" he said AFO: "very well then...from what you told me...it seems your sister has a very powerful quirk." Izuku: "what is it?" he said AFO: "your step father is Toshinori Yagi correct?" he said and he nodded AFO: "your Step-Father....is All Might the symbol of peace" to which time has stopped for IzukuIzuku: 'is it possible for a quirkless like me to be a hero?' he heard his voice again AM: 'i'm sorry young man you cannot' AFO: "and that quirk he has....is One for all...a quirk that can be passed down to anyone...by only giving them their DNA...but of course that False hero could've given it to you...and yet despite all of this he gave it to your sister....the one who has tormented you your entire life...the one who drove you mad" Izuku stood there taking in all this information...his step father...was his idol...he had a quirk that can be passed down to anyone he sees fit...and of all people...ALL PEOPLE!!!!it had to be that Slut the he calls a sister!!!Izuku: "did my mother know?" he asked him AFO: "it's highly likely...if he's able to give it to his daughter then she must've known" and now this seals everything...AGAIN!!!Izuku: "thank you Sensei" and soon the portal opens and he leaves again AFO: 'i must say...the willpower of this boy...his sister is done for'

soon Izuku enters the lab again but this time he wasn't crying all the tears he cried had long gone the pain of truth...he doesn't know how to deal with it.nor does he know how the hell why did his father and mother kept this from him for all these years...it was pointless...it was useless...to dwell on it now....it was no use Izuku: "hehehe..." he soon grabs his head Izuku: "hehehehehe....hahahahahahahaha" soon the cage has been broken and the inner evil comes out Izuku: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!" for all these years this is what it's led to...how much does this world hate him?!how much pain it causes not only for him...but for Shigaraki as well he was a victim of the cruel things this world offers Izuku: "SHIGARAKI!!!" he yelled out Shigaraki: "what is it brat" Izuku: "i have a new plan!!" smiling widely Kurogiri: "oh boy" Izuku grabs a small axe...and he swings it on his skinsIzuku: "i have a new idea!!!" seeing it bleeding now Kurogiri: 'great now he's having a breakdown'

it wasn't the truth that it was indeed rare for Kurogiri to be concern for someone....he has his own problems...Shigaraki and....well now Izuku as well...he keeps taking apart his body.cutting it off to replace it with metal and with unimaginable tech he replaces everything that he would deem worthless...when he first saw him he thought he would only last about a week or two at best...but now after seeing him with his cyberware it truly showed him how talented the boy is...and then came his mental health...growing up from a place feeling abandoned.not having someone care or love him....he became desperate....desperate to gain Senseis trust and care...to a point it's starting to take a toll on his mind.of course he's aware of his devotion...of course he get orders even from him to have him rest...but it would prove useless he mutters about going back to that hellhole or becoming someone useless to them.Shigaraki: "come on kid...you need rest and i don't want you to kill yourself" Izuku: "i can't i have a mission to infiltrate U.A steal files.and blood from some chick i need to do this!!" Kurogiri: "....of course you do" Izuku: "yes and in order to do this i cannot risk failing this" Shigaraki: "or?" Izuku: "i will kill everyone in U.A...or attempt to kill everyone in U.A" Kurogiri: "you know you can ask for help" he said Izuku: "but this is my task...and my task alone.i cannot have you bear my burdens" Shigaraki: "Your a member of the league and if it involves a job that effects it...then it affects all of us" Kurogiri: "tell us your plan...we can be helpful" soon Izuku gives in and tells them about what his task from Sensei was Shigaraki: "so this chick can create anything....but it doesn't list a drawback" Izuku: "that's the problem here....damn corpo rat probably had her life served on some silver platter" Kurogiri: "and for the mainframe you can already go through that...but the front gate...that is a different situation...you can just jump over you must blend in with the crowd...however"Shigaraki was playing his game: "fine" Kurogiri: "there Shigaraki will use his quirk to destroy the gate and you will use the crowd to get in" Izuku: "okay...quick recap....on the day the reporters will come Shigaraki and i will blend into the crowd and when time is right he will use his quirk once that's done he'll retreat from the area...then i will make my way into the ventilation shaft and make it into the fourth floor...once i'm there i will be going through the heroes classes hall which i must proceed with caution...make into the security room where they keep the schedule i will jack into their networks and download them send some coordinates for your extraction....but the optional objective" soon Shigaraki pauses his gameShigaraki: "Optional?" Izuku: "I must get a sample of the corpo girls blood...and that will prove difficult" Kurogiri: "from what you told us she isn't in full training yet...and you have been training since then....worst case scenario...is you make her look like a jackson pallock painting" Izuku: "right...then since we have a full thought out plan...my next project" Shigaraki: "MIdoriya" Izuku: "is to get some rest" and soon he fell over but into a portal which led to his bed Kurogiri: "goodnight young Midoriya" and then closes itShigaraki: "well goddamn...kids already have a full plan...now onto an ancient meme" he pulled out a 3DS playing Tomodachi lifeKurogiri: "good night Young Tomura"

well here she is right in front of the doors of Class 1-A the doors are pretty big.Izumi: "well here we go" she opens the door to greeted by Bakugo and that boy who humiliated Ochako from before arguing Bakugo: "AND WHAT FUCKING MAKES YOU BETTER THAN ME!!!" "your language is the most Vulgar thing that i've ever seen....how dare you talk to a proud student from Sekai academy" Bakugo: "oh so your the one that would have a stick up your ass...i'm gonna fucking enjoy stepping over you like a pebble you fucking bitch" "have you no shame?!you would threaten to hurt your classmate?!" Izumi: "god" Shoka: "tell me about it " Izumi: "BAH!!" Shoka: "oh sorry Izumi...i just got here" Shoto: "how long have they been at it?" Katsumi came up: "about 13 minutes" Ochako: "oh hey you guys!" they turn around to see Ochako coming up to them Katsumi: "oh hey Kirby" Ochako tilts her head: "Kirby?" Shoka: "she likes giving nicknames" Shoto: "indeed please don't take offense" soon the glasses boy immediately goes up to Izumi"YOU THERE FROM BEFORE!!" Izumi: "great" and he sees her bow to her "please allow me to apologize to you about the exams you clearly knew about the hidden system behind it and you are clearly better than me in everyway" Izumi: "oh....well....thank you" she smiles and he turns to Ochako"and i apologize to you as well i did not mean to make you uncomfortable in any way possible or humiliate you....i'm sorry" Ochako: "oh...it's alright you had every means to make sure those who take this course seriously get in" she said Izumi: "you know you're too nice for your own good" Katsumi elbows her Izumi: "hey" and she mouths 'like Izuku shut up' "oh i'm sorry allow me to introduce myself" he bows lida: "my name is lida Tenya and i'm a student that came from Somei Academy my quirk is engines they allow me to move very fast from a engine in my calves to move at high speeds" Izumi: "names Izumi Yagi...call me Yagi" she said rudely Katsumi: "Katsumi Bakugo...just call me Katsumi when i'm with my idiot brother" Bakugo: "FUCK YOU SIS!!" Katsumi: "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY YOU BITCH?!" then they went into an argumentOchako: "i'm Ochako Uraraka nice to meet You Tenya i hope we can be good friends" lida: "same to you Uraraka" shaking her hand "if your here to make friends then leave" they turned suddenly to a moving yellow bean it rolls over to reveal a face Ochako: 'was he there the whole time?' Izumi: 'dad has weird friends' Shoka: 'oh...neat' Shoto: 'is he an alien?' Katsumi: 'the fuck?' Bakugo: 'was he fucking sleeping?!' soon he got up and took off his sleeping bagAizawa: "it took you ten seconds to shut up...needs work" he walks to his desk and pulled out goggles Aizawa: "i am your homeroom Teacher Mr. Aizawa...now get your training gear on and head out into the track field...go" and then they all exit the room and got their track outfits on then they met up with Aizawa laying on the field Aizawa: "it took you 10 minutes...it's not hard to improve on garbage...be quicker next time.now then.we will be taking a quirk assessment test to see how well you can use your quirk" Ochako raised her hand: "um Mr. Aizawa..sorry...b-but what about Orientation?" she asked Aizawa: "we can't waste any time for that kid....if your training to become heroes we'll need all the time we need...otherwise it's pointless" he looks at IzumiAizawa: "Yagi...you gotten the most points in the entrance exams...come over here and stand in the circle" and she did Aizawa gives her a ball: "now what was your record back at Aldera" he asked her Izumi: "well....about 20 meters" Aizawa: "now throw it but use your quirk this time" soon she gathered her energy...and throws the ball 659 metersAizawa: "you see when you use your quirk you'll see how much a difference it makes...that's what we'll be doing today" then out of nowhere a girl with pink jumps in excitement"Man this will be so much fun!!" then it struck a nerve in AizawaAizawa: "fun.....fun...FUN!!!!" he said making them cower in fear even Shoto and Bakugo was nervousAizawa: "you think something as serious as this is fun?!fine....we'll make something fun....if any of you managed to get last place in this test...not only will you have embarrassed yourself...you be expelled PERIOD!!" to some are about to protestKatsumi: "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING THAT'S NOT FAIR!!!!" she shouted Aizawa: "fair....fair you say....what about disasters, ambush attacks, villains attacks, and also the treatment of quirkless that have been forbidden to come here you would dare to tell me what's fair or unfair?!" he said Aizawa: "Well?!" he said Katsumi wanted to say more...but she didn't want to dig her grave even further and stayed quietAizawa: "we'll begin now...speed test...see how fast you can go across 50 meters with your quirk" soon Izumi used her quirk racing Shoka and they both got a tie at 4 seconds the one who got first was lida getting a whopping 3.5 seconds soon it was the jump test to see how far one could jump while it was easy for Izumi she jumped across fine...and Ochako as well with her friends...but a girl with a frog like quirk jumped the whole way effortlesslythen came the stamina test to which tortured them even lida who was literal engines in his legs doesn't have the stamina to keep going all but one girl with a black pony tail who created a scooter that would allow her to go forever.although Izumi didn't give up.and got secondfinally the ball test Aizawa: "Uraraka your next" and she was nervous...as she was about to throw it only went went about 7 meters Ochako: "what?!" shocked she looks at Aizawa and sees Aizawa: "i know you have been trying your best....but throwing up every time won't get you anywhere...control it." and soon she focuses and breaths Izumi: 'come on Uraraka...you can do this' then she throws it...and it went straight up into the skyEveryone: "infinity?!" seeing the number come upOchako: "Mr, Aizawa" he looks at her all green but still standingOchako: "i can still.....m-m-move" she said smiling Aizawa: "this kid" smiling Izumi: 'she's...really like him' Shoto: 'is she secretly Midoriya?' theorizing now

soon the results came in Izumi and her friends were the top four with a girl name Momo Yaoyorozu being 5th...but everyone wanted to know who was last and they saw