
Reset: DPS to Support?!

At the top of the food chain in the game "Spiritual Warriors", Hasegawa Zayden was renowned for his mastery of dealing high damage with his character 'Shinto'. He has excellent control, real-time decision making, skills in the world background, and most importantly, passion. However, dishing out top tier damage in matches, doing excellently in the current level of PVE; the game became a walk in the park for the young man. Although he could still explore the worldview, he felt as if he could clear all content with ease. "I'm sick of all of this," Zayden sighed as he once again effortlessly cleared a match. Time and time again, he felt nothing. So, he might as well be free right? And that's what he got. Though who knew what happened after that would change his entire character? From a DPS to a Support?! -------------------------------------------------------- Official Discord Server: https://discord.gg/FdH8CET Art by 'A Handsome Man' (That's how they wanted me to credit them) Font by Hesreth

Tamaki_Leon · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
233 Chs

White Priest (4)

Moving through the forest nearby the Town of Parm, a young man scurried through the dirt paths as he held onto his staff tightly. There, he soon shot out a few basic attacks whilst kiting the monsters that had spawned within the area.

"Kikk!" The plant-like monsters angrily shot out bullets akin to petals over to the black-haired man, Shinto. Though despite the shots being fast-paced, Shinto had already anticipated such attacks and scrunched over to the side in the next moment.

Soon after, he retaliated by sending out a divine light down towards the monsters.

[ Shadow Diviner Skill - Hallowed Crest ]

"K-Kikk!" At the collision between the light and the plants, a sound could no longer be heard from the enemies side. As the pillar of light dissipated away—Shinto noted as the monsters had turned into grey ash.

[ You have defeated 'Bullet Petals'! ]

[ You have defeated... ]

[ You have levelled up to level 44! ]