

Ochako Uraraka

she was saddened and shocked seeing her name she was last.she stood there defeated Izumi knows an expression like that all to well along with the others they could only seeIzuku...standing there after another beatdown or verbal bombing....or both.they couldn't help but stand there and watch Aizawa then walks up to her Aizawa: "i see that you're last Uraraka" he said to her and she nodded still silentlida: "this is outragious you can't just " before he was stopped by the pink girlAizawa: "well then...you need to keep trying then" she looked up to him Ochako: "what?" Aizawa: "you need to keep trying...otherwise you won't grow...now that you know your limits.improve them" he said and smiled "oh i'm sorry i thought everyone knew it was a ruse" soon Aizawa turns towards the pony-tailed girlAizawa: "and you think i was lying...i expelled last years batch because they don't have potential...so watch what you say" and she stood there shocked realizing he wasn't lying Aizawa looks to the left and sees...that idiot hiding in the bushesAM: 'that girl reminds me of Izuku' he said soon everyone was done and headed back to the classroom and they had the rest of the day to chat "hello there" Uraraka looks up to see the pony tailed girl from beforeOchako: "oh hi" Momo: "my name is Momo Yaoyorozu, i wanted to greet you to tell you good job on the ball throw" she said Ochako: "oh....thank you" Soon another boy came up Kirishima: "hey space girl you were so awesome throwing that ball...it was literally 'out of this world'!" he said and the frog girl came up as well Tsuyu: "my name is Asui Tsuyu but call me Tsu...i see your quirk can nullify the gravity on items...it's very well versatile"

Izumi watched from the sidelines smiling....then she began to think...this could've been her brother...he should've been the making friends as well.and Ochako reminds her so much of him...it's scaryBakugo: "thinking about round face?" she looks at him Bakugo: "i know you think of Deku when you see her" Katsumi: "it's scary on how much she's like her...from her will." Shoka: "all the way down to her nervousness" Izumi: "i wonder if this is what he would've been like if he was here" Shoto: "i think that's what would've happened" Shoka: "yeah" Katsumi: "you said it" then in the corner of her eye she sees a little purple midget sneaking under the desksIzumi didn't notice that he was under her and he tried to take a peek up her skirt but it was soon cut short by ShotoShoto: "what are you doing" he said "i was...um" Katsumi: "being a perverted bastard...i swear it's like U.A has no standards" Shoka then freezes him and pushes him away

two days later

Izumi and the other are waiting in their seats wondering what todays lesson will be about

that is until the door breaksAM: "AH HAH I AM HERE!!!" he yelled outKirishima: "oh man it's all might" Kaminari: "the symbol of peace is going to teach us!" Mina: "this is going to be awesome" Momo: "the symbol of peace?!" Izumi: 'oh dad's teaching?' Shoka: "oh my the symbol of peace!" AM: "YES YOUNG ONES YOU WILL BE TRAINED BY ME!!!" he said AM: "today in this lesson you will be going through a joint training session of villains vs heroes!this will determine how well you do with teamwork.and also the usage of your quirk!how these teams are going to be picked out....IS COMPLETELY RANDOM!!!!" lida: "excuse me all might but how can that be logical?" AM: "well when your in the line of work...you always will never have the luxury of choosing your partners.so you must be able to cooperate well with whoevers there" lida: "ah...makes sense thank you for the explanation" AM: "now then you all have made an order for your hero costume...they will be in this suitcase and you will get ready and meet me out in about.....15 minutes AND AWAY I GO!!!" running out the door Izumi hid her faceIzumi: 'why do you do this?'

soon they all got ready in their outfits and headed out AM: "if i could say that the outfit makes the hero...THEN YOU ALL PASS!!!: giving them a thumbs up AM: "ehh?where is young Uraraka?!" he asked them Izumi: "oh she's getting changed right now" Ochako: "i'm HERE!!" they looked to the entrance and saw her outfit it was a black and pink skintight suit...but she had a helmet and there was straps covering parts off her arm and some braces as well covering her joints Izumi: "wow you look awesome Uraraka" to which she blushes Ochako: "well i always had a design on plan...but the skinsuit is a little revealing" but then she saw Momos outfit Ochako: "nevermind i stand corrected" Shoka: "yeah" AM: "alright then you will be picked in teams so here are the rules...HEROES you must find the bomb that has been planted in this building...if one of you managed to make contact with it you win...or you can try to restrain or capture the villains...VILLAINS your main objective is to protect the bomb with YOUR LIFE!!!.....and if the timer runs out you win....Or like the Heroes you can capture them and of course this is a training exercise so don't kill anyone...or severely injure anyone otherwise you will be disqualified and will automatically fail the test" Izumi: "seems simple" AM: "PERFECT!!NOW THEN I WILL DRAW MY CARD!!!!" he then pull out two names AM: "HERO TEAM A IS.....Ochako Uraraka and Izumi YAGI!!!" he said Izumi: 'random my ass' she thoughtOchako: "oh guess we're partners Izumi" AM: "NOW VILLAINS...KATSUMI BAKUGO AND lIDA TENYA!!!" and they also formed as well AM: "HEROES PLEASE STAND AT THE FRONT ENTRANCE AND VILLAINS YOU HAVE 10 MINUTES TO MAKE UP A PLAN!!SO GO!!" and they went in

Izumi: "okay Uraraka...so knowing Katsumi she's the most strategic one and Tenya can be a problem with him quirk...so....have any ideas?" she asked her Ochako: "oh um....i really don't know....what is Katsumis quirk?" Izumi: "it's the same as her brother" Ochako: "oh okay...then you can use telekinesis...so could you be able to lift Tenya towards me?" Izumi: "towards you why?" Ochako: "because i know you have a limit...but if i were to use it on him then he'll be captured....for Katsumi you could also try to make some dust by having her blow up something...so when the dust fills the air" Izumi: "then she won't be able to use her quirk Uraraka YOUR A GENIUS!!!" she said Ochako: "it was nothing" AM: "HEROES MAY NOW ENTER!!!"

10 minutes later

the battle was pretty anticlimatic as expected the plan Ochako thought off worked and a pissed off Katsumi stomped away knowing she'd been beat lida praised them for their planning AM: "SO CAN ANY ONE TELL ME WHO WAS THE MVP?!!!" then Momo raised her hand AM: "YES!!" Momo: "it was Uraraka...she has came up with a simple plan to counter act both off the villain teams quirk and soon managed to not only take the bomb but also capture the Villains as well" AM: "YES THAT'S CORRECT!!" Ochako: "but it was also Izumi that helped me as well i wouldn't have done it with out her" Izumi: "No you deserve the praise Izuku" she covered mouth in shockOchako: "Izuku?" Mina: "who's that?a lover?" Momo: "is he another friend of yours?" she asked her Bakugo stepped in: "Oi you guys stop pestering her about it." Shoka: "please leave it be" Katsumi: "enough guys" lida: "well then...my apologys about our behavior Izumi" Mina: "yeah sorry" Kirishima: "sorry about that man" AM was shocked as well...she really did remind her off Izuku...maybe she should invite her for dinnerIzumi: "it's i'm sorry Uraraka" Ochako: "don't worry about it." she smiles which doesn't help her at allsoon after all of the battles they headed back to the classes and saw Aizawa sleeping Aizawa: "for the rest of the day you may choose who is going to be your class president and Vice president...so hurry it up" and went back to sleep lida: "alright...i say we do this by vote" to which then most of them voted for themselves but some actually voted for someoneOchako-6 Momo-4Ochako: "me?you want me to be your president?" Izumi: "it's alright if you don't want to" Ochako: "um...i really don't think i'm up for this...but i could help as a vice president...Yaoyorozu would you mind switching places with me?" she asked her Momo: "off course Uraraka it would be my honor" and she was now officially the president of class 1-A soon the bell rings and the time for lunch has came

soon everyone sat in different groups Izumi with her friends and new friends from class...Shoka and Shoto had some as well...but to her surprise Ochako was sitting alone in the corner...eating by herself Izumi: "hey." she nudges Katsumi who looks and sees what she meant they both understood what to do and they got up from their seats and went to sit with UrarakaIzumi: "can we sit here Uraraka?" she asked her Ochako: "oh...yeah sure!" she said and they sat down Katsumi: "man i'm still pretty pissed about that fight...it was anticlimatic...but i will say that was a badass plan Kirby" Ochako: "thank you Katsumi" Izumi: "we made a pretty good team right Ochako?" Ochako: "hey Izumi....do you mind if i asked you a question?" she asked her Izumi: "sure." Ochako: "I don't want to sound rude or mean....but who is ....Izuku?" she asked her Izumi was thinking about it for a moment...she looks at Katsumi and she thinks she's owed an answer Izumi: "he was my brother" she said Ochako: "oh i didn't know you had a sibling...i wish i had one...being a single child isn't easy" Izumi: "yeah...he was a good brother" Ochako: "oh no...what happened to him?!" worried nowKatsumi: "some things happened...and it went out of control....and one day.....he disappeared, missing, no trace, nothing, as if he never existed in the first place" Ochako: "I'm so sorry" 'i knew it!' Izumi: "don't worry about it...it's not your problem...actually the only reason why i came to U.A was to be a hero with him, with all off us, but he's gone and either way he still wouldn't have been able to go" Ochako: "what do you mean?" Izumi: "Izuku....he was quirkless" Ochako: "that must've been hard for him" Katsumi: "it was" soon another girl came up to them but she had earphone jacks for ears Jirou: "hey could i sit here?" Ochako: "oh sure " and she thanked her Jirou: "i'm Kyoka Jirou" she said and they also introduced themselves as well they carried on the conversation involving Izuku and how much he wanted to be a hero...all the while they left out the crucial detail on who was the main abusers...and they were sitting infront of them Ochako: "*giggles* he really seems like the kind person...i wish i could meet him" Jirou: "this guy....wanted to do what?" Izumi: "he had this notebook called issue number 13...and he theorized that he could replace certain organs or limbs with these tech he calls 'cyberware' and he already had all the designs ready to use" Jirou: "that sounds awesome...what was one of the designs?" she asked her Izumi: "one of them was called 'Mantis blades' they were blades that folded and hid in the forearms of the user and it could cut through anything...it was amazing really" Katsumi: "but also disturbing" Ochako: "how so?" Izumi: "you see....he wanted to experiment on himself...like he was so desperate to become a hero" Katsumi: "that he would've literally rip his limbs to do it" which shocked them Jirou: "holy shit ....as crazy as it sounds...there's no way he could've done it...not without help" Ochako: "yeah...he really wanted to be a hero" sad now Izumi: "yeah...but in my spare time i try to walk around and i try to search for him...even though both heroes and police called it off" Jirou: "that's admirable" Katsumi: "yeah and of course there was also time wh-" but soon she was cut off by the sound of an alarm...'warning level 3 breach at front gate....warning level 3 breach at front gate' what was going on?

as soon as the press has came up to the front gates soon the crowd was getting bigger shouting question to them some asking about All Might teaching there and the other is about the quirkless being banned and then both Izuku and Shigaraki came up to the gate in disguise Shigaraki decayed the lock and soon the reporters started to charge in and Shigaraki ducks keeping out of sights and he gets out of thereShigaraki: "good luck" and Izuku walked in slowly he made his way to the front doors but soon he immediately makes it to the airvents that are beside the building.soon Izuku rips the grate off and crawls in Izuku: "i'm in" he said Kurogiri: "good now there should be another fork in the shaft go to the one that breaks left it should be the one that'll lead you to the third floor and he slowly makes his way trying not to make a sound at all Izuku was hearing chattering he must be above the cafeteria and then he sees her...his sister and who appears to be new minions at a table he then scans them for later but right now he has a tight window...but he also saw his optional target sitting with both Shoka and Shoto Todoroki he kept everything inKurogiri: "the mission Izuku" and he continues on...soon he can see a deadend coming up mostly from the fan that's moving at a highspeed...sure he can break it but it would cause some suspicionKurogiri: "take the ventilation opening that will lead into the bathrooms...it should keep you hidden well" and Izuku makes his way to it....soon he ends up in the restrooms...he can hear some chattering but he also looks that the boys aren't leaving anytime soon he makes another turn and ends up in the girls bathroom dropping down carefully he had his shades, facemask, and cap on with an attached camera...he walks out and heads to the stairway....running up and he sees cameras he puts it on 'assist mode' so now it will highlight anyone that is nearby...Kurogiri: "you're now on the forth floor....this corridor is what leads to the hero classes so proceed with caution." and now he makes crouches and slowly makes it across only to hear a door open from one of the classrooms panicking he immediately runs behind a corridor and he scans Name: "Shota Aizawa 'Eraserhead' Age: '30' Quirk: 'quirk erase' Status: 'pro-hero' Affiliation: 'proheroes' U.A' Threat level: 'high'

soon he waits until he moves away from the door scanning and soon he went into the teachers lounge....now making his move he manages to make it to the door leading into the security rooms.Izuku: "i'm here" he soon then grips the door and then forcefully opens it with ease Kurogiri: "now look for the terminal that connects to their networks....otherwise it should also be on file...maybe in one of those file cabinets" soon Izuku pulled out the wire from his wrist and connects to the network and as he predicted he bypassed it easily soon he started to download the files...and it also showed all of the future events and even what they plan to teach them...poor security is their biggest mistake ever once he was done he disconnected and soon he left.the room Izuku: "got it Kurogiri" he said to himKurogiri: "good...but what about your optional objective?" meaning the corpo girl Izuku: "i have a plan" soon he sees one of the girls going into the bathroom a pink skin girl Izuku: "and i have a new one now" he walks into the bathroom to see her washing her hands Mina: "stupid perverted bastard who does he think he is hope Yaomomo will give him a good punishment" soon Izuku listened to the way she talks her tone of voice, the patterns, mannerism, and of course, pitch soon she left and then he connected to the main lines and then saw Momo Yaoyorozus phone and he dialed her

Momo: "hello?" and then Izuku spoke Mina(Izuku): "hey Yaomomo could you come help me here at the bathrooms?" Momo: "um...any particular reason?" Mina(Izuku): "i have something that you would want to know please Yaomomo!just this once?!" making a begging voice Momo: "*sigh* fine hold on" and soon ended the call Izuku: "bingo" he said Kurogiri: "good...now she can't see you at all so he went into one of the stalls and stood on the toilet and waited for her Momo: "Ashido are you in here?" hearing her enter Mina(Izuku): "i'm in a stall Yaomomo" Momo: "okay what is this thing you wanted to talk to me about?" shit he didn't think this throughMina(Izuku): "you know i heard a rumor going on about lately" Momo: "really...about what exactly?" then Izuku thought about it he realized he could just start some conflictMina(Izuku): "i heard that Izumi has a brother...but he ran away because he was abused" Momo: "Ashido it is not wise to assume that one of our classmates would do that...why do you think it's true?and does she really have a brother?" she asked Mina(Izuku): "i heard it from someone in our class but i won't give a name."Momo: "that doesn't make sense...if it happened doesn't U.A do background checks for these type of things?" she said Mina(Izuku): "it's only into their Middle school...not the whole childhood" Momo: "i see...then maybe i will confront Izumi herself about this" an Izuku couldn't help but smile Mina(Izuku): "you don't need to worry about that Yaomomo...i'm sure it's just a rumor" soon he sees through the door that she was looking at the door slowly he opens the door Momo: "i see...well rumors can be very misleading...so i hope it isn't true" Izuku then comes up behind her Mina(Izuku): "don't worry...i think it's very true" then using the gorilla fist he chops the back of her neck knocking her out soon he brought out a syringe and began to draw blood to make sure no one was going to come through he leans her against the door...soon he finished and then made his escape through the vents.Kurogiri: "did you get it?" Izuku: "a pint" then Shigaraki was heard laughingShigaraki: "Hell yeah now that's how you do it!!" Kurogiri: "good now head to the designated coordinates don't want to accidentally set off an alarm" soon Izuku backtracked his way but he saw Izumi with a girl who had earphones for ears again he was intrigued he wondered and then scanned her

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'shit' she has enhanced hearing so any type off sound he makes she'll hear it....but he wonders and scans her

'sonic shock' and he smiles....now he activates it Jirou: "if you brother is out there then maybe we'll" then suddenly she heard ringing she kneeled over in pain Izumi: "JIROU!!" she went up to her seeing her in pain Izuku used this opportunity to leave now...and once he makes it out of the vent he sees the proheros at the fronts.Izuku: "Kurogiri the heroes are occupying the front entrance i can't get out" he said Kurogiri: "head to the side entrance there is a parking lot that has little to no witnesses...if you can make it there then hopefully you won't get caught" Izuku: "Just in case i'm sending the data to Shigaraki since he's out...i'll find a way out can't risk you getting compromised" Kurogiri: "alright then message me when you make it to the extraction point" then he gets off soon Izuku starts to make his way through the buildings hearing the classes that is going on...he finally makes it to the back entrance...going through...he sees an opening and runs through it making it....once he was out he sprinted and with the recently installed bio lungs and blood vessels he can run twice as long and twice as fast....soon he made to the extraction point and messaged Kurogiri...then a portal appeared and he walks through

Izuku: "mission complete!" he fistbumped ShigarakiShigaraki: "congradualfucking lations" he said Kurogiri: "good job Midoriya" and then Izuku brought out the bottle and placed it on the counter Shigaraki: "and you completed the sidequest...*sniff* i could almost cry" Kurogiri: "great work" AFO: "good work young Izuku you have retrieved the data in and out like a ghost...no one suspected a thing...and to top it off you managed to get not just a sample but a pint of the Yaoyorozu girl....you may celebrate for today...right now i have some other preparations" Izuku: "i'm sending you the detes Sensei" then Shigaraki sends him the schedules AFO: "very impressive indeed" then the tv turns off Kurogiri: "here" then he pours some shots Izuku: "what's this?" Shigaraki took the shot: "*Cough* damn tequilla" Izuku then drinks it but due to his body being heavily altered...he didn't feel anything from itKurogiri: "now then...what are you going to do with the blood?" asking him Izuku: "i already have a schematic in progress..and it will be one of the more complicated works i've been designing" Shigaraki: "i bet" Izuku: "alright then...i'm off to the lab..get this stored and processed then get some zzz's after that" Kurogiri: "very well then"Shigaraki: "hey brat...when will the chip be ready?" he asked Izuku: "i already have it in the testing stages if it goes well then hopefully it will be tomorrow otherwise next week" Shigaraki: "very well...well enjoy your first success kid" and he waves him off

to say Aizawa was pissed was an understatement...because not only have reporters have broken throught the gates...they found Yaoyorozu unconscious in the restrooms and Jirou another of his students couldn't hear for the next hour...something happened then the security room was broken into...the door ripped off and then they found nothing was tampered at all...no files were stolen...this person had a strength based quirk...and of course it doesn't get any stranger than this...they found out that blood had been drawed from Yaoyorozu...a pint which seems to be the case.of course they checked the footage but only find out that the figure was nothing but static..in all of the footage it was scrambled beyond recognition...could this person have multiple quirks?the others couldn't figure it out as well and to make this all the more frustrating than it needs to be once Yaoyorozu woke up she claimed that she was talking to Mina Ashido another student of his but she was down in the cafeteria...so not only does this person have a deadly strength quirk he could also scrambled tech or security footage and also mimic other peoples voices....this was the whole package and he can't figure it out...even Nezu doesn't know what it is?if this guy had multiple quirks then the sensors should've sounded off...but it didn't.Aizawa told Yagi about it and he doesn't know what to think" Inko: "i don't know Aizawa is it possible to have more than one quirk?" aizawa: "if it's a quirk then the sensors would've sounded odd" Inko: "but it didn't?Aizawa: "no it didn't" Aizawa: "so this is a great start to the school year!" sarcastic about it Yagi: "your students didn great during the team battles" AIzawa: "and so i heard" Yagi:: "listen...i have a weird request" Aizawa: "if it's to ask emi if she can try to make you laugh then i don't think that" Yagi: "No...not any of that...but want to ask you if that Ochako Uraraka girl could come over?" he said Aizawa: "why ask me?, why not your daughter" Yagi: "well because she will be out with her other friends" Aizawa scoffs: "fine...but you owe me for this" he said the walks out of there.the hell why do they want to meet her?

Izumi heard about the commotion about Yaoyorozu being found knocked out in the bathrooms...of course the first assumption was someone took advantage off her...but that wasn't the case and they found out that about one pint of blood has been taken...which made them question even more now and of course there was Jirou who ended up losing her hearing for one hour until it came back...of course it was the scariest moment in her life and soon once Momo came she claims that she was talking to Mina Ashido who called her to the restroom to talk to her....of course Ashido didn't remember anything about talking to her nor did she asked her to come to the bathroom....Aizawa: "do remember what this person said to you?" he asked her Momo: "whoever it was asked me if i knew about a rumor that was going on" Aizawa: "a rumor..." Momo: "i don't think it's true as well...but this person told me that Izumi and some friends had abused her....brother?does she have one?" and Aizawa stays silent for a momentAizawa: "yes...she did...until he went missing 10 months ago" Momo: "oh no....was there any leads?" she asked him and he shook his head Aizawa: "as if he never existed...and now about the abusing part...your saying Izumi and her friends are involved?" Momo: "that's what the person who pretended to be Mina said" Aizawa: "alright then...i'm gonna have to question them later...but for now i have one more question....why do you think they wanted your blood?" and she paled from hearing this...she forgot they took a pint of blood from herMomo: "i don't know...all i know is that i could be about my quirk" her creation quirk...very powerful but the drawback made sense...but it's not really much but whatever the purpose was...it's not good.

Izuku: "okay....now then..." he walks back to the DNA extractor showing the quirk DNA of the Corpo girls...he then took it out of the processor Izuku: "now then....let's program it to design this particular thing" and then suddenly he puts the small core into the device he made...Izuku: "alright....ehehehehe....now then initiating test one" soon his forearm opens and a small barrel pops up....then it fires a small projectle and then explodes... Izuku: "alright now...reload" and soon....there was an x-ray...the small core had glowed purple and then another small explosive round had formed and Izuku celebrated Izuku: "Yes...YES!!" he cheered he now has a projectile launch system...a device that would launch explosive rounds wherever he fires it and then it will reload itself but it will take five seconds...a mere amount of time in battle but it will be useful.....prepare heroes for he grows stronger each day!

Izuku woke up in nothing but black...he was seeing odd surroundings...they looked almost like code and numbers....making up the structures Izuku: "what is this?" he said to himself his voice echoing in the void...is he not dreaming?is he technically in this world?..."Please stop!!" he hears a kids voice...Izuku: "what?" "please stop....i won't forgive you!!" he then sees the red figures of the kid he gets closer so it....then he realizes it's him...when he was a child Young Izuku: "please zumi...Kacchans...please don't hurt her anymore...i won't forgive you!!!" he yelled out but instead of hearing his tormentors he heard nothing but static...a bunch of voices clumped together making no sense at all...but he looks behind him and sees a blue figure...scanning her nothing came up Name: ???Age: 'approximately 4-5 years'Status: 'unknown' Quirk: '???' Affiliation: 'memories' Threat level: '???' Izuku: "what?....who is this girl?" seeing the status coming up with nothing...he then realizes it's not rendering because it's only through his mind and memories...he had no clue who the kid was or why he was seeing her.but he noticed something about her...she was highlighted blue...and it would seem his scanner is identifying her as an ally....a partner...to where she could be trusted...soon she got up and ran...as expected he thought she got away to avoid being around a quirkless...but to his surprise she hid behind a tree that was nearby...and he could see him self being pushed down and beaten by some unknown force...obviously it was those fuckers...but he then notices some codes appearing above the girl he scans them and tried to decipher them 'i'm sorry' 'i'm not strong enough' 'they aren't heroes' 'i wish i could protect you' 'you are my hero!' to which stuns him...this girl sees him as a hero...a hero...but he's not a hero....not anymore he's lost everything and became a victim to this fake world...but he will fix it...to where people like him or her...could live safely, to be safe from all the cruel things the world treats quirkless and those with 'weak' quirksIzuku went up to his self and touched his headIzuku: "we deserved more....no one should ever go through this." he said solemnly and he looks at the girlIzuku: "i swear to you...whoever you are...i will flush out the corruption in this world...and i will fix it to protect us...to protect anyone from ever having to experience this pain" soon everything started to fade away.....all until he sees her....his sister Izumi: "you will never be a hero brother....you will never be one" then his parents Inko: "we left you alone Izuku....i'm sorry" Yagi: "you are not worthy of my quirk" then all of a sudden he was pulled away to see ShigarakiShigaraki: "you are a member of this team...a trusted member, ally and friend...if you need help we will be there for you" he said and then it broke away into a scene where a large pyramid is sitting walking up slowly he makes his way to the top he sees nothing but....he sees a digital version of himself but it was black and corrupted Izuku: "and you....your my evil side?" he said IzUkU: "nO....I aM ThE hAtE YoU KeEp AwAy iN YoUR HeArT!" it said to him and he knew of this...it was pointless Izuku: "then you already know what i'm going to say correct?" and it nods Izuku: "my hate for this hero world is what keeps us from who could truly be...being pushed aside, becoming outcasted by the world...not caring if we die or even become killed in a villain attack...the world leaves us to die and rot while they feed themselves and bask in our fear and blood." IzUkU: "YoU MuST KiLl ThEM ALl!!" soon it disappears and then it surrounds him he can feel all the hatred that he's been keeping away from the day his sister, no the WORLD have been treating him...he feels it all the hate the anger, the sadness and the desire to BURN it all down....he will Make sure this world will remember for who he is and for what he is...he will be known as Izuku...the man who burned the Hero world he will never fade away...he will be the fear that will linger in both heroes and villains to know that messing with someone who has nothing left to lose is a very true statement...and for Shigaraki....he is another victim...he will save them all.then his mind transfers back to the girl...if she is still alive...maybe....just maybe....they will meet again.soon

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he woke up....sitting up he realizes he's been sleeping longer than usual...most likely the toll of working nonstop...once he gets ready...he is soon met with Shigaraki talking over a phone Shigaraki: "yes i'm aware of the risk....of course.....the NOMU is ready it's a matter of when we'll strike....pssh and you think i'm that stupid to just trade him?no...he's a part of this team...you are worth nothing to him...get them all suited up and ready for we will strike tomorrow" and then hangs up.Shigaraki: "hey you, you're finally awake" he said Izuku: "*sigh*" Shigaraki: "caught you sleeping by the the lab...you and Kurogiri here" Izuku: "so...what's going on?" Shigaraki: "a real mission...tomorrow we will strike at U.A" which woke up IzukuIzuku: "it's only been a day since my mission....you have it planned out?" Shigaraki: "we do...tomorrow at about 9:30 am the students will arrive at USJ...but not only us...our contact from outside set us up with about....100 or so extra pawns" Izuku: "so...hired mercs?" he said Kurogiri: "no...just common thugs and the occasional murderer who have some sort of bloodlust when they realizes they are killing kids" Izuku: "great....so....whats the plan for them have us lead them in groups?" Shigaraki: "no...like chained dogs they will be distributed throughout the building and Kurogiri will separate the students from the teachers...and as for you...you may scan them to see if any of them catches your eye...or kill one of those tormentors" Izuku: "anything else?" Shigaraki: "the main reason we're going there is to kill All Might himself." and Izuku was a little surprised knowing he is the symbol of peace...he won't be an easy target to take down Izuku: "and do you have a plan to counter his strength?" he said and soon Shigaraki smiles and presses a button on his switch soon he gives it too him and he sees a creature in some test tubes chained up and had features simular to a human...but it also had wide-eyes, a beak, and the brain was exposed as well Shigaraki: "say hello to Project NOMU it has been in development far before you joined...it's a bio weapon Sensei's doc had engineered by injecting multiple quirks in a individual...and voila you have what you see here...it's been tested already and proven to be as strong as All Might himself" Izuku was impressed seeing this creature being on par with his step-father...and false idol...he couldn't help but smile as well but then he thought of something...something that could also bring this whole thing to the next levelIzuku: "Shigaraki....remember i told you about the neural links that we could have with the mechs....what you mind if i were to insert a sensory node into the base off the spine connecting to the brain?" he asked him Shigaraki: "you need to have that go through with both Sensei and the doc" soon the TV turns on AFO: "i know what you want to do young Izuku..and i approve of it...my approval is more worth than the doctor...so you may do what you want" and he smiles and bows again Izuku: "once more i thank you sensei for this" soon a portal opens and he and Shigaraki enter to the NOMU room he looks at the beast closely...and noticed that the brain was exposed way more than he saw in the switchIzuku: "are you not worried about the brain being exposed" "worry not...this Nomu has a quirk that allows it to restore and regenerate back limbs even the brain" he turns to see the doctor and he was surprisedIzuku: "you..." soon the doctor nods at him Doctor: "nice to see you again Young Midoriya...it has been too long" seeing the same doctor who diagnosed him as quirkless...but he was shorter this timeIzuku: "i don't blame you for anything doc...i was only ashamed off myself and they way i was born...you were just doing your job" the doctor nods Doctor: "I appreciate it...really....and i've heard Sensei allowed you to conduct a small project on our NOMU...i will allow it as well even i my opinion doesn't matter...but for now i will leave you to it" and he leaves Shigaraki: "So what are you going to do?" and Izuku pulls out a neural conductor Izuku: "i need to install this into the NOMUs spine connecting to the brain...that way if it were in any type of trouble moving...then we could use a bio sync optimizer to link ourselves to it so we could control the NOMU itself like we were 'it'" Shigraki: "some frankenstein shit here...i like it...remember to go to bed early...we have some heroes to kill....and Izuku" he looks at him Shigaraki: "glad to call you a friend" then he leaves Izuku: "same here...Tomura" he said

after what seemed like 7 hours...nothing has been found...this person...was like a ghost he wandered the vents...entered the security rooms and walked out like he was never there in the first place...his face..was just a scrambled image which proved useless the teachers are now calling this person the phantom...but for a name they couldn't help but call him


this person was proven to be dangerous when they see the skill he displays which linked him to the case where Inko Yagi was saved by a mysterious stranger who was quick and murdered two thugs brutally...Aizawa kept on searching looking like a crazy person....the vents...had no body fluid, no fingerprints, no hair strands...it scared the students ever since this news was leaked...seeing him makes Aizawa feel hate towards him....stealing blood, ripping a metal door off it's hinges, mimicking a students voice, then waltz out of there like nothing...Midnight: "still going over the case...i thought the police are leading the investigation" Aizawa: "yes they are....but they won't find anything that's basically a ghost" Midnight: "indeed...i just want to know how can this boy achieve this sort of thing...it looks like he has multiple quirks...but our sensors would've sounded off and it didn't....god i hate this" Aizawa: "see how i feel...having not one but two of your students left injured from this guy one had their blood stolen and the other rendered her hearing for an hour to me he's a big threat and to the heroes as well...if we are to encounter him again i want you to proceed with caution...i'm labeling him a dangerous individual" Midnight: "alright then...i'll also let Mic know as well...this isn't good" soon she leaves Aizawa then pulls out a file the file of Izuku MIdoriya....ten months....ten whole months he's been missing and labeled dead by the police...of course they really don't know if he is either dead or alive, but he's quirkless so he's not a at the top of their list of priorities Aizawa then writes in the file a possible cause 'possibly abused during childhood' from what Momo told him this stranger is also aware about Izumis brother.then it hit himAizawa: 'could he have actually made these cyberware?!' now he can connect some dots from the cameras being scrambled to him mimicking voices, all the way down to even have the strength to break down the door and ventilation shafts...did Izuku Midoriya made his cyberware for the Villains?no it couldn't be possible, even shield couldn't make something like this...not without killing anybody or crippling someone...this tech is far beyond their understanding...but could the kid actually have a quirk?maybe an IQ quirk...but then again the test results crumble that possibility...but then again...the idea itself is concerning...now the only suspect is him...Izuku MIdoriya could possibly be this person...but it's highly unlikely the level of skill and stealth showed years of experience...but he can't be too sure...and on to the next problem.the possibility that Izumi Yagi along with Katsuki and Katsumi Bakugo and Shoto and Shoka Todoroki.could've possibly abused or bullied the kid...the parents was obvious the classic neglect and abandonment...he could have them fired but the that would spiral things out of control...so nowAizawa has to plan for USJ tomorrow and sleep on it..Aizawa: "kill me if this is the boy" and soon he turns off the lights and locks the office and heads home

the next day

Izuku was standing in front of what appears to be 20 to 30 other Villains he looks at them carefully and sees they are filled with nothing but bloodlust "and who the hell are you?!" one of them yelled out Izuku in his armor looks at him but he altered his voice to sound menacing Izuku: "the one to make sure you all follow the plan...i have no time for mistakes...if any of you make that mistake i'll be sure to kill you" then one of them laughs "really a bastard in some cheap armor is going to kill us?please" soon he walks up to him "i think you shouldn't be in charge little man" he grabs his shoulder but then in a flash Izuku cuts it off with his mantis blades the group now seeing that he is no ordinary villain sees him cut the other arm offIzuku: "you made this choice" then he beheads him...soon the blades retract back into his armsIzuku: "anyone else?" he asked and they shook their heads Izuku: "good"...soon Shigaraki comes inShigaraki: "not even five minutes and you already killed someone...were they stupidly brave or bravely stupid?" Izuku: "the merit" and he nods soon the NOMU enters and then Kurogiri walks up to themKurogiri: "everything is ready" Shigaraki: "great...now then let's introduce ourselves" soon a portal opens and they walk in then Kurogiri, then the villains, and finally the NOMU with Izuku following in last...first he heard about the students saying that they have real villains...then he sees Eraserhead shouting out that they are indeed real villains Kurogiri: "pardon for our intrusion...but we are the league of Villains...and we are here for All MIght...could we see him please" god Kurogiris manners are on some other plain of existence Aizawa: "get them out of here 13" soon the prohero thirteen sees Izuku and points at him and Aizawas eyes widened soon Izuku smiles underneath the helmet and alter his voice Mina(Izuku): "you should protect us sensei you said you would." and this scared the students seeing him sound like Mina who also was shocked herself say thatIzuku: "now then...let's have some fun shall we?" he said

When Izumi and the others were told to get on the bus...they were told by Aizawa that they are heading to USJ...to which everyone thought it meant something else....but by the time they gog their they were met with the pro-hero 13 Ochako: "oh my gosh...it's the pro hero 13 your one of my favorite heros!" excited 13: "yes welcome to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint or 'USJ' for short" to which some of them sweatdropped seeing that the name can be misleading 13: "and about the name...yes we do that to mess with you" oh....so they're self aware about it as well 13: "today we will be going through 'rescue' training...each of you will be given an area and you and your team will try to develop a plan to rescue the dummy" Aizawa: "and to add to it the area represents a different environment so it could vary from a city all the way down to a mountain range or forest...so it won't be the same thing with all of you...plus there are bots that will try to disrupt you...you need to also work on quick thinking skills to make sure you won't freeze in battle." soon they heard something...and then a portal opens soon a man who had multiple hands gripping different parts of his body came out....then man wearing a suit who had a flaming head...then a group of people emerged and finally a creature that would seems off putting to them....but what they didn't expect was another individual wearing a armor that would most likely put even the symbol of peace in dept... Kirshima: "wow...you guys even have fake Villains!" excited then they turn to look at Aizawa he was serious Aizawa: "those aren't fake...they are REAL Villains!!" he turns to thirteen to tell her to get the students out until Kurogiri: "hello there...we're sorry to intrude on your lesson but could we speak to all might?" Izumi paled...what could they want with her father aizawa: "need to keep the students safe" soon the armored man came up and he spoke and to this day it still sends shivers down their spine Mina(Izuku): "oh sensei you said you would protect us from the big meanies right?!" he spoke with Minas voice Mina: "that's .....that's my voice!" shocked Momo: "this must be the person who knocked me out" surprised as well Kurogiri: "now then i won't say this again...where is All Might?" Aizawa: "sorry to disappoint...he's not here right now" and off course the man who had hands on him started to mutterShigaraki: "are you serious...after all of that planning the waste off money, and he's not even fucking here!!" he shouted soon the armored man walked up but he spoke normally Izuku: "well you better call him over then....it would be problematic for the students if you didn't" and they took a closer look at him...his armor and tech he was wearing seemed out of this world..and the blood that was on him only fueled their fear...Izumi was wondering who this guy could be?...and she realized that this guy...was the one who saved her mother Izumi: "YOU!!!" she yelled out and he turned to her his eyes glowing a crimson red Izumi: "you're the one who saved my mother right?!...why are you with them?!" she said Jirou: 'he saved her mother?isn't he a villain?' Kaminari: "bro what?" Aizawa: "she's not lying....were you also the one who infiltrated the school?!" and the man chuckles Izuku: "indeed all correct....i must say that it was way to easy for me...especially taking that girls blood, and thanks by the way" Momo paled seeing that this guy was the one who took her blood what did he do with it?Kirishima: "hah jokes on you Villains....we are the best of the best and with two proheroes....you don't stand a chance!" Katsumi: "we're going to kick your ass!" smirking Kurogiri: "it is true...you have quite the bright talents here....but too bad it will never compete to our prodigy here" gesturing to Izuku who then jumps down and then suddenly....at a highspeed he moves so fast and kicks back Kirishima he didn't have enough time to activate his quirk to it knocked the wind out of him Izumi: "shit Kirishima!" then suddenly she was punched by the man hitting her in the face she launched backwards Bakugo: "FUCK!!SIS LET'S GO!!!" and she nods charging the man first Bakugo started with his signature left hookIzuku: 'as always...too shallow to come up with a new move" soon he grabs his fist Bakugo: "WHAT!" and then Izuku punches him in the gut but he punched him again but this time released the stored energy making him cough up blood Katsumi tried dropkicking him but only for him to swing Bakugos body and hits her with him.

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shit...was the first thing Aizawa thinks off...seeing this mans skill taking down his strongest students like nothing...he rushes in but he was stopped by the flaming manKurogiri: "now now...we can't let you leave this place" soon lida started to run for the exit barely dodging Kurogiris portal Kurogiri: "damnit....he's escaped" soon the man also known as 'Johnny by the heroes; looks at him Johnny(Izuku): "well don't fucking look at me...continue!" he yelled out then Kurogiri separates the rest of the class Aizawa: "shit!!" then his students were separated into different sections of the building and 'Johnny' also jumped in one

Jirou: "AHH!!" as she fell from the portal she looked up to see what area she was in...but it was short lived when she sees villains coming out of more portalsMomo: "JIROU!!" she turns to see Momo and Kaminari together Jirou: "oh thank god it's you guys...i'm on edge right now" soon they hear"Hey OVER HERE!!!" they heard to what appears to be Minas voice soon Kaminari starts to go towards the voice Kaminari: "HOLD ON ASHIDO WE'RE COMING!!" soonMomo: "KAMINARI NO!!" soon she pulled him back just in time for a small explosive to hit were he was

Mina(izuku) laughs: "what you don't trust me Denki?" she said his first name which scared him soon Johnny jumps down Johnny(Izuku): "come on don't ruin the fun...let him have a blast" taunting them soon the rest of the villains surrounded them Jirou: "shit" soon Izuku sees that Jirou was with them so he let's her battle...he wants to see how she uses her earphone jacks Johnny(Izuku): "alright you idiots...have fun" soon he jumps away and then the villains charges in First thing was Jirou whips her jacks around to keep them at bay...and Kaminari froze...as expected and Momo created a staff and battled them as well...soon she made a sword and throws it at Jirou who caught it...even though she has no experience she instead wraps her jacks around it and uses it like a razor whip "YOU BITCH!!!" after getting slashed in the arm Momo managed to knock out five villains Johnny(Izuku): 'interesting' watching Jirou using her jacks like whips gave him an idea...he looks at his connect jack in his wrist and thought of something now....for now he will continue to observe them battle soon Kaminari snaps out of it and then does the unthinkable he charges up and then lets out a huge pulse of electricity...not aware of its range it managed to hit Izuku directly short circuiting his cyberware and he fell from the beamMomo: "good work Kaminari!" she said but he was braindead from letting out too much energy Jirou: "forget Pikachu he's a Pichu....goes braindead everytime he let's out a voltage blast" soon Izuku stands up Jirou: "no way...with the amount off energy in that blast should've crippled him" but they also noticed that he was moving in a jerky manner Johnny(Izuku): "that was damn impressive....it fucked me up" joking around Momo: "what are you saying?" soon he adjusts himself and then suddenly he pulls out a strange item soon a needle emerges and he stabs himself with it hearing a gas like sound he then crushes it into ashes and it faded away Izuku: "good now i know it works like a charm" he's treating this whole thing like an experiment Izuku started to slowly walk towards them Izuku: "come on...show me what you've learned" and he runs at them Jirou first swings her jacks towards him but he grabs them and pulls her forward Jirou: "SHIT!!" and then he grabs her by the throat Johnny(Izuku): "you know you have potential to know the truth...or not....either way i must have know what is in your blood" she tried to struggle out of it but it was like his hands are made of metal...and his grip was like a machine she couldn't get out soon Momo throws an EMP Grenade Izuku notices and then out of nowhere fires an explosive round at it Johnny(Izuku): "you know you're irritating me" then his eyes glowed and he looks at Jirou 'Sonic Shock' soon her jacks started to spark and she screamed in pain droppin her now he focus on Momo charging towards her before he fires another explosive round she barely dodges and he then activates the Kerenzikov time stopped for him and he looks around and he sees Kaminari...he smiles soon it deactivated and Momo looks over too see him holding Kaminari by the hair still brain-deadMomo: "YOU COWARD!!" she yelled out seeing Jirou in pain as well they were taken down so easily as he toyed with themJohnny(Izuku): "you really are the daughter of a corpo rat....your body, mindset, and even your beliefs are all set to just be a fuckable slab of meat to the highest bidder....i hate you" he said to her Momo: "it doesn't matter where i came from...you will let him go!" she said Johnny(Izuku): "you know i could just end this now by taking him and her for my experiments....but off course wheres the fun in that" then he drops himJohnny(Izuku): "it would be wise to return to your group...porcelain bitch" before he speeds off in a flash

sooner or later Aizawa took down all of the Villains that were attacking while 13 was down...the flaming man used his portals to his advantage using her own black hole against her....while waiting for lida to return with the heroes he kept them at bay...he hopes his students are holding up well...but he doubts that they won't freeze up.... Bakugo and Izumi were the only ones that weren't teleported away...they helped get rid off the other villains...and they see the handy man growing impatient Shigaraki: "i swear this takes forever...when will we get to the boss round?!" stomping around Bakugo fired an explosion at him but he saw through it and jumped away Shigaraki: "it's a bad idea to attack a higher leveled enemy!" he said to himBakugo: "why don't you fuck off Handy man...i will be this futures next number one hero...you best remember that when you get your ass kicked by ME!!" soon the doors opened and some of the other students managed to rally up...Jirou and Kaminari while being carried by an exhausted Momo soon almosted fell over but she was helped by Todoroki and KatsumiKatsumi: "jesus you look fucked...what happened?!" she said Momo: "Johnny" and that's all they needed to hear...seeing he took down two of their most powerful classmates with ease Jirou: "he....t-t-took.....m-m-my hearing....again" seeing her jacks going crazy Kaminari was brain dead...but he'll be alrightBakugo: "damn it" soon Kirishima went to join them Shigaraki: "i admire your will to fight...but this nonsense will stop...NOMU!!!" he yelled out and the bird like creature started to charge in now Aizawa went in to fight battling with the bio weapon...but he was only buying time so the heroes can come....Izumi also used her Telekinesis to push away the other Villains...while Todoroki and Shoka frozed the others...Aizawa couldn't help but smirk: "at least they improved a little" soon the Nomu took this advantage and feinted his move then it kicks him knocking him back Aizawa uses his scarf to wrap around the NOMU trying to keep it restrained but to no avail it rips to shreds then it grabs him Izumi: "SENSEI!!" and what transpired was him screaming as the Nomu breaks his arm Jirou: "HAH!!" Jabbing it in the eyes it screams letting him go Jirou: "GET HIM OUT!!!: and Izumi used her quirk to pull him towards her Jirou was about to run away but the NOMU got her instead Jirou: "AHH!!" and the NOMU grabs her left arm...and rips it off out of its socket...the scream that echoed in the building shook everyone down to the core...seeing Jirou bleeding out, and crying the NOMU throws her into the rubble behind it...Momo: "JIROU!!!" screaming out to her friend and Shigaraki laughsShigaraki: "oh man that was great...who the fuck tries to do that...even the dumbest hero alive wouldn't want to mess with something that could overpower them...oh man i wished i had a violin...play some ironic tune to pity the bitch" this only fueled their rage even more

Jirou struggled to move...her whole body is injured and she was missing her arm...she can't play her music anymore....and with the blood pouring out at a fast pace she accepted the fact she was going to die...she cried knowing this was the case...her vision started to fade....until she saw Johnny in front off her Jirou: "shit" she muttered out Johnny(Izuku): "shut up" he then did the unthinkable...his hand started to glow a bright orange...she then could feel the heat coming off it...he slams it into her socket she was so drained off energy she could only whimper in pain...he stopped the bleeding...and then he took out that strange device he used on himself earlier the needle came out and he stabs it directly into her chest she could feel the medicine going into her lungs breathing out green fumes...suddenly she feels better almost...the hell whose side is guy even on?!first he attacked them and now he's helping her...the fuck?!Johnny(Izuku): "i can tell your having a crisis involving me...but i'll put it this way" soon throught the visors she could see green...emerald eyes...they looked beautiful almost Johnny(Izuku): "don't tell anyone...if you do...well...you won't like it" soon he gets one of her jacks and he inserts it into his wrist she was shocked soon she could feel something a sound...Johnny(Izuku): "you do not know the truth of this hero society...i can show you...you will see...you lost an arm, making you lose value as a hero to them...soon it will get worse...i implanted my number into your mind...should you ever change your mind call...i will be waiting" he then let's go...and walks away

soon the doors fly open "FEAR NOT!!!!" they look to the shadow AM: "FOR I AM HERE!!!!" seeing the symbol of peace and the rest of the heroes coming in Kirshima: "ALL MIGHT!!!" Izumi: 'thank god' Shigaraki then laughs: "FINALLY!!!" he said soon All Might looks at him AM: "YOU HAVE ONE CHANCE TO SURRENDER VILLAIN!!!" he said giving his signature smile soon from the shadows comes down johnny(Izuku) Johnny(Izuku): "so you made it...big grin and everything....can't believe i once idolized you" he said soon AM saw this man was the one who saved his wifeAM: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THE VILLAINS!!" he shouted Johnny(Izuku): "you know this isn't about me...focus on him" letting Shigaraki have his momentShigaraki: "thanks....you know i always hated that smile....today will be the day it will end NOMU!!!" he shouted and the NOMU rushed in and punched him soon All MIght punches back...but nothing happened Shigaraki could only laugh Izuku: 'jesus christ' done with everything soon began the battle of the bio weapon and Symbol of Peace Izuku looked from the sidelines and out of curiosity scanned him Name: "Toshinori Yagi (ALL MIGHT) Age: "??" Status: "Symbol of Peace' Quirk: "???"Affiliation: 'Heroes' Threat Level: 'very high' of course it was high...his tech isn't enough to be much of a threat to the false hero...so he watched and waited..

seeing All Might turning the tides he was winning now and Shigaraki was freezing up growing angry Kurogiri looks at him and he nods soon Izuku taps his shoulder and he smiles againJohnny(Izuku): "welp...my turn" his eyes glowed...and suddenly he went limp....what happened the heroes were confused as they were tying the villains up but the NOMU went limp as well until it stood up again....it's eyes glowing... AM: 'what?!' Izumi: 'just?!' Aizawa: 'Happened?!' seeing the NOMU now acting differently NOMU(Izuku) spoke through a small soundbox: "now you'll pay for everything" they were shocked Johnny became the NOMU...this posed a new threat...soon the NOMU took a fighting stance and he charged in drop kicking him and ALL Might dodges it...both punching at highspeeds creating a huge gust off wind Izuku then looks at him closely...he's starting to steam Shigaraki: "HAAHAH YOUR PUNCHES DON"T DO ANYTHING HE HAS A SHOCK Absorbsion" damn it TomuraKurogiri: 'goddamn it Tomura' Soon All Might laughsAM: "yes Absorb NOT NULLIFY" soon he punches the NOMU and then with all his might...get it?he punches the NOMU that it splits in half Izuku: 'well that was short lived' returning to his body he stood up again...but it won't end here not now Izuku: "we need to get out" soon Kurogiri opens the portal until Shigaraki was shot in the shoulder Snipe: "you better stay where you are!" he said soon Izuku had enough might as well..Snipe fired another shot but instead it was deflected by blades that .....came out of his arms Mina: "wha...what is that?!!" looking at his arms Ochako: are those blades!!" Kirishima: "what is he?!" the only ones that froze in place was Izumi and her friends, All Might, and Aizawa shocked seeing the blades Aizawa: 'the blades' Izumi: 'that's Izukus design' AM: "WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE?!!" he yelled out Johnny(Izuku): "good friend of mine gave them to me...have to say he has quite the talent...hehehe" Snipe tried to fire more bullets but at a quick speed he deflects them all Aizawa tried to use his quirk but it wasn't a quirk which confirms it....it was cyberware Izumi: "he's succeeded....and he's making it for the Villain!" crying now...her brother is alive and well...but he's making his cyberware for the Villains AM: "WHERE IS MY SON?!!" he yelled out Johnny(Izuku): "your son?!ahhahaha he's not your son....not anymore" soon Kurogiri took Shigaraki into the portalKurogiri: "we need to go" soon Johnny(Izuku) throws down a smoke grenade causing the area to envelope in smoke...he escaped

back at the hideout Izuku: "was not expecting his aim to be that shitty" Shigaraki: "or he didn't plan on killing me" Kurogiri came back with more bandages: "now they are growing suspicious" Izuku: "already have a plan for that....remember that i cut off my arm?" he said to him Kurogiri: "yes" Izuku: "i have it in storage...might as well be an early christmas gift" Shigaraki: "never stop surprising me....making them think that your now dead" Izuku: "indeed...but i also have more good news" he said Kurogiri: "you found someone" Izuku: "a girl named Kyoka Jirou...her earphone jack quirk has inspired me to make something interesting...also a potential member of our cause" Shigaraki: "i can imagine the headline....'hero in training betrays fellow proheroes and joins the League of Villains' AHH!" soon Izuku takes the bullet out and puts it in his hand Izuku: "here...gift from the heroes" AFO: "i see you have failed" which all of them didn't move Izuku: "yes....we did...he proved to be more powerful than i thought" AFO: "and i see the NOMU was lost" Izuku: "yes" AFO: "i have it's location and already have a team to retrieve it for us...remember your cyberware is in it...you cannot let this technology fall into the heroes hands" Izuku hits himself: "Shit....i apologize Sensei i will not make this mistake again" AFO: "do not worry Izuku...but you must learn from this...same goes with you Tomura...do not let your anger blind you...learn from it adapt to the situation, and overcome, these failures are lessons...lessons for you to improve on what went wrong" Kurogiri: "i am also sorry Sensei i have failed in my task as well" AFO: "all is forgiven...but now....you need rest...all of you...Izuku i need to discuss with you soon...but for now recover your strength.Izuku: "yes Sensei" soon he heads off to his room...but he wrote on a sticky note.

'next project'weapon attachment: 'Monowires'

and then he crawls into bed but with a smile punching his sister was the highlight of the day for him...but now he needs to recover....and slowly he drifts to sleep.

of all the horrible things that have occurred in a short amount of time Aizawa felt nothing but guilt...he failed his students, he failed as a teacher....despite being severely injured he spoke to All Might...muttering and was now letting the demon out AM: "what are you saying Aizawa?" he growled Aizawa: "don't you act like the FUCKING victim Yagi...you of all people should know this...because of you and your daughter...you have now created another goddamn problem!another VILLAIN!!" he yelled out still in pain AM: "don't talk about my daughter like that...she has nothing to do with all of this" AIzawa: "oh yeah?!then why don't you ask her about what she and her friends would do to Izuku when he was young....he was bullied and abused by them and not just them the whole FUCKING staff in Aldera including the Students...they tortured and abused a child beyond recognition....i was surprised the kid lasted that long...but whatever made him snap....it's you and hers doing!!" he yelled Aizawa: "now get the hell out...i dont want to fucking look at you" and to which Yagi was silent he walks out of the room pondering on what he just said ....his daughter...his own flesh and blood....bullied him?...no she wouldn't do something like that...there must be another reason....now he wished that Izuku was here...if he's made his cyberware than he's a bigger threat than ever now....making them for the villains and possibly worse...the people he could've killed when making these things...the thought of it made him sick...what was he going to tell Inko?what should he do?tell her?or keep it a secret...then again Aizawa will know he's been hiding it so he'll tell her if he doesn't....god....he couldn't help but cry....that man was the definition of who his son became...the mantis blades was indeed impressive seeing the arms open up and the blades came out...it was awe inspiring and would put any support company to shame in a long run....but now that was not important...he needs to capture that man...but how can you capture someone when they decommisioned regular handcuffs long ago....quirk cuffs won't help because this is not a quirk....it's cyberware.but now he took out his phone and called someone AM: "hey Naomasa....i suppose you heard right?" Naomasa: "you better give me a good reason on why you called Yagi" ah yes...he was still angry about the case...he doesn't blame him AM: "i've found a lead for my son" Naomasa was quiet: "......meet me at my office tomorrow....9am don't be late" and he hung up still straightforward as ever he dialed someone else nowInko: "hey Toshi" AM: "Inko....are you home?" he asked her Inko: "yeah....why?" AM: "alright...i'm coming home now....and i need to talk to you...i've found news.....about Izuku so please wait" he said Inko: ".....okay...." and he hung up...this will be the most difficult conversation in his life

Izumi was still in shock....her brother is alive and well...but in the whole ordeal he's making his cyberware for the villains...the VILLAINS!!and to top it off she has no clue what else he's made...but the mantis blades...they were cool she had to admit.but knowing a villain can have them is terrifying....her friends are scared as well even Todoroki who is normally stoic and quiet Shoto: "so he really made them" Katsumi: "I don't believe it" Bakugo was growling: "the fucking nerd....why is he helping them?!it's been his dream to try and become a hero" Shoka: "in case you haven't noticed we are the reason he lost that drive...this is most likely payback" starting to tear up Katsumi: "we have no right to say that Bakugo" Bakugo: "I can say whatever the fuck i want...and i want to know is why the fuck is Deku HELPING THE FUCKING VILLAINS!!!" shouting now catching the attention of the others Sero: "wait..you know this guys bakubro?" he said Izumi: "No....*isigh* it would be better to explain it to you all" and they listened Izumi: "about 10 months ago...i had an older brother....he was kind and strong willed....but he ran away one day and left without a trace....he's been missing since then....but before he left he would write these journals he kept in his room detailed to a brim about quirks and the weaknesses and even how to improve them...but one book was different" Kirishima: "Which is what?" Izumi: "Issue number 13...the most disturbing in my opinion....he would talk about how the human body is just a weak vessel that can be broken easily...we saw one of his designs called 'Mantis blades' and they are blades that is concealed in the forarms of a person...and they are suppose to be extremely deadly" to which now shocks the class Mina: "wait...are you saying that your brother...is making these things for the Villains?" and she nodded Momo: 'so there is some truth to his words then' thinking back to when he told her about the 'rumor' it was a cry for help maybeKirishima: "so this stuff...was all made by your brother?!" and she nods Kaminari: "holy shit...." Katsumi: "we feared this sort of thing...it was dangerous....hell he said that if no one could help him.....he'll do it himself...of course he won't ever hurt someone....only himself" Momo "he didn't" Izumi: "he would claim that he only perform these things to himself....he wanted to fucking cut off his own arm...only because he said if he can't get in without a quirk...then he'll make his own" and this new information shocked them to the core...her brother was smarter than they realized trying to evolve technology....in a way that would seem impossible...it's crazy to think about but it's possible...soon the doors open...at first they were expecting someone else to teach but instead they see their teacher all bandaged up like a mummy Kirishima: "SENSEI!"he shouted all happy and some of the others were glad to him okay...and the next person to walk in was Jirou Momo: "JIROU!!" her and Kaminari jumped up to her happy to see their friend...but they all saw her injury...her missing left arm...forcefully yanked off out of its socket...they couldn't do anything but watch...but she still has her quirk so that's good for the time being Aizawa: "you all need to shut up and listen....so new information from our principal notified us that the sports festival is going to continue on" Kaminari: "are you serious?" Aizawa: "do i joke about these matters Kaminari?if so then you best watch it" Aizawa: "now then....you all need to start some type of training...and improve your gear in some way...i would suggest seeing powerloader down at the support wing...he should be able to help you" Ochako: "um sensei" Aizawa: "yes" Ochako: "are you sure your fine?...and you too Jirou?" she asked Aizawa: "I wouldn't worry about me...i've suffered much worse than this...worry about the festival and remember the event should be taken seriously because it is the time that the heroes will see if they want to intern you or not...so do your best" and he got flopped over to sleep which made everyone sweatdrop Jirou just walked past them and sat in her seat Momo sat by her Momo: "hey...how are you holding up?" she looked at her irritatedJirou: "what do you think?i lost an arm....so much shit i can't do anymore so why don't you talk to someone else Yaoyorozu" Kaminari: "hold on Jirou it's not her fault you acted recklessly" soon he was hit with her jacks Jirou: "shut up Pichu...i don't want to talk about it" literally a lot was on her mind right now

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Johnny(Izuku): 'i can help you...my offer will stand...just call and we can talk'

Jirou pondered on what he means by that...how can he help her...he was working with the same people that ripped her arm off and almost fucked up the heroes...soon she learned about the blades he kept hidden in his arms and it made her realize how screwed her, Kaminari and Momo were from the beginning...if he didn't show them this entire time then they weren't even a threat to them...the thought scared her...how much strength does this guy have?she thought about him once more...seeing his emerald green eyes...yes green eyes can be rare...but this green was a full blown crystal...she couldn't stop thinking about it....what was wrong with her?soon the bell rings and Jirou was one of the first to try and exit the room but instead she was met with a bunch of other students from a different class Izumi: "um...can we help you?" she said seeing they're blocking their way "we wanted to see what's our competition and i'll say it's pretty pathetic" he said Bakugo: "what did you fucking say?!" "you heard me...pathetic...i mean because what...you faced off some villains at the USJ and lived to tell the tale puh lease" and he then noticed Jirou was trying to get out "and where do you think your going?" he said to her Jirou: "home....i'm too tired for this shit and i want to deal with my own sorrow" she said and he noticed her arm was missing and was recently bandaged up...sure he may be an asshole...but he's not a douchbag he let her through while still talking shit about the others soon it was broken up when he ended up in the wall by Izumi

when she heard that the school was attacked Inko nearly had a heart attack...then now Toshi has new information on Izuku...she was worried for months now...have they found him?is he okay?will be able to attend U.A, but it was cut short when Yagi enters the house Yagi: "hey honey" he said to her Inko: "toshi...what's going on?have they found him yet?" she asked hoping they did but she also noticed he didn't want to talk about it but knows he has too...for her sake and hisYagi: "well.....we know he's alive and well" he said to herInko: "but?" Yagi: "that man that saved you a while back.....something happened with him today something i wish i didn't see" Inko: "Toshi your scaring me" Yagi: "Inko...when we were about to capture him Snipe fired multiple bullets but they were all deflected by him....using.....blades that came out of his arm" and now she was silent....shit maybe he should've waited he was about to say something else but was cut off from her silently crying the tears in full streams coming off her Inko: "we failed him Toshi...he's made them" feeling sick...her head becoming light, her son was alive, but for the price he was making the cyberware he would talk about for the VillainsYagi: "I know it's a lot to take in Inko...but i swear if we can catch this guy...then we could possibly find Izuku this way" and she nods Inko: "okay.....everyday i hope....and cling to the very slight chance he was okay...this isn't okay at all" she lays on the couch Inko: I want to be alone for a bit" and Yagi assuringly squeezes her shoulder Yagi: "let me know if i can get you anything" and he gets up to leave

Izuku: "alright then let's try this" soon Izuku pulls out the monowire from his wrist..he starts to swing it around and as expected they are working....he hits one of the bottles he sets up and it breaks upon impact...he now has new weapons....soon he stopped what he was doing and went back to his plan....making a bomb....he calls it Deku, reason was that he was always called that.well he and this bomb share one goal.blow some shit up...finishing up for the day he went to the bar to see what the others were doing and he sees another person who he doesn't recognize Kurogiri: "can we please be reasonable?" soon the stranger took out swords and tried to cut off Tomuras head but was intercepted by another blade that not only stops the blade he cut it off into two pieces he turns to look at Izuku and sees he's no regular person Izuku scans him Name: "Akaguro Chizome"Age: 31 Status: "hero killer' Quirk: 'bloodcurdle' Affiliation: 'Vigilante' Threat level: 'high' Izuku: "it would be wise not to do that Chizome" he said and he flinches a little Stain: "who the hell are you?"Izuku: "the one who will kill you if you do that again" seeing this kid in front of him...and the blades he realized this was JohnnyStain: "well then...you must be Johnny the one who gave the heroes quite the scare" Izuku: "what of it?" Shigaraki: "enough...i told you already you can fuck off...but it doesn't mean i don't want the other two as well" other two?then Izuku looks to see two other individuals one guy who looked about the same age as Shigaraki he had black hair and burns on his face...the other was a girl who was almost the same age as him...she had cat like features on her...and was wearing a school outfit...she was blushing looking at him which made him feel uneasy"heh your johnny?!what a load of shit...you look like a wannabe villain" seeing he wasn't impressed by the blades except the school girl who was in awe "Oh that looks like it could cut even if you look at it...the blood this thing will splatter!" drooling now Izuku: 'okay?' Shigaraki: 'the fuck?' Izuku then retracts the blades she pouted "boo...i want to see them in ACTION!" then she stabs him the guy with the black was a little surprised Stain: "TOGA!!" he said like getting after a dog she backed out but to her disappointment only a strange fluid came out of the stab wound Izuku: "you done?" he asked her and she realized she didn't even break the skin she made him spill his drink... Stain: "the hell are you?!" he said and Izuku just decided to show them...he took off his shirt and he shocked them...his body from the beginning was fairly fit...with the lack of sleep and eating he was literally a skeleton....but now.....now his body wasn't the same...the synthetic skin that replaced his old one was a little see through and Stain and the others could see some of the cyberware that he hasIzuku: "replacing everything that i consider worthless...first was my eyes....then my arms...my brain has a chip and then there are the spinal modifications and now my whole torso, i've replaced my lungs and heart to fluctuate bloodflow easier...modules that allow me to withstand the toughest of environments and also....titanium bones.." Stain: "your barely resemble a human" Kurogiri: "that's not the worst of it" Toga: "aww i really like blood...and you won't bleed...i don't like you" complaining now the scarface dude looks at him closely Izuku: "what is it" he said soon stain walks away Stain: "of course...you would be a freak doing that to your own body" Izuku: "and who gave you the right to judge....hero killer" Stain: "this world is full of false heroes...they only care about money and.." Izuku: "power as they will even feed off the weak and give us poor people the short end of the stick...i'm well informed on the problem with this world" and this caught his interestStain: "and....who do you think is a true hero" Izuku: "no one" he said to him Stain: "this is where we disagree with each other...you see in my opinion All Might is the true hero...he doesn't want anything in return...he saves the people" and Izuku hold in his laughter the league need their help...and he can't fuck this up Izuku: "believe what you believe...a lot of us didn't choose this life" he said Toga: "really?" she said Izuku: "but we could use your assistence..." soon the scarface dude then widens his eyes "Midoriya?" he said to which he looks in surprises seeing this guy knows him Izuku: "what?" "it's your name right....Midoriya...you don't remember me?" he asked himIzuku: "no...sorry...i don't know" and he sighsTouya: "Midoriya it's me.....touya" and that's when it hits him....uncle Touya he would call him...one of the very few who actually treated him like a person...until he went missing which made things harder for him...Izuku: "Touya....wher have you been" he said and Shigaraki just looks back and forth Shigaraki: "alright....quick question...how many fucking people do you know?what?!" Kurogiri: 'we could just use him for recruitment...save on money' Izuku: "he used to take care of me when i was a child" Touya: "and now that you worked for the league...and your body....why" Izuku: "this was the result of someone who had nothing left to lose" and he stared and nods accepting what he did to himself Touya ruffles his hair: "heh...still i can see you in there...despite being a machine...alright then crusty....i'll join you" and Shigaraki smirks but also knows the requirementToga: "i;ll join too this seems like a fun group i want to see some blood spill" Stain sighs: "if they join...i will work on my own terms...you got it" and they nod Izuku: "then there are three certain conditions i need you to comply with" Shigaraki nudges Kurogiri: 'here we go' Izuku: "first one...you must treat him with respect...he may not look like it..but he's a great leader....two you must follow any orders or jobs that we give you...i need to know if you would be relyable in battle...and the third" and Shigaraki covers his mouth to wait on their reactionIzuku: "you will have to let me rip an eyeball out of each of you...to install an optimizer" to which both of them shiveredTouya: really?" Toga: "i like blood...but not my own" this girl makes no senseIzuku: "it will be quick...the only reason is because if we are to be lost or separated from each other we will be able to know where we are located...plus who doesn't want a robot eye" and to the conditions they agreed to it and then Izuku had them follow him Izuku: we can catch up later Touya...but now i going to have to focus." until Toga jumped in front off himToga: "of your going to take my eye..can you give me a blade like yours?" excited Izuku: "um....sure but you'll lose your arm...are you sure about this?" Toga: "yes ....i want to kill my enemies and make it rain.....blood" Izuku: "very well then" Toga: "YAY!!!" AFO: 'well now...you tow more members...i wonder how you will lead this group you two...hehehehe"

once more Izumi and her friends had prepared for the sports festival an important event that would help boost their hero career training really hard for it...but they noticed something...Jirou has been avoiding them almost entirely...she would never talk to them....even when Momo would try to talk to her she would only make it brief for the moment...and when she saw Izumi she couldn't help but glare at her with murderous intent....she hated her and her friends when she told them about her brother she immediate hated her...she was the cause of this.she was the cause of her losing her arm and the villains gaining these new tech...but now...now she has to train even harder...she wants to beat the shit out of her...her and her dumbass friends that's her new goal now...training everyday despite only having one arm...it didn't matter to her...if she can still fight she will fight...Jirou: "that bitch...she will pay for this" punching the dummys head repeatedly she didn't want to look at them...she doesn't understand why her other classmates don't see it...even momo doesn't see it...maybe he was right

10 minutes before

Johnny(Izuku): "i guess you called for questions i'm guessing" Jirou: "why did you help me" she asked him right away Johnny(Izuku): "because it was right to do so" Jirou: "oh really...you mean after your fucking birdman wannabe ripped my fucking arm off and you say it was the right thing to do?!" Johnny(Izuku): "yeah" Jirou was frustrated: "why did you help me?to be part of your plans?" Johnny(Izuku): "good god no...i'm already set on that....plus that whole ripping your arm off thing was not even my idea...so you can blame on my leader with that" Jirou: "doesn't matter...you still work with him....now....why me?" Johnny(Izuku): "you're you....you seem like the type of person who has an open mind to something new" Jirou: "what is it" Johnny(Izuku): "i want you to see the full picture of what the hero world truly is...the lies, the scandals, and also how fake they are" Jirou: "and how do you know this" Johnny(Izuku): "do you think we wanted to be villains because we wanted to?you think villain are all just evil to destroy the world?no....this world can go both ways and Villains in general didn't choose to be this way..we are victims to a bigger whole to only fill their pockets with our hard work...now tell me this...if you told a child to kill themselves...what would happen...whould they still try to be a hero?or will they snap one day and become a villain"

the question still lingers in her mind...Villains...are not what they always seem to be...just a public thing that is part of the marketing system...she can tell there is truth to his words...Yaoyorozu...a girl that came from a rich family...doesn't know shit when it comes to the suffering of the people lower than her family...Kaminari the pervert whose parents are also proheroes....and then there's Izumi....a girl whose dream is to be the best hero the world could offer....but in the mist of it she also tortured and toyed with a boy...not just any boy....her own fucking brother!...if it would give her a choice she wouldn't blame the boy if he became a villain...the world was just asking for it.and they got it.it's simple really like glass on a counter push it enough it's going to fall and shatter.Jirou: "I promise you Izuku Midoriya...it doesn't matter what type of person you are...it matters on how you were treated...you were part of the cruelty the world has pounded on you...i will at least beat the shit out of your sister and friends...that's my goal.Even though she had never met him nor what he looks like...she could already tell that he was a kind hearted soul and this offer he had for her...if it was important and will stand....it must be worth it right?...but then again he's a villain and she's a hero in training there's no way this could happen


Izuku: "okay....done here check it out" soon Toga pulls out her hand and then the forearms opens and her own mantis blade came out her right handIzuku: "so what'd you think?" and she jumps on him Toga: "I LOVE IT!!!all the people and blood i can savor and cover with this beauty...i can almost imagine it!!" and Izuku pushes her off him Izuku: "too much contact...now here" he hands her some pain killers Izuku: "your body is going to need some time to adjust to the cyberware seeing it has no idea what to think off it...but soon your nerves will adjust and it will be a little painful...so make sure you take one every 6 hours" and she took the pills Toga: "...okay" Touya or Dabi which he likes to be called now was downing another shot rubbing the eye patch covering his left eye he had it removed to have a stephenson implanted...at first it was freaky and now it was annoying...he has a headache from it and Toga was being weird as always Kurogiri was cleaning the bar again and Shigaraki...was gaming...Izuku being part of the group just laid there and thought about things to see if it would be of any help...that phone call with that Jirou girl has left him some thoughts...if he could she her what this world really is then maybe he could have a chance at showing others the truth as well but for now he wants to rest a bit...Dabi: "Kurogiri...another one" Kurogiri sighs: "fine...last one" Dabi: "damn it Midoriya my eye hurts like shit" Izuku: "you said you didn't need the medicine." Dabi: "i thought it wouldn't hurt like how the bastard over had his" Shigaraki: "don't look at me....it had the same goddamn effect on me as well" Kurogiri: "please quit your bickering...it's annoying" soon the TV came on AFO: "i'm ready to discuss our next plan Izuku come through the portal" and soon he walked through

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Izuku: "was it you wanted to talk about?" AFO: "you see there is this event that is hold each year at U.A called the sports festival....not only does it show off the newcomers quirk...it will allow us to see which one could be a potential threat or a potential member...this event holds for two different reasons...one is for internship with other heroes if they made an impression...and the other is they are well aware that their reputation is at risk after our little debut at the USJ.What i want you to do is to attend this event...i have already prepared a ticket for you.Analyze each and every one of their quirks and fighting styles.exploit weaknesses and strengths if you must...that is your mission" Izuku: "alright...but my cyberware isn't the easiest to hide...and my eyes and hair are also not very easy to hide as well...how can i bypass that?" AFO: "well you can figure that one out...your cyberware could pass of as a quirk...and you said your optimizer can change it's eye color correct?" and Izuku nodded...he forgot he had that function Izuku: "very well Sensei...i will not disappoint" AFO: "i have no doubt that you will fail this...the festival takes place in two days time....you be best to figure a plan should you be discovered." and he nods Izuku: "thank you Sensei for entrusting me with this mission" and soon the portal opens and he walks in to exit AFO: "i know i can rely on you Izuku"

Shigaraki: "god damn it....oh thank god the covenent" sighing in relief seeing he was shook earlier focusing on the game Dabi: "*sigh* finally the pain is gone" Toga was scratching her arm Kurogiri: "please stop it ms Toga...you do not want to damage the casing" seeing her forcefully opening the mantis blade casing Izuku: "let her be Kurogiri...i made it like that...because i had a feeling that would happen" Toga: "we've only met each other and he knows me already..if you didn't bleed i would've like you" Izuku: "somehow i'm confused if i should feel hurt or glad" Shigaraki: "so what did Sensei wanted to talk to you about?" Izuku: "oh...another task." Dabi: "and can we actually do something?" Izuku: "not that type yet...i'm going undercover and go attend the U.A sports Festival" and Shigaraki looks at him and the sound of him dying was heard in the game Dabi: "what?" Izuku: "yeah...that's my task" Dabi: "so you're going to have fun...while we stay here coped up in this dump...no offense Kurogiri" Kurogri: "none taken...jerk" Shigaraki: "so what about your disguise?" and soon Izuku changes his eye colorIzuku: "cyberware.." Dabi: "wait...could i do that?" he imagined it....and his eye turned blue Dabi: "nice" izuku: "anyways...i need some help coming up with plan B if i should be spotted" Shigaraki: "simple...kill them all....your strong enough to kill them or hurt the pros....but then again the bastard All Might is there and your going to be by yourself....." Kurogiri: "oh for gods...just send me your location when you find an appropriate area to extract you i will make a portal there" Izuku: "got it...but for now....what are we playing?" he sat down on the couch Dabi: "he's playing some old game with terrible graphics" Shigaraki: "i'm offended this game has been a classic for the last hundred years...sure it may be outdated with the graphics...but the execution of how it was designed and layed out makes it one of the best...and the genius form turning it from an action into a horror in the middle of it...makes us glad to see the Covenant again." Izuku: "co-op?" and soon he hands him a controllerShigaraki: "be my guess"

the next day

here it is...the day they have all been waiting for...the sports festival Izuku approached the gates into the stadium...seeing that the vendor is really long he decided to message KurogiriIzuku: 'the line is long...but when i get in i will send you a location' Kurogiri: 'very well then we'll also be watching from the hideout...goodluck' he puts his phone away and was met with the guy at the front "ticket?' he asked him and he gave it to him "go on" and he enters it once more....funny he's already been here twice now...first was to steal files and now he wants to see how dangerous they are in person...looking at patterns, mannerism, and even how much they work in a team...this will be interesting indeed...but in the mean time he needs to find an exctraction point...to see if there is anywhere that could get him out safely...he looks around the vendors, seats, aisles, and even the restrooms...so far nothing...at least until he sees it...the vents again...they are big enough for him to fit...and one of them connects to the least occupied areas...bingo he takes a picture and sends the coordinates..he was set...so now that's happened...he looked around for a bit.trying to see what the poor can spend their cold hard cash on.he sees all types of merch and seeing it was mainly All Might themed irritated him.until he sees something in particular that was interesting...the mini statue off the legendary hero...the psychic hero: 'omega' weilding a very powerful telekinesis quirk she was only in the hero biz for a year...but in that one year she has done more for the world than they ever could've imagine...she was a true hero to him she didn't care for anything...but was also very underrated her deeds were never broadcast or even in the papers at the time...she was a total ghost to the public eye...some thought she was an underground hero...until she fought a very dangerous Villain...and that Villain was All For One.. fighting alongside All Might they managed to take him down...once it was over...she was goneIzuku: "off course he could try to find out who she really was...but where's the fun in that?he buys the statue and he then goes to his seat...now he waits

soon all the students rally up to their respective positions...and soon they see the R-rated hero Midnight Midnight: "hey there misfits...are we all ready for some fun!!" and the crowd cheered and the boys where just staring while some did not expected to see her outfit Izuku: "really?....she's going to dress like that?" Izumi: "she's wearing...a....very revealing outfit" Shoka: "and in front of highschoolers no less" Tokoyami: "is that's really okay to wear that?" and soon she started going on about the festival and how they're going to go through an obstacle course...and then she said Bakugo is going to represent Class 1-A Katsumi: "oh shit" Shoka: "uh-oh" Shoto: "this should be good" Izuku: "aww shit" Izumi: "here we go again" soon Bakugo stands at the podiumBakugo: "*ahem* i'm here to say....one thing" then silence Bakugo: "I WILL WIN THIS MATCH AND YOU WILL ALL LOSE!!!!!!!" soon the others glared at them Izumi: "great...now we're targets" Midnight: "well that was interesting...now then let the games BEGIN!!" Izuku: "motherfucker"

the students stands behind the doors to the first course Izumi: "good luck Jirou Ochako!" she said Jirou: "hmph" Ochako: "yup" 'you will learn not to bully others Izumi' Midnight: "ready!" and they get into position Midnight: "GO!!" and then they all ran but Todoroki immediately freezes the entrance...but Jirou jumped over using her jacks Izumi used her quirk to float above the ice and get acrossJirou then kept running but seeing that they are using their quirks to get far...she noticed 'her' Mei Hatsume...a girl from the support class...she was gliding across the course in a jetpack...taking this opportunity she used her jacks and grabs her foot Mei: "WHA!" she noticed JirouMei: "Hey i don't have enough room i need to make sure they see my babies" what?Jirou: "sorry Mei...gonna need THIS!!" and then she brought her down Mei: "HEY!" and then the jetpack was yanked off her Jirou: "I'l OWE YOU ONE!!" she yelled out and she waved Mei: "OKAY!!"

PM: "did she jet let her mug her?" Aizawa: "to tired to care as long as she isn't injured"

Izumi was making good process keeping on par with Katsumi and Shoka while the other two are just trying to kill each other...soon they see a purple flash Izumi: "what?" she noticed that Jirou...JIROU...just flipped her off Katsumi tried her best to hold it in while Shoka was in disbelief seeing her do that Momo from a distance also was surprisedIzuku saw some of the audience either laughing or just in shock"why did she do that?" "she's suppose to become a hero right?" "what is she doing?" Izuku: 'she's starting to see it' smilingJirou then sees a bunch off Zero pointers Jirou: "shit!" seeing how screwed she is Bakugo was about to jump over and Shoto was going to do the same ....until it fired missiles it went past Jirou and knocked both of them over soon it charged in hiding the illusion that it made a clear path for her Bakugo: "WHAT!!" Shoto: "great" Meanwhile Izukus eyes were glowing under his shades...how funny will it be that someone the people labeled a 'cripple' will win this round the thought off it makes it hilarious

Shigaraki: "the idiot is helping her win" Dabi: "won't it be funny if someone wins against those who have a 'powerful' quirk?" Kurogiri: "he's playing his cards right...seeing he saw her flip off his sister" Dabi: "very peculiar...he's not the same kid i once took care off" Kurogiri: "oh?..."Dabi: "he would go on and on about heroes and never seems to stop talking...honestly if i dare say he talked the shit out of me...i didn't want to talk after that" Shigaraki: "sounds like an actual nightmare" Toga was playing around with her mantis blade...slicing the fruitsDabi: "could you not do that to the blade." Toga: "what...i'm training" Kurogiri: "there are training rooms that we can provide you Toga" Toga: "yeah but that's boring..i want to make it interesting" Kurogiri: "do i need to call Izuku to have it removed" Toga pouts: "no." and she went off to the training room

Jirou sees the pit....knowing how this is going to end she just uses the Jetpack....she managed to get over it until it went out...the prototype lasted long for her but now she was again powerless Izuku: "so it went out on her...peculiar" he then scans the Jetpack and again he notices something...the girl Mei Hatsume...is very good at making these equipment...he'll list her in potential members...but for now he needs to help Jirou...off course it's cheating...but he wants the people that stole everything from him feel the same thing...he inserts his own daemon 'Initiate Malfunction' soon the jetpack turns back on but this time it moved in a frantic motion flying every where at a fast speed ....Izumi barely dodges it izumi: "SHOKA LOOK OUT!!" but it was too late the jetpack slammed her abdomen knocking her into the pit taking her out of the course Izuku contained his laughter that was hilarious...Jirou look ahead

PM: "and now ladies and gentlemen we are here to the minefield...yes off course one would think 'where did you get the money for this?' well it's simple...who pays your taxes?just kidding from our kind and nice sponsors we are able to achieve this moment in the course...to test the intellect and quick thinking skills for the competition and this lucky gal here just made it!Aizawa: "she's been working hard for this moment...despite missing her arm she has proven to be fit for this meaning the others have no excuse" PM: "that's as close to compliment you'll get from eraserhead folks"

Jirou was trying real hard to think she didn't know what to do...until a piece of debris came flying she sees that Bakugo and Shoto destroyed the Zero-pointers and they are gaining speed along with Izumi Bakugo: "EARS!!!!" Izumi: "HAHAA!!" soon she looks at the piece of metal sheeting...they she thought of it...stupid idea but if it works SHE.WILL.WIN!!she ran to pick it up and the three zoom by she then runs and then with one quick motion she slams it on mine then hangs on tight soon the explosion of the decoy mine launched her at a highspeed holding on with her only arm she managed to flew though the finish line and place first the crowd cheered wildly

PM: "I don't believe this people ladies and Gentlemen in first place Kyoka JIROU!!!!!" even Aizawa was impressed by the last minute move Midnight: "mmm he's quite the charmer" Powerloader smacks himself: "it's a she Nemuri" Midnight: "whoops" Nezu: "very cunning this girl...i say she might make it"

Jirou couldn't believe it she won she won the first round and to top it off got away with flipping Izumi off she smiles at her victory for now...but it was short lived Izumi: "Jirou!" oh shit she turns to the trio and also a very hurt ShokaBakugo: "the fuck was that Ears!" Jirou: "that was me winning Bakugo" Katsumi: "by mugging another?!" Jirou: "she was fine with it" Izumi: "and what about the jetpack flying off and hitting Shoka huh!" Jirou: "i didn't make it....it stopped working so i took it off" soon Ochako came up Ochako: "hey Jirou that was amazing i never would've thought of that strategy!you were awesome" Jirou: "thanks" Katsumi: "we're not done here" Jirou: "why are you going bully me like Izumis brother?!" she said which made them freeze up Jirou: "just because you lost to a cripple doesn't mean i'm weak...nor was he...you guys are the ones that's weak" then she walks off Katsumi: "that fucking" Izumi: "leave it" Bakugo: "WHAT!you're going to let her talk to us that way?!" Shoka: "just shut up...it's not like we're any better...she knew what she was doing" Shoto: "great"

Izuku laughed losing it now...Jirou won...and off course it went away immediately when he sees them surrounding her...he knew what they were talking about...they were giving her the same treatment because their weak egos can't handle someone else outside of their orgy group won instead of themIzuku: "*laugh* YES!!!" screaming some of the onlookers looked at him weird

back at the hideout Shigaraki was laughing: "she won...hahah" Kurogiri: "must've hurt their fragile ego" Dabi: "wow...this was great...and she only has one arm...so this is glorious"