
Resident Reincarnator

For those that have been here before… And those that we have yet to see… Yada-yada. :) ~ This a ‘JUST’ a Resident Evil FF I’m writing for creative fun. it is also from the Cinematic universe and, NOT the Uh… other one…(?) or something…. Also maybe an AU…. maybe… :p

Snow_Lux · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 3



"Ha… ha… ha… " Running down a long corridor within an old government building, a round briefly grazed by my white hair as I slid around a corner while dodging the arms of a lunging zombie by doing a flip off the wall and over the zombies head "If only I still had my wet-ware, I would have-"


"Sh*t!" I covered my face as I ran past the shattered window on my side and kept dodging the shots and zombies at the same time.


Covering my head as another window nearby shattered, I turned to look back only to see a trained kill squad sent by Umbrella on a blackened and modified-armored SUV as they really wanted my baby I had spent over a dozen decades re-building from scratch ever since I came to this accursed world.

No, no way was I giving this up. Not over my dead body.

Running down a narrow corridor through a tight passage into an apartment complex, I then continued weaving through the undead as compared to what I had to deal with back in my old world, these undead were insanely slow, but persistent. I next jumped over a broken window and into a room as I could then hear them approaching.




I then hid around a shadow within the wall and as I waited, the footsteps grew louder as a red laser passed above my window and just as I then saw the barrel of a gun, I sprung up and slammed my bullet-proof briefcase into the soldiers head and jerked his gun right off his hands before next dropping my case and firing two rounds into his mask and face.



The man's body collapsed backwards as I then hopped over and began stripping the soldiers equipments with fluid motions before gathering my thoughts as I could still-



I grabbed the briefcase and jumped back into the building just narrowly missing being shot at from the second floor above.

"Ha… ha… ha…" I really hated this flesh-and-blood body. "So damn annoying-"

I spurning up after hearing the click of the soldier's gun and fired back but only managed to Nick the soldier's shoulder as they ducked down for cover.

Using that chance, I rushed over and left around the left center entrance where two more soldier's rushed around the corner and I held a steady posture before dropping them both and ejecting my magazine. I was halfway reloading when I saw what it was they were running from.

"A zombified Lion… for f*cks sakes!" I muttered in disbelief as the damn thing saw me and I rushed to my left while lunging over a stairwell and dropping down a full story before crashing feet-first onto the roof of a car. "ARGHH!"


I sprained my ankles as I turned back just in time I see the lion growling from the air before I turned to my back and fired all my gun had into its body.


The now fully lifeless Lion-corpse continued to fall before I rolled away and landed into the ground just as the Lion crashed onto the car.



I raised my gun sideways as I kept a zombie from biting my neck and pushed them to the side as I began crawling backwards to the car while searching for my briefcase and grabbed out to it as I wrapped in around my chest.

"Gah… this is it, huh…" I felt sad I couldn't see the day I re-installed my wet-ware and… be the infamous 'Ghost' like always… I'm sorry guys… I-…"


Opening my eyes, I then saw a motorbike come flying from off the interstate high above the impasse and from it, a feminine figure reached out and had thrown a clave-dagger, perfectly slicing the head off the zombie that was reaching for me.


The figure then slid her bike in an arc while taking out a sub-machine gun and opened fire on all the zombies approaching.

She then came to a compete stop with her back before me and just as she finished her clip, she turned to me while reloading.

"Get on!" I heard her say in a husky yet confident tone and looking at the hundreds of zombies shambling out from the dark underpass, I groaned while dismissing the iron-metallic taste on my tongue and dragged myself over before climbing onto the bike. "Hang tight!"

She set her head toward the backed-up interstate ramp further to our right and owned fire a second time just as we began climbing up through the side, we then heard the sound of cars being flipped out of the road further behind us as the armored SUV was gunning for us.

"We've got hostiles at our six!" I shouted while still holding my briefcase and in an instant, the woman stopped the bike and turned to the other end of the freeway where the truck was hurtling toward us. "What are you doing?!?"

She didn't say anything and instead leveled her sidearm over her arm before then aiming forward as I could barley see her faint features under the black visor of her mask.


The shot traveled what must have been over a full kilometer and in the next moment, the truck swerved off the bank and crashed into the wall of the apartment building.

The woman set her gun away before revving her bike and we then took off again. But before I could ask her who she was, the sound of a helicopter rang true in our ears.

{"Alyssa, We're coming!"} I heard the woman said someone else's name before swerving out of the way as rapid gunfire erupted toward the side where we just were.

But then the woman took her submachine gun and arched her torso without looking back and drive with only one hand.


*Rolling… BRRRT*

"This is crazy!" I couldn't help shout as it's been over a decade since my arrived in this world and even then, I've been sealed inside a lab trying to bring back my identity.

Not long after reaching a curve in the freeway, the woman tossed the empty submachine gun into the side and leaned forward as I grasped at her stomach and held in tightly as I didn't really have a choice but to put my life in this persons hands.

"Hang on!" I was already doing that!


The bike then sped up in speed and I could only glimpse at the protective road-wall where we would crash into yet, out of nowhere, a small section exploded just as we were through, this woman had spun the bike swerving sideways and we glided off into the air. But that's not all as the bike then began turning and we were soon facing the armored helicopter just as two missiles flew past us.

I only saw a glint as this woman pulled out her sidearm once more and opened fire four times as I could feel my mind going into overdrive as everything was happening so slowly. I could then see each round shooting into the bulletproof glass of the helicopter but what I saw next shocked me to my core.


She shot over the same bullet four times and on the fourth shot, the glass shattered and whenever was inside, their head burst as the blood splatter stained the glass.

Soon enough, the helicopter swerved forward and hit the ground before exploding into a fiery inferno.

Yet, just then as we were about to become a stain on the sidewalk since we leaped off what felt like two stories, a sudden burst of a second helicopter buzzing from the overpass glided from out of nowhere and the woman then pulled me in her arms just as she then bent her heeled-boots and pushed against the bike in a feat of inhuman strength, we leaned up as the helicopter next precisely bent at an angle and the woman reached out her leg before suddenly abruptly standing upright just as the helicopter turned level again.

She held me from falling off as she grabbed onto the metal bar next to her head. I then turned to the left where I saw the destruction we left behind and afterwards, the side-door closed and just as I was about to sit down, I was feeling sleepy while now reeling from the injection I didn't even sense now on my neck.

I saw my reflection on the visor of the woman before me and just as I passed out, the woman had caught me as she next took off her helmet and I saw a blurred image of a woman's brown-golden locks flutter down her fair face as I passed out.


Just some minor corrections.

Have a nice day. :)

Snow_Luxcreators' thoughts