
Repairing a broken heart

Unknowns_26 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

The Divorce

When entering her cold and miserable house, she walked over to her stairs and started the dreaded walk to her room.

Cal was there naked on the bed sleeping, she knew that he had a heavy night but that didn't stop her from turning her music on fill blast. She entered the shower but didn't realise that Cal was stood right next to her, his breath oozing of whisky and vodka. He grabbed Becca's neck and slammed her against the wall.

"Do you not know what time it is, do you not know that I'm hungover" he screamed in her ear.

Becca was struggling to breath right now, she couldn't move, his hands were getting tighter and tighter and she knew today was her last day.

"Cal" she struggled

"Your hhhhurting me" she cried

He realised and let go, she collapsed on the shower floor, quick sobs left her but he didn't care he turned the music of and shut the door leaving Becca in a complete mess.

Today is the day she needed to leave.

Cal walked back to his bed, his eyes were tense, he couldn't believe he strangled her, his anger over took him and all he saw was red. He kept repeating she'll leave me one day and I'll be alone, I can't have that, I need to have her.

Cal walked back to the bathroom and heard her sobs, it broke him, he never heard her cry before. He realised he needed to change but was it too late, would she ever forgive him for what he did to her.

He looked at the clock at it was 07:30, he needed to get ready for work but he realised he couldn't use the shower as Becca had locked the door. He walked to the 2nd master bedroom and looked at himself in the mirror.

"Cal your so stupid sometimes" he repeated, "she's the only one who will take your crap and still help you. Fix yourself". He jumped in the shower and tried to wash the guilt away,

When Becca saw his shadow leave the bathroom door, she called her lawyer who happened to be her dad as well.

"Dad.... I need a lawyer" her hoarse voice cracked

"You finally leaving the dipshit of a husband" his voice was angry he knew something was wrong.

"It's time to say goodbye dad, he'll never love me as much as he loves her, it's times to cut my loses" she cried. Her dad had created a concrete prenup so that sorry loss of a man didn't get a dime of Becca hard earned money. Cal was a very rich man but Becca had a lot more wealth then Cal.

Cal returned to the bedroom to see Becca cleaning the room and sorting the bed, he saw the red marks around her neck, he hung his head in shame and realised how ignorant he is, he studied his wife, she had lovely long blonde hair, her skin skimmed golden brown in the sunlight, she was 5 foot 9 her body was lovely and curvy and she just had the most amazing face, her bright blue eyes sparkled every-time she laughed which melted Cal just a little bit everyday, his studying came to a holt when the door bell rang, Becca stopped what she was doing and turned to see Cal at the door, she picked herself up and tied a scarf around her neck, Cal eyes showed sadness that he hurt her but she realised he can't always be like this with her, she is his wife not his anger management ball whenever he got angry. Becca knew who this was at the door but still walked passed Cal with dignity. Cal smelt the perfume he bought her on her way pass and knew she'd never leave him but today he was wrong.

Becca arrived at the door she opened it and her dad embraced her in a loving hug, she couldn't hold back and started crying, her dad become tense as he heard her sobs, he knew today was the day he was getting his daughter back. Cal heard what was going on and walked downstairs to see that her dad had arrived, his eyes saw the anger and knew he was here for one thing, Becca.

Becca and her dad Liam walked to the dining room table behind the oak doors and sat down. Cal wanted to join but Liam closed the doors in his face , he knew he was here for businesses but what business was it for. The door bell rang again and Cal answered it to find Flora at the door, he realised that this wasn't a good idea and told her to leave. " Flora you can't be here right now, Becca's dad is here and it's not looking good" pleaded Cal, Flora looked at him with love and realised she couldn't hold back and embraced him, she knew she loved him the very day she saw him 15 years ago when they were kids, she tried to kiss him but he wouldn't let her, he realised Liam was watching them, this wasn't good.

"Cal why aren't you kissing me, you always kiss me, don't you care for me no more" she looked sad but she knew he would always love her. "Flora we need to stop doing this, I've betrayed my wife for too long, I can't do this anymore, it's time for you to leave" he demanded. Flora started crying, she realised he wasn't joking. Cal saw his lawyer pull up, he knew something was happening and ran to the dining room door and demanded to be let in.

The doors opened and he saw Becca sat there with her scarf on the table, Cal realised that Liam knew and there was nothing he could do about it. He sat down opposite Becca and Liam waiting for his lawyer to appear. He knew this was the day Becca was leaving him and he couldn't do anything about it.

Ted, Cals lawyer sat down, he saw Becca's neck and winced in pain, how could someone do this to a sweet innocent girl. Ted knew what was happening, he could tell Cal wasn't happy but he needed Becca to be happy. Ted pulled out the newly drafted divorce agreement that him and Liam did together, he knew Cal would be happy that Becca didn't want anything from him so he stuck with the agreement. Liam took his pen out and gave it to Becca.

" Cal, it's about time we had this talk, my daughter wants a quiet divorce, civil if you say, 3 years is along time to be married, all you have done is hurt her, betray her and sleep with your other woman. She doesn't want anything from you, she just wants a divorce" Liam rehearsed this many times, well 1095 times, everyday. Cal looked up and realised Becca couldn't even look at him, he knew he hurt her but he never thought it would come to divorce. Next Flora came barging through the door and looked overly happy, she heard the whole conversation and knew she could have Cal now. "Becca, do you really want this divorce or is it your dad telling you do" Cal spoke in a defeated tone knowing he fucked up, he knew he was loosing the battle but still needed to ask. Becca head rose, the sun hit her skin and Cal looked at her with loving eyes but she knew that it was over, "Cal I think it's time to say goodbye, it's for the best. You have never loved me as much as I have loved you. Flora will always be the one" she croaked, everyone heard her but she had to keep the tears back. She picked her pen up and signed the divorce agreement. Cal knew it was over but couldn't sign it, he couldn't loose her. Becca's eyes looked at Cal and he knew she couldn't fight for him anymore, this was it the end of Becca and Cal, he knew the last beating was the end of their marriage, he picked the pen up and signed it. Flora leaped in joy that he signed it, ran over and kissed him, Becca's heart broke again, this time she knew she did the right thing.

Becca moved away from the table and handed her rings back to Cal, her tears flowed freely as she placed them in his hands, he grabbed her hands and looked at her knowing this might be the last time he sees her, she left everything to him that he bought and only took what was hers, he knew she never married him for his money, she married him because she truly loved him and that hurt him even more. Her dad picked her bags up and placed them in her car, Becca turned around and said goodbye to her house for one last time. She loved this house it was everything to her but now it was time to move forward and except fate, she turned away and got in her car and drove away, she looked in her wing mirror one last time and Cal was stood there with his arm round Flora, Becca knew she did the right thing. Cal watched her get in her car, Flora was next to him and she wrapped her arms around him he tried to push her away but she was small and strong and he knew Becca would never come back.