
Repairing a broken heart

Unknowns_26 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

One Day

One day I'll be the right person for you.

One day you'll see that I was protecting you.

I cared for you way too much while you threw my heart away.

Now I must leave and let you live the life you wanted with another woman.

Understand I didn't leave you because I didn't love you, I left you because you didn't love me.

Becca Lively the girl who only wanted a man to love her for who she was but that didn't seem to happen to her.

Becca looked at the empty bed beside her, staring at the cold space next to her knowing he was out with that one girl. She looked at the time and realised it was 5 am, which was her time to go out for a run. She stretched her arm out hoovering over the empty space knowing Cal will never love her.

She dressed hurriedly, put her running shoes on and left the house.

She saw the man she loved pulling up to the house, drunk with a woman on his arm and she knew she had to leave him but why couldn't she.

She plugged her headphones in and switched out the world and tried to enjoy her run.

Becca returned home, saw the woman leaving her house. The woman of course was the only woman who had Cals heart. Becca's heart stopped, she knew from this day on that the marriage she had was over. 3 years of faithful marriage it was over, she knew what she had to do.

5 years earlier

Becca Lively was a fashion designer, a well known fashion designer, she graduated early from her class as everyone took there holidays Becca didn't she finished her degree in 3 years, the degree is 4. She wanted to do good in her job and then when she started her own business, like every business there comes a fall but she never stopped now at 23 years old she is at the top of her game. Every designer wants to work with her but she doesn't trust people easily unlike her best friend Clara who is her person.

"Clara you have my designs for the party tonight don't you? I can't mess up. This night is too important", Clara running around the office manic making sure Becca's work was right and in order realised that she was nervous. "This is your night Becca, your night, ok? Clara breathed slowly to calm Becca down but Becca's head was a ticking time bomb, this night was important as she had investors from different parts of the world coming.

She designed her dress and Claras, the dresses were elegant and classy but showed a naughty side and Becca loved that she took control when needed and never held back on her opinions.

7pm arrived and Becca was agitated she couldn't breath, a shot of tequila was her best friend right now. Walking through the door in her red dress trailing on the floor with her bare back showing people stopped and stared, that's when Cal saw Becca.

Cal was into interior design, he was a car representative but only wanted to attend for the booze and the girls, he was ridiculously rich, while flirting with every girl there he knew he was going to have sex. This was Cal's night, so he thought. When them doors opened and everyone stopped and stared he didn't know why, so he looked and that's when he saw Becca, her blonde hair curled, her bright blue eyes sparkling, her brown rich skin that just looked so smooth, he now realised he was looking all wrong, his dream was snapped out when Flora came over and started talking to him but he always glanced Becca's way, he had to know her but he didn't know why, Flora was the love of his life, yeah he slept with other girls but he always saw Flora. His dad on the other hand hated Flora, told him if he ever married Flora he would cut him out the business completely, that was until he saw Becca he knew if he married her he could still see Flora, he looked at Becca like a business transaction.

2 years later he married her and carried on the affair with Flora.